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西周是我国古代奴隶制社会发展的鼎盛时期,在周统治者提出的“明德慎罚”立法思想的指导下,西周建立了比较完善的监狱行刑制度,其中的劳役制度和感化教育制度,体现了西周时期的法制文明和进步,是中国监狱发展史上的一个亮点.研究这一时期的监狱行刑制度,对于后世监狱制度的发展和近现代监狱学科的研究都有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

西周是我国奴隶制的国家,法律制度高度发展,建立了比较完备的刑事诉讼制度。公元前九七六年,周穆王即位后命令司寇吕候(亦称甫候)制作刑书,后称《吕刑》。《吕刑》三章二十二项,它对西周刑罚的基本原则,尤其是刑事诉讼制度作了详尽的阐述,如:听讼制度、法官责任制度、赎刑制度、应用判例制度等。《吕刑》的制定,标志着早在二千九百多年之前的西周时代,已经确立了我国的刑事诉讼制度,比西方法学界誉为刑事诉讼法起源的《罗马十二铜表法》要早五百多年。从西周的出土文物中,有关诉讼制度的记载,为我们提供了可靠的实物依据,是研究西周刑事诉讼制  相似文献   

冯卓慧 《法律科学》2009,27(4):159-168
西周是中国奴隶制法发展的完善时期,已形成一套较为完善的奴隶制民事诉讼法律。陕西出土的传世的及新出土的西周青铜器铭文,明确而真实地反映了西周民事诉讼制度,再佐以先秦文献总结出西周民事诉讼制度的概貌。西周的调解制度、巡回审判制度以及宗法制的影响,使西周民事诉讼制度对中国司法制度有独特的影响。  相似文献   

监狱是国家暴力机关的重要组成部分,在我国最早出现在夏朝,经汉代、魏晋南北朝及隋的发展,至唐朝达到最高峰。宋代作为封建社会承前启后的重要朝代,其监狱制度继承唐制又有创新,制定了完善的监狱管理责任制度,但是宋代狱政的黑暗现实,又使宋代狱制终成一纸具文,令今人深思。  相似文献   

西周以来我国监察制度的发展大略可分为御史制、监察官制、台院制、督察院制四个阶段。御史是古代监察制度的主体,也是中央集权兴衰的一个缩影。其演进过程与封建政治的发展休戚相关,逐渐成为君主统治人民的利器。无论是弹劾权、诤谏权、司法权、巡视权、举荐权的行使,还是御史超然的立场、崇高的地位,无不体现了法家秩卑、权重、厚赏、重罚的设计理念。不少御史在历史上留下了学识通达、才行老成的美名,这种操守的传承和职能的发挥,时至今日仍值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

物权制度是所有制的重要表现,而物权取得制度又是物权制度最生动的体现。西周是我国社会结构逐渐摆脱原始性并趋于成熟和完善的时代。本文结合先秦文献典籍和西周青铜器铭文资料,对西周物权取得制度进行整体的分析是非常有必要的。  相似文献   

荷兰是社会变革的急先锋,其以刑罚温和以及行刑人性化、社会化而闻名于世。荷兰监狱中施行的分类关押制度、罪犯的探访权、休假权、劳动受偿权以及不受监督的探访权(与配偶的同居权)等罪犯的各种法定权利和待遇有着鲜明的特色。荷兰监狱政策的核心内容、监狱的类型以及监狱的具体管理制度,体现了荷兰监狱制度的价值目标。  相似文献   

中国监狱制度的近代化进程是以清末为肇端的。面临着内忧外困的现实,中国开始了司法改革,其中监狱制度的改革尤为突出。清廷曾多次派出大量官员和学者出洋考察欧美和日本的监狱制度,这些人归国后,便将大量西方近代监狱制度与理念介绍到国内,直接推动了中国监狱制度近代化的实践进程。一个重要的表现就是在全国建立了大量的习艺所与模范监狱,其中最具代表性的就是北京模范监狱。北京模范监狱教会室中的一幅画像反映了英国近代监狱改革运动对近代中国监狱制度改革的影响。  相似文献   

本文从法律角度对近年发现的(亻朕)匜铭文进行了考释,指出它是研究西周法律制度的珍贵史料。根据铭文,结合史籍的有关记载,文章论证了西周刑法的本质,西周的刑罚,刑罚的适用原则和诉讼制度的某些问题。  相似文献   

英租威海卫时期,英国殖民政府设置了许多不同类型的监狱,制定了一系列监狱管理规则,形成了独具特点的监狱制度。英租威海卫监狱制度受特定政治、经济因素的影响和制约,其监狱制度的设置、变化首先适应和满足的是英殖民统治的需要。  相似文献   


Gang behaviour has been associated with serious problems in American prisons (e.g., Fong and Buentello, 1991). This study explored the possible existence of indicators of gang activity in English prisons. Surveys of problems consistent with gang activity were completed by 374 prison staff in 16 prisons that were representative of the English Prison Estate. Results showed significant differences between categories of institution. The most gang-related activity was reported in male Medium security prisons and Young Offender Institutions. The lowest reported incidence was in both male Low and High security prisons. Female establishments demonstrated levels lower only than Medium security male prisons. Discussion focuses concern on the levels of gang activity apparently present in the Medium security English Prisons and suggests directions for further research.  相似文献   

低警戒度监狱主要关押人身危险性较低的罪犯,根据有关法律规定和别国实践证明,应当具有区别于其他警戒度监狱的功能定位:矫正重于惩罚、培训重于劳动、互动重于监督、回归重于防逃.相应地,低警戒度监狱的行刑系统应当是循环开放的,安全防范措施可以明显减少,要使低警戒度监狱成为罪犯在其他监狱接受改造的动因和结束其刑事犯罪生涯的乐土.  相似文献   

Prison crowding currently poses a serious problem for society. This problem is attributable to a failure to anticipate and plan for the increased numbers of individuals sentenced to prison over the last decade. Crowded prisons have forced many jurisdictions to release prisoners earlier than would have been the case with unlimited prison capacity and to initiate expensive prison construction programs. In this paper, we develop a prison population projection model that extends previous work by considering the impact of limited prison capacity on time served, releases, and future admissions. The model was demonstrated for the State of North Carolina. Results suggest the tradeoffs that exist between prison capacity and punitiveness as measured by time served in prison.Points of view are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice.  相似文献   

万安中 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):39-40
在“诸法合体”的封建立法体系中,监狱立法混列于各朝大法之中,缺乏系统性;封建皇帝的诏令、敕令是监狱立法的重 要补充内容;封建监狱立法受狱政思想的制约,同时决定监狱制度的制定和实施;对其特征的分析,不论对理解其实质,还是对贯彻和 实施新中国监狱法,都具有重大意义。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(6):1044-1073
Recent scholarship has highlighted the potential implications of in-prison experiences for prisoner reentry and, in particular, recidivism. Few penological or reentry studies, however, have examined the relationship between one experience that may be especially consequential, inmate misconduct, and recidivism. The goal of this study is to address this gap in the literature by employing a matching design that estimates the effect of inmate misconduct on reoffending, using data on a release cohort of Florida prisoners. The results indicate that inmates who engage in misconduct, violent misconduct in particular, are more likely to recidivate. Consistent with prior scholarship, we find that this relationship holds only for adult inmates. These findings underscore the importance of prison experiences for understanding recidivism, examining youthful and adult inmate populations separately, and devising policies that reduce misconduct.  相似文献   

This article discusses the emergence of the prison system in Sweden during the nineteenth century against the background of the broader context of prison history. Although the number of prisoners had quadrupled already in the first half of the century, it was in the second half that the system was developed. As in many other nations, a heated debate took place on the question of which of the opposing systems – the Philadelphia or the Auburn system – should be chosen. In Sweden this battle between the systems ended with an almost total victory for a Philadelphia‐like system, i.e., on the principle of solitary confinement. During the second half of the nineteenth century, a system built on solitary confinement expanded at the same time as the penal policy took on a more disciplinary character, a tendency that became especially evident at the turn of the century. This expansion continued even after many other nations more or less abandoned solitary confinement. This article argues that this expansion was the result of several factors, the most important being the unprecedented disciplinary possibilities of solitary confinement. The article also argues that this development created a form of ‘successful’ institutions, i.e., well administered, secure and calm institutions, which became one important reason for the remarkably high degree of legitimacy that the Swedish prisons have enjoyed during the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Propensity to support prison gangs and its association with aggression, victimisation and disruptive behaviour is explored. The sample comprised 423 adult male prisoners from three Canadian prisons. Participants completed the PGB (Propensity to support Gang-related Behaviour scale) and DIPC-R (Direct and Indirect Prisoner behaviour Checklist-Revised). The former indicated gang membership propensity and included a direct question on whether or not participants considered themselves a gang member. It was hypothesised that prison-based aggression would be predicted by a propensity to support prison gangs and by gang membership. It was also hypothesised that aggression and disruptive behaviours would be reported more frequently by gang members than non-gang members. Propensity to support prison gangs was associated with aggression and other disruptive behaviours, as was actual gang membership. Aggression and other disruptive behaviours were reported more frequently by gang members. Prisoners reporting both aggression perpetration and victimisation simultaneously (i.e. ‘perpetrator/victims’) were over-represented as gang members. Gang membership did not appear to protect against being victimised. Propensity to support prison gangs was composed of beliefs that gangs were supportive, well-ordered and protective, and comprised of friends. The importance of accounting for propensity to support prison gangs and not just self-reported gang membership is discussed.  相似文献   

面对监狱工作总体安全,形势向好的态势,在确保安全稳定基础上,如何实现监狱职能充分发挥是摆在每一个监狱面前的一个重要课题。哈尔滨延寿县看守所“9·2”越狱案件的发生在带给我们震撼的同时,更应该带给监狱工作深刻的警示和反思——始终牢牢把握抓好民警队伍建设、始终保持警惕危机意识、不断强化制度执行力、注重环环相扣的工作链接,克服侥幸心理的工作,将奠定监狱安全稳定的基础。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(5):692-712
Although sexual assault behind bars is recognized as problematic, very few of the sexual assaults that occur behind bars are officially reported. Many researchers have examined the individual and institutional variables which can help predict an inmate’s probability of being victimized by his fellow inmates. With a sample obtained from a sample of eight Texas prisons, the current survey will disentangle the individual, institutional, and individual–institutional level variables which contribute to the rationales behind inmates choosing to report or not report sexually assaultive behavior. The findings somewhat mirror the findings of sexual assaults in the free community, with inmates indicating that the primary reasons to not report include embarrassment, fear of harassment, and retaliation from the perpetrator.  相似文献   

尽管理论及实务界已就预防监狱警察职务犯罪提出诸多的建议机制,但监狱警察职务犯罪现象仍此起彼伏,究其原因是因为没有结合监狱警察职务犯罪的独特特点而提出针对性的预防机制;相比较于其他司法行政系统工作人员的职务犯罪,监狱警察职务犯罪具有身份特殊、犯罪主体明确等特点;监狱警察职务犯罪的发生原因也与监狱这一特殊工作环境以及监狱警察职权范围特殊密切相关;应该构建监狱警察权力监控机制以及检察院、监狱之间的联席会议等针对性预防机制,以防范监狱警察职务犯罪现象的发生。  相似文献   

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