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松辽流域微观用水定额指标体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以松辽流域为例,探索在流域层面整合相关省(自治区)颁布用水定额标准的方法,提出以净定额为切入点,省(自治区)接合部位为突破口,从农业、工业、生活、第三产业和建筑业全方位剖析和寻求在流域层面确定合理的用水定额的方法。  相似文献   

以松辽流域为例探讨流域层面灌溉定额的编制方法,提出为客观反映地带性差异导致的地区间灌溉定额的差异、科学评判各地用水效率,应采用净灌溉定额和灌溉水利用系数两类指标作为流域层面的基础指标。  相似文献   

松辽流域第三产业与建筑业用水定额拟定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用水定额是水权初始分配的重要基础,第三产业和建筑业用水定额是用水定额指标体系的组成部分。根据松辽流域的实际情况,拟订了松辽流域第三产业和建筑业用水定额,并做了校验,对用水定额、社会经济发展指标、用水量三者之间的关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

用水定额对实现水资源的可持续利用具有重要的现实意义.文中通过对松辽流域黑龙江、吉林、辽宁三省用水定额的执行评估,从用水定额标准制(修)订、用水定额管理、用水计量体系建设和用水定额宣贯等方面提出了建议,以期在新时期治水思路的指引下,强化松辽流域用水定额管理.  相似文献   

松辽流域工业用水定额研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从松辽流域视角出发,对辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、内蒙古四省(自治区)的工业产品定额进行分析,确定了工业产品的推荐用水定额;在分析基准年工业行业用水水平的基础上,采用不同方法对各水平年的需水定额进行了预测,给出了工业用水定额指标体系。  相似文献   

通过开展松辽流域农业用水调查,收集了流域相关省(自治区)农田用水现状,从覆盖性、合理性、实用性和先进性4个方面评估了各省(自治区)现行用水定额中的灌溉用水定额。结果表明,黑龙江省、吉林省、辽宁省和内蒙古自治区制定用水定额的农作物播种面积占农作物总播种面积比例分别为98.15%、88.85%、96.33%和86.92%;流域各省(自治区)农业用水定额基本合理,且具有较好的实用性。针对流域各省(自治区)农业灌溉用水定额的不同情况,提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

以1980,1993,1998三年的松辽流域河道外用水调查统计数据为依据 ,结合有关社经资料 ,全面系统分析了松辽流域的用水总量、用水组成、用水指标的变化趋势  相似文献   

松辽流域节水潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文进行了松辽流域现状用水水平分析评价,预测了到2030年松辽流域各行业节水发展水平,提出了松辽流域到2030年的节水潜力.  相似文献   

天津市实施的《城市生活用水定额》涵盖了城市生活 15个方面 ,涉及 34种用水定额 ,如居民生活用水定额为每人每天 70~ 12 0L ;中档洗浴场所用水定额为每人每天 110~ 14 0L等。《工业产品取水定额》涵盖了《国民经济行业分类与代码》中除供水工业外的所有工业门类 ,涉及 30 7种工业产品的用水定额。《农业用水定额》涵盖了粮食、油料、蔬菜、果树、牧草五大类 30种主要农作物灌溉用水、鱼塘补水及农村生活用水 ,涉及 6 3种用水定额 ,如农村居民生活用水定额为每人每天 5 0~ 130L。天津实施用水定额居民每人每天用水最多120升@海狼…  相似文献   

<正>1月14日,湖北省人民政府批准通过《湖北省工业与生活用水定额(修订版)》,并正式颁布实施。本次用水定额修订的范围涉及湖北省主要工业产品、建筑业、居民生活用水及第三产业用水,其中工业用水定额修订150个,建筑业及第三产业修订用水定额27个,修订了城镇居民生活用水定额,新增了农村居民生活用水定额和牲畜家禽用水定额。用水定额的颁布实施,为湖北省开展水资源规划,取水许可审批,用水计划管理、节约用水管理、建设项目水资源论证以及用水总量控制  相似文献   

Rainwater collected from residential roofs and greywater generated from domestic uses except toilets are viewed as possible substitutes for high grade water sources which supply nonpotable indoor uses and irrigation in Australia. This paper searches for alternatives by adopting roofwater and greywater in residential envelope as per Australian water standards. A water balance model Aquacycle was applied to determine storage capacities and to evaluate the percentage reduction in water supplying, stormwater run-off and wastewater disposal, as well as volume of rainwater use and greywater reuse. This study provides the results of greywater recycling, which contributes to the greater saving of mains water supply than rainwater use, and which reduces more than half of the wastewater to receiving waters in the rural township of Cranbrook, Western Australia. The results of this study provide greywater usage (maximum reduction 32.5%) more significantly reduces scheme water supply than rainwater harvesting (maximum reduction 25.1%). Use of greywater on individual residential lots has the dramatic effect for drainage system by reduction approximately 54.1% or 88.1 m3/lot/year. The results of rainwater use analysis show explicitly that rainwater tanks are much more effective in intercepting roof runoff, with the maximum stormwater reduction 48.1% or 68.3 m3/lot/year. This research endeavours to offer a typical paradigm for an integrated water system in the rural residential sectors.  相似文献   

大型室外公园广场人员饮水规律与住宅小区及单体建筑有较大区别,有关规范没有相应的参数规定.介绍了北京奥林匹克公园中心区广场管道直饮水系统规模、设计参数的确定,以及净水站、饮水点、管网的设计情况.  相似文献   

苏州市相城区位于苏州中心城区的北部,地处太湖东部的平原地区,由水网平原、低洼圩田平原、湖荡水网平原、滨湖水网平原构成,河网密集,河湖众多,水资源极其丰富,为全国水网稠密地区之一。加快相城区水环境整治,结合洪水防护、水乡景观、庭院休闲、水生态净化、绿化、亲水平台等功能,形成防洪、景观相结合,体现人与水的和谐交融,水体与构筑物互为景观的体系,是相城区打造"水城"的一项重要内容。要从做好一份"水文章";继续发扬"水文化";营造特色"水景观";创新推设"水旅游";时刻警惕"水安全"5个方面着手。  相似文献   

Scenario analysis of rainwater harvesting and utilization (RWHU) was performed considering various non-potable water uses in different building types over a year. Six building types were identified in the study area using GIS data: residential houses, offices, commercial buildings, restaurants, public buildings, and “others”. Rainwater storage capacity was considered as 30 mm rainwater depth. Water demand for each building type was calculated as the sum of the individual water uses for toilet flushing, air conditioning, garden irrigation, and cleaning defined in this study as “miscellaneous usages”. To incorporate water quality considerations, rainwater with suspended solids level of less than 2 mg l−1 was used as the quality criterion. The RWHU scenario was compared with other storage and water use scenarios. This study quantified the rainwater availability throughout a year and its seasonal variation and consumption in each building type. The analysis clarified the effectiveness of rainwater utilization for supplementing existing water resources.  相似文献   

大连是水旱灾害严重地区,过去的水情传输手段落后,严重影响了防汛指挥调度.因此,建成了现代化的水情遥测网及辅助计算机网.水情遥测网选用的是自报式水情遥测.遥测站在被测站水文参数发生规定的增量变化时,自报发送被测参数的数值,遥测结果需经三级中继方能传至大连中心,并采用超短波电路完成数据通信.辅助计算机网的网络操作系统采用WindowsNT4.0server.这些先进的设备,可以及时、准确地掌握水情、灾情,并迅速作出解决方案.  相似文献   

This paper proposes using an interactive fuzzy satisfying method to solve multi-objective optimization problems in integrated water management of the Yellow River Delta, China. The approach involves economic, social and ecological objectives represented by net returns, water deficiency and ecological water requirements, respectively. It considers the decision-maker’s preferences in terms of fuzzy satisfying of each objective and holistic satisfying of all objectives based on Euclid distance. The method avoids the subjectivity of having decision-makers assigning weights to the multiple objectives to some degree. The method is applied to the Yellow River Delta, China. Results indicate that considerably more water should be allocated to ecological uses of water in the Yellow River than currently occurs. An interactive fuzzy satisfying approach for the multi-objective optimization problems has significant potential in the field of integrated water management.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地绿洲耗水分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
雷志栋  胡和平  杨诗秀  田富强 《水利学报》2006,37(12):1470-1475
应用散耗性水文模型的模拟结果,对塔里木盆地的喀什噶尔河、叶尔羌河、阿克苏河、开都孔雀河、和田河的大型绿洲的耗水进行了综合分析。取得了包括绿洲年耗水水平、绿洲耗水的年内分布、绿洲各类土地的耗水、社会经济与自然生态系统耗水比例、农田土壤耗水平衡与耗水组成、地下水补给与消耗的组成及潜水蒸发的分类等的初步定量结果。深化了绿洲耗水的认识并为绿洲水资源配置提供依据。  相似文献   

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