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Hydrogen production for export to Japan and Korea is increasingly popular in Australia. The theoretically possible paths include the use of the excess wind and solar energy supply to the grid to produce hydrogen from natural gas or coal. As a contribution to this debate, here I discuss the present contribution of wind and solar to the electricity grid, how this contribution might be expanded to make a grid wind and solar only, what is the energy storage needed to permit this supply, and what is the ratio of domestic total primary energy supply to electricity use. These factors are required to determine the likeliness of producing hydrogen for export. The wind and solar energy capacity, presently at 6.7 and 11.4 GW, have to increase almost 8 times up to values of 53 and 90 GW respectively to support a wind and solar energy only electricity grid for the southeast states only. Additionally, it is necessary to build-up energy storage of actual power >50 GW and stored energy >3000 GW h to stabilize the grid. If the other states and territories are considered, and also the total primary energy supply (TPES) rather than just electricity, the wind and solar capacity must be increased of a further 6–8 times. It is concluded that it is extremely unlikely that hydrogen for export could be produced from the splitting of the water molecule by using excess wind and solar energy, and it is very unlikely that wind and solar may fully cover the local TPES needs. The most likely scenario is production hydrogen via syngas from either natural gas or coal. Production from natural gas and coal needs further development of techniques, to include CO2 capture, a way to reuse or store CO2, and finally, the better energy efficiency of the conversion processes. There are several challenges for using natural gas or coal to produce hydrogen with near-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage technologies that ensure no CO2 is released in the production process, and new technologies to separate the oxygen from the air, and in case of natural gas, the water, and the CO2 from the combustion products, are urgently needed to make sense of the fossil fuel hydrogen production. There is no benefit from producing hydrogen from fossil fuels without addressing the CO2 issue, as well as the fuel energy penalty issue during conversion, that is simply translating in a net loss of fuel energy with the same CO2 emission.  相似文献   

In this study, comprehensive thermodynamic analysis and techno-economic assessment studies of the renewable hydrogen production and its blending with natural gas in the existing pipelines are performed. Solar and wind energy-based on-grid and off-grid power systems are designed and compared in energy, exergy, and cost. Solar PV panels and wind turbines are particularly considered for electricity and hydrogen production for residential applications in an environmentally benign way. Fuel cell units are included to supply continuous electricity in the off-grid system. Here, the heat required for a community consisting of 100 houses is provided by hydrogen and natural gas mixture as a more environmentally benign fuel. The costs of capital, fuel, operation, and maintenance are calculated and evaluated in detail. The total net present costs are calculated as $6.95 million and $2.47 million for the off-grid and on-grid power systems, respectively. For the off-grid system, energy and exergy efficiencies are calculated as 32.64% and 40.73%, respectively. Finally, the energy and exergy efficiencies of the on-grid system are determined as 26.58% and 35.25%, respectively.  相似文献   

Storing renewable energy sources is becoming a very important issue to allow a further reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Most of such energy sources generate electric power which not always can be conveniently transferred to the grid and also its conversion to hydrogen presents some critical aspects connected mainly to hydrogen distribution and storage.Electrolysis generates not only hydrogen, but also oxygen which could be used to burn biomass or waste products (oxycombustion) in power plants with the result to obtain an exhaust gas containing mainly water and CO2. This last can be converted into a mixture of methane and hydrogen by reacting with electrolytic hydrogen, so that the power used for electrolysis is stored into a fuel which can be distributed and stored just like natural gas.In this paper, an innovative biomass fuelled plant has been designed and simulated for different layouts with an internal combustion engine as a main power system. Utilizing hydrogen and oxygen produced through electrolysis and applying a hydrogasification process, the plant produces electricity and a substitute of natural gas. The result of such simulations is that the electricity can be stored in a useful and versatile fuel with a marginal efficiency up to 60%.  相似文献   

This study addresses economic aspects of introducing renewable technologies in place of fossil fuel ones to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike for traditional fossil fuel technologies, greenhouse gas emissions from renewable technologies are associated mainly with plant construction and the magnitudes are significantly lower. The prospects are shown to be good for producing the environmentally clean fuel hydrogen via water electrolysis driven by renewable energy sources. Nonetheless, the cost of wind- and solar-based electricity is still higher than that of electricity generated in a natural gas power plant. With present costs of wind and solar electricity, it is shown that, when electricity from renewable sources replaces electricity from natural gas, the cost of greenhouse gas emissions abatement is about four times less than if hydrogen from renewable sources replaces hydrogen produced from natural gas. When renewable-based hydrogen is used in a fuel cell vehicle instead of gasoline in a IC engine vehicle, the cost of greenhouse gas emissions reduction approaches the same value as for renewable-based electricity only if the fuel cell vehicle efficiency exceeds significantly (i.e., by about two times) that of an internal combustion vehicle. It is also shown that when 6000 wind turbines (Kenetech KVS-33) with a capacity of 350 kW and a capacity factor of 24% replace a 500-MW gas-fired power plant with an efficiency of 40%, annual greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 2.3 megatons. The incremental additional annual cost is about $280 million (US). The results provide a useful approach to an optimal strategy for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation.  相似文献   

In this work, the technical and economical feasibility for implementing a hypothetical electrolytic hydrogen production plant, powered by electrical energy generated by alternative renewable power sources, wind and solar, and conventional hydroelectricity, was studied mainly trough the analysis of the wind and solar energy potentials for the northeast of Brazil. The hydrogen produced would be exported to countries which do not presently have significant renewable energy sources, but are willing to introduce those sources in their energy system. Hydrogen production was evaluated to be around 56.26 × 106 m3 H2/yr at a cost of 10.3 US$/kg.  相似文献   

Generally, wind to power conversion is calculated by assuming the quality of wind as measured with a Weibull probability distribution at wind speed during power generation. We build on this method by modifying the Weibull distributions to reflect the actual range of wind speeds and wind energy density. This was combined with log law that modifies wind speed based on the height from the ground, to derive the wind power potential at windy sites. The study also provides the Levelized cost of renewable energy and hydrogen conversion capacity at the proposed sites. We have also electrolyzed the wind-generated electricity to measure the production capacity of renewable hydrogen. We found that all the sites considered are commercially viable for hydrogen production from wind-generated electricity. Wind generated electricity cost varies from $0.0844 to $0.0864 kW h, and the supply cost of renewable hydrogen is $5.30 to $ 5.80/kg-H2. Based on the findings, we propose a policy on renewable hydrogen fueled vehicles so that the consumption of fossil fuels could be reduced. This paper shall serve as a complete feasibility study on renewable hydrogen production and utilization.  相似文献   

In order to achieve a hydrogen economy, developing widespread hydrogen supply systems are vitally important. A large number of technological options exist and are still in development for hydrogen production, storage, distribution…, which cause various pathways for supplying hydrogen. Besides the technical factors, there are other effective parameters such as cost, operability, reliability, environmental impacts, safety and social implications that should be considered when assessing the different pathways as optimal and viable long-term alternatives. To aid this decision-making process, we have developed a generic optimization-based model for the long-range energy planning and design of future hydrogen supply systems. By applying Linear Dynamic Programming techniques, the model is capable of identifying optimal investment strategies and integrated supply system configurations from the many alternatives. Also, the environmental impacts of hydrogen supply system can be evaluated through scenario analysis. The features and capabilities of the model are illustrated through application to Iran as a case study.  相似文献   

Energy storage from renewable sources is one of the main current goals for the energy sector, and the production of a substitute of natural gas could be a good solution to solve the problem in the short term, helping the transition to hydrogen in the long term.Renewable energy sources usually generate variable electric power or medium/low energy content gas. This paper proposes a way to upgrade these products through the use of electrolytic hydrogen. By using electrolytic oxygen as an oxidant for biomass partial oxidation and for high temperature fuel cells, the exhaust gas after post-combustion is an almost pure mixture of water and carbon dioxide. Once such a gas is dehydrated, the carbon dioxide can be mixed with electrolytic hydrogen to obtain methane through the Sabatier process.Four layouts based on molten carbonate fuel cells and solid oxide fuel cells has been investigated. The results obtained are very similar: the conversion efficiency is close to 60% and the mix of energy output consist of fuel for about 75% and electric power for about 25%.  相似文献   

Quickly declining natural gas reserves in some parts of the world, increasing demand in today's major gas consuming regions, the emergence of new demand centres and the globalization of natural gas markets caused by the rising importance of liquefied natural gas (LNG) are changing global gas supply structures and will continue to do so over the next decades. Applying a global gas market model, we produce a forecast for global gas supply to 2030 and determine the supplier-specific long-run average costs of gas supplied to three major consuming regions. Results for the three regions are compared and analysed with a focus on costs, supply diversification and the different roles of LNG. We find that while European and Japanese external gas supply will be less diversified in international comparison, gas can be supplied at relatively low costs due to the regions’ favourable locations in geographic proximity to large gas producers. The US market's supply structure on the other hand will significantly change from its current situation. The growing dependency on LNG imports from around the world will lead to significantly higher supply costs but will also increase diversification as gas will originate from an increasing number of LNG exporting countries.  相似文献   

Variable renewable energy sources (VRES) will be the cornerstones of future energy supply systems. Nevertheless, their inherent intermittency remains an obstacle to their widespread deployment. Renewably-produced or ‘green’ hydrogen has been suggested as an energy carrier that could account for this in a sustainable manner. In this study, a fully VRES-based European energy system in the year 2050 is designed using an iterative minimal cost-optimization approach that ensures robust supply security across 38 weather-year scenarios (1980–2017). The impact of different power generation locations is factored in by defining exclusive VRES groups within each optimization region. From this, it can be seen that higher numbers of groups in each region offer cheaper electricity generation locations to the optimizer and thus decrease the system's total annual costs. Furthermore, the robust system design and impact of inter-annual variability is identified by iteratively combining the installed capacities of different system designs derived through the application of the 38 historical weather years. The system design outlined here has significantly lower capacities in comparison to the maximum regional capacities obtained in the first round of optimization.  相似文献   

The paper presents a technical, economic and environmental analyses of a chamber furnace used to heat the charge before forging. The energy efficiency of the furnace before the modernization was 18%, after the modernization it was 31% (partial modernization due to large financial outlays). Other variants were also analysed: complete modernization, the variant of furnace modernization with 30% hydrogen content in the gas and the variant with 100% hydrogen as fuel. The analyses showed that with the current gas price (0.025 EUR/kWh) and the price of emission allowances (nearly 60 EUR/MgCO2) and 100 cycles/year, the difference in Net Present Value (NPV) before base variant and partial modernization is around 900,000 EUR and before base variant and full modernization is 1,200,000 EUR. The introduction of the gas and 30% of hydrogen co-combustion option versus the base scenario option for 150 cycles per year results in a NPV difference of at least 2 million EUR. The option of 100% hydrogen as a fuel is the most advantageous from the point of view of reducing CO2 emissions - it is largely influenced by the rising prices of CO2 emission allowances.  相似文献   

The curtailment of renewable energy would be reduced by converting it to hydrogen or methane using power to hydrogen (P2H) facilities or power to methane (P2M) facilities. Both hydrogen and methane can be injected into the existing natural gas system which has significant potential to unlock the inherent flexibility of integrated energy systems. The coordinated operation strategy of the hybrid power-natural gas energy systems considering P2H and P2M is proposed aiming to minimize the operational cost. In addition, a method to calculate the higher heating value of hydrogen-natural gas mixture is presented along with a strategy for handling the constraints of hydrogen mixture level limits. The simulation results of three case studies demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of P2H/P2M in terms of reductions in cost, CO2 emissions and wind power curtailment. The differences in benefits between P2H and P2M have also been compared and analyzed.  相似文献   

A novel project solution for large-scale hydrogen application is proposed utilizing surplus wind and solar generated electricity for hydrogen generation and NG pipeline transportation for hydrogen-natural gas mixtures (called HCNG). This application can practically solve urgent issues of large-scale surplus wind and solar generated electricity and increasing NG demand in China. Economic evaluation is performed in terms of electricity and equipment capacity estimation, cost estimation, sensitivity analysis, profitability analysis and parametric study. Equipment expenses are dominant in the construction period, especially those of the electrolysers. Electricity cost and transportation cost are the main annual operating costs and greatly influence the HCNG and pure hydrogen costs. The project proves to be feasible through the profitability analysis. The main influence items are tested individually to guarantee project profitability within 22 years. The project can reduce 388.40 M Nm3 CO2 emissions and increase 2998.52 M$ incomes for solar and wind power stations.  相似文献   

Indicators of security of natural gas supply in Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural gas has become an increasingly valuable resource and a global commodity. The demand for it has significantly increased. Japan, Korea and Taiwan heavily rely on liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports for their gas supplies from Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Australia and the Middle East. On the other hand, countries like Thailand and Singapore import gas via trans-border pipelines. Gas supply interruptions, volatile gas prices, transportation and distribution bottlenecks, and a growing reliance on imports over longer distances have renewed interest on gas security in Asia. This paper examines the relative vulnerability to natural gas supply disruptions of seven gas-importing countries in Asia for year 2008. Based on four indicators of security of gas supply, a composite gas supply security index is estimated as an overall indication of gas vulnerability for our sample countries. The results demonstrate that there are differences in the values of the overall indicator of gas vulnerability among countries and the assessment is useful in developing an effective strategy of natural gas supply security in countries in the Asian region.  相似文献   

Fossil fuel resources are the main source for hydrogen production, and hydrogen production by renewable energy, such as biomass, is under development. To compare the performance in natural resource utilization for different hydrogen production systems, in this paper, two laboratorial hydrogen production systems from biomass and one industrial hydrogen production system from natural gas are analyzed by using industrial emergy evaluation indices. One of the laboratorial systems is a continuous supercritical water gasification system from glucose, and the other is a batch supercritical water gasification system from sawdust. The industrial system adopts American Brown technology. The evaluation results show that although the industrial emergy efficiency (IEE) of the industrial system from natural gas is higher than that of the laboratorial systems from biomass, the industrial emergy index of sustainability (IEIS) of the two laboratorial systems are higher than that of the industrial system. To make the laboratorial biomass system become an industrial system, the system should improve its yield, and reduce its capital investment.  相似文献   

When blending hydrogen into existing natural gas pipelines, the non-uniform concentration distribution caused by the density difference between hydrogen and natural gas will result in the fluctuations of local hydrogen partial pressure, which may exceed the set one, leading to pipeline failure, leakage, measurement error, and terminal appliance. To solve the problem, the H2–CH4 stratification in the horizontal and undulated pipe was investigated experimentally and with numerical simulations. The results show that in the gas stagnant situation, hydrogen-methane blending process will cause an obvious stratification phenomenon. The relations between the elevation, pressure, hydrogen fraction, etc., and the gas stratification are figured out. Moreover, even when the blended gas flows at a low rate, the hydrogen-caused stratification should also be considered. Thereafter, the blended gas should be controlled into a situation with low pressure and high speed, which could help to set the pressure, speed, the fraction of H2.  相似文献   

To address the problem of fossil fuel usage at the Missouri University of Science and Technology campus, using of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources can lower energy consumption and hydrogen use. Biogas, produced by anaerobic digestion of wastewater, organic waste, agricultural waste, industrial waste, and animal by-products is a potential source of renewable energy. In this work, we have discussed Hydrogen production and End-Uses from CHHP system for the campus using local resources. Following the resource assessment study, the team selects FuelCell Energy DFC1500™ unit as a molten carbonate fuel cell to study of combined heat, hydrogen and power (CHHP) system based on a molten carbonate fuel cell fed by biogas produced by anaerobic digestion. The CHHP system provides approximately 650 kg/day. The total hydrogen usage 123 kg/day on the university campus including personal transportation applications, backup power applications, portable power applications, and other mobility applications are 56, 16, 29, 17, and 5 respectively. The excess hydrogen could be sold to a gas retailer. In conclusion, the CHHP system will be able to reduce fossil fuel usage, greenhouse gas emissions and hydrogen generated is used to power different applications on the university campus.  相似文献   

Hydrogen separation membranes based on a heated metal foil of a palladium alloy, offer excellent permeability for hydrogen as a result of the solution-diffusion mechanism. Here, the possibility to separate hydrogen from the mixture of Natural Gas (NG) and hydrogen (NG+H2) with various NG concentrations using Pd, PdCu53 and PdAg24 hydrogen purification membranes is demonstrated. Hydrogen concentrations above ∼25% (for Pd and PdCu53) and ∼15% (for PdAg24) were required for the hydrogen separation to proceed at 400 °C and 5 bar pressure differential. Hydrogen permeability of the studied alloys could be almost fully recovered after switching the feed gas to pure hydrogen, indicating no significant interaction between the natural gas components and the membranes surface at the current experimental condition. Hydrogen flux of the membranes at various pressure differential was measured and no changes in the hydrogen permeation mechanism could be noticed under (NG 50%+H2) mixture. The hydrogen separation capability of the membranes is suggested to be mainly controlled by the operating temperature and the hydrogen partial pressure.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the potential air quality impacts of hydrogen transportation fuel from a lifecycle analysis perspective, including impacts from fuel production, delivery, and vehicle use. We assume that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are introduced in a specific region, Sacramento County, California. We consider two levels of market penetration where 9% or 20% of the light duty fleet are hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The following three natural gas to hydrogen supply pathways are assessed in detail and compared in terms of emissions and the resulting changes in ambient air quality: (1) onsite hydrogen production; (2) centralized hydrogen production with gaseous hydrogen pipeline delivery systems; and (3) centralized hydrogen production with liquid hydrogen truck delivery systems. All the pathways examined use steam methane reforming (SMR) of natural gas to produce hydrogen. The source contributions to incremental air pollution are estimated and compared among hydrogen pathways. All of the hydrogen pathways result in extremely low contributions to ambient air concentrations of NOxNOx, CO, particulates, and SOxSOx, typically less than 0.1% of the current ambient pollution for both levels of market penetration. Among the hydrogen supply options, it is found that the central SMR with pipeline delivery systems is the lowest pollution option available provided the plant is located to avoid transport of pollutants into the city via prevailing winds. The onsite hydrogen pathway is comparable to the central hydrogen pathway with pipeline systems in terms of the resulting air pollution. The pathway with liquid hydrogen trucks has a greater impact on air quality relative to the other pathways due to emissions associated with diesel trucks and electricity consumption to liquefy hydrogen. However, all three hydrogen pathways result in negligible air pollution in the region.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is highly vulnerable to energy and economic security due to the heavy dependence on imported fossil fuels. The combustion of fossil fuels also causes serious environmental pollution. Therefore, it is important to explore the opportunities for clean renewable energy for long-term energy supply. Hong Kong has the potential to develop clean renewable hydrogen energy to improve the environmental performance. This paper reviews the recent development of hydrogen production technologies, followed by an overview of the renewable energy sources and a discussion about potential applications for renewable hydrogen production in Hong Kong. The results show that although renewable energy resources cannot entirely satisfy the energy demand in Hong Kong, solar energy, wind power, and biomass are available renewable sources for significant hydrogen production. A system consisting of wind turbines and photovoltaic (PV) panels coupled with electrolyzers is a promising design to produce hydrogen. Biomass, especially organic waste, offers an economical, environmental-friendly way for renewable hydrogen production. The achievable hydrogen energy output would be as much as 40% of the total energy consumption in transportation.  相似文献   

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