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2011年安徽白鹭洲发现战国时期保存完整的楚国贵族墓葬,因墓主人头发和发簪保存完好、墓主身份显赫而备受关注。该头骨保存完整,具有亚洲蒙古人种的特征,根据骨骼的形态推测其为女性,年龄为35-39岁。为展现该地区战国贵族妇女的容貌、丰富该地区考古多样性提供研究材料。本文首先使用高分辨率CT对该个体的头骨及下颌骨进行了扫描和重建,然后采用基于偏最小二乘回归的颅面复原方法实现生前容貌基本形态的复原。最后,结合考古资料,利用三维模型处理软件对面貌复原模型及其发饰进行了三维建模和纹理贴图等处理,提高了颅面复原模型的真实感,生动形象地再现战国贵族女性面部的形态特征。  相似文献   

面貌是人类最重要的特征,其形态受到颅骨几何形态、面部软组织分布以及性别、年龄、身体质量指数、营养状况等多种因素的影响。考古遗址出土的古代人类遗骸,其面部软组织大多已经消失,如何根据颅面形态关系推测古人类颅骨的生前面貌已成为人类学家和考古学家关注的热点问题之一。传统手工颅面复原是由人类学家和艺术家使用雕塑技艺在颅骨上用可塑物质生成其生前面貌的技术。近年来,随着医学影像采集和计算机技术的发展,计算机颅面复原技术已经成为信息科学、体质人类学、法医人类学交叉研究的前沿技术之一。本文通过梳理和归纳相关文献的研究方法,对手工颅面复原技术、计算机颅面复原技术和颅面复原结果评价方法作简要综述,并对颅面复原技术在体质人类学中的应用进行了回顾和展望。  相似文献   

吴秀杰  张玄 《人类学学报》2018,37(3):371-383
颅内模保存有脑表面的形态结构,是脑演化研究的直接证据。中国最早复原和研究的颅内模来自20世纪20年代北京周口店遗址发现的3号猿人头骨;此后虽然中国境内也相继发现了一些古人类的头骨化石,但由于古人类标本非常珍贵,不允许对其进行实体解剖,加上多数头骨破碎或者内部附有地层胶结物,导致颅内模无法成功复原。受技术水平及研究手段的限制,研究者一般只是侧重于化石外表形态结构的研究。高分辨率工业CT和3D软件的应用,可以在不损坏标本的情况下,虚拟复原出化石的内部解剖结构,使得一些重要的古人类化石标本的颅内模被复原出来,促进了脑演化的研究。近年来,本文第一作者采用新技术、新方法复原了南京直立人、柳江人等一些重要的中国古人类头骨的颅内模,通过对其颅容量、脑沟回特征、脑不对称性、脑表面的动、静脉血管压迹、各脑叶的大小、形状及比例的研究,获取了中国古人类脑形态特征变化的数据,为探讨东亚地区古人类的演化提供了参考信息。  相似文献   

1 993年在南京汤山葫芦洞发现了2具人类头骨化石-南京1号头骨和南京2号头骨.这2具头骨化石先后经过两次研究都被认为是属于直立人.近几年来,对南京人类头骨化石作了更深入的研究,研究涉及的内容可归纳为:1)对南京2号头骨作了复位和复原、进行了重新鉴定.对南京1号头骨作了颅容量计算;2)对南京1号头骨作了更广泛的比较,对比标本包括周口店直立人头骨、印尼Sangiran 17直立人头骨、肯尼亚KNM-ER3733头骨和东非Bodo头骨;3)对南京1号头骨的适应性特征-鼻梁高耸进行了论证.这些研究的结果表明:1)南京2号头骨应属于早期智人而不是直立人.南京1号头骨的颅容量,经计算,为871 ml.该颅容量与周口店3号头骨的相当,二者年代也应相近(周口店3号头骨的年代为57.8万年);2)南京1号头骨显示出地区性的形态特征.提示了中国人群南北两大类型的形态差别早在南京直立人生活时期已显出端倪.南京1号头骨及和县头骨可能代表一类中国南方的直立人群,其形态与以周口店直立人为代表的中国北方直立人群有些不同.南京1号头骨在脑颅上显示出较多的与KNM-ER 3733头骨相近的特征,但在面颅上二者相差较大,提示了直立人某些成员在至少1Ma期间脑颅形态保持稳定.南京1号头骨与Bodo头骨的比较结果与"中心和边缘"假说的推测相符合,在东亚这个"边缘地区",现代人群的面颅测量性特征可追溯到直立人群那里;3)南京直立人的高耸鼻梁是适应性特征,是对寒冷或(和)干燥气候适应的结果,并不意味着"西方血统".  相似文献   

"中心和边缘"假说认为非洲是人类演化的中心地区,东亚等地区是边缘地区。在边缘地区,人群的地区性形态特征出现较早,可上溯到直立人生活时期;在中心地区,人群的地区性形态特征出现较晚。Bodo人类头骨化石和南京1号人类头骨化石分别出自中心地区和边缘地区,二者年代都是距今60万年左右,二者都保留有面颅。因此,Bodo人类头骨化石和南京1号人类头骨化石是检测"中心和边缘"假说的最合适的材料。本文是对南京1号和Bodo头骨的面颅测量性特征作比较研究。研究结果表明:1.二者面颅测量性特征上的差别远大于这两个相应地区现代人群之间的差别,提示了人类的地区性体质形态差别早在60万年前就很明显;2.东亚的南京1号人类头骨和东非的Bodo人类头骨尽管同样古老,但各自与当地区的现代人群的面颅上的差异情况并不一致。Bodo头骨与东非现代人群显得差异较大,南京1号头骨与东亚现代人群显得较相近。这种相近,提示了在东亚这个"边缘地区",现代人群的面颅测量性特征可追溯到以南京1号头骨为代表的远古人类那里,而在"中心地区",现代人群的面颅测量性特征还很难与以Bodo为代表的远古人群相联系。本项研究结果与"中心和边缘"假说的推测相符合。  相似文献   

正我们的祖先长什么样?印象中的形象似乎是这样:个子不高,面貌像黑猩猩(如脸黑、颌凸、前额低矮、眉脊粗壮),跑的比较快,手中拿着一块石头正投向前方的野兽!其实,古人类并不都长这个样!距今10万年左右的早期现代人,其体质特征已经同我们接近,有些古人类长得还比较帅气,身高和脑量甚至超过了我们!古人类的面貌什么样?古人类的遗骸形成化石后,因面部软组织已不存在,只能根据保存下来的头骨化石,参考现代人的颅面特征与软组  相似文献   

软组织厚度作为颅骨面貌复原的基础, 具有重要的应用价值。本文借助计算机技术对西安地区132例成年人颅面数据样本开展软组织测量、分析及应用研究, 结果表明, 1)通过分析特征点处软组织厚度和面部软组织分布图, 发现面部软组织分布具有一定的规律, 额头区域软组织厚度薄且样本间差异小, 脸颊区域软组织厚且样本间差异大; 2)通过比较不同年龄段男性软组织厚度的均值, 发现20-30岁阶段软组织厚度均值最小, 50-60岁阶段软组织厚度均值其次, 30-40岁阶段软组织厚度均值最大, 但30-40岁和40-50岁两个年龄段的软组织厚度近似; 通过比较不同年龄段女性软组织厚度的均值, 发现20-30岁阶段软组织厚度均值最小, 30-40岁阶段软组织厚度均值其次, 40-50岁阶段的软组织厚度均值最大; 3)特征点处软组织厚度标准差可以反映面貌体态的差异, 因此根据10个脸颊特征点的软组织厚度均值和标准差实现面貌体态分类; 4)根据不同性别、年龄、体态对应的软组织平均厚度, 应用计算机技术实现给定颅骨的三维面貌复原, 复原结果相比于传统手工复原的结果更加科学。  相似文献   

南京直立人与印尼、周口店直立人的面颅形态比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张银运  刘武 《人类学学报》2005,24(3):171-177
本文对南京直立人1号头骨与印尼Sangiran17头骨和周口店11号头骨作面颅形态上的比较。结果表明,南京1号头骨的面颅与周口店11号头骨的有许多共同的形态:较小的面颅尺寸、眶下区呈扁平状、较扁平的上部颜面、眶上圆枕较纤细、中眶型的眼眶、发育有颧切迹、上颌骨颧突基部位置较高等。南京1号头骨的面颅在另外一些方面显示出与Sangiran17头骨的形态上相近:阔上面型的面型、眶上圆枕内侧部比外侧部稍靠前、眶上圆枕下缘略呈平直状、鼻梁发育有中矢锐嵴、鼻梁横向呈峰状拱起、颧骨下缘外展、颧结节相对位置稍偏外侧、颧骨较高等。南京直立人面颅兼具周口店直立人11号头骨的和印尼直立人Sangiran17头骨的形态。从南京直立人的面颅形态可以推测我国南方的与北方的直立人群之间在体质形态上已经出现一定程度的地理变异。南京1号头骨面颅上的某些形态特征,如颧骨下缘外展等,可能反映了特征的梯度变异现象。这些特征的梯度变异的成因目前还很难确定。  相似文献   

刘武 《人类学学报》2003,22(2):174-175
1993年 3月 1 3日 ,在江苏省南京市汤山葫芦洞发现了一具人类头骨化石。经初步鉴定 ,属于直立人。随后又发现了另一具头骨化石。这两件化石分别编号为南京直立人 1号头骨和 2号头骨。这是继北京周口店、陕西蓝田、安徽和县之后 ,在中国发现的最为完整的直立人头骨化石。由于初步的动物群对比显示与汤山直立人伴生的哺乳动物化石都是周口店中更新世动物群的成员 ,南京汤山直立人很可能代表着与周口店相同时代的直立人成员。这一发现对于进一步揭示东亚地区直立人化石特征 ,研究直立人的分布、变异及生存环境具有十分重要的价值。化石发现后 ,…  相似文献   

南京2号人类头骨化石的复位和形态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张银运  刘武 《人类学学报》2006,25(4):267-275
南京2号人类头骨化石仅保留部分的额骨、顶骨、枕骨和颞骨,为一不完整的颅盖骨。其顶骨和枕骨有数条断裂缝,各断块之间有程度不一的错动,致使该颅盖骨显得外形异常。本项研究是对该颅盖骨的错动部分进行复位,结果表明,南京2号头骨有较大的顶骨、较小的上枕鳞相对宽度、可能较大的颅容量。这些形态提示该头骨与直立人有所不同而与早期智人相近。该头骨所具有的角圆枕、颞鳞顶缘形状、枕骨圆枕发育程度、枕骨的枕平面与项平面过渡情况、枕内隆突点与枕外隆突点的距离、头骨骨壁厚度、脑膜中动脉分支情况、头骨枕面观之轮廓线样式等形态细节,还很难作为可靠的依据把南京2号头骨鉴定为直立人。南京2号头骨很大可能是属于智人亚种(Homo sapiens sapiens)中的一员。  相似文献   

Understanding variation in the basicranium is of central importance to paleoanthropology because of its fundamental structural role in skull development and evolution. Among primates, encephalisation is well known to be associated with flexion between midline basicranial elements, although it has been proposed that the size or shape of the face influences basicranial flexion. In particular, brain size and facial size are hypothesized to act as antagonists on basicranial flexion. One important and unresolved problem in hominin skull evolution is that large-brained Neanderthals and some Mid-Pleistocene humans have slightly less flexed basicrania than equally large-brained modern humans. To determine whether or not this is a consequence of differences in facial size, geometric morphometric methods were applied to a large comparative data set of non-human primates, hominin fossils, and humans (N = 142; 29 species). Multiple multivariate regression and thin plate spline analyses suggest that basicranial evolution is highly significantly influenced by both brain size and facial size. Increasing facial size rotates the basicranium away from the face and slightly increases the basicranial angle, whereas increasing brain size reduces the angles between the spheno-occipital clivus and the presphenoid plane, as well as between the latter and the cribriform plate. These interactions can explain why Neanderthals and some Mid-Pleistocene humans have less flexed cranial bases than modern humans, despite their relatively similar brain sizes. We highlight that, in addition to brain size (the prime factor implicated in basicranial evolution in Homo), facial size is an important influence on basicranial morphology and orientation. To better address the multifactorial nature of basicranial flexion, future studies should focus on the underlying factors influencing facial size evolution in hominins.  相似文献   

Facial heights, i.e. the vertical distances between the superior and inferior limits of facial compartments, contribute to the orientation of the viscerocranium in the primate skull. In humans, vertical facial variation is among the main sources of diversity and frequently associated with an integrated suite of other cranio-mandibular traits. Facial heights and kyphosis are also important factors in interspecific variation and models of hominoid evolution. The ontogenetic determination of adult facial orientation and its relation to phylogenetic variation are unclear, but crucial in all previously mentioned respects. We addressed these issues in a sample of 175 humans and chimpanzees with Procrustes based geometric morphometrics, testing hypotheses of interspecific similarity in postnatal ontogenetic trajectories, early versus later ontogenetic facial pattern determination, and a developmental model of morphological integration. We analyzed the contribution of postnatal morphogenesis to adult vertical facial variation by partitioning morphological variation into a portion of pure growth allometry and a non-allometric fraction. A statistically significant difference of growth-allometries revealed that in both species growth established the adult skull proportions by vertical facial expansion, but while in chimpanzees the complete viscerocranium showed reorientation, in humans only the lower face was modified. In both species the results support a hypothesis of early facial pattern determination. A coincident emergence of morphological traits favors a hypothesis of developmental integration of the face, excluding traits of the basi- and neurocranium. Interspecific differences in integration may have implications for evolutionary studies. The present findings indicate that growth establishes the adult skull proportions and integrates principal facial orientation patterns, already there in early postnatal ontogeny.  相似文献   

Numerous studies on Pleistocene samples have shown that within-group cranial variation was greater than that seen today. The three anatomically modern Upper Cave crania (UC 101, UC 102, and UC 103) from Zhoukoudian, China provide one of the best samples available for addressing the issue of the antiquity of the modern pattern of within-group cranial variability because archaeological evidence indicates that they are spatially and temporally restricted. Research on the Upper Cave fossils usually only includes UC 101 and UC 103 because of postmortem damage to UC 102's cranial vault. However, the face of UC 102 is undamaged, allowing for most facial measurements to be performed accurately. In this study we use facial dimensions to compare all three Upper Cave specimens, and we evaluate whether the variation seen among them is larger than that observed in extant populations.Using a worldwide sample of modern populations to establish a baseline, the three Upper Cave crania were compared to each other. Since there is disagreement over the sex of UC 102, this specimen is treated alternately as a female and as a male. Results show that the Upper Cave specimens exhibit significantly more variation than do individuals within more recent human populations, especially if UC 102 is considered male. Furthermore, results indicate that the fossils never fall into the same modern human group, and that each specimen is significantly atypical of its nearest modern neighbor in multivariate space.We conclude that the three Upper Cave crania do not represent a family group but are representative of the larger contemporaneous heterogeneous Asian Pleistocene population. Our results support the contention that today's within-group homogeneity is a relatively recent phenomenon, and is likely the result of a Neolithic population expansion and its many effects.  相似文献   

This paper examines the hypothesis raised by recent studies that postnatal trajectories of shape change in the facial skeleton are parallel between, at least, chimpanzees, modern humans and also fossil hominins, specifically australopithecines and possibly Neanderthals. In contrast, other studies point to divergences in postnatal shape trajectories within diverse groups of primates. As such there is some debate regarding the relative contributions of pre and postnatal ontogeny to adult morphological differences. This paper presents a series of geometric morphometric studies of the ontogeny of facial shape in hominins with the specific aim of resolving these issues. The results indicate that many differences in facial shape between hominins are established prenatally, however highly significant divergences of postnatal facial ontogeny are found among living hominins. Our studies point to possible differences between the shape ontogeny of the Australopithecus africanus face and that of African apes on the one hand and humans on the other. However, sampling experiments indicate that the small sample size of available specimens of A. africanus does not permit any conclusions to be drawn regarding comparative shape ontogeny of the face.  相似文献   

When humans fight hand‐to‐hand the face is usually the primary target and the bones that suffer the highest rates of fracture are the parts of the skull that exhibit the greatest increase in robusticity during the evolution of basal hominins. These bones are also the most sexually dimorphic parts of the skull in both australopiths and humans. In this review, we suggest that many of the facial features that characterize early hominins evolved to protect the face from injury during fighting with fists. Specifically, the trend towards a more orthognathic face; the bunodont form and expansion of the postcanine teeth; the increased robusticity of the orbit; the increased robusticity of the masticatory system, including the mandibular corpus and condyle, zygoma, and anterior pillars of the maxilla; and the enlarged jaw adductor musculature are traits that may represent protective buttressing of the face. If the protective buttressing hypothesis is correct, the primary differences in the face of robust versus gracile australopiths may be more a function of differences in mating system than differences in diet as is generally assumed. In this scenario, the evolution of reduced facial robusticity in Homo is associated with the evolution of reduced strength of the upper body and, therefore, with reduced striking power. The protective buttressing hypothesis provides a functional explanation for the puzzling observation that although humans do not fight by biting our species exhibits pronounced sexual dimorphism in the strength and power of the jaw and neck musculature. The protective buttressing hypothesis is also consistent with observations that modern humans can accurately assess a male's strength and fighting ability from facial shape and voice quality.  相似文献   

Human facial morphology is a combination of many complex traits. Little is known about the genetic basis of common facial morphological variation. Existing association studies have largely used simple landmark-distances as surrogates for the complex morphological phenotypes of the face. However, this can result in decreased statistical power and unclear inference of shape changes. In this study, we applied a new image registration approach that automatically identified the salient landmarks and aligned the sample faces using high density pixel points. Based on this high density registration, three different phenotype data schemes were used to test the association between the common facial morphological variation and 10 candidate SNPs, and their performances were compared. The first scheme used traditional landmark-distances; the second relied on the geometric analysis of 15 landmarks and the third used geometric analysis of a dense registration of ∼30,000 3D points. We found that the two geometric approaches were highly consistent in their detection of morphological changes. The geometric method using dense registration further demonstrated superiority in the fine inference of shape changes and 3D face modeling. Several candidate SNPs showed potential associations with different facial features. In particular, one SNP, a known risk factor of non-syndromic cleft lips/palates, rs642961 in the IRF6 gene, was validated to strongly predict normal lip shape variation in female Han Chinese. This study further demonstrated that dense face registration may substantially improve the detection and characterization of genetic association in common facial variation.  相似文献   

It has long been unclear whether the different derived cranial traits of modern humans evolved independently in response to separate selection pressures or whether they resulted from the inherent morphological integration throughout the skull. In a novel approach to this issue, we combine evolutionary quantitative genetics and geometric morphometrics to analyze genetic and phenotypic integration in human skull shape. We measured human skulls in the ossuary of Hallstatt (Austria), which offer a unique opportunity because they are associated with genealogical data. Our results indicate pronounced covariation of traits throughout the skull. Separate simulations of selection for localized shape changes corresponding to some of the principal derived characters of modern human skulls produced outcomes that were similar to each other and involved a joint response in all of these traits. The data for both genetic and phenotypic shape variation were not consistent with the hypothesis that the face, cranial base, and cranial vault are completely independent modules but relatively strongly integrated structures. These results indicate pervasive integration in the human skull and suggest a reinterpretation of the selective scenario for human evolution where the origin of any one of the derived characters may have facilitated the evolution of the others.  相似文献   

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