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A novel Q-switching scheme, using rapid variation of the path difference between the cavities of a multiple-cavity resonator, is described. A thermooptic phase modulator was used to switch the cavity loss of a Y-junction glass waveguide laser between high and low states. Q-switched pulses with durations of 5 μs and peak powers of 70 mW were obtained  相似文献   

The authors have constructed and tested a flashlamp pumped, Q -switched, Nd:glass zigzag slab laser. The thermally induced optical distortion through the slab is minimized by uniform pumping and cooling and the use of corrective pump shields at the slab ends. The laser spatial output for Q-switched resonators has been measured and modeled. It is shown that a large aperture planar oscillator has an output divergence many times above the diffraction limit. Operation as a one-dimensional unstable resonator in the wide direction of the slab allows the efficient extraction of energy in a high-quality beam. Near-diffraction-limited laser output of 5 J at 4 Hz is achieved with a resonator that includes an intracavity telescope to correct for residual defocusing in the thin direction of the slab  相似文献   

The authors extend the standard rate equation analysis to obtain expressions for the maximum peak power, maximum pulse energy, and minimum pulsewidth of a single Q-switched output pulse; the maximum power efficiency of a repetitively Q-switched laser; and the corresponding cavity output couplings. Results are obtained analytically and numerically, and a comparison of the two sets of results is made. As a first step in this process the authors derive general expressions for the peak power, pulsewidth, pulse energy, and power efficiency. The authors next differentiate these expressions in order to find the maxima or minima that optimize the parameter of interest. Differentiation is done with respect to the cavity output coupling  相似文献   

A high-power, laser-diode-pumped, Q-switched fiber laser operating at 1.053 μm which is suitable for use in time-multiplexed fiber sensor applications is described. The laser emits >1-kW pulses at 1.053 μm with 2-ns duration at up to 1-kHz repetition rates for an adsorbed pump power of only 22 mW at 810 nm. Tunable Q-switched operation over a 40-nm wavelength range has also been demonstrated  相似文献   

A linear cavity Nd:LNA laser pumped by a Ti:sapphire laser was investigated in a continuous wave (CW), Q-switched and mode-locked regime. A parallel study using a Nd:YAG crystal was also conducted using the same optics and intercavity elements. The slope efficiencies obtained with a 5% output coupler in CW operation are 41 and 55% for Nd:LNA (λ~1.054 nm) and Nd:YAG (λ~1.065 nm), respectively. Mode locking was achieved with a 360-MHz intracavity phase modulator and led to a relative improvement of the Nd:LNA versus the Nd:YAG device. In the Q-switched mode with an intracavity acoustooptic modulator, the performance of the two lasers is almost identical. With 300 mW of absorbed pump power at λ~800 nm, peak powers ~130 W were achieved in a 65-ns pulse with a 5% output coupler  相似文献   

The general equations describing Q-switched laser operation are transcendental in nature and require numerical solutions, which greatly complicates the optimization of real devices. Here, it is shown that, using the mathematical technique of Lagrange multipliers, one can derive simple analytic expressions for all of the key parameters of the optimally coupled laser, i.e. one which uses an optimum reflector to obtain maximum laser efficiency for a given pump level. These parameters can all be expressed as functions of a single dimensionless variable z, defined as the ratio of the unsaturated small-signal gain to the dissipative (nonuseful) optical loss, multiplied by a few simple constants. Laser design tradeoff studies and performance projections can be accomplished quickly with the help of several graphs and a simple hand calculator. Sample calculations for a high-grain Nd:YAG and a low-gain alexandrite laser are presented as illustrations of the technique  相似文献   

A report is presented on the first Q-switched laser operation of a room temperature CW diode-pumped Nd:YAB laser. The intense peak fundamental power obtained by Q-switching significantly enhances the green light output from the Nd:YAB laser through the second harmonic conversion process. A peak green power exceeding 3 W was obtained with a CW diode laser input power of 180 mW, as compared to a green output power of only about 1 mW under pure CW operation. Nd:YAB shows considerable promise as a room temperature self-doubling material. Diode-laser-pumped Nd:YAB lasers show promise as compact, and reliable green sources for practical applications  相似文献   

Modeling of Q-switched laser operation for four-level lasers with finite lower-laser-level lifetime is presented. Extraction efficiency is reduced and pulse shape altered in comparison to the case of infinitely fast lower-level relaxation. This reduction in efficiency is dependent on the ratio of the lower state lifetime to the cavity lifetime, the number of times above threshold, and occupancy factors of the upper and lower laser manifolds. The model is applied to the case of a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1.064 μm. At worst, the extraction efficiency is 68% of that expected for infinitely fast relaxation  相似文献   

A Nd:YLF laser pumped with a CW dye laser and acoustooptically mode locked at 38 MHz has an output power of 130 mW and a pulse length of 60 ps. Insertion of intracavity etalons and misaligning the mode locker allows for stable operation with a continuous range of pulse lengths from 60 ps to 4 ns. The 1.053-μm emission permits amplification of these pulses in a Q-switched Nd:phosphate glass slab laser oscillator up to intensities limited by optical damage  相似文献   

Intracavity self-focusing in a thin two-photon absorber acts, in combination with pinholes, as an efficient power and energy limiter in flashlamp (pulsed) and arc lamp (CW) pumped actively passively mode-locked crystalline Nd-doped lasers. Power limiting by the intracavity two-photon absorber is exploited to create the condition for optimum pulse compression in the saturable absorber. Additional pulse shortening is due to the elimination of the pulse tail by self-defocusing in the nonlinear crystal. Extracavity and intracavity measurements, as well as three-dimensional computer simulations, give a complete understanding of the pulse evolution in the cavity, including the two mechanisms of pulse shaping and compression  相似文献   

The temporal dependence, spectral characteristics, and efficiency of a multimode Q-switched ring laser containing an intracavity second harmonic generator is described. Numerical studies show that such lasers are stable and efficient. Comparison with Q-switched lasers (not containing a second harmonic generator) demonstrates that the intracavity second harmonic generation lasers can be even more efficient than the fundamental laser due to nonlinear output coupling. General considerations for the operation of such lasers are described. Spectral characteristics of the output as a function of the gain of the active medium and the spectrum of the injected pulse are discussed. Instabilities at very high second harmonic conversion are observed  相似文献   

Single Q-switched pulses have been generated in YSGG:Cr:Er with a 360-ns-risetime LiNbO3 electrooptical modulator. It is shown that birefringence losses can be avoided and spiking emission eliminated by placing an additional polarizing LiNbO 3 prism inside the laser resonator. Reproducible single Q -switched pulses of 200-ns duration have been generated  相似文献   

The behavior of an RF-excited waveguide laser is analyzed in a gain-switched and a Q-switched regime measuring the frequency sweep during the optical pulse. This enables laser-induced medium perturbations (LIMP) to be directly distinguished from the effects of the discharge power loading. The experimental observations confirm that the main perturbation in the laser output frequency is to be attributed to thermal energy variations. This gives the result of a Q-switch chirp more than one order of magnitude smaller than in the pulsed current mode, suggesting the use of Q-switching waveguide lasers in applications such as long range or Doppler laser radar systems. The chirp behavior in the pulsed current mode can show overshot relaxation corresponding to the propagation of density waves in the guide  相似文献   

Line-narrowing, Q-switched, and self-injection locking are studied independently and as a system. Line narrowing is shown both theoretically and experimentally to depend on the inverse square root of the pulse evolution time interval. Q switching of the Ti:Al2O3 laser is demonstrated and the laser output energy as a function of the Q-switch delay is investigated. Self-injection is demonstrated and the operation of the laser is explored as a function of loss and the Q-switch delay. Self-injection locking is demonstrated and the performance as a function of the Q-switch delay is determined  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on Q switching of erbium lasers at 3 μm with an acoustooptical modulator. Different laser crystals of YAG:Er and YSGG:Cr:Er have been investigated. The highest fraction of single pulse Q-switch energy to free-running mode energy was 1%. Pulse durations of 50 ns were obtained. Multiple switching with up to 14 Q-switch peaks per flashlamp pulse could be generated, containing up to 19% of the energy of the free-running mode  相似文献   

A method for obtaining power spectra for the self-noise components in phase and in quadrature to the desired generated clock signal for PAM systems is described. A previously recognized cross spectrum is also discussed. Results can be expressed either in a closed form or as the sum of rapidly convergent series, depending on the signalling waveform used. A computation of the in-phase and quadrature spectra for Nyquist pulses for excess bandwidth factors ranging from 0.1-0.9 is included, along with demonstration showing that for signalling waveforms with even or odd symmetry, cross power spectrum is zero at all frequencies. It is also shown that if the cross power spectrum is not zero due to asymmetry in the signalling waveform, sampling keyed to other than zero-crossing of the timing wave can give a lower timing jitter  相似文献   

Optical parametric oscillation tunable over the 940-1220-nm spectral region has been obtained from a monolithic magnesium-oxide-doped lithium niobate ring resonator. The monolithic optical parametric oscillator (OPO) was pumped by the 532-nm second harmonic of a diode-laser-pumped single-frequency Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. The exceptional frequency and amplitude stability of the single-frequency pump source provided stable OPO output pulses  相似文献   

The cavity length of a CW mode-locked Nd:YLF laser is detuned to investigate the effect of detuning on the output of the laser. Negative detunings of 0.4 to 2.4 μm result in periodic modulations of the pulse envelope. Further negative detunings of 2.4 to 3.4 μm produce undamped regular spikings, that is, stable self-Q-switching behavior with mode-locked pulses of 30~47 ps pulsewidths, which are as short as those of plain mode locking without Q switching. Similar self-Q-switching behavior is also produced by positive detunings, but the stability is very poor  相似文献   

An investigation of a Pr3+-doped Al2O3 -SiO2 glass fiber is described. The basic material parameters like fluorescence lifetime and stimulated emission cross section, measured around 1048 nm, where the fiber has a strong emission band, are discussed. The pump source was a Rh6G dye laser at 590 nm. Continuous wave (CW,) operation with a slope efficiency of 26% and a pump threshold of 1.2 mW was obtained. The Q-switched operation, yielding a repetition rate up to 10 kHz with a maximum peak power of 30 W and a minimum pulsewidth of 25 ns, is described  相似文献   

Generic Q-switched laser pulses are calculated using a point model and a traveling wave model. Results indicate that the point model approach commonly used in rate equation modeling is inadequate for large initial inversions, large internal losses, or large fractional outcoupling. The point model typically overestimates peak power and energy and distorts the pulse shape. A simple traveling wave model is developed which easily describes these cases. The optimum outcoupling to maximize peak power varies significantly between the two models  相似文献   

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