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以不同厚度聚氯乙烯(PVC)保鲜膜为材料,研究了不同厚度PVC保鲜膜,在不同贮藏温度条件下增塑剂邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)向鲜切蒜苔的迁移规律。DOP的提取与检测分别采用固相萃取技术和高效液相色谱法。实验结果表明,随着膜厚度的增加,增塑剂DOP向鲜切蒜苔中的迁移量越大;且温度的升高也对迁移有明显的加速作用。  相似文献   

贮藏期间保鲜膜中增塑剂DOP对大米的污染规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘大鹏  李喜宏  陈丽 《食品科技》2007,32(4):222-225
试验采用市场中常见的PVC大米保鲜袋对大米进行包装,在常温下贮藏,采用固相萃取方法定期检测保鲜膜和大米中的DOP含量的变化。结果发现,随着贮藏时间的延长,不同保鲜膜中DOP迁移量均逐渐升高,0.08mm PVC保鲜膜在贮藏到18个月时,DOP迁移量接近50μg/g;同时大米受DOP污染的程度随着贮藏时间的延长也日趋严重,其中0.08mm PVC保鲜膜中大米在贮藏到18个月时,大米中DOP迁移量接近4.5μg/g。人体若食用这种大米,很可能对人体造成伤害。  相似文献   

为明确适宜于鲜食蚕豆采后贮藏的温度与自发气调包装材料,以无保鲜膜包装的蚕豆为对照,研究了(1.0±0.5)℃下聚乙烯(PE)、聚氯乙烯(PVC)、微孔(W)3种保鲜膜包装和(5±1)℃PE保鲜膜包装对蚕豆硬度、色泽、水分含量等品质指标的影响。结果表明,(1.0±0.5)℃下采用PVC保鲜膜包装的蚕豆品质优于其它处理,蚕豆贮藏28d,仍保持较好品质。  相似文献   

PVC薄膜中邻苯二甲酸二乙基己酯对食品迁移的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邻苯二甲酸二乙基己酯(DEHP)作为增塑剂能改进聚合物的性能,特别是聚氯乙烯(PVC)一般添加该物质来生产薄膜。DEHP有害身体健康。当包装材料接触到食品时候,DEHP会通过迁移污染被包装物。研究了PVC塑料膜中增塑剂DEHP迁移到几种溶液。PVC塑料膜分别浸入100%正己烷、100%大豆色拉油、20%乙醇、10%食盐水、4%醋酸、蒸馏水中,在常温(25℃)下放2h、1d、2d、3d、4d、5d,溶液中DEHP浓度用高效液相检测。PVC薄膜分别浸入到100%正己烷、100%大豆在25、4、-18℃下放置1、2、3、4、5d。小包子蒸熟后马上用PVC塑料膜包装常温放置。猪肉用PVC塑料膜包装贮藏于4℃。西兰花和绿豆发芽后种植1周,通过覆盖地膜研究PVC塑料膜中DEHP迁移到植株中。研究结果显示:PVC塑料膜中DEHP最大迁移的溶液是100%正己烷,100%大豆色拉油、20%乙醇溶液中的迁移量也比较大,10%食盐水、4%醋酸、蒸馏水溶液中迁移量很少;DEHP对100%正己烷和100%大豆色拉油的迁移都是随温度上升而增加。PVC塑料膜中DEHP在30min内迁移到热的小包子已经很多。用PVC塑料膜包装猪肉在4℃下,...  相似文献   

鲜切西兰花贮藏保鲜技术研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以鲜切西兰花为实验原料,分别采用PVC保鲜膜、PE保鲜膜和普通白纸进行包装处理,并分别置于4℃、10℃和室温(22℃±2℃)环境中进行保鲜贮藏实验。结果表明,10天后,在4℃条件下,采用PVC保鲜膜包装的鲜切西兰花能够保持良好的新鲜度,维生素C含量为103.7mg/100g.产品叶绿素含量保持率为80%。  相似文献   

咨询点击 1.PVC食品保鲜膜被疑可能致癌 近期.超市常用包装熟食和生鲜食品的PVC(聚氯乙烯)保鲜膜被疑可能致癌。国家塑料制品监督检验中心主任翁云宣称,PVC保鲜膜中的增塑剂对人体会造成致癌作用.特别是会造成内分泌、荷尔蒙的紊乱。可能引起妇女乳癌、新生儿先天缺陷、男性生殖障碍甚至精神疾病等。目前卫生部还没有专门针对PVC保鲜膜制定的国家标准.制定这个标准是今年的任务之一。  相似文献   

随着近日央视相关栏目曝光部分超市滥用含塑化剂的PVC保鲜膜包装肉类、熟食,以及国际食品包装协会公布7种PVC保鲜膜中,有3种塑化剂DEHP用量超标,4种含有国家禁止用于生产食品保鲜膜的塑化剂DEHA的质量调查报告后,曾因是否含毒、致癌而饱受质疑的保鲜膜,再次因“塑化剂”风波被推到了风口浪尖。  相似文献   

以传统增塑剂DOP作为参照体系,对自主研发的三支替代型增塑剂环氧脂肪酸甲酯的基本性能和在人造革中的应用性能进行了研究,结果表明:环氧脂肪酸酯类增塑剂具有较高的闪点和环氧值,满足人造革制造要求;虽然耐热性、耐迁移性能略低于DOP,但其对PVC的塑化效率与DOP接近,与PVC树脂的相容性优于DOP,塑化温度较低,能耗低,在人造革制造过程中可取代或部分取代DOP。  相似文献   

不同保鲜膜包装对百香果采后贮藏品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为比较不同保鲜膜包装对常温贮藏下百香果贮藏品质的影响,试验分别以0.02 mm的聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)和双向拉伸聚丙烯(BOPP)保鲜膜包装百香果。结果表明,3种保鲜膜包装处理均不同程度的改变了百香果的贮藏品质。BOPP保鲜膜包装处理效果最好,在贮藏过程中能够较好地保持百香果果实的色泽和抑制果实皱缩,同时能够维持较高的TSS、总酸、VC和蛋白质含量,从而有效地延长百香果果实的采后贮藏期。  相似文献   

<正>亲爱的读者:日前,引起公众广泛关注的“PVC食品保鲜膜危害健康”事件终于有了说法:根据国家质检总局的公告,“从即日起,禁止含有增塑剂(DEHA)等不符合国家标准规定的或氯乙烯单体含量超标的PVC食品保鲜膜进口、出口;禁止企业生产、经销含有DEHA或氯乙烯单体含量超标的PVC食品保鲜膜,禁止用PVC保鲜膜直接包装肉食、熟食及油脂食品。”有害保鲜膜被封杀,事情到此似乎已经尘埃落定,但当我们重温事件的来龙去脉,又感到一丝隐忧。问题在于:此前质检总局对我国生产的44种PVC食品保鲜膜进行抽查,结果显示,所检44种样品的氯乙烯单体含量均小于1毫克/千克,全部符合国家标准以及1991年国际食品法典委员会公布的要求。而当我们关注PVC保鲜膜的安全问题时,在本国遭禁的日韩PVC保鲜膜已经大举进入我国市场,在食品安全的“保卫战”中,我们又慢了一步。这很容易让人联想到那场剿灭“苏丹红”的人民战争,也是在它光明正大地被包括国际知名的许多企业使用多年后才浮出水面,虽然战争取得了阶段性胜利,却留下了消费者“有多少苏丹红还会重来”的疑问。  相似文献   

因传统的聚氯乙烯(Polyvinyl chloride, PVC)增塑剂邻苯二甲酸酯在食品使用过程中出现不同程度的迁移,且对人体存在潜在的致畸、致癌、致突、生殖发育等毒性,已被限制使用。新型增塑剂单独暴露毒性较低,但新型增塑剂复合暴露是否存在毒性的问题需要迫切解决。本文主要阐述了邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂的生殖毒性、发育毒性等,并从结构、理化性质、单独暴露毒性方面介绍乙酰柠檬酸三丁酯、对苯二甲酸二辛酯、环己烷-1, 2-二羧酸酯、聚酯四种食品药品领域常用的新型增塑剂及其毒性研究现状,旨在为食品接触材料增塑剂的选择及使用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Migration of dioctyladipate (DOA) and acetyltributylcitrate (ATBC) plasticizers from plasticized Polyvinylchloride (PVC) and polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC/PVC (Saran) films into both olive oil and distilled water during microwave heating has been studied. The plasticizer migrating into olive oil and water was determined using an indirect GC method after saponification of the ester-type plasticizer (DOA or ATBC) and subsequent collection of the alcohol component of the ester, namely: 2-ethyl-1-hexanol and 1-butanol, respectively. Migration was dependent on heating time, microwave power setting, the nature of the food simulant and the initial concentration of the plasticizer in the film. Migration of DOA into olive oil reached equilibrium after heating for 10 min at full power (604.6 mg DOA/1). Migration into distilled water was 74.1 mg/1 after 8 min of microwave cooking at full power. The amount of ATBC migrating into olive oil reached equilibrium after heating for 10 min at full power (73.9 mg ATBC/1). Migration into distilled water was 4.1 mg/1 after heating at full power for 8 min. Control samples containing olive oil gave DOA migration values which were significantly higher than the upper limit for global migration (60 mg/1) set by the European Community. It is proposed that PVC should not be used in direct contact with food in the microwave oven, while Saran may be used with caution in microwave heating and reheating applications, avoiding its direct contact with high fat foodstuffs.  相似文献   

In the last 25 years, plastics have faced a massive demand in packaging technology due to their desirable properties, such as flexibility, light weight, etc. Moreover, their packaging applications have spread in the area of food and pharmaceutical products. Much concern has arisen from that fact as most of these plastics contain high amounts of additives which tend to migrate when they come into contact with liquid or solid surrounding media. Plasticized PVC is one of the most popular polymers in packaging technology and at the same time is subject to criticism for the high concentration levels of plasticizer in most of its applications. In an attempt to carry out simple and realistic migration tests, many investigators used simple organic substances which simulate as much as possible the behaviour of foods towards plasticizer migration. Much of our previous work intended to examine migration of dioctyl phthalate (DOP) from PVC sheets into some simple surrounding media, such as methanol, white spirit, paraffin oil, etc. The present work is focused on the examination of the plasticizer migration into two promising food simulants, namely isopropanol and isooctane. Radioactivity measurements were employed in order to detect quantitatively the plasticizer which had migrated into the surrounding liquid. In contrast to similar studies, the phenomenon of migration was studied until equilibrium was reached.  相似文献   

食品塑料袋中DEHP气相色谱检测方法的建立   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
DEHP是塑料中常用的增塑剂之一,直接与内装高脂食品接触时,能够从塑料中迁移到内装食品中,造成内装食品的污染。DEHP对人体系统有不良影响,具有致畸、致癌的作用。本实验对各种材质(PVC、PE、PP、PS等)的食品塑料袋中DEHP的测定进行了较为系统的研究,采用气相色谱法,FID检测器,对DEHP进行测定。本方法检出限为3.38×10-3mg/kg,加标回收率为90.7%~105.1%,能够满足各种材质食品塑料袋中低浓度至高浓度DEHP含量测定的需要。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We evaluate the microbiological quality and physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of white asparagus washed with and without chlorine and packaged in 2 different types of film (perforated polyvinyl chloride [PVC] and P-Plus 160) when stored at 4 °C for up 15 d. Dehydration was the main cause of quality losses. Asparagus packaged in P-Plus maintained their fresh appearance better than those packaged in perforated PVC. The total sugar and ascorbic acid content decreased about 9% and 41% after 15 d, respectively. Peeled white asparagus packaged in perforated PVC or P-Plus kept a reasonable sensorial quality after storage at 4 °C for 15 d, although mesophile and psycrotroph counts of about 9 log CFU/g were reached in asparagus washed with water. The effect of washing and type of film on different microbial groups is discussed.  相似文献   

Migration of plasticizers from printing inks into foods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has been demonstrated that on storage of a tightly wound reel of polypropylene packaging film, specially printed for experimental purposes, transfer can occur of components from the ink on the outer surface of the film on to the inner food contact surface. For dicyclohexyl phthalate this transfer amounted to 6% of the total amount of plasticizer available in the printing ink system. It was subsequently shown for confectionery and snack food products wrapped in commercially printed polypropylene films that plasticizers only present in the printing ink migrated into the foods. The migration of plasticizer increased with storage time of the wrapped product; for dibutyl phthalate, for example, levels increased from 0.2 to 6.7 mg/kg over the period from 0 to 180 days storage of a chocolate-coated confectionery product. A small retail survey (47 samples) of confectionery, snack products and biscuits wrapped in printed polypropylene film showed the presence of one or more plasticizers at levels from 0.02 to 14.1 mg/kg for dibutyl phthalate, from less than 0.01 to 18.6 mg/kg for dicyclohexyl phthalate and from less than 0.01 to 1.8 mg/kg for di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. In all cases there was a good correlation between the plasticizers found in the printing ink from the film and those in the food. Wide variations were found, however, in the amounts and types of plasticizers used in printed packaging of the same brand of retail food product purchased from different regions of the country.  相似文献   

The effects of packaging and storage at 3C in a refrigerated case on quality changes of minimally processed cabbage were studied. Shredded cabbage samples were packaged in three forms: bags of monooriented polypropylene film (OPP bags) and polyethylene trays overwrapped with a multilayer polyolefin (RD106-PE tray) or with a plasticized PVC film (PVC-PE tray). All types of package effectively controlled the weight loss. The modified atmosphere in PVC-and RD106- PE trays did not change more than 3% as compared with normal atmosphere levels. However, in OPP bags, O2 reached 2% and CO2 increased to approximately 13% after 3 days. The microbiological quality during the storage period for all types of packaging was satisfactory. OPP samples were significantly better (p <0.05) in general appearance, wilting and browning but developed an off-odor. No off-odor was detected in samples packaged in PVC and RD106-PE trays. Shelf life for the three packaging forms was estimated.  相似文献   

针对溶液相转化法制备的聚氯乙烯(PVC)膜存在强度及通透性能难以同步提高的问题,以MT-I型复合粉为成孔剂,邻苯二甲酸二辛酯为稀释剂,采用螺杆挤出法制备了PVC中空纤维膜,研究了拉伸和萃取过程对纤维膜形貌及结构的影响,并通过水通量、碳素墨水截留率及拉伸强力测试分析了纤维膜的分离性能和力学性能。结果表明:随着拉伸倍数的增加,PVC中空纤维膜的断裂强度增大,断裂伸长率减小;经乙醇萃取后纤维膜表面出现了更多微孔,纤维膜的通透性能提高;当拉伸倍数为3时,纤维膜具有较高通透性和较好的力学性能,水通量为798 L/(m2·h),拉伸断裂强度为17.7 MPa,断裂伸长率为70.67%。  相似文献   

Quinoa protein/chitosan films were obtained by solution casting of blends of quinoa protein extract (PE) and chitosan (CH). Films from a PE/CH blend were characterized by FTIR, X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, and SEM. The tensile mechanical, barrier, and sorption properties of the films were also evaluated. The blend of PE with CH yielded mechanically resistant films without the use of a plasticizer. The film had large elongation at break, and its water barrier properties showed that they were more hydrophilic than CH film. The thickness and water-vapor permeability of PE/CH (v/v) 1/1 blend film increased significantly compared to pure CH films. CH films are translucent in appearance and yellowish in blend with PE. By blending anionic PE with cationic CH an interaction between biopolymers was established with different physicochemical properties from those of pure CH. Drying and sorption properties show significant differences between PE/CH blend film and CH film. The structural properties determined by XRD, FTIR and TGA showed a clear interaction between quinoa proteins and CH, forming a new material with enhanced mechanical properties.  相似文献   

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