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介绍了ULCOS对高炉炉顶煤气循环、HIsarna的熔融还原工艺、ULCORED直接还原工艺、铁矿电解冶炼以及相关支持技术的研究进展情况、下一步将要开展的研究工作。也简介了美国钢铁协会、日本钢铁联盟、韩国浦项等对大力减排CO_2技术的项目以及进展情况。  相似文献   

吴耀光  肖步庆  朱立光  王雁 《钢铁》2021,56(11):55-62
 电炉炼钢作为短流程的核心工艺,具有铁元素循环利用率高、能源消耗低及环境效益良好的特点,推动电炉炼钢健康发展符合中国实现“碳达峰”、“碳中和”目标对钢铁绿色发展的要求。电炉炼钢入炉的钢铁原料种类较转炉多且结构灵活,并且对电炉冶炼的工艺过程控制有直接的影响。为创造充分挖掘和发挥电炉炼钢优势的良好起始条件,针对目前电炉炼钢的主要入炉钢铁原料的情况和特点,从其生产储备、工艺过程操作、能源消耗、环境保护等方面入手,分析了废钢、铁水和直接还原铁作为主要原料的使用现状及优缺点,并着重对比分析了直接还原球团特点和技术指标,为探究和优化合理的电炉炼钢入炉钢铁原料结构提供了理论依据。从资源消耗、环境保护等方面考虑,废钢和直接还原球团将成为今后短流程炼钢的主要原料。结合钢铁循环利用技术和产业专业化的逐渐成熟,以及更加绿色环保的氢冶金技术的发展,废钢综合回收利用技术、高品位洁净球团生产技术、氢气竖炉直接还原技术将会是未来电炉入炉钢铁原料生产技术的发展方向,配套新型高效智能电弧炉冶炼技术将会是未来短流程炼钢的发展方向。  相似文献   

氢基直接还原铁工艺是一种环保、高效的钢铁生产技术,具有广阔的应用前景。在全面介绍氢基直接还原铁工艺的基础上,重点分析了氢基还原气体的成分重整工艺在冶金工业中的应用情况、优缺点和适用性,主要包括水蒸气重整、部分氧化重整、自热重整和二氧化碳重整4种重整方法。系统地探讨了中国氢基直接还原铁工艺的探索实践以及面临的机遇挑战,指出焦炉煤气自热重整制取还原气技术将在今后中国氢基直接还原铁中扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

随着我国钢铁冶炼技术的不断进步,以及国家对环境治理力度的进一步严苛,绿色冶金逐渐被钢铁行业重视。介绍了HIsmelt熔融还原工艺的发展历程,并与传统高炉炼铁工艺进行了对比,认为其真正替代高炉炼铁工艺在全国范围推广还有很多亟待解决的问题。结合现阶段HIsmelt工艺在实际生产中存在炉衬寿命低、矿粉预还原度低和热能利用率低的问题,提出一些改进方向和设想。  相似文献   

前言由于高炉——转炉流程生产能力大,技术成熟,因此它仍然是目前钢铁生产中最重要的工艺。随着科学技术的发展,对钢铁品种要求日益多样化,加上世界资源、能源供求关系的变化,这就为进一步发展生产规模较小、适应性较大的直接还原工艺提供了可能性。尽管目前全世界由直接还原生产的钢铁产量比例还很小,但它已与世界各地蓬勃发展的中小型钢厂的建设联系在一起,形成了一套新的生产系统:直接还原—电炉炼钢—连铸—连轧。这种工艺已成为钢铁工业新的生产  相似文献   

为综合回收钢铁生产过程烟尘中的锌,消除环境污染,实现资源的综合利用,研究了还原温度、还原时间、还原剂种类、原料结构以及球团粒径等对含锌粉尘干球转底炉直接还原过程的影响,并与压团还原脱锌工艺进行了对比.结果表明,干球直接还原工艺较压团块还原更为适宜;干球直接还原工艺适宜的还原温度为1250℃,还原时间50 min;采用内...  相似文献   

钢铁工业需要采取更加高效、灵活的技术应对优质原燃料资源紧张和日益严格的能源管控局面。通过对铁浴熔融还原工艺的还原机理和传热机理分析,研究了铁浴熔融还原过程反应机理和行为;并通过多年的工业实践,对原料适用性、燃料灵活性和产品质量优异性进行了探索。结果表明:铁浴熔融还原工艺具有显著的工艺灵活性优势,相较高炉工艺拓宽了原燃料的来源、提高了产品质量、优化了传统钢铁冶炼模式,对于钢铁产业结构调整具有重要意义。  相似文献   

COREX-DR-电炉流程是具有竞争力的紧凑型钢铁冶金流程。系统介绍了南非SALDANHA钢厂COREX-DR联合流程中的MIDREX直接还原生产工艺,以及采用COREX-DR联合工艺的污染物排放情况。分析了2004~2005年MIDREX直接还原竖炉的生产指标。指出南非SALADANHA钢厂COREX-DR联合流程中的MIDREX工艺在经济上有优势,采用COREX-DR-电炉的联合工艺可以提供生产优质钢的经济路线,并满足日益增长的环保要求。  相似文献   

介绍了张家港润忠钢铁有限公司短流程钢厂的主要设备工艺特点及技术消化情况,采用的冶炼、轧钢新技术情况。通过对引进设备和技术的消化以及现场改进等使优质碳钢高速线材的生产取得了较好的实绩  相似文献   

本文对酒钢炼轧厂的钢铁料消耗控制实践进行了叙述,通过典型年份对比的形式对降低钢铁料消耗的各种工作以及效果进行了说明,着重介绍了少渣+留渣工艺、精炼热渣循环工艺、连铸切缝优化等的实施情况以及对钢铁料消耗的贡献。  相似文献   

Drug-associated hemorrhagic colitis are divided into antibiotic associated hemorrhagic colitis (AAHC) and other drug associated hemorrhagic colitis. AAHC are mainly caused by oral usage of Ampicillin and its derivatives (85%). Initially AAHC are believed to be caused by Klebsiella oxytoca overgrowth. However, these organisum has no exotoxin like Clostridium difficile and pathogenesis of AAHC are still unresolved. Typical AAHC are diagnosed by colonoscopy with diffuse hemorrhage and edema mainly found in descending colon and transverse colon. NSAIDs are also the cause of hemorrhagic colitis like AAHC. Mephenamic acid are famous for this complication. Diarrhea is one of the main complication of oral 5-fluorouracil administration and even causes hemorrhagic colitis. Its histology are characteristic in gland atrophy. Gold colitis are reported 36 cases in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Exact mechanism of bleeding are not understood. NSAIDs may cause collagenous colitis and or lymphocytic colitis in RA patients. Other rare hemorrhagic colitis are associated with azathioprine, methyl dopa, interferon alfa etc. NSAIDs and anticoagulants are well known drugs for complication of GI bleeding making hemorrhagic enteritis.  相似文献   

赣南钨矿山资源状况调查与思考   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
通过赣南钨矿山资源调查,反映钨矿山资源状况不容乐观。据地质报告中统计,赣南累计探明WO3储量149.98万t,其中上平衡表113.67万t,而保有储量仅有46.7万t;国有钨矿山保有储量26.4万t,可利用的储量10.4万t,可服务年限大都在10a以下。因此,建议尽快对赣南的国有钨矿山开展新一轮的地质找矿,寻找新的接替基地,控制钨矿产量,对尾砂综合回收和利用。  相似文献   

Draws a distinction between attribution of responsibility for a problem and attribution of responsibility for a solution. Four general helping models are derived. In the "moral" model, actors are held responsible for both problems and solutions and are believed to need only proper motivation. In the compensatory model, people are responsible only for solutions and are believed to need power. Individuals in the medical model are responsible for neither problems nor solutions and are thought to need treatment. In the enlightenment model, actors are responsible for problems but are unable or unwilling to provide solutions; they need discipline. It is maintained that each set of assumptions has characteristic consequences for the competence, status, and well-being of actors and that the wrong choice of model in a situation will undermine effective helping and coping. Competing models of responsibility in education, psychotherapy, law, and welfare are described, and research on attribution of responsibility is recommended as a way of addressing problems of both theoretical and social significance. (128 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A statistical theory is developed for the decomposition of an amorphous zirconium-palladium alloy in a hydrogen atmosphere with the formation of metal hydrides. The free energies of the phases are calculated, and equations for the equilibrium states of the phases are derived. The phase-transformation temperatures are determined, and their dependences on the system composition are obtained. The temperature dependences of the hydrogen solubilities in the phases are found, and the appearance of the inflection points or jumps at the phase-transformation points, which are experimentally observed as inflections in the dependences, is grounded. Hydrogen solubility isotherms are calculated, and the possibility of a hysteresis effect is revealed.  相似文献   

Recommendations are made regarding risk reduction when investing in intellectual property. The low level of investment by metallurgical enterprises in intellectual property is explained. Methods of logical research, analysis, synthesis, and planning are employed. Approaches to strategic risk management in innovative metallurgical investment are outlined. The preconditions for innovation in metallurgical development worldwide are discussed, and corresponding innovative development strategies are formulated. Methods of risk reduction are formulated, and practical examples of investments in intellectual property that might be more attractive to metallurgical enterprises are presented.  相似文献   

无缝钢管中非金属夹杂物特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
峰位于4869 eV位置,对应于元素锡的四价氧化态。锡泥中含有的主要成分为SnO2。  相似文献   

Anomalous intestine positions arise during embryologic development. They are rare in adults and cause uncharacteristic but chronic discomforts. They can produce life-threatening complications at any time. They are thought of too rarely, and radiologically shown anomalies are easily misinterpreted. Frequently they are discovered only during operation. The 178 anomalous intestine positions are here analyzed partly newly named and discussed to facilitate detection, to prevent complications, and to make rational treatment possible. There are 24 different typical forms, which are explained by disturbances of the embryologic rotation, growth, or fixation of the intestine.  相似文献   

王广成  任满杰 《黄金》2001,22(12):47-51
文中分析了资源-环境-经济一体化核算的研究现状及存在的问题,界定了矿产资源核算的内涵及其对象,论述了矿产资源定价的理论基础,探讨了矿产资源的各种定价方法及其优缺点,适用范围,建立相应的估价模型,并进行了实证分析,这项研究对我国的资源--环境-经济一体化核算的理论研究与实践进展具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

The genetic algorithm (GA) is a general optimization technique that has some unique features that are especially suitable for structural engineering problems. This work uses a simple GA with elitism to find the optimum design of welded steel plate girder bridges. The objectives are to minimize the weight and the cost of the girders. Two types of plate-girder bridges are studied: a single-span bridge and a two-equal-span continuous bridge. Bridges with various span lengths, in increments of 20?ft, are investigated; results are tabulated, parametric studies are made, and meaningful conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

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