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天水市“7.25”群发性山洪地质灾害发育特征及成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对天水市"7.25"群发性山洪地质灾害的现场调查,系统查明了此次地质灾害的灾情、致灾因素、灾害特征、致灾范围以及分布规律,分析了此次山洪地质灾害发育特征及成因。结果表明:本次由强降雨引发并加剧的地质灾害类型主要以黄土-泥岩及黄土滑坡为主,中小型沟谷泥石流、土质崩塌和土质不稳定斜坡次之。"7.25"山洪地质灾害具有普遍性、群发性、局地爆发性等特征,其隐蔽性强,潜在危害大,灾害链模式显著。灾害发生期间降雨具有强度大、范围广等特点,使区内山体岩土体饱和,显著降低了岩土体抗剪强度,加之与地震的叠加效应明显加剧了此次群发性山洪地质灾害。  相似文献   

舟曲“8.8”特大山洪泥石流灾害损失惨重,举世瞩目,灾难发生后泥石流隐患依然存在,灾后重建中面临的第一个难题便是灾后重建工程设防标准的确定问题。通过分析激发“8.8”舟曲特大山洪泥石流灾害降水的时间与空间分布特征,认为本次降水具有强度大、历史短,局地性强的特征。基于此,建议灾后重建工程的泥石流综合治理工程设计中应充分根据本次降水的特征,考虑最不利的极端条件下即按此次降水雨强涵盖整个三眼峪流域范围所产生的最大流量。  相似文献   

2021年“7·20”极端暴雨引发河南省郑州市西部山区四市(荥阳、巩义、新密、登封)山洪地质灾害造成251人死亡失踪,分布在44个乡镇140个行政村、组或社区,既具有群发性、分散性,也具有相对集聚性。本次山洪地质灾害分散复杂,流域灾害链和区域灾害群共存,山洪灾害链呈现空间关联、时间接续、动力转换和灾情放大的效应。文章总结了山洪地质灾害时空分布特点,分析了山洪地质灾害的形成因素,探讨了索河流域邢门堂垴跨沟路基阻水溃决-王宗店暴洪冲淹-崔庙村海沟寨公路路基堰塞淹没等山洪灾害链的成因,研究了王宗店村南头组滑坡顺层滑移的地质力学模式及其稳定性与力学参数的关系。初步提出当前期过程或日降雨量达到200 mm,未来1 h预报雨量超过40 mm,或3 h预报雨量超过100 mm,可以作为山洪地质灾害预警响应判据,必须启动红色预警响应。研究结果可为郑州市西部山区预防应对山洪地质灾害提供决策支持,也可供类似的山地丘陵区城乡社区防灾减灾与应急响应参考。  相似文献   

根据湖北省气象部门收集的1954年至2003年7月份的226个山洪(泥石流)灾害个例和同期气象资料,分析发现:(1)湖北省山洪(泥石流)灾害3~10月均有发生,6~8月最为集中.占总数84%;空间分布广而不均,鄂东南、鄂西南最多,灾害的时空分布与降雨的时空分布较一致。(2)68%的灾害发生在系统性降雨或集中降雨天气形势下,把握好系统性降雨和集中降雨的预测是有效预测山洪(泥石流)灾害的关键。(3)82.3%的灾害与当日暴雨以上强降雨密切相关。最后用点聚图方法确定了各区致灾的临界雨量,建立了灾害气象预报指标.该指标已投入试用。  相似文献   

旬阳是陕南山洪灾害频发县之一,开展对山洪灾害研究分析以利于预防和治理,通过山洪调查和分析认为自然的地貌和人类活动是灾害形成的主要原因,强切割的河谷地貌在短时强降水造成山洪爆发,人为挤占河道水流不畅。提出山洪灾害防治中要坚持以防为主、防治结合的原则,全面建立山洪灾害预警系统,加快防灾体系建设,强化建设管理,科学预测山洪灾害,建设高标准防洪工程,确保人民群众生命财产安全。  相似文献   

甘肃省位于我国西部地区,地貌条件复杂多样,属山洪自然灾害易发区,黄河流域贯穿整个甘肃省,支流较多,水土流失严重。本文从甘肃省小流域分布特征的角度出发,详细阐述了山洪灾害的形成特点,可以发现甘肃省宜发生山洪灾害的小流域主要分布在黄土高原地区,长江流域的碎石区及石羊河流域浅滩地区,具有分布广、破坏力强等特点,应加强山洪灾害监测管理,实现网络结构的监控管理,做好山洪预警工作。为我国其它地区山洪防治提供借鉴经验。  相似文献   

湖南郴州市山洪灾害的特征及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郴州市是湖南省山洪灾害多发的地区之一.近年来灾害造成的损失越来越大,严重阻碍了当地社会经济的可持续发展.为了有效地开展防灾减灾,依据现有的灾情资料,结合实地调查,运用历史与地理相结合的方法,系统分析了郴州市山洪灾害的特征.得出:年内时段性强、年际变化较大、受灾频率明显升高、多分布在溪河两岸以及曾被破坏过的陡坡地段.探讨了郴州市山洪灾害的成因.认为特殊的气候水文条件、复杂的地形地貌、不利的地层岩性以及不合理的人类活动是造成郴州市山洪灾害频繁发生的主要因素.  相似文献   

广西山洪灾害现状与成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山洪灾害是指山丘区因降雨引发的溪河洪水及由此诱发的泥石流、滑坡等对国民经济及人民生命财产造成损失的灾害。其具有以下特点:①突发性强,预报预测预防难度大;②来势猛.成灾快,破坏性强,对工矿,交通、居民的危害大,易造成人员伤亡;③季节性强,暴发频率高;④区域性明显,易发性强;⑤灾后恢复困难。据1950~1990年资料分析,我国洪涝灾害导致的人员伤亡,主要发生在山丘区,洪涝灾害死亡人数中,山丘区占67.4%。广西已成为全国7个山洪灾害多发区之一。  相似文献   

正链状地质灾害是指崩塌、滑坡体遭遇地震、强暴雨后迅速转化成滑坡或山洪泥石流的灾害,具有分布广、灾发性和破坏性强等特征。许多自然灾害发生之后,常常会诱发出一连串的次生灾害,这种灾害现象往往具有连发性或链状性,并形成地质灾害链。在高山地区,暴雨——崩塌——滑坡——泥石流等灾害链较为常见,具有高位、高速、远程、气浪,以及隐蔽性及容易链状成灾  相似文献   

2010年8月8日0时12分,甘肃省舟曲县城区及上游村庄遭受特大山洪泥石流灾害,造成1467人遇难和298人失踪。三眼峪、罗家峪2条山洪泥石流沟共冲出固体堆积物181×104m3。三眼峪山洪泥石流前锋从出山口到达县城的运动时间约为2.1min,罗家峪山洪泥石流前锋从出山口到达县城的运动时间约为4.3min。二者自出山口距离县城均约2km。舟曲特大山洪泥石流灾害的形成因素包括:该地历史上就是山洪泥石流灾害多发地,山高沟深具备强大冲击的重力势能条件,沟域崩塌滑坡堆积提供了物源,历史地震导致山体松动破碎,2010年以来区域持续干旱造成雨水更易渗入岩土体,8月7日的局地过程降水量远超过历史记载,山洪泥石流暴发的突然性、毁灭性,舟曲县城部分建筑占用了山洪泥石流进入白龙江的通道等。  相似文献   

孔海江  王霄  王蕊  吕晓娜 《水文》2012,(4):37-43
通过分析1961~2010年发生在河南中南部持续性暴雨的水汽输送特征,从水汽输送角度对河南省中南部(河南省黄河以南地区)的持续性暴雨进行分型,总结出3种水汽输送类型,即西南气流型、螺旋型和"S"型。对比分析这3种类型代表个例的水汽输送和水汽收支特征后发现,河南中南部的持续性暴雨主要是由西南气流型的水汽输送造成的;"S"型和螺旋型水汽输送也是造成河南中南部持续性暴雨的原因之一。西南气流型和螺旋型的水汽输送是造成淮河上游洪涝的主要水汽输送类型,其对应的天气影响系统分别是:高层低槽(低涡)、中低层切变线和台风低压(台风倒槽)。  相似文献   

Bezak  Nejc  Sodnik  Jošt  Maček  Matej  Jurček  Timotej  Jež  Jernej  Peternel  Tina  Mikoš  Matjaž 《Landslides》2021,18(12):3891-3906

Debris flows are one of the natural disasters that can occur in the alpine environment, cause large economic damage, and endanger human lives. This study presents an overview of recent research done in relation to the debris flow hazard assessment and conceptual mitigation at the Koro?ka Bela area in Slovenia. This includes fieldwork, lab experiments, modelling, and a conceptual design of hydro-technical measures to reduce the risk. The results indicate that multiple debris flows occurred in the past in the area but a relatively long period of more than 100 years without an extreme event led to urbanization and development of the area. Magnitudes of the most extreme events as the worst-case scenarios were estimated to be in the range between 100,000 and 400,000 m3, using debris flow modelling and geological information from research trenches. Based on the landslide volumes, such events could also potentially occur in the future in extreme conditions. Additionally, torrential floods could mobilize more than 15,000 m3 of material located along the stream network that can be regarded as potentially unstable. The existing check dam system does not have the capacity to capture this material. Thus, a new check dam and three flexible net barriers could help to reduce the risk due to torrential outbursts or debris flows.


This paper deals with the problem of the estimation of rainstorm floods disaster. Based on the relevant historical disaster data of Yearbook of Meteorological Disasters in China (2005–2010), the initial disaster data of 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in mainland China (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan excluded) are processed into evaluation indices values. And then, the incidence degrees of disaster data are calculated. The disaster situation of rainstorm floods disaster for each region in mainland China from 2004 to 2009 is estimated by applied the grey incidence decision model of the dynamic multiple attribute. Simultaneously, the comprehensive quantitative assessment of the rainstorm and flood disaster of each region in mainland China nearly 6 years is conducted. According to the assessment results of 2004–2009 torrential rain and flood disaster in Chinese mainland, the level division of disaster loss is investigated. And the disaster loss of mainland China’s 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions is divided into five levels in which the national flood disaster situation zoning maps are constructed. The results demonstrate that the evaluation method of rainstorm floods disaster is practical and effective.  相似文献   

Analysis of flash flood disaster characteristics in China from 2011 to 2015   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flash floods are one of the most disastrous natural hazards and cause serious loss of life and economic damage every year. Flooding frequently affects many regions in China, including periodically catastrophic events. An extensive compilation of the available data has been conducted across various hydroclimatological regions to analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of flash floods in China. This inventory includes over 782 documented events and is the first step toward establishing an atlas of extreme flash flood occurrences in China. This paper first presents the data compilation strategy, details of the database contents, and the typical examples of first-hand analysis results. The subsequent analysis indicates that the most extreme flash floods originate mainly from small catchments over complex terrains and results in dominantly small- and medium-sized flooding events in terms of scales; however, these events, abrupt and seasonally recurrent in nature, account for a large proportion of the overall flooding-related disasters, especially disproportionately affecting elderly and youth populations. Finally, this study also recommends several immediate measures could be implemented to mitigate high impacts of deadly flash floods, although it still requires long-term significant efforts to protect human life and property in a country like China.  相似文献   

柴艳  祁颖辉 《地下水》2011,33(3):165+176-165,176
河北省太行山区是河北省泥石流灾害的主要发生区,该区泥石流在空间上主要分布在太行山东麓的中低山区域,其分布与暴雨等值线的中心部位基本吻合;在时间分布上主要发生在每年7月20日至8月10日之间的强暴雨时期。泥石流的暴发受到降雨因素和地质因素的双重影响,由于降雨为第一主控因子,在地质地貌条件充许的前提下,决定着泥石流是否能在暴雨中被激发。  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - In recent years, floods have become one of the natural hazards that generate the greatest economic and human losses on the planet. As is well known, torrential rainfall events are...  相似文献   

1823年(清道光三年)我国发生大范围、多流域的严重雨涝,这是在小冰期寒冷气候背景下的重大气象灾害和极端气候事件.文章依据历史文献记载复原了1823年的气候实况并绘图显示,指出该年我国华北夏季雨期长、多大雨,北京6~8月雨日53天、降水量663mm超过现代(1971~2000年)平均值5成;长江中下游全年多雨,梅雨期长...  相似文献   

Global environmental change is bringing extreme precipitation, and the combination of natural and artificial impacts are resulting in serious floods on the west coast of Taiwan. Disparity in social, economic and infrastructure resources contributes to spatial variation in the vulnerability to flood disaster. Owing to the high frequency of torrential rain and serious land subsidence in the study area, this paper attempts to categorize vulnerability indicators under varied assumptions of spatial homogeneity and spatial heterogeneity. The results show that the spatial heterogeneity indeed affects the distribution of flood vulnerability indicators. The core value of this article is that it measures the improvement from using geographically weighted statistics rather than traditional statistics. For the flood vulnerability discussion, this paper demonstrates the importance of considering spatial heterogeneity when allocating resources against floods.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - As a result of the massive deforestation and windfalling in Romania last year, catastrophic floods frequently occur with historic high-water marks only to be registered every 500...  相似文献   

长江流域历史洪水的周期地理学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
从周期地理学的角度,探讨长江历史洪水的频发特点和周期规律,认为影响长江历史洪水的基本周期因子,与近日点日月交食年周期、太阳黑子活动周期和历史气候周期等因素有较大的关联性。而近几个世纪以来长江洪水频率的不断加快,表明人类活动扰乱和改变了历史洪水原有的周期值,使长江历史洪水周期打上了人类活动的深刻烙印。  相似文献   

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