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随着经济全球化的纵深发展,劳工权益与贸易问题联系越发紧密。从NAFTA到韩美FTA,美国在FTA中厉行劳工标准,将贸易与劳动挂钩。虽然这种行为遭到发展中国家的强烈反对,但基于国际贸易对劳工标准的影响确实存在加之自由贸易协定带来的巨大利益,有发展中国家也开始在FTA谈判中纳入劳工条款。不过,由于各FTA缔约方谈判力量的差异,因此其劳工条款也不甚相同。本文拟对韩美FTA与中新FTA劳工条款进行比较分析并略提管见。  相似文献   

袁帅 《当代法学》2011,(1):107-111
最近20年是国际劳工标准在世界诸多国家得到认可和适用的发展阶段,劳工权利的诉求者和多数人都认为工人权利应当如同"人权"一样被对待,必须得到司法程序的严格保护.然而,劳工权利的内容界定自始至终存在着争议.笔者比较了国际劳工组织和美国劳工法对"自由结社权"和"集体谈判权"这两项核心劳工权利的界定,认为美国劳工运动的历史受到...  相似文献   

国际劳动标准作为国际人权法的重要分支,具有国际法的一般特性和特殊本质.为各国国内劳动立法提供原则和支持,并借助各国国内法发挥间接影响力.因其自身不具备强制力,因此执行过程中国家、雇主和国际组织分别发挥各自影响力。在这一过程,国家应发挥更积极地作用推进国际劳工标准国际化和本土化的有益结合,对企业社会责任因势利导并利用多边合作机制更好的保护本国劳工权益。  相似文献   

第95届国际劳工大会2006年6月16日在日内瓦闭幕。大会表决通过了《职业安全与卫生公约》、《职业安全与卫生建议书》和《雇佣关系建议书》等三个新的国际劳工标准,为21世纪制定了对所有国家、所有发展阶段都适用的、可行的劳动标准。在大会表决上述三个文件时,中国政府代表投了赞成票。本届国际劳工大会为期半个月,会议期间,与会各国政府、工人和雇主代表主要就童工问题、劳动安全和健康、劳动关系、劳动监察以及阿拉伯被占领土工人状况等问题进行了讨论和审议。  相似文献   

李佳 《法制与社会》2010,(2):256-257
国际劳工标准是维护劳工权益的基本要求,在WTO框架下将劳工标准与国际贸易挂钩已经成为不可逆转的趋势。近年来,我国出口产品屡次因劳工标准问题遭受其他国家的抵制,低劳工标准给我国经济与社会带来的弊端也不断凸显出来。在这种国际形势下,为了我国经济长期稳定发展与社会和谐安定,应当以我国的具体国情为基础,审视我国劳工标准立法与国际劳工标准的差距,进行相应的改革,促进我国劳动标准立法的完善。  相似文献   

越来越多的外籍人士为了长期在中国工作和居留提出了移民申请。我国应该加强关于外籍人士移民中国或准许外籍劳工在中国合法工作的立法,设立合理有效的机构推动此项工作。我们对西方发达国家关于劳工移民成熟立法的研究有助于在中国建立适合国情的劳工许可证制度或劳工移民制度。美国以电子管理系统为基础的劳工移民审查制度很好地体现了美国移民法规的立法目的,即一方面鼓励吸收能对美国社会作出贡献的高技能外籍劳工,另一方面保护美国本国劳工免受因外籍劳工的准入而丢掉本来可以得到的工作机会。美国电子管理系统劳工移民审查制度良好的程序保障在很多地方值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

劳工福利的兴起与发展,源发多端,南京国民政府成立后,上海政府倡导和主办了如职业介绍、劳工新村、劳工医院、劳工储蓄和保险、劳工教育等福利。事业多属草创阶段,体系虽初成,发展不足或不被理解支持者亦有之,但却体现了国家与社会的良性互动,由慈善型向制度型转变等特点。  相似文献   

《2006年海事劳工公约》生效在即,而国内立法和政策制定等方面尚不完备。该公约集中体现国际海上劳工法律的最新发展趋势,对改善海员这一特殊劳动群体的海上劳动状况和权益保障有着深远的意义。通过分析中国海员行业所面临的形势及海员权益保障方面存在的问题,强调中国确有加入公约的必要性,同时通过介绍和比较部分有代表性国家和地区的履约准备情况,提出加强中国海员权益保障的相关建议。  相似文献   

吴峰 《研究生法学》2003,(3):98-105
“国际劳动法”,或称之为“国际劳工法”、“劳工权利的国际法保护”,是在当今世界经济和科学技术迅猛发展以及世界经济一体化趋势凸显的背景下,所兴起的“国际人权法的一个子系统”。随着世界经济的快速发展,国际法的研究领域从传统的国家、  相似文献   

国际贸易与国际劳工标准问题的历史演进及理论评析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘波 《现代法学》2006,28(3):121-129
国际劳工标准应否与国际贸易挂钩的争论由来已久,该问题依然是国际贸易谈判中的焦点问题之一,其实质在于发达国家意欲将国际劳工标准作为新的贸易保护手段。发达国家与发展中国家争议的理论依据是解读这一问题的关键。我国应加强国内劳动立法和执法,克服与避免此类贸易摩擦。  相似文献   

叶姗 《北方法学》2012,6(4):93-102
我国《工会法》第52条规定的责令雇主承担不当劳动行为的民事责任,与美国《国家劳资关系法》第10(c)条的规定看起来很相似,相比之下,这一规范在美国劳动法的实践中很有效,在我国却极少被适用,解释方面也存在较大的分歧。美国是世界上最早创设不当劳动行为救济制度的国家,从《瓦格纳法》规定的雇主不当劳动行为的禁止规范及救济措施,到《塔夫托—哈特莱法》将适用对象扩大到工会和雇员,在雇用自由原则和劳资自治模式的背景下,其演变始终以保护雇员团结权的松紧程度和收放态度为线索。我国《工会法》现正处于第三次修改阶段,适时检讨第52条的解释和适用的障碍,还可以解决其与《劳动合同法》规范的竞合问题。  相似文献   

As a former General Counsel of the NLRB, Peter Nash enjoyed a vantage point from which to observe the procedures of the Board and evaluate how the provisions of the NLRA itself operated. Nou in private practice, he has made a detailed analysis of the labor reform legislation pending in Congress and strongly supported by organized labor. Writing from management's point of view, Mr. Nash concludes that the bills now pending are designed solely to assist unions in their organizing efforts; will not expedite the processing of Board cases; and contain harsh, unfair, and unnecessary deterrent remedies against employers.  相似文献   

Scholars have long been simultaneously concerned with the factors that influence appellate court decision making and the level of deference that the courts allow for agencies. However, scholars have treated administrative agencies as unitary actors with a single level of decision making, but in reality agency decisions involve input from multiple actors within the agency. I argue that appellate courts rely more heavily on decisions made by actors in the bureaucracy with greater levels of expertise and who are less politically motivated as cues in their decision making. This theory is bolstered by legal precedent in the area of administrative law that suggests courts should more heavily rely on the expert judgment of administrative judges. Thus, as a result of their increased expertise, appearance of political neutrality, and institutional support, courts will be more reliant on decisions issued by administrative law judges (ALJs) than those issued by the political appointees as cues in their decision making. Using over 300 unfair labor practice decisions issued by the federal appeals courts on review of cases from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board), I develop a model of appeals court decision making in unfair labor practice cases as a function of the initial decision of the ALJ, the final order of the political appointees of the NLRB, case characteristics, the ideology of the deciding appeals court panel, Supreme Court influence, and economic factors. Though the ideology of the court plays a role in its decision making, cues from ALJ decision making and that of the Board weigh more heavily in appellate court outcomes. However, cues from ALJ decisions play the most consistent role in appellate court decision making, even in more difficult cases. This has important implications for agency strategy in courts and suggests that future research should consider the influence of lower‐level decision making over appellate court decision making in the area of administrative law.  相似文献   

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled, in NLRB v. Streamway Division of the Scott and Fetzer Co., that an in-plant representation committee, unilaterally established by the employer, was not a labor organization. Until 1959, when the Supreme Court decided NLRB v. Cabot Carbon. "labor organization" was narrowly construed, based on the traditional adversary model of labor relations. With Cabot Carbon, and some later Board decisions, the definition has broadened. Now, at a time when many employers are turning to employee committees, quality circles, etc., as ways of improving relations with employees, the Streamway decision takes on particular significance. In the following article, the author examines the statutory basis for determining whether an employee committee is a labor organization, within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. He also discusses the judicial and Board precedent for the more liberal definition of "labor organization" set forth in Streamway.  相似文献   

在全球经济增长放缓的背景下,加征关税已经成为国家间贸易摩擦的重要形式。自2016年以来,美国不断增加对中国加征关税的额度,加征关税的法律依据也更加多样化。美国加征关税的法律依据主要分为针对不公平贸易行为、保障措施和国家安全例外三大类型。美国加征关税的国内法与国际法规则运用存在长期冲突,根源在于美国加征关税立法上确立的美国法优先原则,这将对今后国际贸易体系的改革和发展产生重大阻力。  相似文献   

标准制度与专利制度具有对立统一性,标准中的知识产权问题越来越复杂,专利挟持是标准与专利融合过程中最为根本的问题。专利挟持有多种表现形式,在美国就有不当披露专利信息,违反FRAND原则,违背前手承诺实施不正当竞争行为等里程碑式的判例。因此,应完善标准制定机构的自律监管机制,即事先披露原则,通过相对确定的FRAND原则,在法律诉讼程序之外建立可选择的ADR纠纷解决机制;由专利权人通过许可协议方式进行交叉许可,以市场为导向建立专利池;用反垄断法规制标准化中专利挟持。  相似文献   

Numerous flaws made the Dujail trial a violation of the internationallyprotected human right to a fair trial. The United States andthe Iraqi authorities conducted an unfair trial knowing thatboth the Third and Fourth Geneva Convention describe ‘wilfullydepriving’ a person ‘of the rights of fair and regulartrial’ as a war crime. Even if Saddam Hussein was notto be regarded as a prisoner of war, that is, merely as a civilian,in any case his right to fair trial was protected by internationallaw. According to the author, both the relevant states and theindividuals involved in the unfair Dujail trial bear responsibilityfor breaches of international law.  相似文献   

李景平  方敏  舒英 《行政与法》2006,(9):105-108
商业贿赂是市场经济中一种常见且危害较大的不正当竞争行为,各国的竞争法都明令禁止,并给予严厉制裁。本文选取美国、日本、德国、法国等一些发达国家作为参考系,根据可比性原则,从反商业贿赂法规制度体系规范出发,与我国反商业贿赂法规制度作横向比较分析。通过比较其优劣利弊,从中借鉴和吸收国外反商业贿赂法规制度的优点和经验,以弥补我国之不足,以促进我国反商业贿赂法规制度的科学化、规范化。  相似文献   

鲁晓明  郑溢鑫 《行政与法》2013,(3):124-128,F0003
与我国主流学者主张销售者承担产品严格责任不同,世界上绝大多数国家学者认为,承担产品责任对销售者而言是不公平的。美国虽从总体上对销售者承担产品责任持肯定态度,但现实中施加了许多限制,而由于警示缺陷只须承担过错责任,销售者责任已在很大程度上偏离了传统严格责任的内涵。我国不加限制地要求销售者承担产品责任之正当性值得怀疑,需要重新反思。  相似文献   

MIN XIE  ERIC P. BAUMER 《犯罪学》2018,56(2):302-332
Researchers in the United States have increasingly recognized that immigration reduces crime, but it remains unresolved whether this applies to people of different racial–ethnic and economic backgrounds. By using the 2008–2012 area‐identified National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), we evaluate the effect of neighborhood immigrant concentration on individual violence risk across race/ethnicity and labor market stratification factors in areas with different histories of immigration. The results of our analysis reveal three key patterns. First, we find a consistent protective role of immigrant concentration that is not weakened by low education, low income, unemployment, or labor market competition. Therefore, even economically disadvantaged people enjoy the crime‐reduction benefit of immigration. Second, we find support for threshold models that predict a nonlinear, stronger protective role of immigrant concentration on violence at higher levels of immigrant concentration. The protective function of immigration also is higher in areas of longer histories of immigration. Third, compared with Blacks and Whites, Latinos receive a greater violence‐reduction benefit of immigrant concentration possibly because they live in closer proximity with immigrants and share common sociocultural features. Nevertheless, immigrant concentration yields a diminishing return in reducing Latino victimization as immigrants approach a near‐majority of neighborhood residents. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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