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The yak is one of the few animals that can thrive in the harsh environment of the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau and adjacent Alpine regions. Yak provides essential resources allowing Tibetans to live at high altitudes. However, genetic variation within and between wild and domestic yak remain unknown. Here, we present a genome‐wide study of the genetic variation within and between wild and domestic yak. Using next‐generation sequencing technology, we resequenced three wild and three domestic yak with a mean of fivefold coverage using our published domestic yak genome as a reference. We identified a total of 8.38 million SNPs (7.14 million novel), 383 241 InDels and 126 352 structural variants between the six yak. We observed higher linkage disequilibrium in domestic yak than in wild yak and a modest but distinct genetic divergence between these two groups. We further identified more than a thousand of potential selected regions (PSRs) for the three domestic yak by scanning the whole genome. These genomic resources can be further used to study genetic diversity and select superior breeds of yak and other bovid species.  相似文献   

Camelids are characterized by their unique adaptive immune system that exhibits the generation of homodimeric heavy‐chain immunoglobulins, somatic hypermutation of T‐cell receptors, and low genetic diversity of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. However, short‐read assemblies are typically highly fragmented in these gene loci owing to their repetitive and polymorphic nature. Here, we constructed a chromosome‐level assembly of wild Bactrian camel genome based on high‐coverage long‐read sequencing and chromatin interaction mapping. The assembly with a contig N50 of 5.37 Mb and a scaffold N50 of 76.03 Mb, represents the most contiguous camelid genome to date. The genomic organization of immunoglobulin heavy‐chain locus was similar between the wild Bactrian camel and alpaca, and genes encoding for conventional and heavy‐chain antibodies were intermixed. The organizations of two immunoglobulin light‐chain loci and four T cell receptor loci were also fully deciphered using the new assembly. Additionally, the complete classical MHC region was resolved into a single contig. The high‐quality assembly presented here provides an essential reference for future investigations examining the camelid immune system.  相似文献   

Researchers have assembled thousands of eukaryotic genomes using Illumina reads, but traditional mate‐pair libraries cannot span all repetitive elements, resulting in highly fragmented assemblies. However, both chromosome conformation capture techniques, such as Hi‐C and Dovetail Genomics Chicago libraries and long‐read sequencing, such as Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore, help span and resolve repetitive regions and therefore improve genome assemblies. One important livestock species of arid regions that does not have a high‐quality contiguous reference genome is the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius). Draft genomes exist but are highly fragmented, and a high‐quality reference genome is needed to understand adaptation to desert environments and artificial selection during domestication. Dromedaries are among the last livestock species to have been domesticated, and together with wild and domestic Bactrian camels, they are the only representatives of the Camelini tribe, which highlights their evolutionary significance. Here we describe our efforts to improve the North African dromedary genome. We used Chicago and Hi‐C sequencing libraries from Dovetail Genomics to resolve the order of previously assembled contigs, producing almost chromosome‐level scaffolds. Remaining gaps were filled with Pacific Biosciences long reads, and then scaffolds were comparatively mapped to chromosomes. Long reads added 99.32 Mbp to the total length of the new assembly. Dovetail Chicago and Hi‐C libraries increased the longest scaffold over 12‐fold, from 9.71 Mbp to 124.99 Mbp and the scaffold N50 over 50‐fold, from 1.48 Mbp to 75.02 Mbp. We demonstrate that Illumina de novo assemblies can be substantially upgraded by combining chromosome conformation capture and long‐read sequencing.  相似文献   

Genome assemblies are currently being produced at an impressive rate by consortia and individual laboratories. The low costs and increasing efficiency of sequencing technologies now enable assembling genomes at unprecedented quality and contiguity. However, the difficulty in assembling repeat‐rich and GC‐rich regions (genomic “dark matter”) limits insights into the evolution of genome structure and regulatory networks. Here, we compare the efficiency of currently available sequencing technologies (short/linked/long reads and proximity ligation maps) and combinations thereof in assembling genomic dark matter. By adopting different de novo assembly strategies, we compare individual draft assemblies to a curated multiplatform reference assembly and identify the genomic features that cause gaps within each assembly. We show that a multiplatform assembly implementing long‐read, linked‐read and proximity sequencing technologies performs best at recovering transposable elements, multicopy MHC genes, GC‐rich microchromosomes and the repeat‐rich W chromosome. Telomere‐to‐telomere assemblies are not a reality yet for most organisms, but by leveraging technology choice it is now possible to minimize genome assembly gaps for downstream analysis. We provide a roadmap to tailor sequencing projects for optimized completeness of both the coding and noncoding parts of nonmodel genomes.  相似文献   

Accurate and complete genome sequences are essential in biotechnology to facilitate genome‐based cell engineering efforts. The current genome assemblies for Cricetulus griseus, the Chinese hamster, are fragmented and replete with gap sequences and misassemblies, consistent with most short‐read‐based assemblies. Here, we completely resequenced C. griseus using single molecule real time sequencing and merged this with Illumina‐based assemblies. This generated a more contiguous and complete genome assembly than either technology alone, reducing the number of scaffolds by >28‐fold, with 90% of the sequence in the 122 longest scaffolds. Most genes are now found in single scaffolds, including up‐ and downstream regulatory elements, enabling improved study of noncoding regions. With >95% of the gap sequence filled, important Chinese hamster ovary cell mutations have been detected in draft assembly gaps. This new assembly will be an invaluable resource for continued basic and pharmaceutical research.  相似文献   

Salmonids are of particular interest to evolutionary biologists due to their incredible diversity of life‐history strategies and the speed at which many salmonid species have diversified. In Switzerland alone, over 30 species of Alpine whitefish from the subfamily Coregoninae have evolved since the last glacial maximum, with species exhibiting a diverse range of morphological and behavioural phenotypes. This, combined with the whole genome duplication which occurred in the ancestor of all salmonids, makes the Alpine whitefish radiation a particularly interesting system in which to study the genetic basis of adaptation and speciation and the impacts of ploidy changes and subsequent rediploidization on genome evolution. Although well‐curated genome assemblies exist for many species within Salmonidae, genomic resources for the subfamily Coregoninae are lacking. To assemble a whitefish reference genome, we carried out PacBio sequencing from one wild‐caught Coregonus sp. “Balchen” from Lake Thun to ~90× coverage. PacBio reads were assembled independently using three different assemblers, falcon , canu and wtdbg2 and subsequently scaffolded with additional Hi‐C data. All three assemblies were highly contiguous, had strong synteny to a previously published Coregonus linkage map, and when mapping additional short‐read data to each of the assemblies, coverage was fairly even across most chromosome‐scale scaffolds. Here, we present the first de novo genome assembly for the Salmonid subfamily Coregoninae. The final 2.2‐Gb wtdbg2 assembly included 40 scaffolds, an N50 of 51.9 Mb and was 93.3% complete for BUSCOs. The assembly consisted of ~52% transposable elements and contained 44,525 genes.  相似文献   

The emergence of third‐generation sequencing (3GS; long‐reads) is bringing closer the goal of chromosome‐size fragments in de novo genome assemblies. This allows the exploration of new and broader questions on genome evolution for a number of nonmodel organisms. However, long‐read technologies result in higher sequencing error rates and therefore impose an elevated cost of sufficient coverage to achieve high enough quality. In this context, hybrid assemblies, combining short‐reads and long‐reads, provide an alternative efficient and cost‐effective approach to generate de novo, chromosome‐level genome assemblies. The array of available software programs for hybrid genome assembly, sequence correction and manipulation are constantly being expanded and improved. This makes it difficult for nonexperts to find efficient, fast and tractable computational solutions for genome assembly, especially in the case of nonmodel organisms lacking a reference genome or one from a closely related species. In this study, we review and test the most recent pipelines for hybrid assemblies, comparing the model organism Drosophila melanogaster to a nonmodel cactophilic Drosophila, D. mojavensis. We show that it is possible to achieve excellent contiguity on this nonmodel organism using the dbg2olc pipeline.  相似文献   

A protocol is described for production of micrograms of DNA from single copies of flow‐sorted plant chromosomes. Of 183 single copies of wheat chromosome 3B, 118 (64%) were successfully amplified. Sequencing DNA amplification products using an Illumina HiSeq 2000 system to 10× coverage and merging sequences from three separate amplifications resulted in 60% coverage of the chromosome 3B reference, entirely covering 30% of its genes. The merged sequences permitted de novo assembly of 19% of chromosome 3B genes, with 10% of genes contained in a single contig, and 39% of genes covered for at least 80% of their length. The chromosome‐derived sequences allowed identification of missing genic sequences in the chromosome 3B reference and short sequences similar to 3B in survey sequences of other wheat chromosomes. These observations indicate that single‐chromosome sequencing is suitable to identify genic sequences on particular chromosomes, to develop chromosome‐specific DNA markers, to verify assignment of DNA sequence contigs to individual pseudomolecules, and to validate whole‐genome assemblies. The protocol expands the potential of chromosome genomics, which may now be applied to any plant species from which chromosome samples suitable for flow cytometry can be prepared, and opens new avenues for studies on chromosome structural heterozygosity and haplotype phasing in plants.  相似文献   

Hierarchical shotgun sequencing remains the method of choice for assembling high‐quality reference sequences of complex plant genomes. The efficient exploitation of current high‐throughput technologies and powerful computational facilities for large‐insert clone sequencing necessitates the sequencing and assembly of a large number of clones in parallel. We developed a multiplexed pipeline for shotgun sequencing and assembling individual bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) using the Illumina sequencing platform. We illustrate our approach by sequencing 668 barley BACs (Hordeum vulgare L.) in a single Illumina HiSeq 2000 lane. Using a newly designed parallelized computational pipeline, we obtained sequence assemblies of individual BACs that consist, on average, of eight sequence scaffolds and represent >98% of the genomic inserts. Our BAC assemblies are clearly superior to a whole‐genome shotgun assembly regarding contiguity, completeness and the representation of the gene space. Our methods may be employed to rapidly obtain high‐quality assemblies of a large number of clones to assemble map‐based reference sequences of plant and animal species with complex genomes by sequencing along a minimum tiling path.  相似文献   

The assembly of a reference genome sequence of bread wheat is challenging due to its specific features such as the genome size of 17 Gbp, polyploid nature and prevalence of repetitive sequences. BAC‐by‐BAC sequencing based on chromosomal physical maps, adopted by the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium as the key strategy, reduces problems caused by the genome complexity and polyploidy, but the repeat content still hampers the sequence assembly. Availability of a high‐resolution genomic map to guide sequence scaffolding and validate physical map and sequence assemblies would be highly beneficial to obtaining an accurate and complete genome sequence. Here, we chose the short arm of chromosome 7D (7DS) as a model to demonstrate for the first time that it is possible to couple chromosome flow sorting with genome mapping in nanochannel arrays and create a de novo genome map of a wheat chromosome. We constructed a high‐resolution chromosome map composed of 371 contigs with an N50 of 1.3 Mb. Long DNA molecules achieved by our approach facilitated chromosome‐scale analysis of repetitive sequences and revealed a ~800‐kb array of tandem repeats intractable to current DNA sequencing technologies. Anchoring 7DS sequence assemblies obtained by clone‐by‐clone sequencing to the 7DS genome map provided a valuable tool to improve the BAC‐contig physical map and validate sequence assembly on a chromosome‐arm scale. Our results indicate that creating genome maps for the whole wheat genome in a chromosome‐by‐chromosome manner is feasible and that they will be an affordable tool to support the production of improved pseudomolecules.  相似文献   

Fusarium pseudograminearum is an important pathogen of wheat and barley, particularly in semi‐arid environments. Previous genome assemblies for this organism were based entirely on short read data and are highly fragmented. In this work, a genetic map of F. pseudograminearum has been constructed for the first time based on a mapping population of 178 individuals. The genetic map, together with long read scaffolding of a short read‐based genome assembly, was used to give a near‐complete assembly of the four F. pseudograminearum chromosomes. Large regions of synteny between F. pseudograminearum and F. graminearum, the related pathogen that is the primary causal agent of cereal head blight disease, were previously proposed in the core conserved genome, but the construction of a genetic map to order and orient contigs is critical to the validation of synteny and the placing of species‐specific regions. Indeed, our comparative analyses of the genomes of these two related pathogens suggest that rearrangements in the F. pseudograminearum genome have occurred in the chromosome ends. One of these rearrangements includes the transposition of an entire gene cluster involved in the detoxification of the benzoxazolinone (BOA) class of plant phytoalexins. This work provides an important genomic and genetic resource for F. pseudograminearum, which is less well characterized than F. graminearum. In addition, this study provides new insights into a better understanding of the sexual reproduction process in F. pseudograminearum, which informs us of the potential of this pathogen to evolve.  相似文献   

野牦牛线粒体基因组序列测定及其系统进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野牦牛属高寒地区的特有物种,是我国最珍贵的野生动物遗传资源之一,已被列为国家一级重点保护动物。对野牦牛mtDNA进行全序列测定和结构分析,并基于线粒体基因组序列对其系统发生进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)野牦牛线粒体基因组全序列的大小为16 322 bp,整个基因组由37个编码基因和D-loop区组成;22个tRNA基因序列长度为1 524 bp、2个RNA基因序列长度为2 528 bp、13个编码蛋白基因序列长度为11420 bp、D-loop区长度为892 bp。基因组中无间隔序列,基因间排列紧密,基因内无内含子。(2)野牦牛具有较丰富的遗传多样性。(3)分子系统发生关系显示牦牛为牛亚科中的一个独立属,即牦牛属(Poephagus),牦牛属包括家牦牛(Poephagus grunniens)和野牦牛(Poephagus mutus)2个种。野牦牛线粒体基因组全序列的获得和结构解析对研究牦牛的起源、演化和分类,以及野牦牛遗传资源的保护、开发和利用均具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

The red‐spotted grouper Epinephelus akaara (E. akaara) is one of the most economically important marine fish in China, Japan and South‐East Asia and is a threatened species. The species is also considered a good model for studies of sex inversion, development, genetic diversity and immunity. Despite its importance, molecular resources for E. akaara remain limited and no reference genome has been published to date. In this study, we constructed a chromosome‐level reference genome of E. akaara by taking advantage of long‐read single‐molecule sequencing and de novo assembly by Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) and Hi‐C. A red‐spotted grouper genome of 1.135 Gb was assembled from a total of 106.29 Gb polished Nanopore sequence (GridION, ONT), equivalent to 96‐fold genome coverage. The assembled genome represents 96.8% completeness (BUSCO) with a contig N50 length of 5.25 Mb and a longest contig of 25.75 Mb. The contigs were clustered and ordered onto 24 pseudochromosomes covering approximately 95.55% of the genome assembly with Hi‐C data, with a scaffold N50 length of 46.03 Mb. The genome contained 43.02% repeat sequences and 5,480 noncoding RNAs. Furthermore, combined with several RNA‐seq data sets, 23,808 (99.5%) genes were functionally annotated from a total of 23,923 predicted protein‐coding sequences. The high‐quality chromosome‐level reference genome of E. akaara was assembled for the first time and will be a valuable resource for molecular breeding and functional genomics studies of red‐spotted grouper in the future.  相似文献   

Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most important staple food crop for 35% of the world's population. International efforts are underway to facilitate an increase in wheat production, of which the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) plays an important role. As part of this effort, we have developed a sequence‐based physical map of wheat chromosome 6A using whole‐genome profiling (WGP?). The bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig assembly tools fingerprinted contig (fpc ) and linear topological contig (ltc ) were used and their contig assemblies were compared. A detailed investigation of the contigs structure revealed that ltc created a highly robust assembly compared with those formed by fpc . The ltc assemblies contained 1217 contigs for the short arm and 1113 contigs for the long arm, with an L50 of 1 Mb. To facilitate in silico anchoring, WGP? tags underlying BAC contigs were extended by wheat and wheat progenitor genome sequence information. Sequence data were used for in silico anchoring against genetic markers with known sequences, of which almost 79% of the physical map could be anchored. Moreover, the assigned sequence information led to the ‘decoration’ of the respective physical map with 3359 anchored genes. Thus, this robust and genetically anchored physical map will serve as a framework for the sequencing of wheat chromosome 6A, and is of immediate use for map‐based isolation of agronomically important genes/quantitative trait loci located on this chromosome.  相似文献   

The superb fairy‐wren, Malurus cyaneus, is one of the most iconic Australian passerine species. This species belongs to an endemic Australasian clade, Meliphagides, which diversified early in the evolution of the oscine passerines. Today, the oscine passerines comprise almost half of all avian species diversity. Despite the rapid increase of available bird genome assemblies, this part of the avian tree has not yet been represented by a high‐quality reference. To rectify that, we present the first high‐quality genome assembly of a Meliphagides representative: the superb fairy‐wren. We combined Illumina shotgun and mate‐pair sequences, PacBio long‐reads, and a genetic linkage map from an intensively sampled pedigree of a wild population to generate this genome assembly. Of the final assembled 1.07‐Gb genome, 975 Mb (90.4%) was anchored onto 25 pseudochromosomes resulting in a final superscaffold N50 of 68.11 Mb. This high‐quality bird genome assembly is one of only a handful which is also accompanied by a genetic map and recombination landscape. In comparison to other pedigree‐based bird genetic maps, we find that the fairy‐wren genetic map more closely resembles those of Taeniopygia guttata and Parus major maps, unlike the Ficedula albicollis map which more closely resembles that of Gallus gallus. Lastly, we also provide a predictive gene and repeat annotation of the genome assembly. This new high‐quality, annotated genome assembly will be an invaluable resource not only regarding the superb fairy‐wren species and relatives but also broadly across the avian tree by providing a novel reference point for comparative genomic analyses.  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps represent a large proportion of hymenopteran species. They have complex evolutionary histories and are important biocontrol agents. To advance parasitoid research, a combination of Illumina short‐read, PacBio long‐read and Hi‐C scaffolding technologies was used to develop a high‐quality chromosome‐level genome assembly for Pteromalus puparum, which is an important pupal endoparasitoid of caterpillar pests. The chromosome‐level assembly has aided in studies of venom and detoxification genes. The assembled genome size is 338 Mb with a contig N50 of 38.7 kb and a scaffold N50 of 1.16 Mb. Hi‐C analysis assembled scaffolds onto five chromosomes and raised the scaffold N50 to 65.8 Mb, with more than 96% of assembled bases located on chromosomes. Gene annotation was assisted by RNA sequencing for the two sexes and four different life stages. Analysis detected 98% of the BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single‐Copy Orthologs) gene set, supporting a high‐quality assembly and annotation. In total, 40.1% (135.6 Mb) of the assembly is composed of repetitive sequences, and 14,946 protein‐coding genes were identified. Although venom genes play important roles in parasitoid biology, their spatial distribution on chromosomes was poorly understood. Mapping has revealed venom gene tandem arrays for serine proteases, pancreatic lipase‐related proteins and kynurenine–oxoglutarate transaminases, which have amplified in the P. puparum lineage after divergence from its common ancestor with Nasonia vitripennis. In addition, there is a large expansion of P450 genes in P. puparum. These examples illustrate how chromosome‐level genome assembly can provide a valuable resource for molecular, evolutionary and biocontrol studies of parasitoid wasps.  相似文献   

For many researchers, next generation sequencing data holds the key to answering a category of questions previously unassailable. One of the important and challenging steps in achieving these goals is accurately assembling the massive quantity of short sequencing reads into full nucleic acid sequences. For research groups working with non-model or wild systems, short read assembly can pose a significant challenge due to the lack of pre-existing EST or genome reference libraries. While many publications describe the overall process of sequencing and assembly, few address the topic of how many and what types of reads are best for assembly. The goal of this project was use real world data to explore the effects of read quantity and short read quality scores on the resulting de novo assemblies. Using several samples of short reads of various sizes and qualities we produced many assemblies in an automated manner. We observe how the properties of read length, read quality, and read quantity affect the resulting assemblies and provide some general recommendations based on our real-world data set.  相似文献   

Cicer arietinum L. (chickpea) is the third most important food legume crop. We have generated the draft sequence of a desi‐type chickpea genome using next‐generation sequencing platforms, bacterial artificial chromosome end sequences and a genetic map. The 520‐Mb assembly covers 70% of the predicted 740‐Mb genome length, and more than 80% of the gene space. Genome analysis predicts the presence of 27 571 genes and 210 Mb as repeat elements. The gene expression analysis performed using 274 million RNA‐Seq reads identified several tissue‐specific and stress‐responsive genes. Although segmental duplicated blocks are observed, the chickpea genome does not exhibit any indication of recent whole‐genome duplication. Nucleotide diversity analysis provides an assessment of a narrow genetic base within the chickpea cultivars. We have developed a resource for genetic markers by comparing the genome sequences of one wild and three cultivated chickpea genotypes. The draft genome sequence is expected to facilitate genetic enhancement and breeding to develop improved chickpea varieties.  相似文献   

The brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens, white‐backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera, and small brown planthopper Laodelphax striatellus are three major insect pests of rice. They are genetically close; however, they differ in several ecological traits such as host range, migration capacity, and in their sex chromosomes. Though the draft genome of these three planthoppers have been previously released, the quality of genome assemblies need to be improved. The absence of chromosome‐level genome resources has hindered in‐depth research of these three species. Here, we performed a de novo genome assembly for N. lugens to increase its genome assembly quality with PacBio and Illumina platforms, increasing the contig N50 to 589.46 Kb. Then, with the new N. lugens genome and previously reported S. furcifera and L. striatellus genome assemblies, we generated chromosome‐level scaffold assemblies of these three planthopper species using HiC scaffolding technique. The scaffold N50s significantly increased to 77.63 Mb, 43.36 Mb and 29.24 Mb for N. lugens, S. furcifera and L. striatellus, respectively. To identify sex chromosomes of these three planthopper species, we carried out genome re‐sequencing of males and females and successfully determined the X and Y chromosomes for N. lugens, and X chromosome for S. furcifera and L. striatellus. The gene content of the sex chromosomes showed high diversity among these three planthoppers suggesting the rapid evolution of sex‐linked genes, and all chromosomes showed high synteny. The chromosome‐level genome assemblies of three planthoppers would provide a valuable resource for a broad range of future research in molecular ecology, and subsequently benefits development of modern pest control strategies.  相似文献   

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