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Terrestrial laser scanning(TLS) is a useful technology for rock mass characterization. A laser scanner produces a massive point cloud of a scanned area, such as an exposed rock surface in an underground tunnel,with millimeter precision. The density of the point cloud depends on several parameters from both the TLS operational conditions and the specifications of the project, such as the resolution and the quality of the laser scan, the section of the tunnel, the distance between scanning stations, and the purpose of the scans. One purpose of the scan can be to characterize the rock mass and statistically analyze the discontinuities that compose it for further discontinuous modeling. In these instances, additional data processing and a detailed analysis should be performed on the point cloud to extract the parameters to define a discrete fracture network(DFN) for each discontinuity set. I-site studio is a point cloud processing software that allows users to edit and process laser scans. This software contains a set of geotechnical analysis tools that assist engineers during the structural mapping process, allowing for greater and more representative data regarding the structural information of the rock mass, which may be used for generating DFNs. This paper presents the procedures used during a laser scan for characterizing discontinuities in an underground limestone mine and the results of the scan as applied to the generation of DFNs for further discontinuous modeling.  相似文献   

Rockburst hazard in mining industry all over the world is one of the most severe hazards. It is becoming increasingly common because of the ever-growing depths of mining operations accompanied by the increasing strength of rocks. One of the most difficult issues is to predict this hazard before the mining operations, whether geophysical investigations have been conducted or not. Polish experience in this field shows that in such cases an effective solution can be the geomechanical method. Therefore, extensive studies on rockburst hazard should focus on three main aspects:(1) rock mass and rock(and coal)predisposition to rockburst–laboratory tests and empirical analyses based on lithology,(2) identification of the potential places with stress and elastic energy concentration in the rock mass within the area planned for exploitation, and(3) the assessment of the impact of mining tremors on the surface. This preliminary geomechanical analysis assesses the propensity of the rock mass to dynamic breakage and provides quantitatively the level of rockburst hazard. The paper presents Polish experience in rockburst hazard assessment with the use of geomechanical method, as well as some solutions and examples of such analyses.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the role of automation technologies for improving the safety, productivity, and environmental sustainability of underground coal mining processes. This is accomplished by reviewing the impact that the introduction of automation technology has made through the longwall shearer automation research program of Longwall Automation Steering Committee (LASC). This result has been achieved through close integration of sensing, processing, and control technologies into the longwall mining process. Key to the success of the automation solution has been the development of new sensing methods to accurately measure the location of longwall equipment and the spatial configuration of coal seam geology. The relevance of system interoperability and open communications standards for facilitating effective automation is also discussed. Importantly, the insights gained through the longwall automation development process are now leading to new technology transfer activity to benefit other underground mining processes.  相似文献   

The heat How generated from the infinite rock mass surrounding the underground tunnels is a major cause for the increasing cooling demands in deep mine tunnels.Insulation layers with lower thermal conductivities on tunnel walls and roof ceilings are believed to supply a thermo-barrier for heat abatement.However,it is found that no systematic theoretical investigations were made to predict and confirm the effectiveness of underground thermal insulation.Specifically,investigations on the underground insulation problems involving heat flows through the semi-infinite hot rock mass and insulation layer were not sufficient.Thus,in this paper,the thermal characteristics,accompanied with heat flow through the semi-infinite rock mass and the insulation layer,were modeled by both analytical and numerical methods with focus on underground mine tunnels.The close agreements between models have indicated that the thermal insulation applied on tunnel surfaces is able to provide promising heat abatement effects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to establish confidence in anticipated minimum bond strength for inflatable rock bolts by comparing the bond strength to variable geotechnical conditions using the rock mass rating(RMR) system. To investigate a correlation between these parameters,the minimum bond strength of pull-out tested inflatable rock bolts was compared to the RMR of the rock in which these bolts were placed. Bond strength vs. RMR plots indicate that expected minimum bond strength is positively correlated with RMR; however,the correlation is not strong. Cumulative percent graphs indicate that 97% of pull-out tests result in a minimum bond strength of 3.3 and 1.7 ton/m in RMR P 45 and 45,respectively.Although lower bond strengths are more commonly encountered in low RMR ground,high bond strengths are possible as well,yielding higher variability in bond strengths in low RMR ground. Bond strength of friction bolts relies on contact between the rock bolt and drill hole. Experience in Nevada indicates that RMR is known to affect both the quality and consistency of drill holes which likely affects bond strength. Drilling and bolting in low RMR ground is more sensitive to drilling and bolting practices,and strategies for maximizing bond strength in these conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

The internal mechanism of the high hydrophobicity of the coal samples from the Pingdingshan mining area was studied through industrial, element, and surface functional group analysis. Laboratory testing and molecular dynamics simulations were employed to study the impact of three types of surfactants on the surface adsorption properties and wettability of highly hydrophobic bituminous coal. The results show that the surface of highly hydrophobic bituminous coal is compact, rich in inorganic mine...  相似文献   

In this research,a method called ANNMG is presented to integrate Artificial Neural Networks and Geostatistics for optimum mineral reserve evaluation.The word ANNMG simply means Artificial Neural Network Model integrated with Geostatiscs.In this procedure,the Artificial Neural Network was trained,tested and validated using assay values obtained from exploratory drillholes.Next,the validated model was used to generalize mineral grades at known and unknown sampled locations inside the drilling region respectively.Finally,the reproduced and generalized assay values were combined and fed to geostatistics in order to develop a geological 3D block model.The regression analysis revealed that the predicted sample grades were in close proximity to the actual sample grades.The generalized grades from the ANNMG show that this process could be used to complement exploration activities thereby reducing drilling requirement.It could also be an effective mineral reserve evaluation method that could produce optimum block model for mine design.  相似文献   

The increasing use of diesel-powered equipment in confined spaces(underground mines) has the potential to over expose underground miners under the threat of diesel particulate matter(DPM). Miners in underground mines can be exposed to DPM concentrations far more than works in other industries. A great number of animal and epidemiological studies have shown that both short-term and long-term DPM exposure have adverse health effect. Based on reviews of related studies, especially some recent evidence, this paper investigated the long and short-term health effects based on animal studies and epidemiological studies. The exposure-response relationship studies were also explored and compared to the current DPM regulation or standards in some countries. This paper found that the DPM health effect studies specifically for miners are not sufficient to draw solid conclusions, and a recommendation limit of DPM concentration can be put in place for better protection of miners from DPM health risk. Current animal studies lack the use of species that have similar lung functions as human for understanding the cancer mode of action in human. And finally, the DPM health hazard will continue to be a challenging topic before the mode of action and reliable exposure-response relationship are established.  相似文献   

淮南孔集煤矿山西组A1、A3煤层总厚6m,为第四系含水砂层下底板岩溶水上复合含水体威胁的急倾斜煤层。对于砂层水害防治,采用合理留设防水煤柱,沿用“小阶段、长走向、间歇开采”的方式方法;对于底板岩溶水患防治,采用“疏水降压、限压开采”的防治水方法;对于局部抽冒及流水钻孔涌砂造成地表抽冒漏斗及岩溶塌陷漏斗,采取了“按尺核产、严禁超限出煤”、“小流量、长历时、控砂疏水”的有力措施。实现了安全开采,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

财会计账类软件因其专业性、针对性强以及高效率、极低的错误率而广受市场经营者的青睐,但是大型、专业的财会软件对于一些中小型公司或是个人而言,不仅存在功能上的多余,而且昂贵的授权费用、运营调试费用也是一笔不菲的支出.提出了低成本的电子商务收支盈利云系统设计问题,致力打造实用、小巧、精确、高效的电子商务收支盈利云系统.  相似文献   

In 2017, one of the international authorities on coal bursts, Mark Christopher, published a paper entitled‘‘Coal bursts that occur during development: A rock mechanics enigma, in which several relevant technical issues were identified. This paper outlines what is considered to be a credible, first-principles,mechanistic explanation for these three current development coal burst conundrums by reference to early published coal testing work examining the significance of a lack of ‘‘constraint to coal stability and an understanding of how very specific structural geology and other geological features can logically cause this to occur in situ, albeit on a statistically very rare basis. This basic model is examined by reference to published information pertaining to the development coal-burst that occurred at the Austar Coal Mine in New South Wales, Australia, in 2014 and from the Sunnyside District in Utah, the United States.The ‘‘cause and effect model for development of coal bursts presented also offers a meaningful explanation for the statistical improbability for what are nonetheless potentially highly-destructive events, being able to explain the statistical rarity being just as important to the credibility of the model as explaining the local conditions associated with burst events. The model could also form the basis for a robust, riskbased approach utilising a ‘‘hierarchy of controls, to the operational management of the development coal burst threat. Specifically, the use of pre-mining predictions for likely burst-prone and non-burstprone areas, the use of the mine layout to avoid or at least minimise mining within burst-prone areas if appropriate, and finally the development of an operational Trigger Action Response Plan(TARP) that reduces the likelihood of inadvertent roadway development into a burst-prone area without suitable safety controls already being in place.  相似文献   

综合分析了地下工程结构形态特征,提出了三种自动生成锚杆的方法.根据地下工程三维有限元计算的要求整理出了一套高效快捷组织锚杆支护数据的方法.提出了利用面向对象的语言实现以上提及的方法的主要思路.通过工程实例论证了该方法的可行性与合理性,为解决地下工程中锚杆支护信息的问题提供了一种较好的解决方法和思路.  相似文献   

In this paper a comprehensive review is presented of risk assessment techniques adopted in the mining industry worldwide;those techniques applied in other hazardous industries and potential techniques which are robust,mature and holistic and can be implemented for the Indian mining industry in future to enhance workplace safety are also presented.Findings from the review are indicative of the fact that socio-technical complexity of industrial systems has increased.Recent developments in the area of risk management highlight the need for implementation of the latest robust techniques of risk assessment in the mining sector.In consideration of the present scenario,the development of a model for risk analysis having an interface between hazard identification and risk assessment,along with an interface between risk assessment and accident causation to predict if an accident will occur under given conditions,has become dire necessity.This will increase hazard awareness and enable mine management to select and prioritize problem areas and identify safety system weaknesses in both underground and surface mining.This will ultimately help decision makers,risk analysts and safety managers make a major contribution in the development of workplace safety with a near-to-zero accident rate.  相似文献   

提出了一种测量超短激光脉冲啁啾阶数及量值的新方法。根据二次干涉自相关(IAC)包络比值对啁啾有很高灵敏度的特性,通过对IAC包络比值进行分析计算获得判断啁啾阶数的方法,并得到包络比值中央半宽与啁啾量值间的对应关系。采用IAC二次谐波检测系统对加浓染料激光器输出的脉冲进行测量,结果表明,被测超短激光脉冲含有平方啁啾,啁啾参数为0.80,实现了对超短激光脉冲啁啾阶数及量值测量。  相似文献   

本文从剖析优化方法中传统进退法的缺点着手,提出了一个凸函数曲线极值初始区间的搜索算法,在优化方法中确定初始区间时,利用凸函数曲线的割线斜率和函数值本身信息来构造搜索步长,经几个不同算法运行结果对照表明,改进以后的方法比传统的进退法在运行时间、调用函数次数、初始区间的长度等方面都具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

二维波穿过单节理的透射率特性及其隐含意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二维波穿过单节理的问题是一个复杂的多因素影响问题,其透射率影响因素有:节理无量纲刚度、射线角、巷道半径、所在点离巷道中心的径向距离以及岩石力学性能参数.对二维波穿过单节理的透射率进行了详细的算例分析.归纳了二维波穿过单节理后透射率特性,在此基础上提出了相关问题的研究策略.分析结果表明:单节理后各节点透射率的研究,可以通过单节理后某一以巷道或钻孔中心为中心的圆弧上各节点的透射率来展开;射线角为90°的射线上节理后各节点透射率的研究,可以通过节理后某一节点的透射率来展开;单节理的透射率的研究可以在一个固定半径值的巷道或钻孔的模型上用一种典型的岩石进行.  相似文献   

三相电路谐波和负序电流检测方法实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
电力电子技术的发展和应用,电力系统中的谐波电流污染越来越严重,而且由于负载的不对称产生负序电流。正确评价用户电能质量的好坏,如何消除这些电流分量,均要求准确检测这些电流分量。本文提出了一种用有源RC电路检测三相电路谐波、负序电流分量的方法,并对该检测方法和电路性能进行了理论分析。实验和仿真证明了所提方法的正确性。  相似文献   

依据2001年3月ITU发布的最新版本Release4,论述了我国提出的3G标准-TD-SCDMA的体系结构,系统优势,技术特点和发展前景等,重点研究了在TD-SCDMA系统中联合优化使用智能天线和多用户联合检测技术的原理和方法,并在3GPP规定的环境下对其进行了仿真,结果表明所研究的算法满足系统性能要求,并具有良好的工程可实现性。  相似文献   

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