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<正>欧亚经济联盟鱼和鱼产品技术法规将于2017年9月1日生效亚美尼亚通讯社3月28日转白通社消息,欧亚经济联盟鱼和鱼产品技术法规将于2017年9月1日生效。2016年10月18日,欧亚经济委员会理事会第162号决议批准了《欧亚经济联盟"关于鱼和渔业产品安全性"的技术法规》。该法规规定了鱼产品安全性及其生产、储存、运输、销售、回收利用、标签和包装等相关的强制性要求。法规适用于所有  相似文献   

近年来,日本加强了对中国、韩国、泰国、菲律宾等国进口水产品的贝毒检验和水产品养殖用药的检验,此外也将经一氧化联处理的真空冻鱼片列入重点产品。最近日本又对我国烤鳗出口商提出。必须提供有关磺肤美兽药残留情况及霍乱菌检测结果报告的新要求。更为关键的是随着美国规定自1997年12月18日起.凡进入美国的水产品都必须执行HACCP法规的要求,并进行进口验证,日本目前也开始研究讨论对进入日本的水产品进抒按照HACCP体系要求组织生产和进口的事宜,这些都将对我国的对日水产品出口提出新的挑战。日本对进口水产品的检验要求日益严…  相似文献   

<正>进口水产品须注册备案为加强和规范进口食品境外生产企业的管理,国家质检总局日前发布《进口食品境外生产企业注册实施目录》,首次将水产品纳入到注册目录内,符合我国法律法规要求的国家和企业生产的水产品才允许进口。我国相关企业应及时关注国家质检总局或当地检验检疫部门公布更新的注册名单信息,签订合  相似文献   

正日前,国家质检总局发布《进口食品境外生产企业注册实施目录》,首次将水产品纳入到注册目录内。检验检疫部门将依据相关法律法规,对国外官方卫生控制体系和水产品加工企业卫生条件等进行考核和验证,符合我国法律法规要求的国家和企业,其产品允许进口到中国,对捕捞加工、储藏运输等生产过程不规范、卫生控制体系失效的国家和企业,产品将被拒绝入境。对产品检出问题、存在安全隐患、达不到生产条件或有不良记录的国家或企业,及时启动退出  相似文献   

国际水产品市场法规新趋势对我国水产养殖业的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、有关食品的可追溯性来自消费者、业者以及立法者三方面对食品可追溯性的要求呈现全球化的趋势,欧盟即将推行关于水产品的全链可追溯性法律法规(EC,178/2002)。美国关于原料标签法于2003年9月30日生效,根据这一法规,水产品零售商必须提供详细的原料信息,诸如原产国、生产方法等。很多现行的欧盟法规直接或间接地涉及了对水产品可追溯性的要求,涉及到产品责任与产品安全、水产品贸易、渔业管理、食品标签以及食品安全和动物健康与福利等相关法规。依据欧盟法规178/2002/EC,该法规把食品安全的要求贯彻到整个食品生产流通链的各个环节当…  相似文献   

为增强水产养殖生产单位的法律法规意识,进一步保障水产品质量安全,近日,青岛市海洋与渔业局组织全市30多家重点水产品生产单位进行法律法规培训,重点讲解了与水产品相关的法律法规及使用禁用药物的危害性,内容丰富、信息量大,理论性和实践性强,收到较好效果。通过培训,各生产单位进一步掌握了与水产品质量安全相关的法律法规的内容,增强了法律意识,提高了对禁用药物的危害性认识,对提高全市水产品质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>日前,广东省海洋与渔业局在广东省惠州市仲恺高新区沥林镇罗村永佳市场举办了广东省水产品质量安全宣传周暨渔资下乡宣传活动。省、市、镇有关领导及各级技术推广部门负责人、东升镇养殖户、相关企业负责人和技术人员共400人参加了本次活动。这次活动主要以水产品安全常见知识和相关法律法规为宣传重点,向广大基层群众宣传水产品质量安全知识。活动宣读了水产品质量安全承诺书,要求养  相似文献   

对当前水产品加工企业食品安全管理体系的基本方式进行了分析,并指出了其存在的缺陷,设计了水产品加工企业新的食品安全管理体系模式,拟订了新体系文件的主要内容,使企业能够把GMP、HAC-CP法规和ISO9001I、SO22000的认证标准要求条款,直接应用于生产实际工作中。  相似文献   

新年伊始,汕头水产品出口承接上年发展态势,继续保持了强劲的增长势头,实现出口首月“开门红”。据统计,今年1月,经汕头检验检疫部门检验检疫出境水产品4862.8吨,2157多万美元,分别比去年同期增长了42.37%和61.71%。近年来,汕头水产品出口先后遭到美国对虾反倾销案、日本实施“肯定列表制度”、欧盟实施新法规和美国对部分进口养殖水产品实施自动扣留等贸易技术壁垒。面对各种不利因素的影响,汕头检验检疫局认真贯彻落实粤东工作会议精神,采取多项扶持措施,确保水产品出口持续稳定增长。与此同时,汕头市各水产品加工企业纷纷从加强生产加工各个环节的质量管理入手,  相似文献   

本文对涉及欧盟水产品安全卫生要求的技术法规进行研究,并跟踪其最新进展,对水产品中药物残留、污染物、微生物等限量要求进行汇总分析,为我国出口水产品应对欧盟技术壁垒提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Aquaculture, for better or worse, depends in part on drugs for the prevention, control and eradication of a variety of diseases. The US Food and Drug Administration's Centre for Veterinary Medicine, through the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, strictly controls the approval and use of drugs in animals, including aquatic animals. Laws and regulations exist that regulate the investigational use and approval of new animal drugs for all animals. However, in reality, these mandates must be uniquely interpreted for aquatic species. Very few drugs are approved for use in aquatic species. There is a growing effort by non-traditional sponsors (aquaculturists as opposed to pharmaceutical firms) to gain approvals for several new animal drugs. Simultaneously, the federal government, including the Centre for Veterinary Medicine, is working aggressively with the private and public aquaculture sectors to facilitate submission and subsequent approval of new animal drug applications. The drug approval procedures and requirements for aquatic animals are discussed. Special attention is given to their similarities and differences, relative to traditional terrestrial animals.  相似文献   

本文通过收集资料和对福建省部分水产企业及相关政府(行业)部门进行走访调查,着重分析福建省水产加工企业现状、水产行业的人才结构和人才需求情况,重点指出福建水产加工业在人才培训培养方面所存在的不足和问题,探寻高校相关专业的人才输出与社会需求接轨的有效途径。  相似文献   

Meat regulations also involve game inspection. The previous publications on the one hand dealt with the regulations and their practice concerning game intended for slaughter, especially the control of fences and the gaining of meat. On the other hand regulations concerning game hunted for food (Deer: Red deer, Sika deer, Fallow deer, Roe deer; Horned ungulates: European mouflon, Chamois; Wild boar; European hare; European rabbit; game such as Badger and Raccoon) and regulations to be observed by hunters, mainly for the gaining of meat were discussed. The recent publication regarded meat inspection (routine inspection) of slaughter game. The following publication deals with meat inspection (routine inspection) of game hunted for food and with meat inspection (additional inspection) of slaughtered game as well as game hunted for food.  相似文献   

水产品出口贸易是舟山市经济发展中的支柱产业之一。随着舟山市水产品加工贸易规模不断扩大,水产品加工企业面临着国际贸易壁垒、集中的出口市场、较低的抗市场风险能力、日益加剧的水产品原料供需矛盾及规模很小的加工出口企业等多个阻碍发展的问题。如何应对市场危机带来的风险是舟山水产加工企业面临的重大问题。文章分析了舟山水产出口的影响因素和水产加工企业存在的问题,提出了具体的应对策略。  相似文献   

水产品软罐头   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了水产品软罐头的原料、包装要求及生产方法。例举了贝类软罐头食品——原汁蛤肉软罐头的生产工艺。着重评述水产品软罐头的灌装、封口、杀菌及冷却等关键工序的生产条件,以及水产品软罐头的质量保证  相似文献   

Meat regulations also involve game inspection. On the one hand the previous publications dealt with the regulations and their practice concerning game intended for slaughter, especially the control of fences and the gaining of meat. On the other hand regulations concerning game hunted for food (deer: red deer, sika deer, fallow deer, roe deer; horned ungulates: European mufflon, chamois; wild boar; European hare; European rabbit; game such as badger and raccoon) and regulations to be observed by hunters, mainly for the gaining of meat were discussed. At the beginning the following publication completes the previous ones concerning game hunted for food and later deals with the meat inspection of slaughtered game.  相似文献   

Meat regulations also involve game inspection. This publication deals with the regulations concerning furred game intended for slaughter and furred game hunted for food.  相似文献   

水产饲料营销创新的理念与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过多年的高速发展,水产饲料买方市场基本形成。本文分析了水产饲料销售的现状及存在问题,指出水产饲料企业要摆脱困境,必须实施营销创新,采用顾客满意的理念,准确定位,重视品牌建设与维护,并提出具有实践意义的营销创新方向。特别在营销理念创新、产品创新、定位创新、渠道创新、促销创新、组织创新和服务营销等方面提出具体的措施与方法。建议水产饲料企业要善于分析市场,秉承顾客满意的理念,运用STP理论,努力寻找差异化,找到属于自己品牌的蓝海。  相似文献   

针对传统水产品交易溯源系统存在的中心化易篡改、数据无法共享和可信溯源困难等问题,提出了基于区块链和星际文件系统(Inter Planetary File System,IPFS)结合的水产品交易溯源模型,通过分析水产品交易流程,将水产品养殖关键信息和订单交易信息等数据采用IPFS存储,并将IPFS地址上传至区块链网络....  相似文献   


India is a very populous country with more than one billion people. In order to provide food for this growing population, serious environmental problems may result. Despite many benefits from the green, blue, and silver revolutions adopted in India, there has been much concern resulting from intensive agricultural practices that led to environmental problems in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Increasing demand for aquatic resources also caused inland fisheries to decrease over the past few decades. The location of aquaculture projects, landscape destruction, soil and water pollution by pond effluents, over-exploitation of important fish stocks, depletion in biodiversity, conflicts over agriculture and aquaculture among various stakeholder groups over resource and space allocation, and international fish trade controversies have threatened the long-term sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture industries. The subject of sustainable aquaculture has not been adequately projected in terms of current aquaculture practices aimed to boost a rural economy. This review briefly describes the key issues of aquaculture unsustainability in terms of intensive aquaculture, nutrient enrichment syndrome, soil and groundwater salinization, destruction of mangroves, loss of biodiversity, marine pollution and loss of fish stock, use of aquachemicals and therapeutics, hormone residues, etc. The strategies for sustainability have been highlighted with respect to rice-cum-fish culture, carp polyculture, integrated farming with livestock, rural aquaculture, intensification of small farms, wastewater-fed aquaculture, crop rotation, probiotics, feed quality, socioeconomic considerations, environmental regulations and fisheries acts, transboundary aquatic ecosystems, impact of alien species, ethical aspects of intensive aquaculture, responsible fisheries, and environmental impact assessment. A suggested model outlines the feedback mechanisms for achieving long-term sustainability through improved farm management practices, integrated farming, use of selective aquachemicals and probiotics, conservation of natural resources, regulatory mechanism, and policy instruments.  相似文献   

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