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一、港口政策 1.调整港口结构,拓展港口功能 加强主枢纽港的建设,相应发展地区性重要港口,适度建设中小型港口.发展大型矿石、原油码头,以及滚装、液化石油气、液化天然气码头,适度发展旅游客运码头,限制新建杂货码头;重点建设集装箱干线港,相应发展支线港和喂给港,完善集装箱集疏运系统.加快港口配套设施建设,促进港口向多功能方向发展.重点加快大型港口集装箱中转站和货物分拨中心建设,使之成为多式联运的枢纽.  相似文献   

<正>一、"十一五"发展思路河北省沿海港口建设要在巩固全国煤炭运输主通道的基础上,通过重点建设大型深水矿石、原油、煤炭接卸码头,使我省大型深水专业化泊位在全国占据首位,力争建成华北地区最大的矿石、原油接卸中转中心和输煤大通道;通过开通欧亚大陆桥及建设深水集装箱码头,使集装箱运输有较大发展;通过加强港口技术改造,全面发展和提升码头功能,提高港口的整体服务功能,更好地发挥港口对区域经济的带动作用。最终建成以秦皇岛港为主枢纽港,加快曹妃甸港区矿石、原油接卸和煤炭输出的码头建设,以京唐港、黄骅港为区域性重要港口,形成布局合理、功能齐全、优势互补的港群体系,充分满足区域经济和社会发展对河北省港口的需求。  相似文献   

2003年,交通部将连云港重新确定为全国20个主枢纽港、10家集装箱支线港、7家大型铁矿石接卸码头和10大主枢纽港深水航道之一的国家重点建设发展港口.  相似文献   

广州港是华南地区综合性主枢纽港。在腹地经济持续快速发展的推动下,广州港货物吞吐量持续增长。1999年全港货物吞吐量突破1亿吨,成为中国大陆第二个跨入世界亿吨大港的港口。2004年2月26日经广州市人民政府批准,广州港集圆有限公司成立,从此,港口生产和建设一年一大步:2007年9月广州港南沙港区二期建成投产,标志着广州港实现从集装箱支线港向集装箱干线港的跨越式发展,目前,南沙港区已初步形成了以集装箱、油品、汽车为主要货类的专业化深水码头格局。2008年广州港集团货物吞吐量达2.4亿吨,集装箱吞吐量达865.5万标准箱。2008年广州港集团荣获国家“五一劳动奖状”,是广州地区唯一荣获该殊荣的企业。  相似文献   

一、我国沿海港口现状评价和面临的形势 (一)现状评价 改革开放以来,我国沿海形成了由20个主枢纽港为骨干、区域性重要港口为辅助、地方中小港口为补充的层次分明的港口布局.沿海港口重点建设了煤炭、油品、铁矿石、粮食、集装箱等专业化码头,引进了先进的装卸工艺设备,提高了港口装卸效率,初步形成了较合理的运输系统,港口现代水平有所提高.尤其是集装箱运输,已初步形成深圳、厦门、上海、宁波、青岛、天津、大连等集装箱干线等集装箱干线港的格局.  相似文献   

江苏港口建设2006年起全面提速,计划投资70亿元,重点建设七大重点港口工程。2006年,江苏省港口工作总体目标为:提升五大沿江、沿海国家主要港口规模化、现代化水平,初步形成集装箱、矿石、煤炭、原油四大重点货种专业化布局,逐步完善海运直达、江海转运和长江中上游中转联运三大运输体系,加快苏州港太仓港区和连云港港两个集装箱干线港发展。为此,江苏省港口建设今年计划投资70亿元,新增万吨级泊位38个,新增货物吞吐能力7700万t,港口吞吐量达到8亿t,其中沿江、沿海港口吞吐量5.6亿t,集装箱吞吐量达到420万TEU。江苏确定的七大重点港口工程为:连云港港墟沟港区5万t级航道扩建工程,苏州港太仓港区二、三期工程,南京港龙潭港区二、三期工程,镇江港大港区三期工程,连云港港庙岭港区三期突堤工程,连云港港东港区25万t级矿石码头工程,南通港洋口港区陆岛通道工程。与此同时,江苏还要进一步推进港口资源整合,发挥港口整体效益。  相似文献   

广东正在加快广州、深圳、湛江、汕头、珠海等枢纽港的建设和改造。加快深圳港的盐田和大铲湾港区、广州南沙港区、汕头广澳港区、湛江大型原油码头及储备设施建设;加快建设湛江沿海大型铁矿石接卸码头的建设;建设珠江口出海航道以及汕头、深圳、湛江等主枢纽港深水航道。同时,提高港口软硬设施水平,使主要港口?自位朝着大型化、专业化方向发展。  相似文献   

广州港集团有限公司地处我国外向型经济最活跃的珠江三角洲地区中心,是广东省能源、原材料的重要中转港,我国华南地区最大的综合性主枢纽港,集装箱运输干线港。集团公司近年来以打造世界级综合性港口经营人为愿景,以南沙港区为龙头,大手笔加大码头建设和改造力度,打造多个  相似文献   

章明峰  邵波 《集装箱化》2018,29(3):8-10
正随着世界经济一体化发展,港口物流业日益兴盛,集装箱码头规模快速扩张。例如,长三角经济带的主要国际港口上海港洋山深水港区建成四期自动化集装箱码头,宁波舟山港先后建设穿山港区和梅山港区,泊位数量均在10个以上。在此形势下,港口集装箱码头安全管理工作面临着更加艰巨的挑战。随着集装箱码头规模不断扩大,传统的制度化安全管理模式需要优化升级,以确保生产安全。  相似文献   

浅论广州港南沙港区集装箱运输的竞争与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在2006年的全国交通工作会议上,交通部部长李盛霖在谈到今年全国交通建设的重点时指出,要重点加快建设包括广州港在内的沿海干线港大型集装箱码头。这是交通部首次将广州港列为与深圳港相同的集装箱干线港。此前,广州港一直被交通部列为内贸集装箱主枢纽港。随着广州港南沙港区的大规模建设以及国际班轮的逐步开通和良好运作,交通部对广州港集装箱运输发展予以重新定位。在这个新的基础和起点上,南沙港区需要重新审视自己,更加明晰自身在华南地区的竞争环境,以适应未来的集装箱运输发展需要。1珠江三角洲地区的集装箱运输现状广州港南沙港区…  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop realistic and relevant investment planning models for inland container transportation systems. The models may be utilized to identify the most effective investment plan for inland transportation infrastructure development and to evaluate the inland container transportation system. The procedure enables determination of the optimal locations, sizes and time of container port developments as well as the optimal container cargo flows through transportation networks. A heuristic algorithm was developed for the purpose of evaluating alternative investment plans. Dynamic and linear programming methods are applied to each of the two planning problems: the former for the optimum container port capacity development problem and the latter for the optimal allocation of inland container traffic movements. The model has been applied to concrete inland container transportation system problems in Korea.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop realistic and relevant investment planning models for inland container transportation systems. The models may be utilized to identify the most effective investment plan for inland transportation infrastructure development and to evaluate the inland container transportation system. The procedure enables determination of the optimal locations, sizes and time of container port developments as well as the optimal container cargo flows through transportation networks. A heuristic algorithm was developed for the purpose of evaluating alternative investment plans. Dynamic and linear programming methods are applied to each of the two planning problems: the former for the optimum container port capacity development problem and the latter for the optimal allocation of inland container traffic movements. The model has been applied to concrete inland container transportation system problems in Korea.  相似文献   

国外内河集装箱运输的现状与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍国外集装箱运输的主要航道、港口、船舶等基本情况,阐述内河集装箱运输在综合运输体系中的地位及促进内河集装箱运输的有关政策,阐明国外内河集装箱运输发展模式和趋势及对我国内河集装箱运输发展的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Between 1980 and 1989 container TEUs handled at all world ports increased by a factor of 2.11. On the East Coast of North America, the growth factor was only 1.69; on the West Coast, 2.23. These growth factors, when multiplied by the 1980 TEU volume at individual North American ports, give 1989 expected performance levels for the ports. Comparing the expected performance to the actual, it is found in the Canadian context that the big winner is Vancouver; the big loser is Saint John. Halifax and Montreal have outperformed their nearest US East Coast rivals but have not performed as well as southern ports on the Altantic Seaboard. These and other comparisons are made in order to describe how Canadian container ports have performed in the decade of the 1980s. The paper then speculates on how the ports will do in the future, based on a discussion of five factors: port facilities; inland transportation connections; shipping lines serving the ports; demand for container shipping; and legal arrangements between the United States and Canada.  相似文献   

The concepts of intermodal logistics and distribution networks have made integration of the inland freight distribution system essential for an efficient container seaport system. Inland components, such as dry ports, which exist within the seaport system, have become important in shaping the performance and competitive strategies of container seaports. Owing to the importance of interdependence between dry ports and container seaports, this paper aims to investigate the impact of dry port operations on container seaport competitiveness. It conducted an empirical study in Malaysia through 120 online surveys to key stakeholders of dry ports, including freight forwarders, shippers, seaports, rail operator, shipping lines, and haulers. The data collected were analysed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The results from EFA show that Malaysian dry port operations have impacts on seaport competitiveness. These include enhancing seaport performance, increasing service variations for seaports, improving seaport-hinterland proximity, increasing seaport trade volume, and enhancing seaport capacity.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse the relative competitiveness of the neighbouring container ports of Shanghai and Ningbo in China and to develop a view of the likely future outcome of the competition between them. After assessing the demand for their services within what is hypothesized as a shared hinterland, current supply and future expansion plans are detailed and considered within the two ports’ wider development strategies. The relative competitiveness of the two ports is then evaluated on the basis of price and quality of service, as embodied within the concept of generalized cost as incurred by customers. A critical political dimension is a necessary element of this analysis. It is concluded that continued economic development in the hinterland, central government policies on regional development and China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) will all contribute to growing demand for port services. However, Ningbo will continue to gain greater market share as the result of advantages in its natural endowments (particularly depth of water), price (especially in terms of recovering the cost of capacity expansions) and quality of service improvements that are predicted to emerge as the result of currently planned enhancements to inland transport infrastructure and logistical systems.  相似文献   

Competition between closely situated seaports in not new. The ports of Baltimore and Hampton Roads, located at either end of Cheaspeake Bay, have been locked in a fierece battle to gain dominance in the lucrtice mid-Atlantic container traffic for a number of years. The probability that ech will succeed is not great, as shipping lines, concerned with the high costs associated with idle port time, will select one,rther thatn serve both. Indeed, evidence is beginning to mount that, dispite massive expenditures by the Stte or Maryland, the Virginia ports a reemerging as the region' load centre. This paper examines recent trends in container movements through these two major ports and suggests the long-termprospects for each. among measures considered are the location of eachi in relation to other ports both North and South, sizes of the port cities and their immediately adjacent hinterlands, proximity to inland population centres (markets), connectivity between the ports and these inland centres (by both rail and truck), expenditures by port agencies and land crries, labour relations, and availabillity of space for expansion.  相似文献   

Dynamics of Russian dry ports   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transportation of cargos in containers has been intensively developing over the last decades. The world pace of growth in container transport is about 11% annually while in the Russian Federation from 2003 to 2007 the average growth was 21%. Container transportation is going to increase due to the construction of huge infrastructure projects for the Winter Olympics games in Sochi 2014, which implies the transportation of the required material flow. Foreign car assembly on Russian territory is developing, supplied by component parts delivered from Japan and the Republic of Korea, as well as from China that now bring 21.3% import container transport to Russia. About 60% of Russian container traffic passes through seaports Saint Petersburg, Novorossiysk and Vladivostok. The scenarios for increasing capacity to meet demands ahead are enhancing the productivity of seaports sites or leading to the creation of terminals in the hinterland. Although the phenomenon of dry ports is spread all over the world, in Russia none of the seaports has sufficient number of these facilities. The inland terminals of Russian seaports will be analysed from a dry port perspective. Despite the impediments, there are ecological and economical benefits that are discussed in the article. The advantages to the transport chain suggest that dry ports are a promising area for Russian seaports’ welfare.  相似文献   

Port competition between Shanghai and Ningbo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this paper is to analyse the relative competitiveness of the neighbouring container ports of Shanghai and Ningbo in China and to develop a view of the likely future outcome of the competition between them. After assessing the demand for their services within what is hypothesized as a shared hinterland, current supply and future expansion plans are detailed and considered within the two ports' wider development strategies. The relative competitiveness of the two ports is then evaluated on the basis of price and quality of service, as embodied within the concept of generalized cost as incurred by customers. A critical political dimension is a necessary element of this analysis. It is concluded that continued economic development in the hinterland, central government policies on regional development and China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) will all contribute to growing demand for port services. However, Ningbo will continue to gain greater market share as the result of advantages in its natural endowments (particularly depth of water), price (especially in terms of recovering the cost of capacity expansions) and quality of service improvements that are predicted to emerge as the result of currently planned enhancements to inland transport infrastructure and logistical systems.  相似文献   

俞灵  徐鹏飞 《水运工程》2020,(5):143-147
为评估新建巴布亚新几内亚科考瑞港的建设规模,构建由回归分析模型、腹地集装箱运输需求重力模型、多目标港口模糊评价模型和基于Logit模型的港口选择模型4部分组成的综合预测方法。对巴布亚新几内亚科考瑞港的腹地集装箱运输需求进行预测;并对腹地省份在不同港口的集装箱运量进行测算,从而科学合理地预测科考瑞港的集装箱吞吐量,为实施项目的必要性提供支持。该预测方法使用较少的基础数据即可比较科学客观地预测新建港口的集装箱吞吐量,能够较好地解决在不发达国家或地区统计资料缺失、安全局势不稳定导致腹地调研困难等情况下的吞吐量预测问题,为海外港口的建设、咨询项目提供帮助。  相似文献   

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