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<正>回顾我国个体防护装备产业的发展历程,不难发现,越来越多的人关注到个体防护装备在安全生产工作中的重要性。特别是在生产安全事故多发领域,个体防护装备对减少人员伤亡、保障职工健康、促进国民经济健康发展等方面发挥了重要作用。个体防护装备不再是职工可有可无的"身外物",更不是企业按照自己的意愿可发可不发的"附属品",个体防护装备已成为广大作业人员预防事故和减少伤害的必备用品。  相似文献   

历年事故统计分析表明企业事故主要发生在生产作业操作过程中。理论上可以说“控制了生产作业的全过程,就控制了事故”。目前,由于我国企业总体的安全化程度不高,长期以来,企业控制事故的主要方法都是以控制人的不安全行为为主。实践证明,这种管理手段不能有效控制和减少企业事故的发生。从事故形成的两大因素(人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态)看,要在物的条件差的情况下有效地控制事故,必须发动作业人员对作业现场的危险因素加以预测和控制,并采取防范措施,才能减少事故的发生。因此,在企业班组中开展伤害预知预警活动是减少事故的有效手段。  相似文献   

近些年来,危险作业越来越成为企业安全生产监督管理过程中最最关注的点,在众多的事故统计和分析中,危险作业往往也是事故多发和易发点。由于危险作业具有较大的危险性,容易发生事故,而且一旦发生事故,将会对作业人员和设备设施造成比较大的伤害,因此,《安全生产法》第三十五条明确规定:生产经营单位进行爆破、吊装等危险作业,应当安排专门人员进行现场安全管理,确保操作规程的遵守和安全措施的落实的规定。将危险作业的安全监督管理变成了一种法律的强制要求。而相关法律法规对危险作业并没有具体细化,本文结合中国铝业广西分公司对危险作业监控管理的做法,探讨如何强化危险作业的监督管理,预防其作业过程中事故的发生。  相似文献   

<正>化工企业的生产过程,通常存在高温、高压、易燃易爆、高毒、强腐蚀性等多种危害因素,一旦发生事故后果十分严重。应急管理是企业安全生产工作最后一道防线,能否做好危化品事故的应急处置,除了关系到员工及救援人员的生命安全,还关系到能否避免或减少厂内及厂外的伤害、减少财产损失、减少作业中断、维护企业良好公众形象及关系、避免对环境的污染等多个方面。  相似文献   

在生产作业过程中,意外的坠落物伤及作业人员的事故时有发生。在建筑、矿山、冶金、石油勘探、隧道工程、森林采伐等作业场所都存在发生坠落物伤害作业人员事故的可能。这类事故发生突然,不及躲闪。事故发生时,头部伤害造成死亡和重伤的危险性最大。头部一旦受到冲击伤害就可能引起脑震荡、颅内出血、脑膜挫伤、颅骨损伤等严重伤害,从而造成人体机能障碍,轻则致残,重则危及人员生命。因此,在以上作业场所作业的人员必须佩戴安全帽。  相似文献   

特种作业人员所从事的工作,在安全程度上与单位内的其它工作存在较大差别.他们在工作中接触的危险因素较多,危险性较大,很容易发生生产安全事故,而一旦发生事故,不仅对作业人员本人,而且会对他人和周围设施造成很大伤害.因此,对特种作业人员进行专门的培训教育,实行严格的管理,减少他们的失误,对防止和减少生产安全事故具有重要意义.  相似文献   

作业危害分析又称作业安全分析。作业危害分解,是一种定性风险分析方法。实施作业危害分析能够识别作业中潜在的危害确定相应的工程措施提供适当的个体防护装置以防止事故发生防止人员受到伤害此方法适用于涉及手工操作的各种作业  相似文献   

为保证化工企业铁路运输安全,提高厂内调车作业人员安全技术水平,1999年7月12~15日,中化四平联合化工总厂安全处与该厂铁路运输公司安全室共同对厂内机务、调车、运转等运输生产一线岗位作业人员进行了一次安全技术专业考核。四平联化现有铁路专用线6公里,自备铁路罐车、敞车225辆,铁运公司有职工274名,其中运输生产一线职工54名。曾发生过脱轨、撞车和人身伤害等较大事故。为彻底杜绝大事故、减少小事故,铁运公司领导班子与总厂安全处共同研究,决定对运输生产一线岗位作业人员进行一次全面安全考核。公司经理宣布:凡在…  相似文献   

窦桂芹 《安全》2014,(8):1-3
1安全生产相关保险基本情况 保险作为减少各类事故损失的重要经济手段,越来越为企业所重视。通过交纳保费,利用较小的经济成本,可以达成弥补事故伤害、消化人员和财产损失的效果,为企业事故后平稳处置各类责任关系,进而迅速恢复生产提供了良好的通道。  相似文献   

一、事故经过 2006年初,我县某网业企业在移装新设备时,发生了一起生产事故,造成1人死亡。经查,该企业由于新上一外贸产品车间,进了一批网线设备,其中大件设备超过6吨,急需就位。该企业领导层即与我县某个体叉车业主联系,商谈设备移装事宜。双方口头商定:个体叉车业主负责提供叉车和作业人员,将设备按企业要求移装到位,设备到位后企业付款,并安排1人告知个体业主设备定放位置。  相似文献   

我国污水处理厂事故统计分析与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文统计了我国污水处理厂发生的47起典型事故案例,从事故发生时间、伤亡人数、事故等级、以及事故发生的位置、类型等方面,分析了污水处理厂的事故特点,研究了事故发生规律,得出了污水处理厂事故的结论:事故的发生具有季节性规律;最主要的事故类型是中毒窒息;最主要的事故原因是个人防护用品;最主要的事故位置是检查井、污水池、管网。并提出了减少污水处理厂事故、保障污水处理厂安全运行的对策措施:加强安全教育;加强个人防护装备的检查、学习安全器材的使用;合理安装通风装置,按规定使用气体监测仪等。  相似文献   

在森林火灾死亡的人员中,80%以上致死原因是窒息死亡或烟熏昏迷倒地后被林火烧死的;在重伤人员中,绝大多数为呼吸道和肺部受伤者.基于上述原因,本课题研制了防烟口罩.该装备是用于个人呼吸安全防护,保障森林消防人员的扑火安全,避免伤亡事故的发生.  相似文献   

This paper theorizes how and why safety climate can be conceived as both a leading and a lagging indicator of safety events (i.e., accidents, injuries). When safety climate is conceived as a leading indicator, a prospective design is utilized and safety climate data are correlated with accidents/injuries that occur in the future. When safety climate is conceived as a lagging indicator, retrospective designs are used in which safety climate data are correlated with prior accidents/injuries. We examine the research literature to reveal that safety climate has been investigated as both a leading and a lagging indicator, but it is usually only examined as one or the other within a given study and has been examined as a lagging indicator most frequently. Consistent with our theorizing, prospective designs yield stronger relationships than retrospective designs, suggesting that safety climate is a better leading indicator than lagging indicator; however, it is clearly both. Implications for safety climate research and study design are discussed.  相似文献   

研究矿工安全行为能力,分析其与风险、事故等的关联性对有效预防煤矿事故具有重要意义。使用煤矿应激场景个体行为能力测试系统等试验仪器,抽样某矿业公司134名有效样本,从正常生产时和应激状况下2种情况开展安全行为能力的试验研究及关联性分析。试验结果表明:空间知觉差、声光反应迟钝的员工,安全行为能力差一些;而动作稳定性与行为、风险、事故伤害之间的关系并不密切,这可能与煤矿工作性质有关,矿工在工作中的具体操作行为对动作稳定性要求和更精细的行业或作业相比并不严格。研究发现煤矿风险与事故对每名矿工(不论其职务和行为能力)都是均等的,煤矿事故预防应重视人人参与,不应认为行为能力较强而心存侥幸。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(4):449-471
Traditional approaches on the prevention of accidents/injuries in mines reached its limit of effectiveness in improving safety performance and a fresh approach is utmost required. Behavioral safety analysis has been identified as an effective alternative in many industries. This paper is therefore sought to examine the role of behavioral factors on the occurrence of mine accidents and injuries through a case study. Data were collected from two neighboring underground coalmines operating under a large public sector organization of India. High–low plots and t-test were done to explore the differences between behavioral characteristics of accident involved (case) and non-involved (control) workers. How these differences could cause accidents/injuries in mines was estimated through structural equation modeling. The case study results show that accident group of workers (cases) are more job dissatisfied, negatively affected, and highly risk taking compared to the non-accident group of workers (controls). The accident model path analysis shows that negative affectivity, job dissatisfaction, and risk taking behaviors predict an increased number of injuries in mines. Apart from direct influences to work injuries, negative affectivity and job dissatisfaction make workers to take more risks and behave unsafely. These findings contribute to the design of safety programs including safety training, which should be behaviorally motivated. Mine safety management of the case study mines should outskirt their age old belief that accidents/injuries are due to hazardous nature of mining and only engineering control and regulatory monitoring are sufficient for improving safety of the mines. The multivariate analysis also shows that experience bears no relationships with work injury indicating that a less experienced worker is equally likely to be injured as an experienced worker. It implies that experience though helps workers in understanding the physical hazards, however, avoiding the imminent danger is much more behavioral. The variables negative affectivity, job dissatisfaction, and risk taking behaviors are therefore crucial in avoiding accident/injuries in mines.  相似文献   

康恩胜  王文才  庞文娟 《安全》2020,(2):83-87,93
为了研究受限空间作业过程的事故特性和致因机理,指导人员有效辨识受限空间作业风险,采取正确的应急救援措施。对2012年1月至2018年12月发生的典型受限空间作业过程事故进行了统计,并根据行为安全“2-4”模型对事故致因进行了分析,改变了传统事故原因的分类方法。将事故致因从一次性行为、习惯性行为、运行行为和指导行为4个方面进行划分,将安全管理体系划分为事故的根本原因。结果表明,受限空间作业事故伤害主要来源于气体中毒或窒息,盲目施救是导致受限空间人员伤亡的主要原因。基于行为安全“2-4”模型,提出从个人行为控制和组织行为控制两个层面的受限空间作业事故防控措施,对有效预防受限空间作业和救援事故,降低事故危害程度有指导意义。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: A number of structural and organizational changes have occurred recently within the New Zealand Forestry Industry, with concerns being raised about the impact of these changes on the forestry worker in terms of fatigue, sleepiness, and compromised safety. This study explored the relationship of fatigue, and some of its key determinants, with accidents and injuries in a group of forestry industry workers in New Zealand. METHOD: A total of 367 forestry workers responded to a self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: Fatigue was found to be commonly experienced at work in the forest, with 78% of workers reporting that they experienced fatigue at least "sometimes." This study found that certain groups of workers reported long working hours, reduced sleep, compromised recovery time, and intensely paced work. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that recent sleep, number of breaks taken during the workday, and specific job/tasks were independently associated with reporting of high fatigue levels at work. Near-miss injury events were significantly more common among those reporting a high level of fatigue at work. Accidents and lost-time injury were associated with length of time at work, ethnicity, and having had near-miss injury events. DISCUSSION: Together, these results suggest that fatigue and aspects of work organization, which are likely to be fatiguing, may be associated with compromised safety for forest workers. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: With an already slim margin of error present in forest operations, an impairment due to increased fatigue may constitute a significant risk factor for accidents and injuries in this workforce. The results indicate the need for further examination of shift and workload management among forestry workers, as well as a role for improving industry awareness about the causes and consequences of fatigue.  相似文献   

工业机器人是高科技机电产品,在工业领域广泛应用,可以代替人们从事繁重的、危险性的工作,但由于工业机器人故障所造成的人身伤害事故也时有发生,从工业机器人的可靠性、工业机器人事故案例、能量类型分类等多角度对工业机器人事故进行了分析,从事故树分析法(FTA)、基本安全性原则、工业安全技术等几方面提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

灰色层次分析法在航空工业企业事故中的分析运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航空工业常使用高精度、高价值的关键仪器、设备、设施,各种型号飞机试验、试飞频繁。机械伤害、高处坠落、冲压设备伤手等事故时有发生。分析航空企业事故致因主要为事故预防措施不到位,生产工艺设备安全性不高,职业病预防及管理不到位。利用数学建模的思路,引入灰色层次分析法(GAHP),以航空某企业为例,将评估对象安全状况分为指标层、准层次、目标层,逐级计算灰数,确定所属灰类,得出航空某企业的安全综合评估结果。评估结果显示,GAHP法能够客观反映航空企业安全状况,值得在航空企业安全生产事故风险评估中推广使用。  相似文献   

Turnover potentially leads to a new individual being selected into a work team. This study investigated the safety-specific trust which team members place in their organisation’s selection and induction processes, and related this to the perceived risk from new employees. The research was conducted with teams working in forest harvesting, an occupation which has high-turnover, high risk and a high accident rate. Results indicate that trust in induction processes was negatively correlated with perceived risk from a new employee. Team members also engaged in a number of safety ensuring behaviours when a new individual joined the team, and these were related to the level of perceived risk, and how much they cared about their team members’ safety. It is argued that trust in the safety-specific characteristics of an organisation’s selection and induction process may have negative consequences for safety.  相似文献   

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