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近年来地理信息系统、大数据、互联网等技术的快速成长,数字空间分析技术已由理论研究领域向多种应用领域发展。地理设计的发展理念,尝试突破现有数字空间分析技术在规划设计领域中的应用瓶颈,开始以强化规划设计领域中数字空间分析技术的应用深度与广度为主要发展目标。在地理设计的概念框架下,本研究借由无锡地铁3号线站点周边地块用地性质规划工作,建立规划信息反馈模型,讨论城市规划工作中地理设计的发展可能性。本研究依据地理设计中"规划仪表板"的概念,建立"TOD开发类型分类矩阵"及"四效益(空间效益、经济效益、环境效益、社会效益)规划评价指标"作为探讨"规划信息回馈技术"与典型城市规划工作流程整合的可能性。  相似文献   

地理信息系统:设计未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会的高速发展,人类对环境的压迫日益严重,似乎已接近临界点,造成环境系统失衡、损失难以挽回.我们要首先意识到事态的严重性,提出可能的解决方案,并最终执行可行的补救措施.阐述了拯救环境的紧迫性并提出了一套通过被称为"地理设计"的框架的有效的大地系统管理手段.它从伊安·麦克哈格颇具影响的名著<与自然共设计>中取得理论灵感、从大地系统工程管理这样的综合学科中汲取实践经验.方法学上它得益于斯坦尼兹景观变化模型的支持.地理信息系统在描述过去和现时的状况中游刃有余,但我们还需要将其功能扩展,使其能够用于设计未来--即把设计因素引入地理信息系统框架,使其成为囊括一切的规划设计工具,让规划师、设计师用起来更加得心应手.已有一些早期试点地理设计软件付诸实施,如ArcSketch即代表了这样一种认真的探索.尽管地理和设计存在已久,但"地理设计"作为一种学科还相对较新.作者认为现在我们应刻不容缓地采用地理设计这一动议,协调一致、共同努力,以进一步防止环境恶化,使我们大家共享的、日益变化的地球一人为大地一更加健康和长寿.  相似文献   

<正>地理信息系统(Geographic Information System或Geo-information System,GIS)有时又可称为"地学信息系统"或"资源与环境信息系统"。他是一个特殊定位的非常重要的立体信息系统。它要在计算机软件系统、硬件系统的支持下,对整个或是部分地球表层(包括大气层)空间中的有关地理分布数据进行采集、存储、管理、运算、分析、显示和描述的技术系统。GIS处理、管理的对象是多种地理空间实体数据及其关系,包括空间定位数据、图形数据、遥感图像数据、属性数据等,用于分析和处理在一定地理区域内分布的各种现象和过程,解决复杂的规划、决策和管理问题1当前主流的GIS系统1.1 ARCGIS ArcGIS Desktop是一个集成了众多高级GIS应用的软件套件,它包含了一套带有用户界面组件的Windows桌面应用。ArcGIS服务器的产品规格符合信息技术的规范标准,可以与其它企业所生产的软件  相似文献   

为了探寻传统村落空间设计的科学化方法,引入地理设计方法论,建构了传统村落空间地理设计模型,形成了由空间增长模拟模型(ANN-MCR)与即时评估模型构成的"循环设计"体系。以邵武市和平村为例,探讨了传统村落空间的地理设计过程。首先,从地形地貌、距离、管理制度等方面,建立空间指标体系,模拟阻力面的分布,确定村落空间增长的方案。然后,从规划师、管理者、村民关注的利益出发,建立方案评估指标体系,通过对情景方案的即时评估,先后提出了外围分散扩展模式、紧凑扩展模式、旧村与新区协同扩展模式,逐步获取了满意度最高的方案。地理设计推动了传统村落空间设计向科学化转型。  相似文献   

借助计算机辅助设计,参数化工具改变了传统的建筑设计流程,与原有设计流程不同,更加注重过程设计,强调设计的反馈与迭代。通过计算机算法可以实现建筑复杂问题的解决,表现为非线性空间形态语言,具有开放、动态、模糊、不平衡的特征。文章通过对高层设计的介绍,阐述计算机辅助设计在建筑设计中的应用。  相似文献   

由大数据和开放数据构成的新数据环境,对城市的物理空间和社会空间进行了更为精细和深入的刻画。新数据环境下所开展的定量研究较多,但多为针对城市系统的现状评价和问题识别,少有面向未来的规划和设计的研究与应用。提出了数据增强设计(DAD)这一规划设计新方法论,它以定量城市分析为驱动,通过数据分析、建模、预测等手段,为规划设计的全过程提供调研、分析、方案设计、评价、追踪等支持工具,以数据实证提高设计的科学性,并激发规划设计人员的创造力。从数据增强设计的定义、理论和实践的维度、内涵、设计流程、特点与概念辨析、常用方法与工具,以及应用场景等角度,阐述了对DAD的认识;最后给出了关于DAD的研究案例和设计案例。  相似文献   

<正>当BIM从概念热炒到关键应用阶段时,一系列挑战就不可避免地出现了:在本土化方面,BIM系统未能很好地契合国内设计流程;在多专业、多方协同方面,遭遇平台不支持、不兼容等层层障碍;在产业化方面,数据未能在产业链中顺畅流动……面对挑战,BIM战线的国家队——中国建筑科学研究院建研科技股份有限公司PKPM设计软件事业部(以下简称:PKPM)决心给出全面、全新的解决方案。他们于2015年9月22日在北京召开了"中国BIM软件生态环境大会",推出中国第一个本土化BIM系统PBIMS,并发布结构软件PKPM V3.1和基于BIM的装配式住宅设计软件PBIMSPC,另外还与行业伙伴签署了《中国BIM软件生态环境大会共同宣言》,共创中国BIM软件生态环境,以"系统+平台+工具"的全线组合推进BIM产业化进步。  相似文献   

郝清源 《城市勘测》2021,31(5):39-44
城市地理空间大数据在大数据时代扮演着重要角色,当今大多数数据本质上是空间数据,通过无处不在的位置感知传感器进行采集、管理、存储和分析地理空间数据流,可为商业、科学和工程的发展提供新的决策支持.然而大数据的处理极具挑战性,对于地理空间大数据更是如此,因为大量的数据集必须同时考虑空间和时间的前提下进行分析,高性能计算以其基本的分而治之思想为地理空间大数据的处理提供了必要的解决方案.本文探讨了高性能计算处理地理空间大数据的关键技术,包括地理空间大数据存储与管理、空间索引技术以及并行任务调度技术,对高性能计算用于城市地理空间大数据处理的未来研究方向进行了展望,雾计算、地理人工智能和异构环境下全球统一参考框架将成为高性能计算处理地理空间大数据的重要研究方向.  相似文献   

城市总体规划实施评估(以下简称“总规评估”)工作全面开展已经进行了8年.在对该期间总规评估工作的反思中,发现总规评估一度成为地方政府启动总体规划修编的程序式工具,从而偏离了监测规划实施、纠偏空间政策的初始目的.在总体规划全面改革的背景下,总规评估的地位和作用均得到了进一步的提高,北京、上海等城市也开展了积极探索,总规评估工作表现出兼顾定期评估和城市体检双重目标.基于对案例城市创新实践的总结和分析,从制度上和技术上对新时期总规评估进行了展望与思考,对评估的价值与意义、机制与框架、方法与内容等方面提出了优化建议.  相似文献   

正1《国土空间规划城市体检评估规程》开始实施近日,自然资源部发布《国土空间规划城市体检评估规程》(以下简称"《规程》")。《规程》明确了国土空间规划城市体检评估的定义,即按照"一年一体检、五年一评估"的方式,对城市发展阶段特征及国土空间总体规划实施效果定期进行分析和评价,是促进城市高质量发展、提高国土空间规划实施有效性的重要工具。《规程》还明确了工作原则、工作组织、工作流程、时间安排、内容及要求等。  相似文献   


The paper intends to open discussion on the scope and priorities of planning research which must have an ability to synthesize specialized research while concentrating on form and function of settlements with the emphasis on development of models (as guides to solutions) and of methods (as tools to formulate these solutions).  相似文献   

One of the biggest challenges to drill deeper tunnels in the future is to design new maintenance tools. Advanced teleoperation and supervisory control techniques were identified in the Telemach project as potential solutions to carry out this work. Due to limitations of the existing systems, a complete framework merging virtual reality tools and real equipment was designed. A wide range of assistances were developed to reduce the impact of secondary tasks during the maintenance process, offer helpful guiding capability and secure the task execution according to the context. The feasibility of the principle was demonstrated on key operations on a scale one mock-up of a Tunnel Boring Machine section. Attention was paid to develop generic tools, meaning that the whole high-tech construction industry could benefit from these new technologies.  相似文献   


In an engineering context, ideation flexibility is defined as an engineer’s ability to move between his or her preferred and non-preferred ways of generating ideas as required by the current task. In this study, the usability of three specific tools for enhancing the ideation flexibility of engineers—the Problem Framing Guide, Design Heuristics and Cognitive Style-Based Teaming—was investigated with design practitioners in a real-world setting. The performance and perceptions of 16 professionals were analysed as they explored design problems and solutions using these tools in a 3-h workshop. Study outcomes show that all three tools have value in design ideation, with room for improvement in terms of structured instructions for their use. Additionally, results suggest that cognitive style does not influence an individual’s performance with or perceptions of these tools, which supports their value and validity for a general practitioner audience.  相似文献   

Information technologies (IT) provide new approaches for better access to environmental information and for improving the implementation of environmental goals in landscape planning. Many potentially suitable tools already exist. However, most have been developed in a different planning context, such as town planning or environmental impact assessment, and are only partly suitable for the comprehensive task of landscape planning. A number of important questions concerning the application of these tools in landscape planning remain unanswered: which types of tools are needed to solve the problems in landscape planning?; must these tools be adapted to the special conditions of landscape planning?; how should they be co-ordinated and ultimately integrated into a landscape planning support system? An analysis of the implementation problems in German landscape planning and the potentials of IT suggests new approaches and answers to these questions. This paper explores the effective use of IT in landscape planning and describes a model landscape planning support system that was developed and tested during the research project 'Interactive Landscape Plan' in Koenigslutter am Elm, Germany. The pilot project incorporated important components of an IT-supported landscape planning system: a geographical information system (GIS), tools for the support of communication in public participation, visualization tools and Decision Support Systems (DSSs). The project offers 'open-source' solutions, including a newly developed on-line participation tool, and an evaluation of selected visualization tools.  相似文献   


A process-based approach is used to examine the deployment of two neighbourhood-scale sustainability assessment systems and their tools in two European cities. It explores how these sustainability assessment systems and their tools are contextualized within a larger design and planning process by considering how stakeholders collaborate, how they set design problems, how they make decisions and how they propose design solutions in the early design phases. Specifically, using interviews conducted with key project actors in Malmö, Sweden, and Barcelona, Spain, this paper examines how the sustainability assessment systems in each respective case study were framed, and how this framing impacted upon the design process. A key finding is that how sustainability assessment systems are framed has just as significant an impact as the nature of the tools, especially on the processes entailed. Community participation can have a strong, positive impact on the design process and on outcomes. The case studies confirm that context and players cannot be divorced from tools.  相似文献   

曹妃甸生态城指标体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹妃甸国际生态城的指标体系将指导和支持生态城的规划与设计.建造与运营。从而实现其整体愿景,指标体系建立在“共生城市”的综合性和多学科的方法基础之上,指标是一种有益的工具。从不同层次积极地整合规划中提议的各种目标。而且可以用来跟踪和控制目标实现的情况,指标系统还是专业人员.政府人员及公众之间进行沟通的工具,以明确曹妃甸国际生态城的特殊挑战以及对策,文章介绍了建议的指标体系,包括部分精选的关键指标,以及一些理论和方法问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents an experiment in which people performed a co-design task in urban design, using a multi-user touch table application with or without interactive model simulations. We hypothesised that using the interactive model simulations would improve communication and co-operation between co-design participants, would help participants to develop shared understanding and would positively affect the co-design process and its outcomes. However, our experiment (involving 60 people in 20 co-design sessions) only partly confirmed these hypotheses. People positively evaluated the interactive model simulation tools (an interactive map of an urban area, interactive models for traffic, sound, sight and safety, and ‘tangibles’), and these tools promoted communication and co-operation, and the exploration of design solutions. However, people's experiences of social cohesion and their satisfaction with their own contribution to the co-design process were better without these tools, possibly because using these tools drew people's attention towards these interactive model simulations and away from the dynamics between the participants. We therefore advocate using such tools selectively, for example, early on in a co-design process, to improve shared understanding of the contents of the problem, rather than later on, when people need to focus on their fellow participants and on the processes of communication and co-operation.  相似文献   

The starting point for this paper is the identification of the four necessary and sufficient conditions which a building should exhibit to be judged to be sustainable; fitness-for-purpose, cost effectiveness, environmental friendliness, and cultural significance. The contribution which the current generation of CAD tools is making to the complex human activity of designing sustainable buildings is then discussed under the headings of widening the search for solutions, integrating the decision-making process, improving design insights, differentiating objective/subjective issues and photorealistic visualization. The paper then describes developments in the next generation of IT tools, based on virtual reality, which will allow multiple designers, working in distributed locations and on different computer platforms, to design from within the virtual world.  相似文献   

Professor Jens Pohl of California Polytechnic State University presented this paper at the ‘89 Paris Congress, highlighting the information needs of the Expert Design Generator whose distributed problem‐solving capabilities are based on a hierarchical network of intelligent design tools, serving as generators and evaluators of partial design solutions.  相似文献   

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