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Development of a textural index for the prediction of acid rock drainage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The acid rock drainage index (ARDI) was developed to predict acid formation based on intact rock texture. Five textural parameters which have direct control on acid formation are evaluated. The ARDI forms part of the geochemistry-mineralogy-texture (GMT) approach to undertaking acid rock drainage (ARD) predictive tests. This staged-approach involves parallel use of geochemical, mineralogical and textural analyses. Sample screening is performed at stage-one, and a general classification given. Stage-two involves the use of routine geochemical tests in order to cross-check stage-one results, and also to quantify the acid forming/neutralising potential. Stage-three uses advanced geochemical tests and microanalytical tools to cross-check any ambiguous results from the previous stages, and for detailed characterisation of acid forming sulphide phases.Samples were obtained from two mine sites in Queensland, Australia, from which seventeen mesotextural groups were identified (A-Q). The ARDI identified mesotextural groups J (quartz-pyrite) and H (quartz-arsenopyrite-pyrite) as extremely acid forming. Routinely used geochemical classifications also identified these as the most acid forming groups. Four mesotextural groups (K-O) were classified as having acid neutralising capacity after full GMT classification. The remainder of mesotextural groups were classified as not acid forming. Mesotextural groups G (quartz-galena-sphalerite), H and J only require kinetic testing to resolve the lag-time to, and longevity of acid formation, and to measure the concentration of potentially deleterious elements released. The ARDI was not able to confidently discern between samples with the capacity to neutralise acid, and those which are not acid forming. Therefore, further refinement of the ARDI is required. However, in its current form the ARDI is suitable for mineral deposits with low-carbonate contents. This paper demonstrates its use as part of stage-one of the GMT approach at both operational and abandoned mine sites to screen and classify acid forming potential.  相似文献   

Failure to accurately predict acid rock drainage (ARD) leads to long-term impacts on ecosystems and human health, in addition to substantial financial consequences and reputational damage to operators. Currently, a range of chemical static and kinetic tests are used to evaluate the acid producing nature of materials, from which risk assessments are prepared and waste classification schemes designed. However, these well-established tests and practices have inherent limitations, for example: (i) best-practice sampling is not pursued; (ii) risk assessments rely on limited static and kinetic test data, thus compromising the accuracy of resulting ARD block models; (iii) static tests are completed off-site and do not reflect actual field measurements; (iv) kinetic test data do not become available until later stages of mine development; (v) waste classification schemes generally categorise materials as only three types (i.e., PAF, NAF and UC) with other drainage forms (e.g., neutral metalliferous or saline) not considered; and (vi) conventional testing fails to consider that reactivity of waste is controlled by parameters other than chemistry (e.g., microbiology, type and occurrence of minerals, texture and hardness). Thus, accurate prediction is challenging because of the multifaceted processes leading to ARD. Hence, risk assessments need to consider mineralogical, textural and geometallurgical rock properties in addition to predictive geochemical test data. Instead, a new architecture of integrative, staged ARD testing should be pursued. Better ARD prediction must start with improving the definition of geoenvironmental models and waste units. Then, a range of low-cost and rapid tests for the screening of samples should be conducted on site prior to the performance of established tests and advanced analyses using state-of-the-art laboratories. Such an approach to ARD prediction would support more accurate and cost-effective waste management during operation, and ultimately less costly mine closure outcomes.  相似文献   

This study integrates detailed mineralogical and microtextural analyses of waste rock with the results of standard kinetic test procedures to identify the mineralogical changes that influence leachate chemistry over time. The integration of mineralogy and texture provides the opportunity for improved mine waste management strategies and acid rock drainage (ARD) prediction.Waste rock material from an abandoned gold mine in northern Queensland, Australia, was subjected to column leach kinetic testing over a 30 week period. The column feed comprised of a range of waste rock lithologies (porphyritic rhyolite, massive arsenopyrite, massive pyrite ± galena, and semi-massive polysulphide). In total, 12 individual columns were established to represent six lithologies prepared to two different size fractions (−10 mm and −4 mm). The mineralogy and microtextural characteristics of the column feed material was defined using quantitative X-ray diffractometry (QXRD), scanning electron microscopy and laser ablation (LA-ICPMS) at the start of kinetic tests, and at 5 week intervals during the length of the tests. These data were directly correlated with leachate chemistry (i.e., pH, SO4 and select elements).Results of this study indicated that sulphide oxidation was strongly influenced by the morphology of sulphide minerals, their trace element contents, the presence of mineral micro-inclusions and galvanic interactions with other sulphide minerals. Waste rock with abundant arsenopyrite was consistently the most acid forming, and oxidised to scorodite (enriched in Zn, Pb and Cu). Pyrite was commonly As-rich as indicated by LA-ICPMS mapping. QXRD results indicated that the abundance of rhomboclase, jarosite, alunite and hydrous ferric oxides increased over time. Galena weathered rapidly to porous anglesite, particularly when in direct physical contact with pyrite. Sphalerite contents decreased consistently over the 30 weeks implying its oxidation, however few reaction products were directly observed. By week 30, the −4 mm fraction material generated lower pH leachate, higher mass release of elements and sulphate for the majority of samples. This indicates that the particle size used in kinetic tests can exert a significant control on leachate chemistry, especially in the absence of abundant neutralising minerals. This contribution demonstrates the value of integrating mineralogy and microtextural analyses during kinetic testwork to improve the interpretation of sulphide oxidation for better prediction of ARD.  相似文献   

The possibility of using acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment sludge as a cover component to control AMD generation from mine wastes was investigated through laboratory characterization and kinetic column testing (companion paper). The results showed that mixtures of sludge and waste rock, and sludge and tailings, may be integrated in an AMD prevention and control strategy at Doyon mine site (northwestern Quebec, Canada). In order to further investigate these scenarios in realistic climatic conditions, instrumented field test cells were installed on site to evaluate the performance of the mixtures to control AMD generation from tailings and waste rock under natural field conditions. The main findings from two seasons of monitoring are presented in the paper. The waste rock-sludge mixture placed over waste rock was able to reduce the generation of AMD from the waste rock, therefore confirming lab results, and was able to produce a neutral effluent with low concentrations of dissolved metals. The tailings-sludge mixture placed over tailings, with an evaporation protection layer, maintained a high volumetric water content and reduced sulphide oxidation from the tailings as exhibited by a neutral effluent. Monitoring of the field cells will continue to provide valuable information on the possible sludge valorization options.  相似文献   

In operating mines, acid mine drainage (AMD) is often treated using lime treatment. This process generates a significant amount of sludge that contains metal hydroxide precipitates, gypsum, and unreacted lime. The sludge may have interesting geotechnical and geochemical properties to be used as a part of covers (oxygen barriers) to prevent AMD generation from waste rocks and tailings. The main results of a project aiming to evaluate the use of sludge from the Doyon mine site (Canada) as a material in mine site rehabilitation are presented. The first part of the project involved detailed characterization of sludge, waste rock, and tailings samples. Then, laboratory column leaching tests were performed to evaluate the performance of the mixtures to control AMD produced by tailings and waste rocks. It was found that a sludge–waste rock mixture placed over waste rock reduces the metal loads in the column effluent, which remained acidic, as well as a mixture of sludge and tailings deposited over tailings can reduce metal content in effluents from tailings.  相似文献   

Effective management of the risks associated with acid rock drainage (ARD) requires the ability to identify material with a potential to generate ARD reliably. With the increasing prevalence of quantitative mineralogy (Quantitative XRD, auto-SEM), opportunity exists to use mineralogy at all stages in ARD characterisation and prediction. This study uses a mineralogical approach across the head grade samples and the residues obtained under leach conditions of several common ARD characterisation tests (Acid Neutralising Capacity, Net Acid Generation), as well as the University of Cape Town (UCT) biokinetic test to evaluate the extent to which acid-neutralising minerals react. The results show the contribution of the carbonates to the acid neutralising capacity, as well as the partial dissolution of intermediate weathering silicate minerals such as chlorite and mica.  相似文献   

The long-term generation of acid rock drainage (ARD) from sulfide-bearing mine waste is a major environmental liability for the mining sector. Previous studies have demonstrated that these ARD risks can be effectively avoided, and resource recovery simultaneously improved, through the pre-disposal removal of sulfide minerals, by means of flotation.This study uses life cycle assessment to evaluate the broader environmental consequences of incorporating a desulfurisation flotation unit for the pre-disposal treatment of a base metal sulfide tailings wastestream. The desulfurisation flotation process is shown to result in a significant decrease in human toxicity, eco-toxicity, urban land occupation and natural land transformation impacts, but an increase in climate change, fossil fuel depletion and terrestrial acidification impacts. Desulfurisation flotation also offers the opportunity for improved recovery of valuable resources, such as water, residual metals and sulfur. An expanded system boundary would, however, be required to capture the environmental benefits of upstream and downstream utilisation of recovered resources. The study also highlighted the deficiencies of current life cycle impact assessment tools, in terms of their ability to adequately assess the environmental impacts associated with solid mineral wastes. These deficiencies and shortcomings will be the subject of further studies.  相似文献   

Flotation tailings dump material of the former lead–zinc mine near Freiberg (Germany) consists of fine grained quartz, feldspar, mica as well as the sulphide minerals pyrite, galena and sphalerite not recovered by flotation. Sphalerite contains, aside from iron, copper and cadmium, significant amounts of indium (up to 0.38% (w/w)) leading to indium contents up to 70 mg/kg in the mine tailings. Preliminary thermodynamic assessment showed a comparatively small Eh–pH-range where bioleaching is possible and indium is not hydrolytically precipitated. Shake flask bioleaching of original polymetallic sphalerite ore from the Freiberg mining district (400 mg/kg indium) showed maximum zinc and indium recovery rates of almost 100% or 80%, respectively. First bioleaching tests on tailings material achieved zinc and indium yields of up to 80%. A stepwise precipitation process is being developed for indium recovery from the PLS (pregnant leaching solution) consisting of combined iron/indium precipitation and subsequent processing of the indium pre-precipitate.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is the most serious environmental problem facing the Canadian mineral industry today. It results from oxidation of sulphide minerals (e.g. pyrite or pyrrhotite) contained in mine waste or mine tailings and is characterized by acid effluents rich in heavy metals that are released into the environment. A new acid remediation technology is presented, by which metallurgical residues from the aluminium extraction industry are used to construct permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) to treat acid mine effluents. This technology is very promising for treating acid mine effluents in order to decrease their harmful environmental effects.  相似文献   

The inhibition of bioleaching by sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), previously used in large scale percolators in Romania (Schippers et al., 2001), was shown for pure cultures of sulphur-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans DSM 622 or German sand samples.A decrease of 25-75% in planctonic cell number from an initial 1010A. thiooxidans cells, counted with a Thoma-chamber 30 min after exposure to SDS concentrations from 0.5 to 10 g/L, suggested a cell lysis. Additionally a release of nucleic acids was found.To apply these results in a more complex habitat, columns filled with aquifer material from an East German lignite mining area containing 1% pyrite were treated. Columns were washed once with 2 g/L SDS and afterwards with rainwater. Most-probable-number determinations of flow-through revealed no growth of iron- and sulphur-oxidizing microorganisms within 26 weeks, while up to 106 cells per millilitre were determined in the control. Elution of sulphate dropped to 25%.  相似文献   

The exposure of sulfides, such as pyrite (FeS2) to water and air leads to the formation of acidic metal and sulfate containing waters, generally referred to as acid mine drainage (AMD). Under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of a suitable electron and carbon source, sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) can reduce sulfate to hydrogen sulfide which can precipitate metals as low-solubility sulfides. In the present study, a three-stage fluidized-bed reactor (FBR) system was operated at 35 °C with ethanol as an electron and carbon source for SRB to sequentially precipitate Cu and Fe from synthetic AMD. The system consisted of two pre-settling tanks before a sulfidogenic FBR for the sequential precipitation of Cu and Fe with biogenic H2S gas and HS containing effluent, respectively. Cu and Fe precipitation efficiencies were over 99% and sulfate and COD removals 60-90%. Biologically produced alkalinity increased the initial pH of the AMD from 3.0 to neutral values.  相似文献   

The role of sulphide and lead in gold dissolution in a cyanide medium has been investigated for pure gold with elemental carbon coatings. Sulphide reduced the dissolution of gold with or without carbon coatings to almost the same extent and this effect became more pronounced at a higher sulphide concentration. The carbon coating slightly reduced the negative effect of sulphide on gold dissolution at around 0.2–5 mg S2−/L. The negative effect of sulphide on gold dissolution decreased with increasing cyanide concentration. Lead increased the dissolution of gold with or without carbon coatings at a concentration up to 2 mg Pb2+/L with the beneficial effect declining over this concentration range. The carbon coating reduced the beneficial effect of lead on gold dissolution. Gold dissolution was retarded at around 5 mg Pb2+/L. The positive effect of lead on gold dissolution became more prominent with increasing cyanide concentration.SEM analysis revealed much less erosion of gold occurring with the addition of sulphide. The gold surface showed highly corroded spots scattered across relatively less corroded areas during leaching with the addition of lead, while the gold surface was smooth after leaching with a carbon coating. An XPS investigation indicated the formation of AuSx at the gold surface with the addition of sulphide. Metallic lead or AuPb alloys and lead hydroxide were detected at the gold surface after leaching with the addition of lead. The carbon coating hindered the diffusion of lead to the gold surface and hence reduced the beneficial effect of lead on gold dissolution.  相似文献   

Polymetallic Cu–Ag ores of the Central European Kupferschiefer deposits are one of the most important sources of copper in Europe. Because the ores are typically complex and often exceptionally fine-grained the development of efficient alternatives to conventional beneficiation strategies are an important target of current research. Biomining – the use of biological components for metal extraction – may offer solutions that are both efficient and environmentally benign. As conventional bioleaching with acidophilic microorganisms is impeded by the high carbonate content of the Kupferschiefer ores, heterotrophic microorganisms and glutamic acid are investigated as a possible alternative in the present study. The focus of this investigation is solely on the recovery of copper from the Kupferschiefer sensu strictu. Bioleaching experiments were carried out using such material from the Polkowice Mine in Poland. This material is marked by high grade (3.8 wt.% Cu), complex ore mineralogy (chalcocite, bornite, chalcopyrite and covellite in significant quantity) and a gangue mineralogy that is rich in carbonate, organic carbon and clay minerals that together form a very fine-grained matrix. (Bio)leaching experiments yield best results when glutamic acid alone is used – reaching copper recoveries up to 44%. Recoveries are consistently lower in experiments in which glutamic acid and microbiological metabolites are both present. The leaching of chalcocite renders the greatest contribution to the copper recovered to the leach solution in all experiments. It can be concluded that glutamic acid solubilises copper efficiently from Kupferschiefer, mainly from chalcocite.  相似文献   

As the restrictions on water usage become more prevalent throughout the world, mining operations are required to understand the impact that water recycling will have on them. Not only owing to operational needs, but also from an environmental stand point. As would be expected recycling is likely to lead to increased dissolved ions, increasing the ionic strength, which may impact plant performance. By conducting flotation tests under varying degrees of ionic strength of synthetic plant water it is possible to better understand the effect that water recycling could have on the recovery of a mining operation. The effect of such an increase in ionic strength is discussed.  相似文献   

Prediction of the relative rates of acid generation and neutralization is required to determine if and when acidic drainage will occur for mining waste. Results of laboratory kinetic tests are routinely used to predict the long-term weathering rates of a waste dump. More specifically, an estimate of the ‘time to acidity’ (lag time) is needed to predict if exposed waste rock will become acidic before underwater disposal. A meaningful prediction requires consideration of the differences between the conditions in the laboratory and an actual waste dump. Field tests, which are less commonly conducted, provide site-specific weathering conditions but return results that are difficult to interpret. The results from field tests were compared to those obtained from laboratory kinetic tests. The field rates of weathering were determined to be an order of magnitude greater than the adjusted laboratory results, which were corrected for both surface area and temperature. The difference between the field and laboratory weathering rates is believed to be caused by inadequate hydrogeological assumptions and deficiencies in the experimental protocols. Insights were gained into building and operating kinetic field tests, interpreting results and understanding the limitations and advantages of field test data for prediction purposes. Field test data were found to be very useful for predicting depletion rates of neutralization potential and for validating sulphide oxidation rates obtained from laboratory tests.  相似文献   

通过对弓长岭井下铁矿中央区岩移活动规律进行分析,在保证安全的前提下,使岩移损失的残矿资源得到开发利用.  相似文献   

The rate of acid mine drainage (AMD) generation is directly proportional to the surface area and so to the particle size distribution of acid-forming minerals exposed to oxidation. Materials in various particle sizes are subject to weathering processes at field condition; however, the particle size dependent oxidation rate has not been investigated for understanding entire geochemical behavior at a mining site. Therefore, a comprehensive research program was aimed to investigate the effect of particle size on pH variation and acid mine drainage generation using kinetic column tests, and then to find convenient methodologies for upscaling laboratory-based results to the field condition. For this purpose, ore samples collected from Murgul Damar open-pit mining were grinded in three different particle size distributions that are coarse (minus 22.5 mm), medium (minus 3.35 mm) and fine (minus 0.625 mm) sizes, 34 columns were designed in different dimensions for kinetic column tests. It was found that the cumulative concentration of the many constituents measured from medium particles (minus 3.35 mm) are higher than coarser samples due to decreasing specific surface area with increasing particle size. Similarly, because of decreasing of hydraulic conductivity with increasing the fine content, the cumulative concentration of constituents measured from medium particles (minus 3.35 mm) are also higher than finer particles (minus 0.625 mm). Based on statistical and analytical analyses of the results of kinetic column tests, the time required to initiate acid formation at field condition varied between 489 and 1002 days depending on particle size distribution. In addition, considering the effect of particle size and the results of related statistical analysis, main oxidation (SO42−) and neutralization (Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+ etc.) products were also successfully upscaled to the field condition.  相似文献   

In this study basic oxygen and stainless steel slag were both assessed for potential use in treating acid mine drainage. The stainless steel slag was able to effect some pH change but was found to not be suitable. Basic oxygen slag was found to have a significant potential as a remediating agent. For a model acid mine water with a pH of 2.5, sulfate concentration of 5000 mg/L and iron concentration of 1000 mg/L, the slag was able to increase pH to 12.1, reduce the soluble iron by 99.7% and reduce sulfate by 75% in batch experiments. In these batch reactors most reaction was completed within 30 min indicating that this is a rapid process. Additional experiments were conducted with continuous flow reactors to assess the maximum treatment capacity of the slag. These experiments indicated that slag replacement strategies are wholly dependent on the strength of the acid mine drainage, the required residence time and the specified residual concentrations of iron or sulfate and the pH. The data indicate that in particular, basic oxygen furnace slag has significant potential as a replacement reagent for lime in treating acid mine drainage.  相似文献   

采用酸浸法从新疆紫金低品位氧化锌矿及含锌废石制备碱式碳酸锌。在磨矿细度为-74μm占30%,液固比2,硫酸用量52kg/t矿,浸出时间2h,终点pH 1.5~2.0,锌浸出率为63%,氧化锌浸出率97%左右;浸出液采用碳酸钙预中和—碳酸钠沉锌工艺回收锌,在预中和终点pH 4.5~5.0、碳酸钠沉锌终点pH 8.0左右,最终获得锌沉淀率为99%,锌品位约50%的碱式碳酸锌产品,该产品可作为生产电锌的原料。  相似文献   

Hydrometallurgical process routes are typically used for separation of platinum group metals (PGMs) from base metals in Ni-Cu converter matte. Nickel dissolution is primarily achieved in the first stage leach (high pressure or atmospheric leaching, or a combination of the two), which is followed by second stage high pressure sulphuric acid/oxygen leaching to dissolve copper and the remaining nickel. PGMs are recovered from the leaching residue, and their dissolution must hence be limited. The leaching of base metals in the first stage has been characterised, but there is a limited understanding of the behaviour of metals, and more specifically PGMs, in the second stage pressure leach. This research presents the results of laboratory work performed to investigate the kinetics of leaching in the second stage pressure leach. The influence of key operating parameters such as the temperature, pressure, and initial acid concentration on PGM dissolution was investigated.  相似文献   

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