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Biological wastewater treatment by aerobic granular sludge biofilms offers the possibility to combine carbon (COD), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal in a single reactor. Since denitrification can be affected by suboptimal dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO) and limited availability of COD, different aeration strategies and COD loads were tested to improve N- and P-removal in granular sludge systems. Aeration strategies promoting alternating nitrification and denitrification (AND) were studied to improve reactor efficiencies in comparison with more classical simultaneous nitrification–denitrification (SND) strategies. With nutrient loading rates of 1.6 gCOD L−1 d−1, 0.2 gN L−1 d−1, and 0.08 gP L−1 d−1, and SND aeration strategies, N-removal was limited to 62.3 ± 3.4%. Higher COD loads markedly improved N-removal showing that denitrification was limited by COD. AND strategies were more efficient than SND strategies. Alternating high and low DO phases during the aeration phase increased N-removal to 71.2 ± 5.6% with a COD loading rate of 1.6 gCOD L−1 d−1. Periods of low DO were presumably favorable to denitrifying P-removal saving COD necessary for heterotrophic N-removal. Intermittent aeration with anoxic periods without mixing between the aeration pulses was even more favorable to N-removal, resulting in 78.3 ± 2.9% N-removal with the lowest COD loading rate tested. P-removal was under all tested conditions between 88 and 98%, and was negatively correlated with the concentration of nitrite and nitrate in the effluent (r = −0.74, p < 0.01). With low COD loading rates, important emissions of undesired N2O gas were observed and a total of 7–9% of N left the reactor as N2O. However, N2O emissions significantly decreased with higher COD loads under AND conditions.  相似文献   

The main biological conversions taking place in two lab-scale aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactors were evaluated. Reactors were operated at different temperatures (20 and 30 °C) and accomplished simultaneous COD, nitrogen and phosphate removal. Nitrogen and phosphate conversions were linked to the microbial community structure as assessed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. Anoxic tests were performed to evaluate the contribution of anoxic phosphate uptake to the overall phosphate removal and to clarify the denitrification pathway. Complete nitrification/denitrification and phosphate removal were achieved in both systems. A considerable fraction of the phosphate removal was coupled to denitrification (denitrifying dephosphatation). From the results obtained in anoxic batch experiments dosing either nitrite or nitrate, denitrification was proposed to proceed mainly via the nitrate pathway. Denitrifying glycogen-accumulating organisms (DGAOs) were observed to be the main organisms responsible for the reduction of nitrate to nitrite. A significant fraction of the nitrite was further reduced to nitrogen gas while being used as electron acceptor by denitrifying polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAO clade II) for anoxic phosphate uptake.  相似文献   

Pijuan M  Werner U  Yuan Z 《Water research》2011,45(16):5075-5083
One of the main challenging issues for the aerobic granular sludge technology is the long startup time when dealing with real wastewaters. This study presents a novel strategy to reduce the time required for granulation while ensuring a high level of nutrient removal. This new approach consists of seeding the reactor with a mixture of crushed aerobic granules and floccular sludge. The effectiveness of the strategy was demonstrated using abattoir wastewater, containing nitrogen and phosphorus at approximately 250 mgN/L and 30 mgP/L, respectively. Seven different mixtures of crushed granules and floccular sludge at granular sludge fractions (w/w in dry mass) of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 25%, 30% and 50% were used to start eight granulation processes. The granulation time (defined as the time when the 10th percentile bacterial aggregate size is larger than 200 μm) displayed a strong dependency on the fraction of granular sludge. The shortest granulation time of 18 days was obtained with 50% crushed granules, in comparison with 133 days with 5% crushed granules. Full granulation was not achieved in the two trials without seeding with crushed granules. In contrast to the 100% floccular sludge cases, where a substantial loss of biomass occurred during granulation, the biomass concentration in all other trails did not decrease during granulation. This allowed that good nitrogen removal was maintained in all the reactors during the granulation process. However, enhanced biological phosphorus removal was achieved in only one of the eight trials. This was likely due to the temporary accumulation of nitrite, a strong inhibitor of polyphosphate accumulating organisms.  相似文献   

Microalgal biofilms have so far received little attention as post-treatment for municipal wastewater treatment plants, with the result that the removal capacity of microalgal biofilms in post-treatment systems is unknown. This study investigates the capacity of microalgal biofilms as a post-treatment step for the effluent of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Microalgal biofilms were grown in flow cells with different nutrient loads under continuous lighting of 230 μmol/m2/s (PAR photons, 400-700 nm). It was found that the maximum uptake capacity of the microalgal biofilm was reached at loading rates of 1.0 g/m2/day nitrogen and 0.13 g/m2/day phosphorus. These maximum uptake capacities were the highest loads at which the target effluent values of 2.2 mg/L nitrogen and 0.15 mg/L phosphorus were still achieved. Microalgal biomass analysis revealed an increasing nitrogen and phosphorus content with increasing loading rates until the maximum uptake capacities. The internal nitrogen to phosphorus ratio decreased from 23:1 to 11:1 when increasing the loading rate. This combination of findings demonstrates that microalgal biofilms can be used for removing both nitrogen and phosphorus from municipal wastewater effluent.  相似文献   

Aerobic granulation is a novel and promising technology for wastewater treatment. However, long start-up periods required for the development of granules from floccular sludge, and the loss of biomass in this period leading to poor nutrient removal performance are key challenges. In a recent study the addition of crushed granules to a floccular sludge significantly reduced the start-up period, and also maintained the nutrient removal performance during granulation. In this study, we examined the mechanisms responsible for the fast granulation from a mixture of floccular and granular sludges. Fluorescent microbead particles (4 μm diameter) were successfully applied to differentially label the surfaces of floccular and crushed granular aggregates. Labelled flocs and crushed granules were added to a laboratory scale wastewater treatment reactor, and the granule formation process was monitored using confocal laser scanning microscopy over an 80 day period. Flocs were observed to attach to the surface of the seeding granules, resulting in reduced biomass washout during granulation. This mechanism not only reduces the granulation period, but also maintains the nutrient removal performance of the reactor. The results indicate that the granules acted as nuclei for floccular particle attachment, which accelerated granule formation.  相似文献   

Aerobic granular sludge is extremely promising for the treatment of effluents containing toxic compounds, and it can economically compete with conventional activated sludge systems. A laboratory scale granular sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was established and operated during 444 days for the treatment of an aqueous stream containing a toxic compound, 2-fluorophenol (2-FP), in successive phases. Initially during ca. 3 months, the SBR was intermittently fed with 0.22 mM of 2-FP added to an acetate containing medium. No biodegradation of the target compound was observed. Bioaugmentation with a specialized bacterial strain able to degrade 2-FP was subsequently performed. The reactor was thereafter continuously fed with 0.22 and 0.44 mM of 2-FP and with 5.9 mM of acetate (used as co-substrate), for 15 months. Full degradation of the compound was reached with a stoichiometric fluoride release. The 2-FP degrading strain was successfully retained by aerobic granules, as shown through the recovering of the strain from the granular sludge at the end of the experiment. Overall, the granular SBR has shown to be robust, exhibiting a high performance after bioaugmentation with the 2-FP degrading strain. This study corroborates the fact that bioaugmentation is often needed in cases where biodegradation of highly recalcitrant compounds is targeted.  相似文献   

Maite Pijuan 《Water research》2009,43(14):3622-220
The effect of long term anaerobic and intermittent anaerobic/aerobic starvation on the structure and activity of aerobic granules was studied. Aerobic granular sludge treating abattoir wastewater and achieving high levels of nutrient removal was subjected to 4-5 week starvation under anaerobic and intermittent anaerobic/aerobic conditions. Microscopic pictures of granules at the beginning of the starvation period presented a round and compact surface morphology with a much defined external perimeter. Under both starvation conditions, the morphology changed at the end of starvation with the external border of the granules surrounded by floppy materials. The loss of granular compactness was faster and more pronounced under anaerobic/aerobic starvation conditions. The release of Ca2+ at the onset of anaerobic/aerobic starvation suggests a degradation of extracellular polymeric substances. The activity of ammonia oxidizing bacteria was reduced by 20 and 36% during anaerobic and intermittent anaerobic/aerobic starvation, respectively. When fresh wastewater was reintroduced, the granules recovered their initial morphology within 1 week of normal operation and the nutrient removal activity recovered fully in 3 weeks. The results show that both anaerobic and intermittent anaerobic/aerobic conditions are suitable for maintaining granule structure and activity during starvation.  相似文献   

Behavior of polymeric substrates in an aerobic granular sludge system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Particulate and slowly biodegradable substrates form an important fraction of industrial wastewater and sewage. To study the influence of suspended solids and colloidal substrate on the morphology and performance of aerobic granular sludge, suspended and soluble starch was used as a model substrate. Degradation was studied using microscopy, micro-electrode measurements, batch experiments and long term laboratory scale reactor operation. Starch was removed by adsorption at the granule surface, followed by hydrolysis and consumption of the hydrolyzed products. Aerobic granules could be maintained on starch as sole influent carbon source, but their structure was filamentous and irregular. It is hypothesized that this is related to the low starch hydrolysis rates, leading to available substrate during the aeration period (extended feast period) and resulting in increased substrate gradients over the granules. The latter induces a less uniform granule development. Starch adsorbed and was consumed at the granule surface instead of being accumulated inside the granules as occurs for soluble substrates. Therefore the simultaneous denitrification efficiencies remained low. Moreover, many protozoa and metazoans were observed in laboratory reactors as well as in pilot- and full-scale Nereda® reactors, indicating an important role in the removal of suspended solids too.  相似文献   

By recovery of heat from the raw wastewater in the sewer system, the influent temperature of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is reduced. This can have a negative effect on nitrification in the WWTP, since this process strongly depends on temperature. The analysis of the temperature regime in the WWTP of Zurich, Switzerland, revealed that in the cold season, the effluent temperature is about 0.7 degrees C higher than the influent temperature and that nitrification is not affected by a decrease of the influent wastewater temperature lasting for a couple of hours only, but is significantly affected by a longer lasting temperature decrease. Three diagrams were developed with a steady-state model, from which the consequences of a permanent temperature decrease on the nitrification safety factor, aerobic sludge retention time and total nitrogen removal can be evaluated. Using simulations with a dynamic model, calibrated for the Zurich WWTP, a quantitative relationship between the wastewater temperature and the ammonium effluent concentration was established. This relationship can, in combination with measured effluent concentrations of an existing WWTP, be used to predict the increase of the ammonium effluent concentration in this plant resulting from a permanent decrease of the wastewater influent temperature.  相似文献   

Chen Y  Su Y  Zheng X  Chen H  Yang H 《Water research》2012,46(14):4379-4386
Alumina nanoparticles (Al2O3 NPs) have been widely used in many fields, which causes a growing concern about their potential health and environmental risks. However, their possible impacts on wastewater nitrogen and phosphorus removal have not yet been reported. In this study, both short-term and long-term effects of Al2O3 NPs on wastewater nutrient removal were investigated. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis showed that most of Al2O3 NPs were adsorbed onto activated sludge, but these NPs had no adverse effects on the surface integrity and viability of activated sludge. It was found that short-term exposure to 1 and 50 mg/L Al2O3 NPs induced marginal influences on wastewater nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal. Nevertheless, the prolonged exposure to 50 mg/L Al2O3 NPs was observed to decrease the total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiency from 80.4% to 62.5% due to the suppressed denitrification process, although biological phosphorus removal and the transformations of intracellular polyhydroxyalkanoates and glycogen were not affected. Quantitative PCR assays indicated that compared with the control, 50 mg/L Al2O3 NPs decreased the abundance of denitrifying bacteria in activated sludge. Further enzyme activity tests showed that the activities of key denitrifying enzymes (nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase) were inhibited, which might be responsible for the negative effects of 50 mg/L Al2O3 NPs on wastewater nitrogen removal after long-term exposure.  相似文献   

Two different anaerobic feeding strategies were compared to optimize the development and performance of aerobic granules. A stable aerobic granulation of activated sludge was achieved with an anaerobic plug flow operation (PI) and a fast influent step followed by an anaerobic mixing phase (PII). Two lab scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were operated to test the different operation modes. PI with plug flow and a reactor H/D (height/diameter) ratio of 9 achieved a biomass concentration of 20 gTSS/L and an effluent TSS concentration of 0.10 gTSS/L. PII with the mixed anaerobic phase directly after feeding and a reactor H/D ratio of 2 achieved a biomass concentration of 9 gTSS/L and an effluent quality of 0.05 gTSS/L. Furthermore, it is shown that the plug flow regime during anaerobic feeding together with the lower H/D ratio of 2 led to channeling effects, which resulted in lower storage of organic carbon and a general destabilization of the granulation process. Compared to the plug flow regime (PI), the anaerobic mixing (PII) provided lower substrate gradients within the biofilm. However, these disadvantages could be compensated by higher mass transfer coefficients in PII (kL = 0.3 m/d for PI; kL = 86 m/d for PII) during the anaerobic phase.  相似文献   

SBR法处理城市污水的脱氮除磷功效   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
采用SBR工艺对广州的城市污水进行了生物脱氮除磷试验研究。结果表明:在碳、氮、磷比例不理想的情况下,达到了既去除有机物又能脱氮除磷的效果,当总停留时间控制在4.5-5.5h,污泥负荷为0.14-0.26kgBOD5/(kgMLSS.d)时,出水BOD5浓度为5.12-13.62mg/L,去除率达85%-93%;出水COD浓度为10.7-32.2mg/L,去除率达82%-88%;出水NH3-N浓度为2.83-9.23mg/L,去除率达53%-87%;出水TP浓度为0.1-0.45mg/L,去除率达85%-99%。  相似文献   

In this study the influence of a pre-anoxic feast period on granular sludge formation in a sequencing batch airlift reactor is evaluated. Whereas a purely aerobic SBR was operated as a reference (reactor R2), another reactor (R1) was run with a reduced aeration rate and an alternating anoxic-aerobic cycle reinforced by nitrate feeding. The presence of pre-anoxic phase clearly improved the densification of aggregates and allowed granular sludge formation at reduced air flow rate (superficial air velocity (SAV) = 0.63 cm s−1). A low sludge volume index (SVI30 = 45 mL g−1) and a high MLSS concentration (9–10 g L−1) were obtained in the anoxic/aerobic system compared to more conventional results for the aerobic reactor. A granular sludge was observed in the anoxic/aerobic system whilst only flocs were observed in the aerobic reference even when operated at a high aeration rate (SAV = 2.83 cm s−1). Nitrification was maintained efficiently in the anoxic/aerobic system even when organic loading rate (OLR) was increased up to 2.8 kg COD m−3 d−1. In the contrary nitrification was unstable in the aerobic system and dropped at high OLR due to competition between autotrophic and heterotrophic growth. The presence of a pre-anoxic period positively affected granulation process via different mechanisms: enhancing heterotrophic growth/storage deeper in the internal anoxic layer of granule, reducing the competition between autotrophic and heterotrophic growth. These processes help to develop dense granular sludge at a moderate aeration rate. This tends to confirm that oxygen transfer is the most limiting factor for granulation at reduced aeration. Hence the use of an alternative electron acceptor (nitrate or nitrite) should be encouraged during feast period for reducing energy demand of the granular sludge process.  相似文献   

An-Jie Li 《Water research》2009,43(14):3387-3396
Numerical simulation and laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the determining factor and the underlying mechanism in aerobic sludge granulation in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). In the numerical simulation, a sectional approach was used to develop a model to describe the biomass dynamics during the granulation process. The growth of different classes of the SBR sludge with different substrate uptake rates and different sludge discharge ratios was simulated. The results indicate that the selective discharge of slow-settling sludge flocs is the key determining factor for granulation. In the laboratory study, experiments were conducted with two identical 2.4-L SBRs, R1 and R2, using different sludge discharge methods - the selective discharge of slow-settling sludge flocs for R1, and mixed, unselective sludge discharge for R2. The SBRs were fed with glucose-based synthetic wastewater at a chemical oxygen demand (COD) loading rate of 1.5 kg/m3-d. The evolution of the microbial community during the experimental process was monitored using the molecular techniques of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone library analysis. Sludge granulation was achieved in less than three weeks in R1, whereas the sludge in R2 remained in the form of flocs. However, some bacterial species had a significant presence in both the R1 granules and the R2 flocs. The results suggest that aerobic granulation may not require the dominance of any particular species. Small and loose sludge flocs were found to have an advantage over larger and dense granules in substrate uptake. Thus, discharge of loose flocs would remove these competitors from the system and makes the substrate more available for uptake and utilisation by biomass in the attached-growth form, resulting in sludge granulation.  相似文献   

To better understand granule growth and breakage processes in aerobic granular sludge systems, the particle size of aerobic granules was tracked over 50 days of wastewater treatment within four sequencing batch reactors fed with abattoir wastewater. These experiments tested a novel hypothesis stating that granules equilibrate to a certain stable granule size (the critical size) which is determined by the influence of process conditions on the relative rates of granule growth and granule breakage or attrition. For granules that are larger than the critical size, granule breakage and attrition outweighs granule growth, and causes an overall reduction in granule size. For granules at the critical size, the overall growth and size reduction processes are balanced, and granule size is stable. For granules that are smaller than the critical size, granule growth outweighs granule breakage and attrition, and causes an overall increase in granule size. The experimental reactors were seeded with mature granules that were either small, medium, or large sized, these having respective median granule sizes of 425 μm, 900 μm and 1125 μm. An additional reactor was seeded with a mixture of the sized granules to represent the original source of the granular sludge. The experimental results were analysed together with results of a previous granule formation study that used mixed seeding of granules and floccular sludge. The analysis supported the critical size hypothesis and showed that granules in the reactors did equilibrate towards a common critical size of around 600–800 μm. Accordingly, it is expected that aerobic granular reactors at steady-state operation are likely to have granule size distributions around a characteristic critical size. Additionally, the results support that maintaining a quantity of granules above a particular size is important for granule formation during start-up and for process stability of aerobic granule systems. Hence, biomass washout needs to be carefully managed to optimize granule formation during the reactor start-up.  相似文献   

Temperature changes can influence biological processes considerably. To investigate the effect of temperature changes on the conversion processes and the stability of aerobic granular sludge, an aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactor (GSBR) was exposed to short-term and long-term temperature changes. Start-up at 8 degrees C resulted in irregular granules that aggregated as soon as aeration was stopped, which caused severe biomass washout and instable operation. The presence of COD during the aerobic phase is considered to be the major reason for this granule instability. Start-up at 20 degrees C and lowering the temperature to 15 degrees C and 8 degrees C did not have any effect on granule stability and biomass could be easily retained in the system. The temperature dependency of nitrification was lower for aerobic granules than usually found for activated sludge. Due to decreased activity in the outer layers of granules at lower temperatures, the oxygen penetration depth could increase, which resulted in a larger aerobic biomass volume, compensating the decreased activity of individual organisms. Consequently the denitrifying capacity of the granules decreased at reduced temperatures, resulting in an overall poorer nitrogen removal capacity. The overall conclusion that can be drawn from the experiments at low temperatures is that start-up in practice should take place preferentially during warm summer periods, while decreased temperatures during winter periods should not be a problem for granule stability and COD and phosphate removal in a granular sludge system. Nitrogen removal efficiencies should be optimized by changes in reactor operation or cycle time during this season.  相似文献   

Wang D  Li X  Yang Q  Zheng W  Wu Y  Zeng T  Zeng G 《Water research》2012,46(12):3868-3878
Our previous studies proved that biological phosphorus removal (BPR) could be achieved in an aerobic/extended-idle (AEI) process employing two typical substrates of glucose and acetate as the carbon sources. This paper further evaluated the feasibility of another important substrate, propionate, serving as the carbon source for BPR in the AEI process, and compared the BPR performance between the AEI and anaerobic/oxic (A/O) processes. Two sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were operated, respectively, as the AEI and A/O regimes for BPR using propionate as the sole substrate. The results showed that the AEI-reactor removed 2.98 ± 0.04-4.06 ± 0.06 mg of phosphorus per g of total suspended solids during the course of the steady operational trial, and the phosphorus content of the dried sludge was reached 8.0 ± 0.4% after 56-day operation, demonstrating the good performance of phosphorus removal. Then, the efficiencies of BPR and the transformations of the intracellular storages were compared between two SBRs. It was observed that the phosphorus removal efficiency was maintained around 95% in the AEI-reactor, and about 83% in the A/O-reactor, although the latter showed much greater transformations of both polyhydroxyalkanoates and glycogen. The facts clearly showed that BPR could be enhanced by the AEI regime using propionate as the carbon source. Finally, the mechanisms for the propionate fed AEI-reactor improving BPR were investigated. It was found that the sludge cultured by the AEI regime had more polyphosphate containing cells than that by the A/O regime. Further investigation revealed that the residual nitrate generated in the last aerobic period was readily deteriorated BPR in the A/O-SBR, but a slight deterioration was observed in the AEI-SBR. Moreover, the lower glycogen transformation measured in the AEI-SBR indicated that the biomass cultured by the AEI regime contained less glycogen accumulating organisms activities than that by the A/O regime.  相似文献   

杨平平  王红涛 《山西建筑》2005,31(6):135-136
利用序批式反应器(SBR)试验装置对城市生活污水进行处理研究,讨论了影响SBR脱氮除磷的碳源、pH值、好氧曝气等因素,并对SBR工艺中脱氮除磷的相互影响进行了探讨,提出了可以同时脱氮除磷的一种SBR的运行方式。  相似文献   

The biological nitrogen removal (BNR) process is the most common method for removing low quantities of ammonium from wastewater, but this is not the usual treatment for high-strength ammonium wastewater. The capacity to biologically remove the nitrogen content of a real industrial wastewater with a concentration of 5000 g N-NH(4)(+) L(-1) is demonstrated in this work. The experimental system used is based on a two-sludge system, with a nitrifying activated sludge and a denitrifying activated sludge. This system treated real industrial wastewater for 450 days, and during this period, it showed the capacity for oxidizing all the ammonium at average nitrification rates between 0.11 and 0.18 g N-NH(4)(+)g VSS(-1)d(-1). Two key process parameters were evaluated: the maximum nitrification rate (MNR) and the maximum denitrification rate (MDR). MNR was determined in continuous operation at three different temperatures: 15 degrees C, 20 degrees C and 25 degrees C, obtaining values of 0.10, 0.21 and 0.37 g N-NH(4)(+) g VSS(-1)d(-1), respectively. Complete denitrification was achieved using two different industrial carbon sources, one containing mainly ethanol and the other one methanol. The MDR reached with ethanol (0.64 g N-NO(x)(-) g VSS(-1)d(-1)) was about 6 times higher than the MDR reached with methanol (0.11g N-NO(x)(-)g VSS(-1)d(-1)).  相似文献   

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