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Time-varying BRDFs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The properties of virtually all real-world materials change with time, causing their bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs) to be time varying. However, none of the existing BRDF models and databases take time variation into consideration; they represent the appearance of a material at a single time instance. In this paper, we address the acquisition, analysis, modeling, and rendering of a wide range of time-varying BRDFs (TVBRDFs). We have developed an acquisition system that is capable of sampling a material's BRDF at multiple time instances, with each time sample acquired within 36 sec. We have used this acquisition system to measure the BRDFs of a wide range of time-varying phenomena, which include the drying of various types of paints (watercolor, spray, and oil), the drying of wet rough surfaces (cement, plaster, and fabrics), the accumulation of dusts (household and joint compound) on surfaces, and the melting of materials (chocolate). Analytic BRDF functions are fit to these measurements and the model parameters' variations with time are analyzed. Each category exhibits interesting and sometimes nonintuitive parameter trends. These parameter trends are then used to develop analytic TVBRDF models. The analytic TVBRDF models enable us to apply effects such as paint drying and dust accumulation to arbitrary surfaces and novel materials.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the challenge of physically displaying reflectance, i.e., the appearance of a surface and its variation with the observer position and the illuminating environment. This is commonly described by the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF). We provide a catalogue of criteria for the display of BRDFs, and sketch a few orthogonal approaches to solving the problem in an optically passive way. Our specific implementation is based on a liquid surface, on which we excite waves in order to achieve a varying degree of anisotropic roughness. The resulting probability density function of the surface normal is shown to follow a Gaussian distribution similar to most established BRDF models.  相似文献   

In Wachspress (1975) [1], theory was developed for constructing rational basis functions for convex polygons and polyhedra. These barycentric coordinates were positive within the elements. Generalization to higher space dimensions is described here. The GADJ algorithm developed by Dasgupta (2003) [5] and in Dasgupta and Wachspress (2008) [6] is crucial for simple construction of rational barycentric basis functions.  相似文献   

BRDFs are commonly used for material appearance representation in applications ranging from gaming and the movie industry, to product design and specification. Most applications rely on isotropic BRDFs due to their better availability as a result of their easier acquisition process. On the other hand, anisotropic BRDF due to their structure‐dependent anisotropic highlights, are more challenging to measure and process. This paper thus leverages the measurement process of anisotropic BRDF by representing such BRDF by the collection of isotropic BRDFs. Our method relies on an anisotropic BRDF database decomposition into training isotropic slices forming a linear basis, where appropriate sparse samples are identified using numerical optimization. When an unknown anisotropic BRDF is measured, these samples are repeatably captured in a small set of azimuthal directions. All collected samples are then used for an entire measured BRDF reconstruction from a linear isotropic basis. Typically, below 100 samples are sufficient for the capturing of main visual features of complex anisotropic materials, and we provide a minimal directional samples to be regularly measured at each sample rotation. We conclude, that even simple setups relying on five bidirectional samples (maximum of five stationary sensors/lights) in combination with eight rotations (rotation stage for specimen) can yield a promising reconstruction of anisotropic behavior. Next, we outline extension of the proposed approach to adaptive sampling of anisotropic BRDF to gain even better performance. Finally, we show that our method allows using standard geometries, including industrial multi‐angle reflectometers, for the fast measurement of anisotropic BRDFs.  相似文献   

The use of spatially varying reflectance models (SVBRDF) is the state of the art in physically based rendering and the ultimate goal is to acquire them from real world samples. Recently several promising deep learning approaches have emerged that create such models from a few uncalibrated photos, after being trained on synthetic SVBRDF datasets. While the achieved results are already very impressive, the reconstruction accuracy that is achieved by these approaches is still far from that of specialized devices. On the other hand, fitting SVBRDF parameter maps to the gibabytes of calibrated HDR images per material acquired by state of the art high quality material scanners takes on the order of several hours for realistic spatial resolutions. In this paper, we present a first deep learning approach that is capable of producing SVBRDF parameter maps more than two orders of magnitude faster than state of the art approaches, while still providing results of equal quality and generalizing to new materials unseen during the training. This is made possible by training our network on a large‐scale database of material scans that we have gathered with a commercially available SVBRDF scanner. In particular, we train a convolutional neural network to map calibrated input images to the 13 parameter maps of an anisotropic Ward BRDF, modified to account for Fresnel reflections, and evaluate the results by comparing the measured images against re‐renderings from our SVBRDF predictions. The novel approach is extensively validated on real world data taken from our material database, which we make publicly available under https://cg.cs.uni‐bonn.de/svbrdfs/ .  相似文献   

We propose a method to accelerate the joint process of physically acquiring and learning neural Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) models. While BRDF learning alone can be accelerated by meta-learning, acquisition remains slow as it relies on a mechanical process. We show that meta-learning can be extended to optimize the physical sampling pattern, too. After our method has been meta-trained for a set of fully-sampled BRDFs, it is able to quickly train on new BRDFs with up to five orders of magnitude fewer physical acquisition samples at similar quality. Our approach also extends to other linear and non-linear BRDF models, which we show in an extensive evaluation.  相似文献   

在二维重心坐标——复数重心坐标的基础上引入二维矩阵重心坐标的概念,并利用球面坐标将二维矩阵重心坐标推广到三维.三维矩阵重心坐标适用于三角控制网格、四边形控制网格甚至一般的混合控制网格.对所提出的重心坐标性质进行了研究,发现其满足大部分好的重心坐标所应具有的性质.最后对矩阵重心坐标在三维网格模型中的应用进行了细致的实验,分析了它的优缺点.  相似文献   

We present a real-time relighting and shadowing method for dynamic scenes with varying lighting, view and BRDFs. Our approach is based on a compact representation of reflectance data that allows for changing the BRDF at run-time and a data-driven method for accurately synthesizing self-shadows on articulated and deformable geometries. Unlike previous self-shadowing approaches, we do not rely on local blocking heuristics. We do not fit a model to the BRDF-weighted visibility, but rather only to the visibility that changes during animation. In this manner, our model is more compact than previous techniques and requires less computation both during fitting and at run-time. Our reflectance product operators can re-integrate arbitrary low-frequency view-dependent BRDF effects on-the-fly and are compatible with all previous dynamic visibility generation techniques as well as our own data-driven visibility model. We apply our reflectance product operators to three different visibility generation models, and our data-driven model can achieve framerates well over 300Hz.  相似文献   

In recent years, a wide range of generalized barycentric coordinates has been suggested. However, all of them lack control over derivatives. We show how the notion of barycentric coordinates can be extended to specify derivatives at control points. This is also known as Hermite interpolation. We introduce a method to modify existing barycentric coordinates to higher order barycentric coordinates and demonstrate, using higher order mean value coordinates, that our method, although conceptually simple and easy to implement, can be used to give easy and intuitive control at interactive frame rates over local space deformations such as rotations.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a method for defining and efficiently computing barycentric coordinates with respect to polygons on general surfaces. Our construction is geared towards injective polygons (polygons that can be enclosed in a metric ball of an appropriate size) and is based on replacing the linear precision property of planar coordinates by a requirement in terms of center of mass, and generalizing this requirement to the surface setting. We show that the resulting surface barycentric coordinates can be computed using planar barycentric coordinates with respect to a polygon in the tangent plane. We prove theoretically that the surface coordinates properly generalize the planar coordinates and carry some of their useful properties such as unique reconstruction of a point given its coordinates, uniqueness for triangles, edge linearity, similarity invariance, and smoothness; in addition, these coordinates are insensitive to isometric deformations and can be used to reconstruct isometries. We show empirically that surface coordinates are shape‐aware with consistent gross behavior across different surfaces, are well‐behaved for different polygon types/locations on variety of surface forms, and that they are fast to compute. Finally, we demonstrate effectiveness of surface coordinates for interpolation, decal mapping, and correspondence refinement.  相似文献   

从线性方程组解空间的角度理解广义重心坐标(GBCs),给出平面重心坐标从n 边形 到n 1边形的递推关系式。将构造重心坐标的问题转化为构造函数的问题,不需考虑坐标函数的 几何意义,选取满足约束条件的函数即可构造重心坐标。在推导过程中,n 1边形(n≥3)可看 作n边形与一顶点的组合,将该顶点用n边形的顶点线性表出,可将n 1边形上的重心坐标化为 n边形上的齐次坐标(homogeneous coordinates)。为第n 1个坐标函数施加一定限制条件,即得到 n 边形上一组重心坐标。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a framework for defining a shape-aware distance measure between any two points in the interior of a surface mesh. Our framework is based on embedding the surface mesh into a high-dimensional space in a way that best preserves boundary distances between vertices of the mesh, performing a mapping of the mesh volume into this high-dimensional space using barycentric coordinates, and defining the interior distance between any two points simply as their Euclidean distance in the embedding space. We investigate the theoretical properties of the interior distance in relation to properties of the chosen boundary distances and barycentric coordinates, and we investigate empirical properties of the interior distance using diffusion distance as the prescribed boundary distance and mean value coordinates. We prove theoretically that the interior distance is a metric, smooth, interpolating the boundary distances, and reproducing Euclidean distances, and we show empirically that it is insensitive to boundary noise and deformation and quick to compute. In case the barycentric coordinates are non-negative we also show a maximum principle exists. Finally, we use it to define a new geometric property, barycentroid of shape, and show that it captures the notion of semantic center of the shape.  相似文献   

BRDFs are the backbone of realistic rendering algorithms. Analytical models are sometimes ineffective since they frequently cannot represent very particular material characteristics (retro-reflection, anisotropy, off-specularity, …). Consequently one might want to use measured BRDF data directly; this leads to solving the problem of BRDF reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a new solution which uses locally supported functions that lead to a hierarchical approach able to take irregular distributions of sampled data into account. This method is not computationally expensive and guarantees a physically valid reconstruction. We also discuss the quality of the reconstruction, introducing some new error parameters.  相似文献   

BRDFs are commonly used to represent given materials’ appearance in computer graphics and related fields. Although, in the recent past, BRDFs have been extensively measured, compressed, and fitted by a variety of analytical models, most research has been primarily focused on simplified isotropic BRDFs. In this paper, we present a unique database of 150 BRDFs representing a wide range of materials; the majority exhibiting anisotropic behavior. Since time‐consuming BRDF measurement represents a major obstacle in the digital material appearance reproduction pipeline, we tested several approaches estimating a very limited set of samples capable of high quality appearance reconstruction. Initially, we aligned all measured BRDFs according to the location of the anisotropic highlights. Then we propose an adaptive sampling method based on analysis of the measured BRDFs. For each BRDF, a unique sampling pattern was computed, given a predefined count of samples. Further, template‐based methods are introduced based on reusing of the precomputed sampling patterns. This approach enables a more efficient measurement of unknown BRDFs while preserving the visual fidelity for the majority of tested materials. Our method exhibits better performance and stability than competing sparse sampling approaches; especially for higher numbers of samples.  相似文献   

对重心坐标下的曲线方程以及重心坐标下曲线的生成进行了研究,提出一和像素级的生成算法,由于只涉及到加减法,效率极高。  相似文献   

Mesh parameterization is central to a broad spectrum of applications. In this paper, we present a novel approach to spherical mesh parameterization based on an iterative quadratic solver that is efficiently parallelizable on modern massively parallel architectures. We present an extensive analysis of performance results on both GPU and multicore architectures. We introduce a number of heuristics that exploit various system characteristics of the underlying architectures to speed up the parallel realization of our algorithms. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applicability of our approach to real-time feature detection, mesh decomposition and similarity-based 3D object retrieval. Finally, we offer visual results and a demonstration video.  相似文献   

Barycentric coordinates are very popular for interpolating data values on polyhedral domains. It has been recently shown that expressing them as complex functions has various advantages when interpolating two‐dimensional data in the plane, and in particular for holomorphic maps. We extend and generalize these results by investigating the complex representation of real‐valued barycentric coordinates, when applied to planar domains. We show how the construction for generating real‐valued barycentric coordinates from a given weight function can be applied to generating complex‐valued coordinates, thus deriving complex expressions for the classical barycentric coordinates: Wachspress, mean value, and discrete harmonic. Furthermore, we show that a complex barycentric map admits the intuitive interpretation as a complex‐weighted combination of edge‐to‐edge similarity transformations, allowing the design of “home‐made” barycentric maps with desirable properties. Thus, using the tools of complex analysis, we provide a methodology for analyzing existing barycentric mappings, as well as designing new ones.  相似文献   

Reproducing the appearance of real‐world materials using current printing technology is problematic. The reduced number of inks available define the printer's limited gamut, creating distortions in the printed appearance that are hard to control. Gamut mapping refers to the process of bringing an out‐of‐gamut material appearance into the printer's gamut, while minimizing such distortions as much as possible. We present a novel two‐step gamut mapping algorithm that allows users to specify which perceptual attribute of the original material they want to preserve (such as brightness, or roughness). In the first step, we work in the low‐dimensional intuitive appearance space recently proposed by Serrano et al. [ SGM*16 ], and adjust achromatic reflectance via an objective function that strives to preserve certain attributes. From such intermediate representation, we then perform an image‐based optimization including color information, to bring the BRDF into gamut. We show, both objectively and through a user study, how our method yields superior results compared to the state of the art, with the additional advantage that the user can specify which visual attributes need to be preserved. Moreover, we show how this approach can also be used for attribute‐preserving material editing.  相似文献   

J. -P. Berrut 《Computing》1990,44(1):69-82
We want to approximate the valueLf of some bounded linear functionalL (e.g., an integral or a function evaluation) forfH 2 by a linear combination Σ j=0 j=0 a j f j , wheref j:=f(z j) for some pointsz j in the unit disk and the numbersa j are to be chosen independent off j. Using ideas of Sard, Larkin has shown that, for the errorLf j=0 j=0 a j f j to be minimal,a j must be chosen such that Σ j=0 j=0 a j f j =Lf for the rational function \(f^ \bot (z) = \sum\nolimits_{j = 0}^n {\{ \prod\nolimits_{k = 0}^n {(1 - \bar z_k z_j )/\prod\nolimits_{k = 0}^n {(1 - \bar z_k z)} } \} l_j } (z)f_j \) , in whichl j (z) are the Lagrange polynomials. Evaluatingf as given above requriesO(n 2) operations for everyz. We give here formulae, patterned after the barycentric formulae for polynomial, trigonometric and rational interpolation, which permit the evaluation off inO(n) operations for everyz, once some weights (that are independent ofz) have been computed. Moreover, we show that certain rational approximants introduced by F. Stenger (Math. Comp., 1986) can be interpreted as special cases of Larkin's interpolants, and are therefore optimal in the sense of Sard for the corresponding points.  相似文献   

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