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变革中的中国水资源管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源短缺是世界面临的共同危机,是制约国民经济健康稳定发展的重要“瓶颈”,水资源的可持续利用已经成为经济社会可持续发展的基础性、战略性问题.缓解水资源供需矛盾的关键是加强水资源的管理.文章回顾了中国水资源管理制度的发展演变历程:只管工程的非正式水资源管理、行政命令为主的正式制度萌芽、取水许可管理和基于水权的正规制度管理等四个阶段.尽管在确立以流域管理和区域管理相结合的综合管理体制,建立以水量分配、取水许可、水资源论证为主要内容的水权管理制度和以全成本核算为原则的水价管理制度等方面成绩显著,水资源管理中仍存在水资源权属不清、水环境权得不到保障等问题.今后中国水资源改革,首先应继续深化水权改革,推动水权明晰化,建立水权交易制度;其次,健全水环境权的法律法制规范,提供相关的法律保障;最后,完善部门间的合作协调机制,真正实现对水的协同管理.  相似文献   

近年来,省级政府制定的环境政策逐渐增多。在数量繁多的各类问题中,省级政府的决策者如何能够充分认识到某个环境问题的重要性和紧迫性,将其置于优先考虑的位置,进而出台一项环境政策?与经济发展政策相比,省级政府制定环境政策的过程有何特征?本文通过研究两个案例来探讨这些问题的答案,一个案例是陕西省制定的水土保持生态补偿政策,另一个案例是云南省正在制定的类似政策。研究表明,在省级政府制定环境政策的过程中,政策倡导者往往不是省级政府决策者,而是省级政府中行政主管部门的领导。政策倡导者建立政策的途径是说服作为决策者的省级政府相关领导,进而使之批准政策出台。其说服方法是建立由相关部门和其他利益相关者组成的支持联盟,通过科学研究阐明问题的重要性、紧迫性以及和政府职能的相关性,并提出具有科学基础和立法基础的政策方案。这一过程既区别于中央政府制定环境政策的过程,又与省级政府制定经济政策的过程不同。  相似文献   

企业环境行为:环境政策研究的微观视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业环境行为是是企业面对来自政府、公众、市场等方面的压力.而采取的宏观战略和制度变革、内部具体生产的调整等措施和手段.是环境政策效果的具体体现。政府、公众和市场压力在不同阶段发挥着不同的作用。在工业绿色化的初级阶段以政府压力为主。随着公众和企业更多地参与到环保行动中来.来自市场及社区的压力逐渐成为企业环境行为的主导驱动力量。我国正处于工业化加速阶段.环境问题突出.必须积极开展对企业环境行为的研究,探求环境压力与企业环境行为转变的内在关系.找到促进企业改善环境行为和表现的最优方式,为我国环境政策的制定提供决策支持。  相似文献   

Food ecologies and economies are vital to the survival of communities, non-human species, and our planet. While environmental communication scholars have legitimated food as a topic of inquiry, the entangled ecological, cultural, economic, racial, colonial, and alimentary relations that sustain food systems demand greater attention. In this essay, we review literature within and beyond environmental communication, charting the landscape of critical food work in our field. We then illustrate how environmental justice commitments can invigorate interdisciplinary food systems-focused communication scholarship articulating issues of, and critical responses to, injustice and inequity across the food chain. We stake an agenda for food systems communication by mapping three orientations—food system reform, justice, and sovereignty—that can assist in our critical engagements with and interventions into the food system. Ultimately, we entreat environmental communication scholars to attend to the bends, textures, and confluences of these orientations so that we may deepen our future food-related inquiries.  相似文献   

The article used general equilibrium model to analyze the change of gross domestic product and industry output affected by water resources policies in Beijing City by using GEMPACK soft tool.The article researches on rules of water supply and demand,evaluating water resources,building water resources input and output table,establishing water computable general equilibrium model and stimulating water policy.The stimulation gives a scenario that increases water price by 10%.The result shows the following aspects.First,water resources policy infects gross domestic product and industry output in different ways.There are different behaviors in different industries as to the water policy.Agriculture industry has the same tendency as water price change and it has more sensitive to water quantity than to water price.For basic energy industries such as oil and chemistry and gas,they show diversity tendency.As to some high water consumer industry such as paper and textile etc.,water resource economic policy can infect them greatly and can promote them to accomplish more water-saving technology.Waste water and construction and service industries show the same tendency as to water policy.Second,government should pay more attention to water resource policy by macro economic administration.The simulation also shows that the output and supply and consumer price change more than expect as to water policy in a free market economic in water industry.So as to a government policy maker,one should be more carefully and prepare suitable forecast and plan to water policy and its negative impact.  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了自1949年新中国成立到现在中国环境政策的发展历程,分析了每一个阶段环境政策的内容和特点,探讨了当前中国环境政策存在的问题,并对如何完善环境政策,如何有效执行环境政策提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

中国环境管理制度变革之道:从部门管理向公共管理转变   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
从中国社会经济制度转型对环境管理提出的需求出发.论述了环境管理制度从部门管理向公共管理转变的必要性.分析了现行环境管理制度的内在矛盾.进而依据环境资源本身所具有的稀缺性和竞争性特征.提出环境管理制度向公共管理转型具有内在驱动力和必然性.认为产权缺失是环境资源配置低效率的根本原因、有效环境权益结构的构建是实现环境资源公共管理的基础。  相似文献   

水源地是城市水资源可持续供给的重要空间载体。伴随城市化的快建发展,城市水资源供求压力日起紧张,城市水源地在保障城市水资源可持续供给方面的作用日益突出。本文从城市化过程中的水资源需求变化出发,揭示水源地在城市可持续发展中的战略地位,评析我国水桓交易的理论研究进展,在此基础上提出我国城市水源地建设保护过程中水权交易的走势判断。  相似文献   

This article explores social mobilization in the controversy over hydraulic fracturing (i.e. “fracking”) in Ireland from the perspectives of agenda setting in national and local Irish newspapers as well as framing by anti-fracking activists and journalists. We analysed all articles referencing hydraulic fracturing (and related terms) from 11 Irish national newspapers and 128 Irish local newspapers from April 2013 to April 2014, and interviewed 19 journalists, activists, and government officials affiliated with fracking issues in Ireland. Based on the analytical salience and resonance across prominent empirical themes in conjunction with theoretical insights, we conclude that social mobilization against fracking in Ireland is challenged by a frame war on the credibility of activists, diverse economic interests across national and local scales, and the need for procedural legitimacy in the contribution of science. In conclusion, this research demonstrates the importance of agenda setting and framing in structuring the capacity for social mobilization.  相似文献   

Opponents of a proposed sea-level-rise policy in North Carolina, USA, reasoned rhetorically to promote a narrative claiming that the policy supporters’ efforts had failed to meet the criteria of “good” science and the American dream expectancy of “progress.” The critics worked to hinder policy adoption by naming as “villains” scientists who provided research to support the proposed policy. In addition, the opponents named their own efforts to prevent policy based on “bad” science that would “destroy” the American dream as “heroic.” To more effectively respond to such narratives, scientists and policy proponents need to shift away from reporting just climate change “facts” in the attempt to gain stakeholder support for mitigation and adaptation initiatives. They need to move toward reasoning rhetorically to construct narratives that encourage the public to name them as the “heroes” who will achieve the American dream by their actions to mitigate climate-change outcomes.  相似文献   

集体林权改革评价:林产品生产绩效视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新一轮的集体林权改革已经开展了6年,对这一轮改革及时进行评价,不但对于认识改革的效果有积极的作用,而且对于有效地推进改革也是必不可少的.本文通过分成地租模型预测,集体林权改革对林产品生产效率会产生正向的影响,这些正向的影响主要包括林户劳动积极性的提高和林产晶产量的增加,同时也可能会对林产品全要素生产率产生积极影响.利用此次林权改革的主要省份之一--福建2县11乡(镇)29村320林户调查数据,本文的研究结论证实了前者,林户劳动投入由改革前146.53工日增加到改革后的180.76工日,增长了23%;竹产品的产量也由改革前的1 312.33 kg增长到改革后的1 815.09kg,增加了38%.另外,基于肯德里克方法,本文计算了集体林权改革前后林产品全要素生产率,对比二者发现,改革对林产品全要素生产率并没有产生正向的影响,相反而是负向的影响.据此本文提出,下一步的林业改革在做好相关配套改革的基础上,还要注重提高林产晶全要素生产率.  相似文献   

This study applied a situational approach to understanding an environmental problem: PM2.5 (its resulted haze and smog air pollution) in China. Based on a national sample of 374 citizens living in China, it tested a situational model of problem solving and extended it by adding citizens’ environmental engagement behaviour as an immediate consequence of their communicative action. Results of a structural equation modelling analysis supported all the causal links in the conceptual model. Moreover, communicative action significantly mediated the relationship between referent criterion and environmental engagement. Problem recognition, constraint recognition, and involvement recognition did not influence environmental engagement directly, but exerted their significant indirect impact via two key mediators in the model: situational motivation in problem solving and communicative action in problem solving. Theoretical and practical implications of the present study were discussed.  相似文献   

Botswana is a rapidly developing country in southern Africa. Over the last three decades, diamond mining and tourism have provided double-digit rates of economic growth. Yet most of Botswana’s land is in the Kalahari desert where the climate is subject to sustained periods of severe drought. In this environment, water resources are the most crucial of all environmental resources. Water use directly affects economic development because water utilization impacts all the major national economic sectors. A sustainable water use resource management plan must stretch several decades into the future to assure the availability of adequate supplies of water to future generations while not compromising the ability of the current generation to reasonable rates of economic development. Yet thinking about sustainability is present in Botswana water policy mostly only in rhetoric. A series of cultural traditions and political constraints, coupled with bureaucratic managerial weaknesses, serve to maintain a system of water allocation that is unsustainable in the long run and inefficient in the short-term. Unless sustainable water use patterns are adopted, the results for the short-term, as well as the long-term, will be devastating. Drawing on data obtained through a series of interviews with government officials, leaders of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and water resource researchers, this paper explores water policy in Botswana within the larger context of sustainable natural resource management practice and the pressures of economic development. This research was partially funded under U.S. Department of State, College and University Affiliations Grant # ASCS-1095.  相似文献   

空气污染问题是制约经济社会健康发展的重要因素,产业结构调整是缓解该问题的重要途径,探究产业结构调整对于空气污染问题的改善效应具有重要的意义。本文以环境保护和经济增长为双重目标,以投入产出理论为基础,构建了一个一般的具有政策权重的产业结构双目标优化模型。模型目标中的权重体现了政策对两个目标的倾向性需求。给定了某种政策权重,就能根据优化模型计算出最优的产业结构。进一步,我们以SO 2的排放量作为环保指标,以GDP作为经济指标,利用上述模型,依据实际数据,在不同政策权重下,对北京市2017年的产业结构进行了模拟测算,从而给出了与之对应的北京市最优化的产业结构调整方案。特别地,选择了其中三种政策倾向力度,即经济增长偏向性政策、中性政策、环境保护偏向性政策方案,分别给出了最优产业结构方案的数量结果和两个目标的值。我们注意到,2017年的实际值与2016年的实际值相比,2017年的污染物SO 2的排放量大幅减少,且GDP也有所增加,这表明了政府部门的政策相对有效。但是,我们计算出的三种最优化的产业结构对应的两个目标值均优于2017年实际值。事实上,对于经济偏向性政策,最优化的产业结构使得GDP的数量上升更多,而SO 2的排放量也减少了不少;即使是采用环保偏向性政策,不仅使污染物SO 2的排放量更少,而且使GDP的数量仍然高于2017年的实际值。这说明本文提出的通过优化产业结构实现环境保护是一个可行的、合理的途径。  相似文献   

为保证水价改革公平,将水价影响控制在可承受范围内,需要有工具能评估水价改革的影响。以北京市为例,建立了CGE模型用以评价各部门水价水平高低。通过改进CGE模型的收入方程,以评价水价改革对价格水平、生产、用水量和水费收入的影响。评价结果表明:从1996到2005年,各部门水价水平大幅增加,但极不平均;水价改革对价格水平的影响极低;对某些部门的生产有程度很低的不利影响。但可提高净产值。促进个别部门发展。  相似文献   

在当下全球经济萧条和发展中国家日益增长的巨大需求背景下,中国西部需要绿色发展,国际经验可以起到前车之鉴和抛砖引玉的作用.以OECI国家为主,基于实地考察调研和座谈、以及文献资料分析,总结了其绿色发展相关政策建议以及典型案例区实践活动在推进区域绿色发展中的作用和经验,涉及政策框架和路线图制定、绩效监测评估、经济建设和环境保护同步发展、生态补偿、绿色就业和扶贫等.重点分析了OECD国家以往推进绿色经济发展的结构调整与改革的经验,如澳大利亚水资源管理、矿产业开发和生物库的例子;加拿大采用经济手段保护生物多样性的案例;瑞士农业旅游和西班牙绿色工业发展的案例;以及澳大利亚实施“清洁可持续技能培训计划”的经验等.尽管各个国家由于制度、经济体制、发展水平的差异,在推进绿色发展的具体战略措施和行动方案等方面存在差异,但一些共同认可的经验和成功案例对中国西部绿色发展起步实施具有一定的借鉴和指导作用.根据这些国际经验分析,本文提出了对中国西部绿色发展的五点启示,主要包括:①制定绿色发展的制度安排和路线图;②开展动态的绩效监测评估与考核,建立切合实际的可量化的考核体系;③建立生态产权或自然资源产权交易市场化的激励机制,并选择典型区先行先试,建立长期稳定有效的生态补偿机制;④利益相关者积极主动参与到绿色发展的进程之中;⑤提供绿色就业机会,提高劳动力技能和素质.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION As an irreplaceable resource for the subsistence and development of mankind, water is essential to sustainable economic and social development. As a resource-poor and the biggest developing country in the world, China is facing the challenge from water resources.2 THE MAIN PROBLEMS OF CHINA'S WATER RESOURCES In China, the problems of water resources involve four aspects: drought and water shortage, serious threats of flooding, water pollution, soil erosion an…  相似文献   

This paper has developed a two-sector model of forestry that gives some insights into the interactions of poverty, land tenure insecurity, economic growth, trade and deforestation in the context of the drylands of Africa. Externally, the model results show that the world demand for non-timber forestry products can lead to a win-win situation whereby both trade and environmental sustainability can be promoted. Monopolistic measures to control the supply of these products, for short-term price gains, are harmful economically and environmentally. By contrast, productivity-raising measures have a favourable impact on both the economy and the environment. Internally, the model results show that the growth of the rest of the economy has driven the economic growth of the forestry sector, but at the same time, its environmental degradation. Poverty and land tenure insecurity also contribute to this degradation. Fortunately, policies promoting basic needs satisfaction and property rights security are shown to be effective in mitigating environmental degradation in the forestry sector. The paper results contribute towards a more sustainable exploitation of forestry.Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国政府逐步构建起了命令—控制型、市场激励型、公众参与型和自愿行动型"四维一体"的环境政策工具体系。针对不同政策类型工具的有效性,很多学者已经运用多种方法进行了大量研究,但大多数学者只关注其中某一种工具的治理效果,同时考虑所有政策工具效果的文献并不多见。本文首次运用贝叶斯模型平均(BMA)方法实证分析了不同类型环境政策工具在当前中国环境治理体系下的相对贡献程度,实证结果表明:命令—控制型工具和市场激励型工具仍然是当前中国治理环境污染最为有效的政策工具,公众参与型工具和自愿行动型工具的有效性相对较差。基于此,本文的政策建议是:首先,中国政府不仅需要构建完善的环保法律法规体系,更需要加大环保执法投入,提升环保执法的主动性;其次,中国政府应该进一步完善市场激励型工具,建立更加弹性化的排污收费标准和更为严格的排污惩罚制度,推动排污权交易制度更广泛地实施;再次,积极推动社会公众参与环境保护,降低社会公众的参与成本,使得社会公众能更加便捷地参与环境治理;最后,积极鼓励非政府组织、企业发起自愿性环保项目,对于推动环保标准的提升和环保法律法规的逐步完善,加强居民、企业的环境保护意识具有重要意义。因此,全社会环境问题的治理是一个系统性工程,必须采取相应的措施,充分运用命令—控制、市场激励、公众参与、自愿行动等正式和非正式的环境治理措施,形成一个有机、有序的环境治理体系,才能提升所有环境规制政策工具的有效性,促进经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

In recent years flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) to developing countries have rapidly been increasing. It is now an important contributor to the national economy and urban growth in scores of developing countries. Rapid urbanization in these countries is leading to many problems in the cities. Existing urban infrastructure and municipal services have been unable to cope with the increased demand arising from growing population and rapid economic growth. Consequently, the environment in these cities has deteriorated alarmingly. This paper assesses the role of FDI in urban environmental management (UEM) by analyzing the linkages between them for Hanoi City in Vietnam. The paper's analysis and findings are presented under three main themes: one, FDI, employment and income; two, FDI and environmental degradation; and three, potential of utilizing FDI for the provision of urban environmental infrastructure and services (UEI&S) in order to improve the urban environment. Both primary and secondary source data have been used. Policy implications of the research findings are drawn from the perspective of sustainable development.  相似文献   

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