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近些年,河南城乡建设取得长足进步,给我们留下太多的惊喜和惊奇。花园多了,建筑高了,广场大了,道路宽了,河道治理了,污水少了,绿化率提高了……  相似文献   

赵峰 《山西建筑》2008,34(9):331-333
介绍了关家沟特大桥工程概况,分析了桥墩轴线的放样施工,提出了施工中消除温度影响的控制技术,并进行了理论计算,对该技术的现场应用情况进行了探讨,得出了该方法正确的结论,为同类工程积累了经验.  相似文献   

科学技术的日新月异发展,推动了素质教育的进程,多媒体技术已经走进了课堂,本文阐述了小学数学教学应用多媒体技术,激发了学生浓厚的学习兴趣,化解了教学重点难点,营造了良好的氛围,优化了课堂教学,提高了课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

正交试验表明,聚合物干粉改性砂浆相对普通砂浆,折压比增加了69%,粘结强度增长了22.48倍,最大渗透压增加了6个级别,失水率下降了34.8%,干缩率减少了16%,明显改善了砂浆性能.  相似文献   

本文介绍了柴油发电机组励磁系统出现的故障及原因,设计了新的励磁装置,并制定了使用控制措施,通过实践检验,排除了类似故障,从而保证了工程施工的安全、质量、进度和效益,取得了较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

伏羲,中华民族人文始祖,是我国古籍中记载的最早的王,所处时代约为新石器时代早期,他根据天地万物的变化,发明创造了八卦,成了中国古文字的发端,也结束了“结绳纪事”的历史。他又结绳为网,用来捕鸟打猎,并教会了人们渔猎的方法,发明了瑟,创作了《驾辨》曲子。他的活动,标志着中华文明的起始,也留下了大量神话传说。  相似文献   

张家旭 《山西建筑》2009,35(12):161-162
研究了高速铁路大线径导线恒张力架设技术,分析了其原理、机械及技术,给出了整套架设方案,实践证明,采用该施工工艺后,提高了施工效率,节约了材料及其他费用,取得了非常理想的效果。  相似文献   

上海:以科技手段提升工程监管水平上海市运用现代化网络管理手段,提升工程质量监督管理水平的做法,引起了全国工程质量监督执法检查组的极大兴趣。近年来,上海市建立了监督网站,实现了网上报监、网上投诉、网上备案、网上申报优质工程、网上征询工作意见等,大大方便了企业,提高了工作效能;他们还开通了项目经理手机群发系统,建立了施工现场质量预警网络,缩短了信息沟通的时间,强化了事故预防与预控。运用摄像头和计算机网络技术,上海市实现了质量监督远程监控的数字化工地管理,大大提高了施工现场的科技含量,也为工地管理带来了全新的变革。…  相似文献   

多媒体技术的发展使小学数学教学模式发生了根本性变化。课堂体现了学生的主体性原则,多媒体的应用丰富了教学内容,灵活了教学方式,点燃了学生思维的火花,提高了学生听课效率,有效解决了数学教学中的重难点,多媒体是小学数学教学的得力助手。  相似文献   

史兴岭 《山西建筑》2013,(2):238-239,256
根据积石峡水电站实际施工条件及地质条件,对原围堰体型进行了优化设计,减少了场内交通布置,对原围堰基础防渗形式进行了优化设计,提高了围堰防渗能力,为主体工程施工创造了良好的施工条件,节省了工期,从而保证了积石峡水电站顺利发电。  相似文献   

2002年12月,我们赢得了皮博迪信托组织的“低成本住房的新概念”设计竞赛。地址在伦敦东部,位于皇家维多利亚港和泰晤士河之间的银镇。我们关注了以下的设计问题。  相似文献   

2005年7月至2006年6月扬州市建筑工程质量检测中心检测了扬州地区建筑工程中使用的191份混凝土外加剂的质量,并对检测结果进行了分析,指出了一些问题。  相似文献   

徐伟 《工程质量》2005,(12):42-45
本文针对当前住宅供热计量技术存在的主要问题和争论进行了评述并发表了自己的观点,阐述了供热计量技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

There are four housing models designed for de-institutionalized patients: custodial housing, supportive housing, supported housing and autonomous housing. The first two models can be considered as forms of residential accommodations (forms that provide security yet de-emphasize the importance of individuals' autonomy) because of the familiarity they maintain with hospital-type care. The other two housing models bear a greater resemblance to apartment-type resources (which further individuals' autonomy, but pose a risk of isolation). This study sheds light on the perception of people using mental health services regarding their quality of life and degree of empowerment in relation to these various types of housing. Twenty-one Montrealers were interviewed who were grappling with mental illness and are living in the four types of housing resources. One of the findings of this study is that access to suitable housing is a primary source of social integration. However, new housing models with social support must be developed that further each person's autonomy as well as security.  相似文献   

A key feature of modern planning history has been the identification of cities admired for their ‘good planning’. In varying degrees, they have stimulated emulation, selective or partial borrowing, or even direct copying of their admired planning features. Model cities at different phases of planning history include Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, Moscow, London, Stockholm, Barcelona, Chicago, New York, Portland and Vancouver. In recent years, new models have emerged, such as Singapore or Curitiba. The article considers how such cities became or are becoming models. It examines the methods by which the knowledge and reputation of the ‘model’ are promoted and disseminated. The importance of key actors, and visits, conferences and exhibitions focused on planning issues are considered. So too are less specific factors which help draw the gaze of a wider world. The article also considers whether such cities were/are places where new planning approaches have been invented or where they were implemented on a larger scale. Overall the paper discusses a key and strengthening feature in the circulation of contemporary planning knowledge. It does not answer all the surrounding questions in any definitive sense but opens up new debates about planning and the processes behind its historical evolution.  相似文献   

f2 Phage, attenuated Polio I (LSC) strain introduced daily to a 350 l. experimental oxidation pond showed no decrease in bacterial viruses f2 or other coliphages or Polio I strain.Ratios of coliphages to human enteric viruses ranged in flood waters from concentrations as low as 1:1 to as high as 103:1; in wastewater at various seasons the ratio was 105:1; in trickling filter effluents in winter it was 104:1; in spring 105:1, in summer and fall 104:1, in oxidation pond effluents in winter 103:1; in spring 104:1; and in summer and fall 103:1. Out of three epidemics in small communities caused by failure of water supply, coliphages were found to be positive. At the same time only two samples of human enteric viruses were positive (the third was contaminated with yeasts).Chlorination experiments using the experimental oxidation pond showed that f2 was most resistant, MS2 was very resistant, and coliphages were more resistant than attenuated Polio I virus. Experiments with the oxidation pond effluents showed that coliphages were at least as or even more resistant to chlorine than human enteric viruses.  相似文献   

高盛立 《工程质量》2006,(10):25-29
当前最迫切需要解决的问题是质量监督机构没有执法地位,没有监督手段,执法效力低下,收取监督费等,使其公正性、权威性受到质疑,难以达到应有的监督效果。分析了解决这些问题的相应对策,并对因地制宜、循序渐进、稳步踏实地进行质量监督体制改革进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The cementitious performance of a coarse granulated blast furnace slag, 2900 cm2/g, was investigated in concretes of 230, 280 and 330 kg binder/m3. First, the slag partially replaced 30%, 50% and 70% of Portland cement, the strength reduced as the amount of slag increased; however, for high binder contents, similar strengths were attained for lower Portland cement contents. Second, the slag was alkali activated with sodium silicate (moduli 1.7 and 2) at 4%, 6% and 8% %Na2O, the strength increased with the amount of slag in the concrete and developed faster as %Na2O increased. The microstructures of both type of concretes were dense; however, the strengths of activated slag were superior at similar binder loads, indicating that the hydration products of activated slag are of higher intrinsic strength.  相似文献   

ATP as an indicator of toxicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ATP concentrations were shown to be a fast and reliable indicator of toxicity. pH changes, chloroform, acetone, acrolein and mercuric chloride were tested for toxic effects. Acrolein and mercuric chloride were by far the most toxic substances tested. Chloroform at its solubility limit (approx 5 ml l−1) induced only a 40% reduction in ATP concentration after 6 h exposure. Mercuric chloride at 1 ppm caused nearly 100% loss of ATP in only 1 h. These experiments have demonstrated the utility of ATP concentrations in monitoring and projecting the future effects of pollutants. In conjunction with other methods of estimating sublethal and lethal effects of pollutants, ATP could be valuable in assessing the impact of potential pollutants on aquatic environments.  相似文献   

“好的设计过程是,设计师和房主先摆脱习惯的思维方式,把没有尝试过的新做法运用到房间里。”  相似文献   

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