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按照我省公布的《高考改革实施方案》要求,从2021年起,我省实行"两依据、一参考"的招生录取模式,依据统一高考(以下简称"统考")和高中学业水平选考(以下简称"选考")科目成绩、参考综合素质评价进行招生录取。考生高考成绩由统考科目和选考科目构成,语文、数学、外语为统考科目,选考科目包括物理、历史、思想政治、地理、化学、生物学等6科。  相似文献   

以宜宾市第六中学为例,选择高一学生为样本,对其进行新高考认识、选考地理意愿问卷调查。结果发现在新高考“自主选考”模式下,学生对新高考的认识度、自身学习能力、地理教师教学方法、高校招生政策、家长选考建议等是影响新高考地理选考的主要因素。为此,文章提出学生理性科学选考、地理教师不断改进教学方式、学校更新教学理念、高校完善招生政策、家长与社会主动配合等应对新高考的选考策略。  相似文献   

新高考改革的关键特征是选择性,通过赋予学生和高校充分的选择权,发挥多样化选择在人才选拔和培养中的作用,体现教育的公平公正。学生选择权的发挥受制于学生自身能力、高中、高校、家长及社会机构等诸多因素,存在学生选择能力不足、家长缺乏指导能力、高中应对能力不足、高校选考要求与生源间存在结构性矛盾,以及选考服务专业平台缺乏等问题。为落实学生选择权,构建选考辅助系统,由数据输入层、计算层和输出层构成,可以实现6大功能,解决学生选考问题,还可为新高考改革研究和高校招生工作提供数据支持,为教育行政主管部门提供前置参考与决策支持。  相似文献   

新高考改革的关键特征是选择性,通过赋予学生和高校充分的选择权,发挥多样化选择在人才选拔和培养中的作用,体现教育的公平公正。学生选择权的发挥受制于学生自身能力、高中、高校、家长及社会机构等诸多因素,存在学生选择能力不足、家长缺乏指导能力、高中应对能力不足、高校选考要求与生源间存在结构性矛盾,以及选考服务专业平台缺乏等问题。为落实学生选择权,构建选考辅助系统,由数据输入层、计算层和输出层构成,可以实现6大功能,解决学生选考问题,还可为新高考改革研究和高校招生工作提供数据支持,为教育行政主管部门提供前置参考与决策支持。  相似文献   

2018年秋季开始,辽宁省将开启新一轮高考改革,新高考模式下的高中阶段数学学习内容和考查形式都将有所变化。选考走班教学中,数学的教学与学习都面临着新的要求和挑战,数学复习也需要进行全新的思考。  相似文献   

新高考改革在我国逐步推进,它取消了原来的文理分科的考查模式,赋予学生更多的选择权,特别是选考科目的选择更加灵活。这一新变化给高中阶段的教学工作提出了新的要求。其中高中生物学科作为选考科目之一也面临着新变化、新挑战。这需要高中生物教师重视对新高考政策的研究,并且处理好必修教学和选择性必修教学的关系,进一步优化教学方法,提前做好规划与布局,切实发挥高中生物学科的育人功能,也为高考备考工作打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

杨倩 《中国高教研究》2022,(2):29-34+41
公平、适切与卓越是高考科目改革的三大价值目标。在改革过程中,部分学生期望通过弃考物理来增加大学入学机会,导致物理选考人数下降,对个体未来职业发展与国家科技人才培养造成不利影响。利用相关数据探讨弃考物理是否有助于提升入学机会,发现选考理科科目的入学机会均高于选考文科科目,其中尤以物理的机会最高。同时,低学业成绩、农村、薄弱学校的学生以及女生对理科的逃避将会加重他们在入学机会竞争中的弱势地位。因此,高考科目改革应注重动态、量化考察不同群体学生的选考科目偏好以及高等教育机会分化状况,并通过建立系统的高中学校升学指导机制、加强高校招生改革等促进学生理性选择高考科目,推进高考改革三大价值目标的实现。  相似文献   

本文基于国家考试招生制度改革背景的新特点,侧重探讨新方案学(选)考时间改变、学生选课、专业导向等对高中教学的影响,探索兴趣+实力+专业选考科目、新的高中放假时间以及分层和分类走班教学的新教学策略。  相似文献   

新高考模式下,地理学科由高中文科生的高考必考科目变为全体高中生的选考科目,根据目前浙江和上海的实施情况看,选考人数、考试时间、学习时间等都有很大的变化,高中地理教师要更新观念,提高重视程度;整合知识,优化课程资源;整合知识,优化课程资源。  相似文献   

高中课程和高考招生文理合科、文理分科之外,另一条思路是专业分化。它是指在保证适量共同课程的前提下,以专业志愿为指引,让高中学生灵活地进行选修和选考。性向差异理论、社会分工理论、学科发展历史、以及高中的性质都支持专业分化。历史上已有的人才类型和目前美国专业分化的成效,也都证明了专业分化的必要性。  相似文献   

新一轮高考综合改革提出探索综合评价录取机制的要求,但是在基于科类限制的总分投档录取模式下较难实现。为落实高校招生综合评价录取改革目标,必须突破科类制约,建立新的平行志愿投档模式。以云南省艺术类招生多科类兼报的实践为基础,构建优先队列平行志愿投档模型。该模型突破科类制约和总分束缚,遵循群体分数优先和个人志愿优先的投档原则,高校可自由设定考生成绩项要求和不同科目的权重要求,有利于增加学生选择权和高校招生自主权。  相似文献   

As the number of courses offered online increases rapidly, it is important for teachers and institutions to identify specific learner characteristics of successful online students. This paper reports on a study that compared an online group of freshmen computer science majors with an equivalent on‐campus group to find if their individual learning styles play a role in the selection of course delivery mode (online or face to face) and in their academic achievement. No significant statistical differences were detected in learning styles and learning performance between the two groups. Implications for teaching practice and design of learning activities that resulted from this study are discussed.  相似文献   


Despite the frequently reported association of characteristics of assessment policies with academic performance, the mechanisms through which these policies affect performance are largely unknown. Therefore, the current research investigated performance, motivation and self-regulation for two groups of students following the same statistics course, but under two assessment policies: education and child studies (ECS) students studied under an assessment policy with relatively higher stakes, a higher performance standard and a lower resit standard, compared with Psychology students. Results show similar initial performance, but more use of resits and higher final performance (post-resit) under the ECS policy compared with the psychology policy. In terms of motivation and self-regulation, under the ECS policy significantly higher minimum grade goals, performance self-efficacy, task value, time and study environment management, and test anxiety were observed, but there were no significant differences in aimed grade goals, academic self-efficacy and effort regulation. The relations of motivational and self-regulatory factors with academic performance were similar between both assessment policies. Thus, educators should be keenly aware of how characteristics of assessment policies are related to students’ motivation, self-regulation and academic performance.  相似文献   

The Special-Contracted Teacher Scheme, a supplement to the traditional mode of teacher supply, has been implemented for 17 years and the teaching quality of those teachers has gained a lot of attention. Using data of teachers and students from the sample counties in four central and western provincial-level administrative units, this paper studies how special-contracted teachers have affected students’ academic performance and non-cognitive ability according to the student development framework of the new human capital theory, and how those effects vary among different teacher groups. Results show that while special-contracted teachers have helped improve the academic performance of rural students, their role is limited in improving students’ non-cognitive ability. At the same time, female special-contracted teachers and those without a normal major play an obviously bigger role in raising students’ academic performance. The conclusion is that special-contracted teachers can to some extent help narrow the urban-rural gap in academic performance, but more research needs to be done to better understand their effects on students’ non-cognitive ability.  相似文献   


Capstone projects are common in undergraduate programmes, providing students with a culminating educational experience designed to draw on the knowledge and skills accumulated over the course of their studies. While there are many benefits to capstone projects, they are not without challenges. In particular, when these projects are conducted in groups, forming groups to optimise the learning outcomes and managing group dynamics can be challenging. In this article, we report on the analysis of data collected from 346 undergraduate business students who completed capstone projects at a Hong Kong university. Measures included students’ learning goal (mastery and performance), satisfaction with their supervisor and group diversity in relation to gender, prior academic achievement, self-report nationality and programme of study. Analysis of this data in conjunction with student grades for the project was conducted to inform improvements in design and delivery of the capstone subject to improve students’ learning outcomes. The results showed that for groups consisting of three students, group diversity in respect to prior academic achievement as measured by grade point average (GPA) is positively related to the grade achieved in the capstone project. However, diversity in respect to the nationalities in the group was related to poorer performance. Furthermore, the more teacher-focused the group supervisor’s approach was, the worse the grade achieved for the project. The results suggest that groups made up of students of different nationalities tend to have lower grades compared to homogeneous groups. In contrast, having a group with a mix of GPAs can result in higher grades on the project. While these findings have informed our understanding of group performance on capstone projects, work is needed to fully understand what underlies the diversity effects identified which will be explored with future cohorts.  相似文献   

Using Ireland as an example, this paper explores the rationale behind various selection criteria currently used to select suitable candidates for initial teacher education courses. It investigates and discusses patterns of association between second-level student teachers’ background characteristics on entry to their teacher education programme Professional Diploma in Education (PDE) and their achievement in terms of their final academic and teaching practice grades. It draws on a longitudinal analysis of application and examination data collected from eight student teacher cohorts (2000–2007, N?=?1,023) who completed their second-level initial teacher education at one Irish university. Special attention will be paid to the predictive value of entrants’ prior academic performance and teaching experience for their success in the academic as well as practical components of their teacher education course. The quality rationale behind academic selection criteria is contested on the basis of findings from this study. The positive impact of prior teaching experience on teaching practice performance and the differences in achievement observed between students from different academic fields are discussed.  相似文献   

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the various facets of higher education globally. With the migration to online teaching happening at an unprecedented rate, educators are challenged in transforming the way they create opportunities for students’ learning. Specifically, in Australia, education providers have increasingly offered their courses in a dual-mode setting, making them available for both online and face-to-face students. This paper presents the design of a specific type of dual-mode teaching, referred to as mixed-mode teaching used in an introductory economics course at X University. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the mixed-mode teaching in creating an equitable learning experience for the online and face-to-face groups of students enroled in the course. Such an approach should then translate into there being no significant difference found in the academic performance of the two cohorts. In this study, we used the non-parametric Wilcoxon test and Kruskal-Wallis test to verify if a significant difference exists in learning satisfaction. Further, we utilised regression with dummies, and four different approaches of propensity score matching estimation in excluding self-selection bias, to evaluate differences in academic performance. Our results suggest no statistically significant differences in both the learning experiences and academic performances of our two groups of students. At a time when higher education is facing ongoing challenges presented by the pandemic, these findings offer useful insights for economics educators as well as those in higher education about how to enhance students’ academic performance and learning experience through more equitable, consistent course design.  相似文献   

目的:了解大理学院不同学术背景大学生学习习惯的差异。方法:问卷调查法,对医学类、理工类和文科类3个不同学科的1131名大学生进行学习习惯的抽样调查。结果:文科类学生有较好的课堂学习习惯和较高的学习效率,学习主动性显著高于理工科和医科的学生。医科学生在获取新知识方面比较主动。结论:大理学院不同学科类的大学生学习习惯是有差异的,要根据学科特点引导学生的学习习惯,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

学习成绩是衡量学生能力的重要标准。正确认识和评价影响大学生学习成绩的因素并对此研究对策,有利于提升大学生的综合素质与能力。该文通过对西安文理学院学生信息的采集,分析学习成绩的影响因子并建立回归模型,从而预测出各因子和大学生学习成绩相关性,对高校提升教学质量提出了相关措施和建议。  相似文献   


Individual differences in ‘adaptability’ – cognitive, behavioural, and emotional adjustment in the face of change, novelty, and uncertainty – are theorised to influence students’ academic achievement and course satisfaction; although the literature examining these relations in tertiary education is sparse. In the present study, first-year undergraduate students were surveyed for their adaptability, academic buoyancy, and academic motivation (predictor variables) along with their mid-course academic achievement and course satisfaction (outcome variables). Correlation analyses revealed that adaptability was significantly associated with all other variables in this study. Multiple regression analyses revealed that after controlling for individual differences in academic buoyancy and academic motivation, adaptability explained unique variance in both academic achievement and course satisfaction. These findings have important implications for researchers and educators seeking to understand first-year students’ adjustment to university and the influence this may have on their educational outcomes.  相似文献   

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