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This article probes some of the issues The Great War and Modern Memory raises today, whether by Fussell himself, by critics at the time of its original publication, or by rereading the book anew now, in the context of a veritable renaissance in the study of World War I and of the revolution effected by the "literary turn" in historical study. I situate Fussell's book against the backdrop of three foundational works or points of view in cultural history that came to the forefront after 1975. My purpose is not to chide Fussell for failing to anticipate the future directions of the cultural history of war, but rather to show how his work fits into the development of that history.
I argue that The Great War andModern Memory itself became a lieu de mémoire or "site ofmemory" of the Great War. But like many very successful works, Fussell's bookbecame famous not exclusively or even primarily because of its originality, but because of itsability to reformulate or reinscribe pre-existing ways of understanding. As critic and as veteran,Fussell reasserted the "evidence of experience" as the cornerstone of war writingin the twentieth century. In addition, some of the impact of The Great War and ModernMemory can be explained by the way it supported the most venerable narrative explanationof the Great War, that of tragedy.  相似文献   

今年是《史学月刊》创刊50周年,也是一个新世纪新千年的开端。在迎接新世纪新千年的同时来纪念本刊的创刊,编辑部同仁深感荣幸,并愈发意识到肩上的责任。《史学月刊》原名《新史学通讯》,由中国新史学会河南分会主办,河南大学校长嵇甫先生、河南大学学院院长郭晓棠先生和史地系主任黄元起先生于1951年1月共同发起创办。1957年改名《史学月刊》。本刊50年的历史,大体上可分为三个阶段。  相似文献   


This paper outlines the history of preservation in situ as practised in London over the last hundred and fifty years. It touches upon the early development of the City of London and the destruction of significant remains, which gradually lead to a heightening of sensitivities and public concern for preservation, particularly of built fabric such as the Roman defences. The role of cases such as the Walbrook Mithraeum and Rose Theatre are discussed, both influential in changing the relationship between development and archaeology. The paper concludes by noting how much we have learnt from past mistakes, but notes that more can be done to make these sites more accessible.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Scourging of Iraq: Sanctions, Law and Natural Justice, 2nd ed: Geoff Simons  相似文献   

从 1 951年全国隆重纪念太平天国起义一百周年掀起太平天国史研究高潮起 ,到现在已经整整半个世纪。开创太平天国史学的罗尔纲前辈等都已物故。其第二代研究者亦将先后老去。从有利于我国历史科学的成长出发 ,亟需共同讨论两个值得沉思的问题 :(一 )为什么五十年太平天国史研究曾经枝繁叶茂盛极一时 ,而近期却呈现萧条 ?(二 )为什么自罗尔纲先生溘逝之后 ,当代再无硕大声宏的太平天国史研究泰斗 ?从这里 ,我们应当及时总结经验 ,供后贤借鉴。(一 )在中华人民共和国成立初期 ,国内外激烈斗争的形势 ,呼唤着太平天国史研究的勃兴。长期以来 ,…  相似文献   

近五十年来有关洪秀全的心态史学研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文所指心态史学,系指广义的心态史学,涵盖了心理史学(psychohistory)和心态史学(history of mentality)两个概念,前者起自弗洛伊德的精神分析学说,以精神分析学和历史学相结合的方法研究历史人物和历史现象,盛行于美国;后者起自法国年鉴学派对社会一文化史进行的研究,勃兴于法国。中国学术界对太平天国运动的研究绝大多数侧重于传统史学研究。但由于研究的详尽程度较高,史料繁多。  相似文献   

In his well-known article “In Search of the Engram” published in 1950, Karl Spencer Lashley summarized his 33 years of research and theory on memory and the brain. He concluded that (1) memories are not localized but are instead distributed within functional areas of the cortex and (2) memory traces are not isolated cortical connections between inputs and outputs. Though not the first time he had expressed such convictions, their reiteration in this article was backed by Lashley's estimable reputation and expressive power and they have taken firm root in the collective knowledge of today's memory and neuropsychological research community.  相似文献   

享誉世界的敦煌学专家、中国油画艺术的开拓者、著名艺术教育家常书鸿先生,一生执着于艺术,为保护敦煌文物、弘扬祖国文化而奋斗不息。通过常先生自传体回忆录《九十春秋——敦煌五十年》,可以解读一个爱国知识分子的人生历程,使后来者获得有益的思想启迪和精神养料。  相似文献   

语境、政治与历史:义和团运动评价50年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
百年以来,占支配地位的对义和团的评价意见,主要不是来自学术本身,而是源于对中国现状与未来走向的观察与判断。整个20世纪,人们据以言说义和团的语境发生了多次深刻变迁:从五四时期反传统启蒙语境到2040年代的反帝国主义救亡语境,从50-60年代的反西方冷战语境到80年代的反封建新启蒙语境,再至90年代的反激进新保守主义语境,大体可以看作指导义和团评价的语境变迁史。语境不同,义和团这一历史事件的面貌也在不断变动。21世纪初叶,中国仍将处在义和团暴动所提出的问题的覆盖之下,对义和团的研究与评价,仍将难以完全摆脱以民族主义为主要内容的政治的制约。  相似文献   

The fiftieth anniversary of this journal offers an opportunity to reflect on both its history and that of the larger field of religious history. At its foundation, the journal drew inspiration from the approach to the history of religion taken by Lucien Febvre and other French Annalistes, with their emphasis on including religion as an integral part of the analysis of the past. Though the journal continued to publish a good deal of ecclesiastical history as more traditionally understood, these founding ideals have continued to shape the character of the journal. The increasing interest in the history of mentalities (partly due to the decline of Marxist historiography) has heightened an interest in the history of religion in ways which have proved increasingly congruent with the journal's founding ideals.  相似文献   

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