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全国城市中小学生功能性便秘危险因素研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 分析中国城市中小学生功能性便秘(FC)的影响因素.方法 采用多级整群随机抽样方法,对国内6个省及2个直辖市中51 956名中小学生进行流行病学问卷调查.结果 logistic回归分析显示,喜食油炸食物、不进食时有咽部异物感、经常胸骨后疼痛、打嗝、经常采用吞气来帮助终止打嗝、纳差、失眠、疲劳、心情焦虑烦躁9种因素为慢性便秘最具可能性的危险因素,其OR值均大于1.结论 不良饮食习惯如喜食油炸食物、失眠、疲劳及心情焦虑烦躁等躯体精神心理因素,可能是诱发城市中小学生FC致病的相关危险因素.  相似文献   

目的分析我国南方城市中小学生肠易激综合征(IBS)的患病率及分布特征。方法采用多级整群随机抽样方法,对我国南方16727名城市中小学生进行流行病学问卷调查。结果符合Manning及罗马Ⅱ诊断标准的IBS期间患病率分别为53.29%及19.58%,以高中生居多,男女患病率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);在符合罗马Ⅱ标准的IBS患者中,17.92%(587例)为腹泻型;48.93%(1602例)为便秘型;33.15%(1086例)为腹泻便秘交替型;③在符合Manning标准及罗马Ⅱ标准的IBS学生中,因腹痛或不适及大便习惯改变而就诊者分别为11.33%及16.85%。结论IBS是城市中小学生的常见病及多发病,患病率随年龄的增长而上升。  相似文献   

目的了解新生儿出生体质量的影响因素。方法采取随机整群抽样方法收集北京、哈尔滨、长沙及广州4个城市5 539例单胎活产新生儿出生体质量及相关数据,运用单因素分析及多元Logistic回归分析,筛选新生儿出生体质量的影响因素。结果单因素分析显示,新生儿性别和胎龄,母亲产次、年龄、妊娠前体质指数(BMI)、孕期增加体质量、文化程度和职业8个因素对新生儿出生体质量有影响。采用Logistic回归分析发现,胎儿为男性(OR=2.13)、母亲年龄≥25岁(OR=3.30)、母亲妊娠前BMI≥24.0 kg/m2(OR=3.77)、母亲孕期体质量增加≥12.5 kg(OR=1.64)为巨大儿发生的危险因素;而母亲妊娠前BMI18.5 kg/m2(OR=2.25)、早产(OR=16.43)是低出生体质量儿发生的危险因素。结论早产、孕期体质量增加过多、母亲孕前BMI偏高或偏低是导致异常出生体质量发生的主要因素。  相似文献   

目的 比较维吾尔族(简称维族)和汉族足月新生儿低出生体重(LBW)发生的危险因素的不同,为预防和控制LBW 的发生提供依据.方法 2013 年3 月至2014 年6 月间足月LBW 新生儿 87 例为病例组(汉族38 例,维族49 例),同期足月正常体重儿186 例为对照组(汉族92 例,维族94 例),进行"低出生体重可能的环境危险因素"问卷调查,并采用多因素logistic 回归分析比较维汉族新生儿LBW 发生的危险因素.结果 维族LBW 新生儿出生体重低于汉族(P<0.05).多因素logistic 回归分析显示,父亲饮酒(OR=2.472,P=0.015)、吸烟(OR=2.323,P=0.007)、母孕期并发症(OR=14.377,P<0.001)、孕次(OR=2.995,P=0.001) 是汉族新生儿LBW 发生的危险因素; 父亲饮酒(OR=1.968,P=0.007)、母孕次(OR=1.953,P=0.005)、母孕期并发症(OR=10.283,P=0.002)、室内环境不良(OR=1.367,P=0.027)是维族新生儿LBW发生的危险因素.结论 维族和汉族足月LBW 新生儿的体格发育状况有差异.维汉族新生儿LBW 的发生在传统因素,如父亲饮酒等不良行为、孕母孕次和孕期并发症等上比较一致,但室内环境因素在维族新生儿LBW 的发生中也起了作用.  相似文献   

中国南方城市中小学生焦虑倾向流行病学调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 分析中国南方城市中小学生焦虑倾向患病率、分布特征及与肠易激综合征(irritable bowelsyndrome,IBS)的关系.方法 采用多级整群随机抽样方法,对中国南方16 727名城市中小学生进行流行病学问卷调查.结果 16 727名学生中有焦虑倾向为26.49%,男性为21.43%,女性为31.77%,两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);在儿童焦虑性倾向筛查(SCARED)量表5个领域的分值比较中,IBS学生高于非IBS学生及IBS就诊学生高于未就诊学生.结论 焦虑倾向发生率随年龄的增长而上升,良好的家庭环境和学校教育能有效地降低焦虑程度;精神心理因素在IBS发病中起重要作用.  相似文献   

目的 调查评估先天性心脏病婴儿生长发育状况,探讨其生长落后的发生率及其危险因素.方法 采用Z评分法对2010年8月至2011年8月期间在我科住院行心脏手术的354例先天性心脏病婴儿进行营养状况评估,根据评估结果分为营养不良组及非营养不良组,采用卡方检验及多元回归分析对造成生长发育落后的可能危险因素进行单因素及多因素回归分析.结果 354例中低体重患儿108例(30.5%),经多元回归分析,低出生体重(OR=3.844,P=0.001)、肺动脉高压(OR=5.702,P=0.000)、肺炎(OR=2.161,P=0.005)与其显著相关;生长迟缓患儿62例(17.5%),经多元回归分析,低出生体重(OR=4.137,P=0.000)、肺动脉高压(OR=2.352,P=0.047)、肺炎(OR=3.417.P=0.000)与其显著相关;消瘦患儿95例(26.8%),经多元回归分析,肺动脉高压(OR=2.747,P=0.001)与其显著相关.结论 低出生体重、肺动脉高压、肺炎对先天性心脏病婴儿生长发育可产生显著影响;是否紫绀与小婴儿营养不良无显著相关.  相似文献   

目的:新生儿红细胞增多症发病因素复杂,以往多采用单因素分析法进行研究,该文以多因素分析法分析其独立危险因素,并分析因素间的交互作用,为该病防治提供依据。方法:采用病例对照研究对新生儿红细胞增多症27种危险因素进行调查,对单因素分析中有显著性意义的因素进行非条件logistic回归分析,并以加法模型理论分析因素间的交互作用。结果:单因素分析显示妊高征、窒息、宫内窘迫、小于胎龄儿、胎膜早破、早产、胎盘早剥、多胎妊娠、低出生体重等9个因素有显著性意义(P<0. 05);非条件logistic回归分析显示窒息(OR=7. 8255)、胎膜早破(OR=2. 7007)、妊高征(OR=2. 8313)、早产(OR=7. 7394)、低出生体重(OR=7. 4803)为红细胞增多症的独立危险因素;交互分析显示,低出生体重和小于胎龄儿、低出生体重与宫内窘迫、早产与小于胎龄儿之间存在正交互作用(交互指数大于1)。结论:该病的发生与多种独立危险因素有关,多个危险因素并存亦加大了该病发生的可能性,临床上应加强对相关危险因素的监测和处理。  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童重型毛细支气管炎的相关危险因素.方法 回顾性分析209例毛细支气管炎患儿的临床资料,根据临床病情分为重型毛细支气管炎(27例)和普通型毛细支气管炎(182例)两组,采用单因素分析和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析探讨重型毛细支气管炎的相关危险因素.结果 单因素分析提示年龄(f =3.455;P=0.001)、被动吸烟(x2=6.119;P=0.013)、早产(x2=17.124;P =0.000)、肥胖(x2=5.673;P=0.017)、特应体质(x2=5.736;P =0.017)、先天性心脏病(x2=20.694;P=0.000)6个变量因素影响毛细支气管炎的临床严重程度;经多因素非条件Logistic回归分析表明年龄(OR 0.742;95% CI0.601~0.917)、被动吸烟(OR3.300;95% CI1.060 ~ 10.276)、早产(OR5.265;95% CI 1.565~ 17.705)、先天性心脏病(OR 13.634;95% CI3.015~ 61.663)是重型毛细支气管炎的危险因素.结论 年龄小、被动吸烟、早产、特应体质及先天性心脏病是重型毛细支气管炎的危险因素.  相似文献   

目的 探讨Tourette综合征(Tourette syndrome,TS)合并注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)(简称:TS+ADHD)的相关危险因素,为鸭+ADHD的预防、干预提供理论依据.方法 对门诊150例伴或不伴ADHD的TS患儿根据DSM-Ⅳ诊断标准分为单纯TS组和TS+ADHD组,两组各75例.采用自制问卷和家庭环境量表进行测评.将46个因素作为变量进行赋值,进行数量化处理.应用单因素和多因素分析方法对资料进行分析.结果 (1)TS+ADHD患儿家庭的亲密度、情感表达、知识性、娱乐性、组织性和道德宗教观得分低于对照组家庭;而矛盾性则高于正常对照家庭.(2)单因素分析发现TS+ADHD的相关危险因素包括:ADHD家族史阳性[比值比(OR)值=24.318]、家庭教育类型为非民主型(OR=18.617)、治疗延误时间长(OR=10.796)、母孕期吸烟(OR=9.094)、家庭矛盾性(OR=5.781)、出生时缺氧(OR=2.562)、父母文化程度低(OR=1.941)、低情感表达(OR=0.967).(3)进一步的多因素Logistic回归分析发现共有5个因素被选人回归方程,依次为:ADHD家族史阳性(OR=13.805)、家庭矛盾性(OR=8.459)、家庭教育类型为非民主型(OR=5.477)、父母文化程度低(OR=2.164)、母孕期吸烟(OR=2.075).结论 ADHD家族史阳性、家庭矛盾性、家庭教育类型为非民主型、父母文化程度低、母孕期吸烟是导致TS合并ADHD的关键危险因素.  相似文献   

目的 探讨新生儿机械通气相关性肺炎(VAP)的危险因素.方法 回顾分析我院82例行机械通气辅助治疗的新生儿发生VAP的临床情况,采用Logistic多元回归分析方法探讨新生儿发生VAP可能的危险因素.结果 Logistic多元回归分析表明有统计学意义(P<0.05)的危险因素有胎龄(OR=6.209,95%CI=2.112~16.835)、机械通气时间(OR=5.842,95%CI=1.366~14.936)、气管内吸引次数(OR=4.764,95%CI=1.416~14.736)、再插管(OR=6.190,95%CI=1.669~16.019)、留置胃管(OR=6.794,95%CI=1.928~19.160)、应用中枢抑制剂(OR=4.297,95%CI=1.002~15.216).结论 新生儿VAP的发生是多因素的综合作用结果,出生时胎龄小、机械通气时间长、气管内吸引次数多、再插管、留置胃管、应用中枢抑制剂是新生儿发生VAP的危险因素.  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders, characterized by abdominal pain and disturbed defecation that cannot be explained by structural abnormalities. Although IBS symptoms (visceral pain, increased gut permeability, motility alterations) are clearly established, the etiology of this pathology is loosely understood. Nevertheless, clinical studies have reported that some early abuse (physical and psychological) is often associated with IBS development. Thus, loss and separation in the family during childhood may contribute to the IBS development. The recent development of animal models has pointed out the importance of early traumatic experiences in favoring the occurrence of IBS in adult life. Among these different models, neonatal maternal deprivation (NMD), neonatal colonic irritation (inflammatory stimuli), and neonatal colonic pain (rectal distension) have been described to mimic some cardinal features of IBS. The purpose of this review is 3-fold. First, to present the different neonatal stress models. Second, to review the literature on the influence of these early traumatic experiences on the gastrointestinal tract disturbances observed in adult life. Finally, we will also present the mediators and mechanisms involved in gut dysfunction triggered by NMD and probably in IBS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Infants born at 33 through 35 completed weeks of gestation (33-35GA) are at risk for severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection, and palivizumab prophylaxis lowers hospitalizations for RSV infection by as much as 80%. The 33-35GA cohort comprises 3-5% of annual births; thus expert panels recommend limiting prophylaxis to situations in which frequency or health care impact of RSV infection is high. This study sought to identify independent risk factors for hospitalization for RSV infection. METHODS: This was a multicenter, prospective, observational cohort study of 33-35GA infants followed through their first RSV season (2001/2002 or 2002/2003). Baseline data were collected by interview with parents and review of medical records. Respiratory tract illnesses were identified by monthly phone calls, and medical records were reviewed for emergency room visits or hospitalizations. Risk factors were determined by stepwise logistic regression. RESULTS: Of 1,860 enrolled subjects, 1,832 (98.5%) were followed for at least 1 month, and 1,760 (94.6%) completed all follow-ups. Of 140 (7.6%) subjects hospitalized for respiratory tract illnesses, 66 infants had proven RSV infection. Independent predictors for hospitalization for RSV infection were: day-care attendance (odds ratio, 12.32; 95% confidence interval, 2.56, 59.34); November through January birth (odds ratio, 4.89; 95% confidence interval, 2.57, 9.29); preschool age sibling(s) (odds ratio, 2.76; 95% confidence interval, 1.51, 5.03); birth weight <10th percentile (odds ratio, 2.19; 95% confidence interval, 1.14, 4.22); male gender (odds ratio, 1.91; 95% confidence interval, 1.10, 3.31); > or = 2 smokers in the home (odds ratio, 1.87; 95% confidence interval, 1.07, 3.26); and households with >5 people, counting the subject (odds ratio, 1.79; 95% confidence interval, 1.02, 3.16). Family history of eczema (odds ratio, 0.42; 95% confidence interval, 0.18, 0.996) was protective. CONCLUSIONS: Specific host/environmental factors can be used to identify which 33-35GA infants are at greatest risk of hospitalization for RSV infection and likely to benefit from palivizumab prophylaxis.  相似文献   

All neonates (n = 581) with birth weights less than 1501 gm admitted to seven neonatal intensive care units in Wisconsin and Iowa were candidates for a study aimed at the multivariate assessment of risk factors for chronic lung disease while controlling for baseline severity of respiratory disease. Data from 361 neonates were analyzed for all risk factors except fluids; only neonates weighing less than 1200 gm were included (n = 220). Information on traditional risk factors for chronic lung disease was abstracted. A total of 110 (30%) of the analyzed neonates were oxygen dependent on day 30 of life. The following baseline factors were associated with increased risk of oxygen dependence in a joint multivariate model: lower birth weight (odds ratio 1.4/100 gm), higher baseline severity score (odds ratio 2.7/doubling at 32 weeks gestational age), lower gestational age (odds ratio 2.4/week at severity 0), Apgar score at 1 minute (odds ratio 1.6/2 points), male gender (odds ratio 1.9), and nonblack race (odds ratio 2.2). After adjustment for all baseline factors, patent ductus arteriosus, ventilator pressure at 96 hours, oxygen at 96 hours, and fluid intake were associated with oxygen dependence. Neonates with a low baseline severity score who remained oxygen dependent had a higher intake of fluid relative to output, whereas neonates with a higher baseline severity score had higher fluid intake and output. Lack of weight loss was associated with increased severity but not with oxygen dependence. The results of this study generally confirm the significance of previously reported risk factors for chronic lung disease in a multivariate setting but show that risk factors may not have the same impact in neonates with different baseline severity.  相似文献   

Risk factors for acute upper respiratory tract disease in childhood were evaluated in a population-based sample of the Atlanta metropolitan area. Mothers from 449 households containing 575 children less than 5 years of age were selected by random-digit dialing and questioned about upper respiratory tract infection and ear infection occurring in their children during the preceding 2 weeks. Household demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, maternal smoking history and child day-care attendance and breast-feeding information were also obtained. For children less than 5 years of age, the reported incidence of upper respiratory tract infection was 24%, and of ear infection, 6%. Controlling for the other variables measured, day-care attendance was associated with a significantly increased risk of both illnesses. For upper respiratory tract infection, increased risk was present for all children attending day care (P = .02, odds ratio = 1.6), whereas for ear infection, risk could be demonstrated only for full-time attendees (P = .005, odds ratio = 3.8). Maternal smoking was a second independent risk factor for a child's having upper respiratory tract infection (odds ratio = 1.7, P = .01). Thirty-one percent of all upper respiratory tract infection among day-care attendees and 66% of all ear infections among full-time day-care attendees were attributable to day-care attendance. Given the proportion of children in day care, 9% to 14% of the total burden of upper respiratory tract disease in this population was day care related.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Background:Prenatal maternal diet may influence disease susceptibility in offspring with specific genetic backgrounds.We hypothesized that interactions between prenatal antioxidant intake and polymorphisms in immunity genes influence respiratory tract infection (RTI) susceptibility in infants at 12 months of age.Methods:This study included 550 infants.In the Cohort for Childhood Origin of Asthma and Allergic Diseases (COCOA) birth cohort study,prenatal maternal diet was assessed by administering a food frequency questionnaire.Infants' cord blood was genotyped for CD14 (rs2569190),TLR4 (rs1927911),and GSDMB (rs4794820) polymorphisms by the TaqMan method.Results:Higher prenatal intake of total fruit and vegetables (FV) was associated with the decreased risk of RTI in offspring (P-trend=0.0430).In children with TT genotype at rs2569190,a higher prenatal intake of vitamins A and C,fruits,and total FV decreased RTI risk (P-trend <0.05),while in infants with TC+CC genotype,a higher prenatal intake of fruit increased RTI risk (P-trend <0.05).When analyzing the 3 genotypes,children with TT genotype at rs2569190 were more protected against RTIs compared with those with CC genotype with respect to vitamin C and fruits [odds ratio (OR)=5.04 and OR=10.30,respectively].In children with CC genotype at rs1927911,RTI risk showed a dose-response association with a higher prenatal intake of vitamin C (P for interaction<0.05).A higher prenatal intake of fruits and total FV reduced RTI risk in infants with GA+AA genotype of rs4794820 (P for interaction<0.05).Conclusion:Prenatal antioxidant intake may reduce RTI risk in infants and this relationship may be modified by CD14,TLR4,and GSDMB polymorphisms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether there are racial/ethnic differences in the prevalence of obesity among preschool children and to determine whether these differences are explained by socioeconomic factors. DESIGN: Cross-sectional assessment. SETTING: Twenty large US cities, from 2001 to 2003. PARTICIPANTS: Of the 4898 children enrolled at birth in the Fragile Families and Child Well-being Study, we analyzed data for the 2452 who, at the age of 3 years, had their height and weight measured during a maternal survey. MAIN EXPOSURES: Three socioeconomic indicators were the main exposures-maternal education, household income, and children's food security status, as assessed by the US Household Food Security Survey Module. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Obesity, defined as a body mass index at the 95th percentile or higher for age and sex. RESULTS: Of the mothers, 41.0% had education beyond high school, 52.9% of households had an income above the federal poverty threshold, and 79.5% of the children were food secure. The prevalence of obesity was 25.8% among Hispanics (any race), 16.2% among blacks, and 14.8% among whites. Compared with whites, the odds of obesity were significantly higher in Hispanics (odds ratio, 2.00; 95% confidence interval, 1.46-2.73), but not in blacks (odds ratio, 1.10; 95% confidence interval, 0.82-1.48). Neither of these odds ratios changed meaningfully after adjusting for all 3 socioeconomic indicators (Hispanics: odds ratio, 1.86 [95% confidence interval, 1.33-2.60]; and blacks: odds ratio, 1.07 [95% confidence interval, 0.78-1.47]). CONCLUSION: In a sample of preschool children drawn from 20 large US cities, the high prevalence of obesity among Hispanics relative to blacks or whites was not explained by racial/ethnic differences in maternal education, household income, or food security.  相似文献   

Aim: Prevalence rates for deliberate self‐harm (DSH) are unusually high among Taiwanese high school students. Several models have been advanced to explain the occurrence of DSH. One, the experiential avoidance model suggests that self‐mutilation helps the individual escape from unwanted emotional experiences. The purpose of this study was to examine the demographic, health and behavioral correlates of DSH in a population (Taiwanese adolescents) known to have a high rate of DSH. Method: A structured, self‐administered questionnaire survey was completed by a sample of 742 vocational high school students in Taiwan. Results: Eighty‐four students (11.3%) acknowledged DSH behavior. Results of multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that female students were 3.47 times as likely as male students to be in the DSH group. Avoidance behaviors of running away from school [odds ratio (OR) = 3.45] and suicide attempt (OR = 13.05), a history of headache (OR = 8.96), a history of sexual abuse (OR = 4.26) and drinking (OR = 4.12) were also significantly associated with DSH. Conclusions: Gender and a history of headaches, a history of sexual abuse, drinking, running away from school, or suicidal attempts were factors associated with DSH among Taiwanese adolescents. School personnel should be aware of these to formulate appropriate and timely interventions.  相似文献   

Aim: To examine whether children with self‐reported experiences of either physical abuse alone or combined with intimate partner violence report more psychosomatic symptoms than other children and to explore whether these possible associations are enhanced by school‐related factors, chronic condition and demographic factors. Methods: A national cross‐sectional study of 2771 pupils in grades 4, 6 and 9 from 44 schools in Sweden was carried out in 2006 (91% response rate). Data were analysed with univariate tests (chi‐square), multiple logistic regression analyses and stratified logistic regression analyses, expressed as crude odds ratio (OR) and adjusted odds ratio (AOR) with 95% confidence intervals. Results: There was a strong association between reported physical abuse and multiple (three or more) psychosomatic symptoms among schoolchildren (AOR 2.12). Chronic condition was the only determinant that had an obvious enhancing effect on the association between physical abuse and psychosomatic symptoms in childhood. Conclusion: This study shows that multiple psychosomatic symptoms are associated with child physical abuse. Health professionals therefore need to pay special attention to schoolchildren who complain about the co‐occurrence of psychosomatic symptoms and pattern of symptoms, which could not be easily explained by other causes.  相似文献   

儿童上消化道异物致消化道损伤217例回顾性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 了解儿童上消化道异物致消化道损伤的临床特点及治疗转归。方法 收集2011年1月至2016年12月行胃镜检查诊断为上消化道异物,且出现消化道损伤的217例患儿的临床资料,回顾性分析其临床特点、胃镜下表现、并发症及转归。结果 217例患儿中,1~3岁患儿占比最高(114例,52.5%)。异物以硬币最常见(99例,45.6%),其次为硬质/尖锐食物(45例,20.7%)及金属(35例,16.1%)。消化道黏膜损伤以溃疡最多见(43.8%),其次为糜烂(33.2%)。纽扣电池较其他异物更易引起食管穿孔(P < 0.01)。食管为最常见受损部位(207例,95.4%)。217例患儿中,24例(11.1%)并发感染;异物致穿孔患儿较异物致溃疡患儿感染发生率明显增高(P=0.003)。217例患儿中,204例(94.0%)内镜下成功取出异物。98例因黏膜损伤较重需住院治疗,予以抗感染、抑酸治疗及鼻胃管肠内营养和/或静脉营养支持治疗。10例患儿自动出院而失访,其余患儿均好转出院。结论 幼儿期为上消化道异物高发年龄段;儿童上消化道常见异物为硬币、硬质/尖锐食物及金属;纽扣电池易造成食管穿孔;消化道黏膜损伤越重继发感染率越高;内镜下异物取出术结合鼻胃管肠内营养等处理患儿预后良好。  相似文献   

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