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Abstract. Rhodamine 123 (Rh 123), a relatively new mitochondrial marker, little used in the study of plant cells, was tested on excized leaves of Elodea canadensis Michx. and on suspension-cultured cells of Ranunculus serbicus Vis. In both preparations, the dye accumulated rapidly and selectively in the mitochondria whose number, morphology and cell distribution could be easily observed. In the presence of Rh 123, cytoplasmic movements could also be perceived and the spatial arrangement of the mitochondria with respect to that of the auto-fluorescent chloroplasts was studied in connection with a normal or altered cytoskeletal framework. The specific uptake of Rh 123 by the organdies seemed to be potential-dependent since it was influenced by cations, ionophores and inhibitors of electron transport. Short exposures to the stain were practically non-toxic, whereas prolonged treatments (6–20 h) provoked specific alterations in structure of the mitochondria. The data reported here indicate that Rh 123 may be an excellent vital stain to study the morphology, function and dynamics of the mitochondria in living plant cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondria in cells ofCatharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don in synchronous cell division cultures were observed by double staining using fluorescence microscopy. The cells were stained with 4′-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) first and subsequently stained with rhodamine 123 (r-123). Immediately after staining with r-123, yellowishgreen, elongated and moving mitochondria were observed upon excitation at 485 nm. When the excitation filters were replaced by a UV filter (360 nm), 1 to 7 mitochondrial nucleoids were visible in each mitochondrion in the same field. Changes in the lengths of mitochondria during the cell cycle obtained from the observations under fluorescence microscopy by this staining method suggest the occurrence of multiplication of mitochondria concurrent with the cell cycle ofC. roseus.  相似文献   

The membrane potential of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes was monitored with the cationic permeant fluorescent dye rhodamine 123 (R123) as a probe. Epifluorescence microscopy revealed that R123 at 1 microgram/ml rather selectively partitioned into structure resembling large mitochondria. Treatment of R123-loaded gametocytes with various inhibitors including those of respiration resulted in disappearance of fluorescence from what appeared to be the mitochondria, but not from the cytosol. These results indicate that P. falciparum gametocytes have the mitochondrion maintaining an inside negative membrane potential.  相似文献   

The spectral and metabolic properties of Rhodamine 123, a fluorescent cationic dye used to label mitochondria in living cells, were investigated in suspensions of isolated rat-liver mitochondria. A red shift of Rhodamine 123 absorbance and fluorescence occurred following mitochondrial energization. Fluorescence quenching of as much as 75% also occurred. The red shift and quenching varied linearly with the potassium diffusion potential, but did not respond to ΔpH. These energy-linked changes were accompanied by dye uptake into the matrix space. Concentration ratios, in-to-out, approached 4000:1. A large fraction of internalized dye was bound. At concentrations higher than those needed to record these spectral changes, Rhodamine 123 inhibited ADP-stimulated (State 3) respiration of mitochondria (Ki = 12 μM) and ATPase activity of inverted inner membrane vesicles (Ki = 126 μM) and partially purified F1-ATPase (Ki = 177 μM). The smaller Ki for coupled mitochondria was accounted for by energy-dependent Rhodamine 123 uptake into the matrix. Above about 20 nmol/mg protein (10 μM), Rhodamine 123 caused rapid swelling of energized mitochondria. Effects on electron-transfer reactions and coupling were small or negligible even at the highest Rhodamine 123 concentrations employed. Δψ-dependent Rhodamine 123 uptake together with Rhodamine 123 binding account for the intense fluorescent staining of mitochondria in living cells. Inhibition of mitochondria ATPase likely accounts for the cytotoxicity of Rhodamine 123. At concentrations which do not inhibit mitochondrial function, Rhodamine 123 is a sensitive and specific probe of Δψ in isolated mitochondria.  相似文献   

The 23-kDa nuclear-encoded heat-shock protein (HSP) of Chenopodium rubrum L. is regulated by light at the posttranslational level. Higher light intensities are more effective in inducing the accumulation of the mature protein under heat-shock conditions. Based on this and other properties the protein was considered to belong to the group of small chloroplastic HSPs. However, we have now obtained the following evidence that this 23-kDa HSP is localized in the mitochondria: (i) Immunogold-labelled protein was almost exclusively restricted to the mitochondria in electron microscope thin sections. (ii) Using purified, isolated mitochondria from potato tubers the in-vitro-synthesized translation product of 31 kDa was readily transported into mitochondria where it was processed to the 23-kDa product. (iii) The protein could be detected by Western blotting in a preparation of washed mitochondria of Chenopodium, while under the same conditions no signal could be obtained in a preparation of isolated chloroplasts. (iv) Finally, sequence comparison with the published sequences of mitochondrial proteins by Lenne et␣al. (1995, Biochem J 311:805–813) and LaFayette et␣al. (1996, Plant Mol Biol 30:159–169) showed clearly that the 23-kDa protein is considerably more similar to these two proteins than to the group of plastid small HSPs. From these data we infer that mitochondria are involved in the response of the plants to high light stress under heat-shock conditions. Received: 11 July 1996 / Accepted: 24 August 1996  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) are believed to be a major element in generating the spontaneous rhythm of the gastrointestinal tract. A prominent problem in the study of these cells has been the difficulty in observing them in intact tissues. We used the lipophilic dye DiI to stain ICCs in the submucosal-circular muscle border of freshly dissected mouse colon. The placement of small DiI crystals in this area resulted in the labeling of ICC-like cells. Two main morphological cell types, viz., bipolar and multipolar, were noted. Bipolar cells had two primary processes emerging from the poles of an elongated soma. The mean length of these processes was 78.7 μm. These cells constituted 42.3% of the sample (n=105). Multipolar cells (54.3% of total) had a less elongated soma and extended 3–6 main processes whose mean length was 56.3 μm. These processes showed no preferred direction. The length of the primary processes of bipolar cells was 40% greater than that of multipolar cells (P<0.02). Three cells (2.9%) had only one primary process. The DiI stain could be converted into a stable electron-opaque product. Electron-microscopic observations showed that these cells had the typical appearance of ICCs reported in previous studies. This staining method should be useful for physiological investigations of ICCs in gastrointestinal tissues. Received: 16 September 1997 / Accepted: 11 November 1997  相似文献   

The metabolic activity of suspension cultures of Sonneratia alba cells was quantified by measurement of the hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate (FDA). FDA is incorporated into live cells and is converted into fluorescein by cellular hydrolysis. Aliquots (0.1–0.75 g) of S. alba cells were incubated with FDA at a final concentration of 222 μg/ml suspension for 60 min. Hydrolysis was stopped, and fluorescein was extracted by the addition of acetone and quantified by measurement of absorbance at 490 nm. Fluorescein was produced linearly with time and cell weight. Cells of S. alba are halophilic and proliferated well in medium containing 50 and 100 mM NaCl. Cells grown in medium containing 100 mM NaCl showed 2- to 3-fold higher FDA hydrolysis activity than those grown in NaCl-free medium. When S. alba cells grown in medium supplemented with 50 mM NaCl were transferred to fresh medium containing 100 mM mannitol, cellular FDA hydrolysis activity was down-regulated after 4 days of culture, indicating that the moderately halophilic S. alba cells were sensitive to osmotic stress. Quantification of cellular metabolic activity via the in vivo FDA hydrolysis assay provides a simple and rapid method for the determination of cellular activity under differing culture conditions.  相似文献   

Mouse fibroblasts 3T3.4E and two cell lines obtained by fusion (3T3.4E cells x normal human keratinocytes), (3T3 x NHK), and (3T3.4E cells x hand wart keratinocytes), (3T3 x HWK), were compared for mitochondrial activity and content between 5 and 20 days of culture, from the 16th to 20th passage, by using Rh 123 and NAO respectively. In 3T3.4E cells both Rh 123 and NAO fluorescence were similar after 5 and 7 days of culture, indicating no modification of mitochondrial activity and content at that time. However, in cells derived from fusion of 3T3 x NHK or 3T3 x HWK, Rh 123 increased from 5 to 20 days whereas NAO fluorescence was maximal at 7 days of culture and then decreased, indicating that their mitochondrial activity differed from that of 3T3.4E cells. No difference was observed between the 16th and 20th passage. Quantitative morphometry and flow cytometry gave good correlations at 7 days of culture for the cell size, estimated either by the cell area or the cell diameter, and for mitochondria content, evaluated either by the number of mitochondria per cell or NAO fluorescence intensity.Abbreviations FCS Fetal Calf Serum - mt DNA mitochondrial DNA - NAO nonyl-acridine orange - PBS Phosphate Buffer Saline - Rh 123 Rhodamine 123 - 3T3 x NHK (3T3.4E cells x normal human keratinocytes) - 3T3 x HWK (3T3.4E cells x hand wart keratinocytes)  相似文献   

The fluorescent dyes DASPMI and rhodamine 6 GO specifically stain mitochondria in living cells. Dye concentrations from 10?8 to 5 × 10?6 mole l?1 can be used. Excitation and emission spectra, and quantum efficiency of DASPMI depend on solvent characteristics. Spectra of mitochondria in living cells correspond to those in phospholipids (excitation around 470 nm, emission 560–570 nm). Fluorescence intensity of DASPMI is a measure for the energization of mitochondria, as revealed by in vitro studies. In living cells uptake of the dye is strongly influenced by inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation (i.e. by oligomycin, FCCP). Distribution of fluorescence intensity indicates an intracellular gradient in energy load of endothelial cells. Single mitochondria exhibit oscillations in fluorescence. Mitochondria loaded with DASPMI release the dye suddenly into the cytoplasm on treatment with FCCP. Cyanide and antimycin however, do not diminish fluorescence in vivo under optimal nutritional conditions, while they do so in mitochondrial suspension, indicating different mitochondrial behaviour in vivo and in suspension.  相似文献   

Summary Fluorescence microscopy performed on living cells is a valuable technique for elucidating patterns of cell growth in vitro over artificial biomaterials such as vascular grafts, and for in vivo studies such as identification and treatment of atherosclerotic plaques. Two fluorescent dyes of particular value for vital fluorescence studies are Rhodamine-123 and 3,3′-dioctadecylindocarbocyanine-labeled low density lipoprotein (DiI-LDL). We examined the toxicity of these two dyes and of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), a solvent used in Rhodamine-123 studies, on the growth of MRC5 human fetal fibroblasts in monolayer culture. Two parameters of cell growth were quantitated: Cell number (a measure of proliferation), and cell area (a measure of cell spreading), based on microscopic images obtained at the start and end of a 48-h growth period after brief exposure (0.5 h) to test solutions. We found that the recommended solvent for solubilization of Rhodamine-123, DMSO, caused cessation of cell proliferation and actual reduction in the area covered by adherent fibroblasts at concentrations of as low as 0.1% (vol:vol). Rhodamine-123 made up from an aqueous stock solution modestly retarded proliferation and spreading, and there was no significant effect of DiI-LDL on these parameters over prolonged periods of exposure (up to 24 h) in culture. These results demonstrate that the most toxic substance for growing fibroblasts was the solvent DMSO. We conclude that both the solvent vehicle and fluorescent dye should be carefully examined for potential toxicity before such dyes are used for vital fluorescence studies of living cells. This study was supported in part by grants DK-39512 and by BRSG 807 RR05950 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. A portion of this work was performed while J.M.C. was an American Gastroenterology Association/Searle Industries Research Scholar Award Recipient.  相似文献   

A reduce uptake and retention of the mitochondria-specific membrane potential probe rhodamine 123 by feline sarcoma virus (FeSV)-transformed mink fibroblasts (64F3) has been detected. The decreased accumulation of rhodamine 123 by 64F3 mitochondria is not due to abnormal plasma membrane dye permeability, since after microinjection of the dye these cells are still unable to retain the dye at levels comparable to the untransformed parental cells, CCL 64. Nigericin, an ionophore that mediates an electrically neutral exchange of protons for potassium ions resulting the elimination of the pH gradient across the mitochondrial membrane and a compensatory increase in mitochondrial membrane potential with continued respiration, increases both the dye uptake and the retention time in transformed 64F3 cells. These results suggest that mitochondria in FeSV-transformed mink cells may have an abnormally low mitochondrial membrane potential accompanied by a relatively high pH gradient. Since anioic metabolites such as pyruvate and glutamate are accumulated by mitochondria in proportion to the delta pH across the mitochondrial membrane, the abnormal mitochondria described here may contribute to the abnormal metabolic state of FeSV-transformed cells.  相似文献   

DNA-binding fluorochromes are often used for vital staining of plant cell nuclei.However,it is not always sure whether the cells after staining still remain in living state.We chose several criteria to estimate the validity of real vital staining for sexual cell nuclei.These were:the cytoplasmic streaming in pollen tubes whose nuclei were stined,the simultaneous visualization of fluorochromatic reaction and nucleus staining in isolated generative cells,and the capability of isolated.prestained generative or sperm cells to fuse with other protoplasts.The results confirmed that 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI),Hoechst 33258 and mithramycin could be used as real vital stains,though their efficiency varied from case to case;among them DAPI showed best effect.The fluo rescent vital staining technique offered a useful means foridentification and selection of heterokaryons in gametoplast manipulation studies.  相似文献   

Aluminum toxicity is a very important factor limiting crop productivity on acid soils. Early effects of aluminum toxicity comprise inhibition of cell division and effects on root elongation. The plasma membrane can be the primary target of aluminum toxicity and thus, vital staining techniques could be a powerful tool in determining effects of metal stress on the plasma membrane.

In this paper, we discuss the effects of Al on growth and membrane integrity by staining root tips with a mixture of fluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide.

The results show a good correlation between results from growth measurement and the vital staining. From the comparison of the luminosity patterns generated by vital staining it is easy to determine Al-resistant varieties, revealing this technique as a powerful and fast method for determining tolerance to Al in different varieties.  相似文献   

Abstract Cationic potential-sensitive dyes have previously been used to selectively stain mitochondria in living animal cells (Johnson, Walsh & Chen, 1980; Johnson et al., 1981). The present work demonstrates that the cyanine dye 3,3′-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DiOC6(3)) can also be used as a mitochondrial stain in living plant cells. The stained mitochondria were easily visualized by fluorescence microscopy. The accumulation of DiOC6(3) in mitochondria seemed to be potential-dependent since it was prevented by protonophores, valinomycin and inhibitors of electron transport. It was often observed that DiOC6(3) also stained the nuclear membrane of some cells. This fluorescence, limited to the perinuclear region, was possibly due to a potential across one or both nuclear membranes, although it was not completely dissipated by any of the ionophores or inhibitors tested. Our observations demonstrate the usefulness of using DiOC6(3) for studying relative membrane potentials of plant mitochondria and, perhaps, other organelles and membrane systems in living plant cells.  相似文献   

The influence of nucleoside triphosphates in relation to divalent cations on RNA synthesis of cells from a suspension culture from parsley was investigated. The data obtained from experiments with isolated nuclei and with an in vitro system with highly purified RNA polymerase I were compared with a chromatin-bound nucleoside triphosphatase activity within the nucleus. The results might suggest a regulatory role of the nucleoside triphosphatase activity in RNA synthesis.Abbreviations NTP nucleoside triphosphates - NTPase nucleoside triphosphatase  相似文献   

张敏  谭宁  侯连生 《动物学报》2007,53(2):278-284
利用电镜酶细胞化学方法,观察盘基网柄菌细胞分化和凋亡过程中酸性磷酸酶的变化。在细胞丘阶段,酶反应颗粒出现在线粒体内自噬空泡内,随着内自噬空泡的逐渐增大,线粒体内的酶反应颗粒逐渐增多,线粒体内嵴结构不断破坏,直至遍布整个空泡化的线粒体内;当细胞发育至前孢子细胞时,由于嵴结构被完全破坏,酶反应颗粒主要集中在前孢子细胞空泡的单层膜上,空泡化的线粒体内酶反应颗粒逐渐消失。在凋亡的柄细胞中,自噬泡内酶反应强烈,凋亡中期的前柄细胞的细胞核中出现酶反应颗粒,均匀分布在细胞核中,直至细胞核与自噬泡融合。在孢子细胞外被与质膜间也观察到非溶酶体酸性磷酸酶。所得结果证实:线粒体内自噬小泡具有消化功能;自噬泡内酶活性与细胞器消亡有关;细胞核中的酸性磷酸酶可能作为一种非溶酶体酸性磷酸酶参与细胞核中核蛋白的脱磷酸化过程,与发育相关基因表达有关  相似文献   

Purified mitochondria from potato ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) tubers were incubated with [γ32P]-ATP, respiratory substrates and various effectors. The total incorporation of 32P into proteins was measured and the phosphoprotein pattern investigated by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Total incorporation was strongly reduced (by 70–80%) by the respiratory substrates, succinate, pyruvate and NADH. The half-maximal inhibition was at 0.03, 0.3, and 0.3 m M , respectively. The labelling of the major phosphoproteins of 40 and 42 kDa (probably both the α-subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase, EC as well as of minor polypeptides of 26–33 kDa was reduced. A concomittant increase in the labelling of the 14 and 16 kDa bands occurred in the presence of succinate in fall but this increase could not be detected in late winter. The reduction in total labelling caused by NADH and succinate was unaffected by changes in the membrane potential (e.g. addition of uncouplers) or by inhibition of electron transport (e.g. by KCN). Malonate inhibition of succinate oxidation reversed the effects of succinate on labelling- The mechanism(s) by which respiratory substrates might affect protein kinase activity is discussed.  相似文献   

The carrier system which transports L-leucine (L-leu) into suspension-culturedNicotiana tabacum L. cv. Wisconsin 38 cells appeared to be constitutive since it was always present and was not induced by L-leu even in nitrogen-starved cells. However, L-leu uptake rates for cells grown in medium containing L-leu were transiently reduced as a result of either transinhibition or repression. Growth-phase cells appeared to have more L-leu carriers per unit area of membrane than stationary-phase cells, and for this reason growing-phase cells exhibit higher L-leu uptake rates. These higher rates reflect a physiological or developmental condition since growth-phase cells did not dramatically change their L-leu uptake rates when subcultured, while stationary-phase cells doubled their rates within 6 h after being subcultured. Cells grown in a medium lacking a useable carbon souce had uptake rates higher than control rates for several days. These higher rates peaked after about 1 d and then decreased over the next several days. Cells grown in a medium lacking a nitrogen souce responded similarly except that the increased rates peaked after about 3 d and persisted longer. Kinetic analysis of uptake rates in cells grown without a carbon souce for 1 d or without a nitrogen souce for 3 d indicated that the L-leu carrier had Kms similar to those of untreated cells. These results indicate that cultured tobacco cells respond to their environment by increasing or decreasing the number or activity of kinetically similar L-leu carriers.Abbreviations L and S medium Linsmaier and Skoog (1965) medium with additions - L-leu L-leucine IV=McDaniel et al. 1981  相似文献   

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