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该项目位于重庆市北部新区,总用地达200万平方米,拥有两个18洞的国际标准高尔夫球场、高尔夫会所、高尔夫别墅和高层高档住宅,设计师受邀参与了包括高尔夫别墅重要节点、会所以及高层高档住宅三期和四期共计超过10万平方米的景观设计。  相似文献   

设计小区会所时,让经营者参与设计是至关重要的。发展商考虑的角度和经营者考虑的角度往往是不同的。发展商考虑更多的是如何将整个小区的住宅卖得更好,却往往忽视了日后的经营。会所不仅仅是住宅小区的附属和配置,又是住宅销售中不可或缺的亮点。  相似文献   

住宅会所的概念来源于香港。带有社区服务、娱乐、交际等功能的会所,是香港住宅的必备设施。近几年来,上海有些小区也仿效香港的做法,建造会所,但从目前经营情况看,多数处于亏损状况,其主要原因有以下几点。  相似文献   

梅陇镇会所的出现.打破了人们对住宅会所的惯性期望。”设计风格”不再是风格,取而代之的,是设计者.规划者突出的个人口味的汇集。  相似文献   

郑士寿 《城市建筑》2014,(16):54-63
位于上海市崇明县陈明镇的崇明休闲度假社区规划地块东至规划纵三河,西至规划纵二河,南至规划中心河,北至揽海路,呈微微弯曲的四边形,地势相对平坦,总面积22 hm2,其中48.5%规划为住宅用地,51.5%规划为商业用地.住宅用地内以开发低密度住宅为主,商业用地内则开发度假酒店、运动会所、企业会所、独栋式酒店和产权式酒店等产品.金茂崇明凯悦酒店为社区三期建设工程.  相似文献   

深圳梅陇镇会所的出现,打破了人们对住宅会所的惯性期望,“设计风格”不再是风格,职而代之的,是设计者,规划者突出的个人口味的汇集。[编者按]  相似文献   

会所形式多种多样,最常见的自然是住宅项目的小区会所。从经营模式区分.主要分两类:一类是自营式会所。内容设置一般较为全面。且不以赢利为目的.完全是为了服务社区内的住户.会所内设有很多免费项目.只有很少一些项目会象征性收费,以贴补会所日常的运行费用.因此这类会所多数是亏本经营的;  相似文献   

位于上海市崇明县陈明镇的崇明休闲度假社区规划地块东至规划纵三河,西至规划纵二河,南至规划中心河,北至揽海路,呈微微弯曲的四边形,地势相对平坦,总面积22 hm2,其中48.5%规划为住宅用地,51.5%规划为商业用地.住宅用地内以开发低密度住宅为主,商业用地内则开发度假酒店、运动会所、企业会所、独栋式酒店和产权式酒店等产品.金茂崇明凯悦酒店为社区三期建设工程.  相似文献   

会所建筑在现代大型住宅楼盘建设中占据越来越重要的地位,它不仅是社区的精神中心,兼具管理服务各项功能,同时还可成为社区的标志和形象代言。无锡阳光100国际新城的光矩阵会所以其简洁的形体、纯净的表面材质完美地体现了阳光100置业集团的开  相似文献   

都市中,人们对生活品质的要求也越来越高。而鹭岛国际会所就是体现当地高尚住宅发展的一个部分。会所的整体设计是想要创做出一个不过分豪华,不造作而且是自然的、典雅的、与众不同的空间。会所的室内设计工作从两年前开始,并且设计的最初阶段是和建筑师同时起步的。会所结构是  相似文献   

绿道在中国经过多年实践发展,在理论内涵、规划选线、综合效益等各方面都已有许多成果支撑.基于可公开获取的一系列文献资料,立足于绿道在中国各省市近20年的具体实践过程,梳理绿道在规划体系中的角色转变、在指标设置中的逐步细化和在管控上的落实方式,总结绿道实践在中国从提级统筹、常态认同到制度并轨3个阶段的发展变化,在展望绿道后...  相似文献   

Small scale miners use mercury to extract gold from ore in many countries. An environmental and health assessment was performed in Indonesia in two regions, Galangan in Central Kalimantan and Talawaan in Northern Sulawesi. The environmental assessment showed severe mercury contamination of the sediments, and increased mercury levels in local fish. For the health investigation 281 volunteers were recruited and examined by a standardized questionnaire, a neurological examination and neuro-psychological tests. A medical score was used consisting of significant factors of mercury intoxication. Mercury exposed workers showed typical symptoms of mercury intoxication, such as movement disorders (ataxia, tremor, dysdiadochokinesia, etc.). Blood, urine and hair samples were taken from any participant and analyzed for mercury. The mercury concentration in the biomonitors was high, partly extreme high in the working population, increased in the population living in the same habitat and low in the control group. By a standard protocol which includes a combination of threshold values of mercury in the biomonitors and a medical sum score the diagnosis of chronic mercury intoxication was made for highly burdened workers (amalgam smelters) in 55% in Sulawesi and in 62% in Kalimantan. Less exposed mineral processors and the general population in the mining areas were also intoxicated to a high percentage.  相似文献   

清末广州中西交汇,景园营造新旧共存互动,推 动岭南园林的近代转型。其中,在繁荣的中西贸易和文化交 流,以及书院文化、士绅文化等的影响下,清末岭南形成了 以广州为中心、十三行行商为代表、官商士绅竞相造园的特 殊历史时期,其造园数量、规模、意匠等均在该时期达到岭 南古典园林发展的巅峰。这一时期也是岭南园林近代转型的 关键时期。在西方文化和清末洋务运动思想的影响下,广州 开始出现洋务花园、公园、市政绿化,以及校园绿地等新型 园林形式。这些具有公共性质的城市景致与新建私园一道广 泛分布在城墙以外,成为清末广州城市空间拓展与风景体系 形成的重要参与者。由于清末广州城外造景的繁荣,从时间 上开启了岭南园林的近代转型,在空间上使岭南园林的地域 性特征得以形成和辨识,其空间性与时间性界定了清末岭南 园林近代转型的物质及文化维度。梳理了清末广州具有代表 性的景园营造活动,在分析其动力机制的同时,探讨城外造 景之于岭南园林近代转型的意义。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the factors affecting trace metal behaviour in estuarine and riverine floodplain soils and sediments. Spatial occurrence of processes affecting metal mobility and availability in floodplains are largely determined by the topography. At the oxic-anoxic interface and in the anoxic layers of floodplain soils, especially redox-sensitive processes occur, which mainly result in the inclusion of metals in precipitates or the dissolution of metal-containing precipitates. Kinetics of these processes are of great importance for these soils as the location of the oxic-anoxic interface is subject to change due to fluctuating water table levels. Other important processes and factors affecting metal mobility in floodplain soils are adsorption/desorption processes, salinity, the presence of organic matter, sulphur and carbonates, pH and plant growth. Many authors report highly significant correlations between cation exchange capacity, clay or organic matter contents and metal contents in floodplain soils. Iron and manganese (hydr)oxides were found to be the main carriers for Cd, Zn and Ni under oxic conditions, whereas the organic fraction was most important for Cu. The mobility and availability of metals in a floodplain soil can be significantly reduced by the formation of metal sulphide precipitates under anoxic conditions. Ascending salinity in the flood water promotes metal desorption from the floodplain soil in the absence of sulphides, hence increases total metal concentrations in the water column. The net effect of the presence of organic matter can either be a decrease or an increase in metal mobility, whereas the presence of carbonates in calcareous floodplain soils or sediments constitutes an effective buffer against a pH decrease. Moreover, carbonates may also directly precipitate metals. Plants can affect the metal mobility in floodplain soils by oxidising their rhizosphere, taking up metals, excreting exudates and stimulating the activity of microbial symbionts in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

在我国当前大规模城市基础设施建设进程中,为提高城市生命线工程的防护性能,降低战时破坏带来的不利影响,对于综合管廊兼顾人防设计的需求逐渐提上议事日程。本文首先系统回顾了我国在该领域内的理论研究历程及工程实践现状,对综合管廊工程兼顾人防设计的理论要点做了全面分析总结,归纳了全套设计方法;其次以杭州亚运村片区综合管廊防护设计为例,侧重于片区管廊防护单元的总体布局特点,介绍了按浙江省人防标准进行防护设计的方法和思路,详细分析各专业防护设计方法及技术措施;最后基于前述内容,提炼了该领域内关键技术问题,并对技术标准及相关技术措施提出了建议。本文提出的设计思路方法以及工程实例,可供目前国内类似工程规划设计借鉴参考。  相似文献   

Nature is a cultural construct, and a symbolic form to our cultural landscape. It plays a critical role in the profession of Landscape Architecture, shaping both the practice in the constructed environment as well as the conception of landscape in Pedagogy. This article evaluates contemporary landscape architecture practice in the U.S. through the lens of planting design and ecological design approaches. This retrospect situates selected individuals and their practices in the field of landscape architecture in the past two decades, in parallel with the evolving ecological understanding. These individuals and their works demonstrate the changes in planting design and ecological thinking in the professional practice, and most importantly how these changes contribute to current ecological design methodologies, landscape aesthetics, and public perception of landscape. In addition, the article aims to illustrate a shifting conception of Nature over time and in different cultural context, in which different conceptions of Nature facilitate various approaches to addressing environmental issues. By situating in such context, the article hopes to provide a critical view of contemporary American landscape architecture practice and the current ecological agenda, in order to enable discussions regarding the professional practice in the future.  相似文献   

W. Davison  C. Woof 《Water research》1984,18(6):727-734
The vertical distribution of sulphate, dissolved sulphide, alkalinity, pH, total iron and manganese, Fe(II) and Mn(II) and humic substances was monitored for a year in a seasonally anoxic lake, Rostherne Mere, U.K. During summer stratification Mn(II), probably of sediment origin, accumulated in the hypolimnetic bottom waters to a concentration of 50μm. Release occurred in two stages and appeared to be related to the supply of organic material to the sediment. No ferrous iron or dissolved sulphide were detected in the water column, although they were measured in the interstitial waters of the sediment. Ferrous sulphide formation in the sediment controls the iron(II) and dissolved sulphide concentrations and so minimises the concentration gradients at the sediment-water interface. Electron acceptors other than oxygen are capable of oxidising ferrous and sulphide ions in the water column. pH and alkalinity were the only other chemical components to show appreciable variation with depth, reflecting the biological processes of photosynthesis, respiration and decomposition. Iron and humic substances simultaneously increased in the surface waters after a major flood indicating that they are both present in the solution in contact with the soils of the catchment.  相似文献   

The weathering of arsenopyrite (FeAsS) has been monitored in soils using an in situ experimental approach. Arsenopyrite in nylon experimental bags was placed in individual horizons in soils in spruce (litter, horizons A, B, and C), beech (litter, horizons A, B, and C) and unforested (horizons A, B, and C) areas and left in contact with the soil for a period of 1 year. The individual areas on the ridge of the Krušné hory Mts., Czech Republic, had the same lithology, climatic and environmental conditions. Scorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O) was identified as a principal secondary mineral of arsenic (As) formed directly on the surface of the arsenopyrite. Scorodite was formed in all the areas in all soil horizons. The amount of scorodite formed decreased in the series beech, spruce and unforested areas. In forested areas, there was a larger amount of scorodite on arsenopyrites exposed in organic horizons (litter, A horizon). The greater rate of arsenopyrite alteration in organic horizons in the beech stand compared to spruce stand is probably a result of faster mineralization of organic material with resulting production of nitrate and better seepage conditions of soil in this area. Speciation of As determined using the sequential extraction technique demonstrated that As was bonded in the soils primarily in the residual fractions prior to the experiment. The As content in the mobile fractions increased in the organic horizon in the forested areas after the experiments.  相似文献   

Bouarab L  Dauta A  Loudiki M 《Water research》2004,38(11):2706-2712
The main objective of this study was to determine the importance of secondary mechanism of organic carbon utilization (mixotrophic and heterotrophic modes) in addition to CO2 fixation (photoautotrophic mode) in the green alga, Micractinium pusillum Fresenius (chlorophyta), isolated from a waste stabilization pond. The growth was studied in the presence of acetate and glucose. The incorporation rate of 14C- acetate was measured in the light and in the dark at different concentrations. Finally, in order to underline the role of photosynthesis and respiration processes in the acetate assimilation, the effect of two specific metabolic inhibitors, a specific inhibitor of photosystem II (DCMU) and an uncoupler respiratory (DNP), has been studied. The obtained results showed that M. pusillum grows in the presence of organic substrates, i.e., glucose and acetate, in the light (mixotrophic growth) as well as in the dark (Heterotrophic growth). The growth was much more important in the light than in the dark and more in the presence of glucose than of acetate. In the light, the presence of acetate led to a variation of growth parameters mumax, iotaopt, and beta. The effect of acetate gradient on the growth of the microalga was severe as soon as its concentration in the medium was higher. The acetate uptake followed a Michaelis-Menten kinetic in the light as well as in the dark. The capacity of assimilation was slightly higher in the dark. The utilization of DNP and DCMU indicates that acetate incorporation is an active process depending on both anabolic (photosynthesis) and catabolic (respiration) metabolisms, corroborating the model of the Michaelis-Menten kinetic.  相似文献   

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