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中国商业医疗保险与基本医疗保险的衔接   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《中共中央、国务院关于卫生改革与发展的决定》中指出:“‘九五’期间要基本建立起城镇职工医疗保险制度,积极发展多种形式的补充医疗保险。”这为我们解决基本医疗以外的医疗保障问题指明了方向。 我们认为,我国的医疗保障体系应包括预防保健、医疗保险和医疗救助三个层次,而医疗保险包括基本医疗保险和补充医疗保险。基本医疗保险主要由社会医疗保险和合作医疗保险来解决,补充医疗保险则主要由商业医疗保  相似文献   

法国医疗保险制度改革评析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文系统介绍了法国医疗保险体制创立的动因及实施过程,概述了该国医疗保险的主要类型、资金的筹措、使用及管理形式。对法国医疗保险制度的特点与不足进行了剖析,对该国医疗保险制度的改革与发展进行了分析与研究。  相似文献   

中国商业医疗保险的市场定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国的城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的实施,为商业医疗保险的发展提供了政策依据和发展契机。要使商业医疗保险在我国的医疗保障体系中发挥应有的作用,就必须基于商业医疗保险对社会医疗保险的补充地位,对商业医疗保险进行恰当的市场定位。从我国商业医疗保险发展现状出发,分析了商业医疗保险的发展潜力,在明确商业医疗保险对社会医疗保险补充作用的基础上,给出商业医疗保险的市场定位。  相似文献   

发展补充医疗保险的形式探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目前我国的基本医疗保险制度改革以“低水平、广覆盖”为方针 ,这就决定了基本医疗保险制度是以保证基本医疗需要为目标 ,不可能完全满足多层次不同水平的医疗保障需求 ,需要建立和发展补充医疗保险来作为补充。文章在说明必要性的基础上探讨多种补充医疗保险的形式  相似文献   

南昌市城镇居民补充医疗保险问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立和发展城镇居民补充医疗保险制度,是深化医疗卫生体制改革的重要内容,是建设和完善我国城镇居民医疗保障体系不可或缺的部分,有益于满足和保障人民群众多层次、多样化的医疗需求.文章在解读南昌市有关城镇居民补充医疗保险相关政策的基础上,对这一制度存在的主要问题进行了分析,并进一步提出解决问题的基本思路.  相似文献   

对建立企业补充医疗保险的构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业补充医疗保险是对基本医疗保险起补充作用的一种医疗保障制度 ,是多层次的医疗保障体系的重要组成部分。目前 ,在实施基本医疗保险制度的统筹地区 ,大都同步建立了大额医疗费用互助制度 ,逐步落实了公务员医疗补助政策 ,但在建立企业补充医疗保险方面却相对滞后 ,致使一些现有医疗消费水平较高的特定行业和企业不愿参加基本医疗保险 ,即使参保了 ,也会因当地企业补充医疗保险政策不到位而产生一些意见 ,尽快出台并实施企业补充医疗保险办法已刻不容缓。一、建立企业补充医疗保险的条件、筹资与管理1.既然是对基本医疗保险的补充 ,建立…  相似文献   

法国医疗保险制度改革与实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本对法国医疗保险制度的形成、医疗保险形式及基金的筹集、使用作了介绍,并对法国医疗保险制度的改革、实施与发展进行了评述。  相似文献   

国务院《关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的决定》(以下简称《决定》)指出,医疗保险制度改革的主要任务是建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度。由于是基本医疗保险,因此在《决定》中对基本医疗又提出了“最高支付限额原则上控制在当地职工年平均工资4倍左右,……超过最高支付限额的医疗费用,可以通过商业医疗保险等途径解决。”换言之,超过最高支付限额的医疗费用,通过补充医疗保险来解决。本文就补充医疗保险的界定、支付限额、基金标准、筹资渠道等有关问题作一探讨,与同道研讨。 一、补充医疗保险的界定及最高支付限额所谓补充医…  相似文献   

关于补充医疗保险若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《国务院关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的决定》(国发〔1998〕44号)(以下简称《决定》)指出:“为了不降低一些特定行业职工现有的医疗消费水平,在参加基本医疗保险的基础上,作为过渡措施,允许建立企业补充医疗保险”。我们就补充医疗保险谈一些看法,以便共同研讨。一、对补充医疗保险概念的理解补充医疗保险是在基本医疗保险基础上建立的、主要解决超基本医疗保险范围医疗费用的各种社会性医疗保险措施的总称。企业补充医疗保险、医疗互助基金(或称大病互助基金)、商业性医疗保险和医疗再保险等都属于补充医疗保险的范…  相似文献   

大病医疗保险制度在分担医疗费用风险、减轻患者医疗负担方面发挥了重要作用。我国的大病医疗保险制度主要由新农合大病医疗保障、城乡居民大病医疗保险以及商业大病补充医疗保险组成。本文梳理了不同类型大病医疗保险的保障范围、本质属性、实施策略以及经办机构类型,并探讨了我国大病医疗保险制度的未来发展,建议从完善制度本身、提升管理能力和改善政策环境等方面加以改进。  相似文献   

In January 2013, within the framework of a National Inter-professional Agreement (NIA), the French government required all employers (irrespective of the size of their business) to offer private complementary health insurance to their employees from January 2016. The generalization of group complementary health insurance to all employees will directly affect insurers, employers and employees, as well as individuals not directly concerned (students, retirees, unemployed and civil servants). In this paper, we present the issues raised by this regulation, the expected consequences and the current debate around this reform. In particular, we argue that this reform may have adverse effects on equity of access to complementary health insurance in France, since the risk structure of the market for individual health insurance will change, potentially increasing inequalities between wage-earners and others. Moreover, tax exemptions given to group contracts are problematic because public funds used to support these contracts can be higher at individual level for high-salary individuals than those allocated to improve access for the poorest. In response to the criticism and with the aim of ensuring equity in the system, the government decided to reconsider some of the fiscal advantages given to group contracts, to enhance programs and aids dedicated to the poorest and to redefine an overall context of incentives.  相似文献   

作为美国医疗保险市场的重要组成部分,公共医疗保险近年来在市场上占据了相当可观的份额,并显现出强劲增长的态势。文章通过相关文献厘清目前美国公共医疗保险所产生的一系列影响,进而关注美国公共医疗保险的影响情况和溢出效应,并提出在未来研究公共医疗保险时应当着重考虑的方向和突破的重点难点问题,以及由此对我国医疗保险改革的经验借鉴。  相似文献   

上海市基本医疗保险虽在覆盖面、筹资水平、保障水平等方面处于国内领先地位,但仍无法避免就医需求快速上升和基金管理效果不佳等问题带来的矛盾。商业健康保险在资金和人员管理方面有其独特的优势,可发挥其对基本医疗保险的补充作用,完善基本医疗保险体系。本文基于商业健康保险的视角,从经办模式、经办主体、保障对象、筹资方式和保障项目5个方面对上海市基本医疗保险体系进行探索和完善。  相似文献   

Indian health system is characterized by a vast public health infrastructure which lies underutilized, and a largely unregulated private market which caters to greater need for curative treatment. High out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditures poses barrier to access for healthcare. Among those who get hospitalized, nearly 25% are pushed below poverty line by catastrophic impact of OOP healthcare expenditure. Moreover, healthcare costs are spiraling due to epidemiologic, demographic, and social transition. Hence, the need for risk pooling is imperative. The present article applies economic theories to various possibilities for providing risk pooling mechanism with the objective of ensuring equity, efficiency, and quality care. Asymmetry of information leads to failure of actuarially administered private health insurance (PHI). Large proportion of informal sector labor in India''s workforce prevents major upscaling of social health insurance (SHI). Community health insurance schemes are difficult to replicate on a large scale. We strongly recommend institutionalization of tax-funded Universal Health Insurance Scheme (UHIS), with complementary role of PHI. The contextual factors for development of UHIS are favorable. SHI schemes should be merged with UHIS. Benefit package of this scheme should include preventive and in-patient curative care to begin with, and gradually include out-patient care. State-specific priorities should be incorporated in benefit package. Application of such an insurance system besides being essential to the goals of an effective health system provides opportunity to regulate private market, negotiate costs, and plan health services efficiently. Purchaser-provider split provides an opportunity to strengthen public sector by allowing providers to compete.  相似文献   

To avoid risk selection, the market for complementary health insurance is usually completely separate from the market for basic health insurance. In Switzerland, however, the basic benefit package and complementary insurance are offered by the same insurer. Risk-based premiums are allowed with respect to complementary insurance. This paper compares the Swiss integration approach to the separation approach. It is shown that under the integration approach insurers cream-skim by selling complementary insurance to low risks at a discount. Nevertheless, the integration approach can be Pareto-superior if the cost savings due to the integration of basic and complementary insurance are sufficiently large. JEL Classification H51 · I18  相似文献   

In Chile, dependent workers and retirees are mandated by law to purchase health insurance, and can choose between private and public health insurance. This paper studies the determinants of the choice of health insurance. Earnings are generally considered the key factor in this choice, and we confirm this, but find that other factors are also important. It is particularly interesting to analyze how the individual's characteristics interact with the design of the system to influence choice. Worse health, as signaled by age or sex (e.g., older people or women in reproductive ages), results in adverse selection against the public health insurance system. This is due to the lack of risk adjustment of the public health insurance's premium. Hence, Chile's risk selection problem is, at least in part, due to the design of the Chilean public insurance system.  相似文献   

在全民医保覆盖的"新医改"思路下,通过对台湾地区建立全民健康保险的经验的介绍和分析,作者建议内地医改当务之急是戮力开放医疗市场。此外,以台湾医改为借镜,建议进一步通过建立单一的医保制度和舆论监督体系,促进社会公平和提高医疗体制整体绩效。  相似文献   

社会医疗保险制度下公立医院财政补助机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国医疗卫生体制已从公共融合向公共契约模式转变,社会医疗保险的迅速推进使基本医疗需方投入为主成为实际的政策选择。在社会医疗保险制度框架下,公立医院仍有部分支出不能由社会医疗保险支付,需要财政补助予以保障。政府财政补助应与公立医院绩效评估机制相联系,以对公立医院经营者形成有效的激励约束机制。  相似文献   

随着我国社会保险事业的快速发展,医疗保险欺诈现象也不断增多,严重威胁到医疗保险基金和医保制度的稳健运行。作为保险欺诈"重灾区"的欧美国家,在反医疗欺诈措施方面积累了不少经验,特别是政府与市场的相互配合,医保反欺诈取得显著成效。文章论述了国外医疗保险反欺诈机制,得出建立医疗保险反欺诈机构、充分发挥非营利组织的补充作用、加强对医疗和医保机构欺诈的制约与监管、利用现代信息技术提高反欺诈水平等启示。  相似文献   

This paper studies the labor market effects of the most significant public health insurance expansion in the Americas: Mexico's Seguro Popular (SP). To identify its impact, I exploit the staggered rollout of SP across municipalities. I find that SP increases labor supply by reducing the likelihood of informal workers exiting the labor market. This reduction is driven by women, who experience a 15% decrease in the probability of transitioning from informal employment to inactivity. I also find that this reduction is concentrated among female secondary earners residing in households with dependents. These findings suggest that SP may operate through a novel channel, namely that health insurance enables caregivers to continue working by reducing health shocks among dependents.  相似文献   

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