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对我国室内五人制足球发展趋势的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、调查研究法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法对2006年、2007年菌宝——中国足球协会室内五人制足球甲级联赛进行研究,发现我国室内五人制足球的发展有以下几个新趋势:联赛取消了跨年度的赛程安排,并进行了新的包装;大学队与企业队成为目前我国室内五人制足球联赛的主体,高校成为室内五人制足球联赛的重要载体;参赛队伍趋向年轻化,开始出现球员转会现象。  相似文献   

采用调查问卷法、文献资料法等方法,在了解我国部分发展较好的五人制足球俱乐部发展现状的基础上,对比亚足联五人制足球俱乐部准入制度进一步分析。研究发现我国五人制足球俱乐部后备人才培养意识不够;部分俱乐部无法保证训练场地正常使用;缺乏专业的医疗保障;缺乏专职财务,导致拖欠薪资和经费预算存在问题;存在部分球员与俱乐部没有签订合同的情况。建议俱乐部应加强自身建设,主动寻求机会增强自身实力,以亚足联准入标准作为激励目标,同时注重人才梯队培养,定期规划未来发展目标,全面提升俱乐部实力,更好地参与五人制足球各项赛事。  相似文献   

对中国五人制足球甲级联赛(简称"五甲联赛"下同)赛区竞赛组织情况的调查研究发现,中国"五甲联赛"尚处于初级阶段,在各赛区对五人制足球运动的推广宣传工作良莠不齐;赛事赞助单一,市场乏力情况凸显;校园推广有限;俱乐部得名不得利。  相似文献   

曾播思 《体育师友》2011,34(3):53-54
五人制足球是由职业足球队的一种练习方法演变而成的足球竞赛性游戏,现在世界杯五人制足球比赛已经成为国际足联六大赛事之一。目前五人制足球已逐渐受到我国各界尤其是足球爱好者的广泛关注,正以其独特的魅力吸引着千千万万的足球爱好者。但因为中国的足球运动比起欧美国家起步较晚,特别是国内五人制足球发展较薄弱,  相似文献   

分析了五人制足球的发展现状,并对影响我国高校五人制足球发展的主客观因素进行了研究,提出适合我国高校五人制足球发展的建议。  相似文献   

夏青  秦小平  张斌 《精武》2013,(36):40-41
近年来,五人制足球运动在全国高校逐渐普及,五人制足球课程资源的开发和优化也成为从事五人制足球教学及教育教学管理人员所关注的重要课题,本文从人力、物力等方面,对五人制足球的课程资源的作用与定位、开发与优化对策进行了阐述,认为在开发和优化五人制足球课程资源时,要充分考虑课程本身的需求和学校人才、物力和财力的承受能力,并结合社会的需求,合理、有效地开发与优化五人制足球课程资源。  相似文献   

<正>五人制足球比赛作为国际足联的正式比赛项目已被世人逐渐认可,五人制足球世界杯至今已举办了7届,极受广大球迷的关注和喜爱。它已被认为是普及推广足球运动的最好方法之一,在世界各国,五人制足球成为培养优秀足球运动员的摇篮,如马拉多纳、罗纳尔多等巨星都是从五人制足球比赛中茁壮成长起来的。目前,女子五人制足球也设有多项国际赛事,如世界大学生女子五人制室内足球锦标赛、亚洲室内运动会等国际赛  相似文献   

我国室外五人制足球的现状及发展前景分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
郭李亮 《体育科技》2002,23(2):57-60
分析研究了国内外五人制足球的发展状况 ,阐述了室外五人制足球的基本特点及其在促进我国足球运动的普及与发展、全面推进全民健身等方面的作用 ,提出了进一步发展室外五人制足球运动的基本设想和对策。  相似文献   

随着足球运动在世界范围内的发展以及足球运动人口的增加,人们已经不再局限于参加需要大面积场地、器材和庞大球队支撑的十一人制足球,五人制足球正在世界范围内普及起来。我国五人制足球起步较晚,且竞技水平不高,训练与竞赛体系都不完善。运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法从我国青少年五人制足球的培养体系入手,介绍了五人制足球立项以来足协出台的各项方针政策,指出我国青少年五人制足球培养体系存在的问题,并借鉴国外五人制足球强国经验,对我国五人制足球培养体系的构建提出了建议。  相似文献   

通过对巴西五人制足球竞赛体制研究并结合相关研究成果发现:在组织体系方面,联盟体现出了组织机构的实体性与独立性、职能部门化严谨性、指挥链的完整性等方面特点;在竞赛活动体系方面,具有竞赛活动的丰富性、层次性与衔接性等特点。在组织制度层次上体现出了稳定性和连贯性、合理性等特点,而这些特点正是我国五人制足球竞赛体制需要完善之处,研究巴西的五人制足球竞赛体制,是我们探索建设五人制足球竞赛体制建设的内部规律,促进我国五人制足球运动发展的需要。  相似文献   

市民社会有表达团体意愿和获取利益的集体诉求,市民社会需要通过传媒空间表达观点影响从而制约国家政策、制度的制定和对社会事务的管理。而体育传媒随着社会的发展成为传播媒体的主要内容,有着庞大的受众群体,成为构成市民社会的潜在力量。要正确发挥体育传播的社会功能,充分发挥体育传播对市民社会成长的助推作用。体育传播要遵循主流价值观,媒体要增强社会公信力,还要避免不当传播给社会带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

As academic disciplines, Physical Education and Sport History share interests in performance, participation, physique and the politics of corporeal praxis. Engendering unity between the two disciplines, however, has not been without concern. Scholars working within (and across) both fields have highlighted how the potential for shared knowledge production and meaning making has been, to a degree, stymied by epistemological and methodological criticism and trepidation. Issues over contextualization, rigour, narrative schemas, conceptualizations of the body, and notions of agency and power still, in particular, constrain our current educational and historical readings and renderings of physical culture(s). Scholarly schisms and methodological differences can be overcome, however, and need not prohibit disciplinary collaborations that might better address prevailing ethical questions and affect political cause; vis-à-vis the body, the physical and sport. This brief piece is, consequently, recourse to the scholarly symbiosis between Physical Education and Sport History and echoes the encouragement of our earlier colleagues to play, inquire, create and produce together.  相似文献   

The general purpose of this article is threefold. Firstly, it is to further the notion of coaching as orchestration through developing insight into precisely how and what coaches orchestrate. Secondly, it is to firmly position coaching as a relational practice, whilst thirdly it is to better define coaching’s complex nature and how it can be somewhat ordered. Following an introduction where the purpose and value of the article are outlined, we present the reflective method of critical companionship through which we explored and addressed the aforementioned purposes. The case for the quiddity, or the ‘just whatness’ (i.e. the inherent nature or essence) of coaching as involving complex, relational acts which can be somewhat explained through recourse to the developing theory of orchestration is subsequently made. In doing so, two precise examples of how we as coaches orchestrate sporting practice are presented. The article concludes with both a summary of the principal argument(s) made, and some reflective considerations for future directions.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore institutional forces affecting environmental sustainability in professional sport teams and leagues in North America. Interviews with sport executives and executives from partner groups, 122 websites and organizational documents, and 56 media reports were examined. Data revealed how environmental management practices are being diffused in professional sport organizations. Evidence indicated associative behavior among sport organizations with respect to environmental management. Data also illustrated that media played a role in driving and defining the type and extent of involvement in professional sport teams’ environmental sustainability efforts. We discuss environmental sustainability as it affects a team's or league's CSR related initiatives (i.e., averting legal recourse, saving money, as well as building stronger relationships with stakeholders (e.g., customers, fans, local communities, federal governments and corporate partners)), and speculate how these efforts might evolve and inform the development of environmental sustainability in organizations in the sport, service and entertainment sectors.  相似文献   

我国竞技体育运动员文化教育的历史、现状及发展趋势   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
依据体育社会学、体育管理学、运动训练学等相关理论,采用文献资料、专家调查等研究方法,通过对我国运动员文化教育历史、现状资料的收集、分析、归纳,结合我国现阶段运动员文化教育的发展模式的探讨,对竞技体育运动员文化教育的发展趋势进行预测,并提出发展建议。其目的就是为现在的竞技体育训练竞赛体制下,保证运动员文化教育的顺利进行,真正成为既能攀登竞技体育高峰,又能适应现代社会发展的合格体育人才。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、实地考察、问卷调查等研究方法,对湖南省体育旅游发展现状和优势进行了分析。研究结果表明:湖南省具有丰富的生态体育旅游资源;别具特色的湖湘文化;独特的民族体育旅游资源等优势,其体育旅游产品开发所能带来的收入必将是空前可观的。由于湖南的体育旅游起步晚,人们日益增长的体育娱乐需要与体育文化设施建设相对滞后存在着矛盾,体育旅游设施和相关配套设施及服务设施跟不上,使湖南体育旅游市场的潜力没有被充分挖掘出来。针对上述存在的问题,本文提出了发展湖南省体育旅游的对策,为湖南体育旅游发展与研究提供参考。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和社会需求的不断变化,武术专业的人才需求也发生了改变,必须进行改革,才能跟上时代发展.文章运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法和专家访谈法等研究方法,对目前武术与民族传统体育专业人才培养主要的问题进行分析,提出武术与民族传统体育专业培养体系改革的对策:拓宽招生渠道,控制招生规模;改革培养目标和培养模式;加大实践教学力度,完善实践教学环节;加快本地特色课程建设等.  相似文献   

通过调查分析发现,西北地区农村全民健身基础设施、体育人口、农民的体育健身意识、体育消费水平、群众体育活动的组织和管理等诸方面都还处于相对较低的水平,凸显了在全面建设小康社会进程中发展该地区全民健身体育的艰巨性和重要性。同时,在我国致力于西部开发、全面建设小康社会、建设社会主义和谐社会的伟大历史进程中,有着多姿多彩体育文化和丰富体育旅游资源的西北地区农村在发展全民健身体育方面有着良好的机遇。据此提出了构建西北地区农村全民健身体系、发展该地区全民健身体育的对策和措施。  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 1980s, sport has appeared to be the last recourse against the worsening of living conditions, lack of job security and the ghettoisation of certain boroughs that stand out mostly because of continuing urban riots and juvenile violence. All of this is continually exaggerated by the media and politicians in their continual desire to dramatise and exaggerate. Certain sub-issues immediately emerge: what are the theoretical or ideological foundations on which this concept of making sport a lever for preventive policies is based? And what sport are we talking about? Is it the physical activities and sport (PAS) practised in the schools and institutes, civil sport or sport in the streets? Why do young people increasingly abandon civil/federated sport to practise ‘adventure sports’ or self-organised sports? Can self-organised sports and, more precisely, sport played outside the tower blocks favour the ‘self-control of impulses’? And if they can, under what conditions can they favour socialisation and contribute to preventing vandalism or violent acts? If it must be admitted that the links between sport and education, sport and prevention, sport and insertion, etc., are considered to be self-evident, they are rarely analysed or questioned.  相似文献   

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