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We investigate the brightest regions of the kpc-scale jet in the powerful radio galaxy 3C 346, using new optical Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) ACS/F606W polarimetry together with Chandra X-ray data and 14.9 and 22.5 GHz Very Large Array (VLA) radio polarimetry. The jet shows a close correspondence between optical and radio morphology, while the X-ray emission shows a  0.80 ± 0.17 kpc  offset from the optical and radio peak positions. Optical and radio polarimetry show the same apparent magnetic field position angle and fractional polarization at the brightest knot, where the jet undergoes a large kink of almost 70° in the optical and radio images. The apparent field direction here is well aligned with the new jet direction, as predicted by earlier work that suggested the kink was the result of an oblique shock. We have explored models of the polarization from oblique shocks to understand the geometry of the 3C 346 jet, and find that the upstream flow is likely to be highly relativistic  (βu= 0.91+0.05−0.07)  , where the plane of the shock front is inclined at an angle of  η= 51°± 11°  to the upstream flow which is at an angle  θ= 14+8−7  deg to our line of sight. The actual deflection angle of the jet in this case is only 22°.  相似文献   

Our Chandra observation of the FR I radio galaxy 3C 66B has resulted in the first detection of an X-ray counterpart to the previously known radio, infrared and optical jet. The X-ray jet is detected up to 7 arcsec from the core and has a steep X-ray spectrum, α ≈1.3±0.1 . The overall X-ray flux density and spectrum of the jet are consistent with a synchrotron origin for the X-ray emission. However, the inner knot in the jet has a higher ratio of X-ray to radio emission than the others. This suggests that either two distinct emission processes are present or differences in the acceleration mechanism are required; there may be a contribution to the emission from the inner knot from an inverse Compton process or it may be the site of an early strong shock in the jet. The peak of the brightest radio and X-ray knot is significantly closer to the nucleus in the X-ray than in the radio, which may suggest that the knots are privileged sites for high-energy particle acceleration. 3C 66B's jet is similar both in overall spectral shape and in structural detail to those in more nearby sources such as M87 and Centaurus A.  相似文献   

Chandra X-ray Observatory observations of the powerful, peculiar radio galaxy 3C 123 have resulted in an X-ray detection of the bright eastern hotspot, with a 1-keV flux density of ∼5 nJy. The X-ray flux and spectrum of the hotspot are consistent with the X-rays being inverse-Compton scattering of radio synchrotron photons by the population of electrons responsible for the radio emission ('synchrotron self-Compton emission') if the magnetic fields in the hotspot are close to their equipartition values. 3C 123 is thus the third radio galaxy to show X-ray emission from a hotspot which is consistent with being in equipartition. Chandra also detects emission from a moderately rich cluster surrounding 3C 123, with L X(2–10 keV)=2×1044 erg s−1 and kT ∼5 keV, and absorbed emission from the active nucleus, with an inferred intrinsic column density of 1.7×1022 cm−2 and an intrinsic 2–10 keV luminosity of 1044 erg s−1.  相似文献   

Chandra ACIS observations of PKS 0521−365 find that the X-ray emission of this BL Lac object consists of emission from an unresolved core, a diffuse halo and a 2-arcsec jet feature coincident with the inner radio/optical jet. A comparison with a new ATCA 8.6-GHz map also finds X-ray emission from the bright hotspot south-east of the nucleus. The jet spectrum, from radio to X-ray, is probably synchrotron emission from an electron population with a broken power-law energy distribution, and resembles the spectra seen from the jets of low-power (FR I) radio galaxies. The hotspot X-ray flux is consistent with the expectations of synchrotron self-Compton emission from a plasma close to equipartition, as seen in studies of high-power (FR II) radio galaxies. While the angular structure of the halo is similar to that found by an analysis of the ROSAT High Resolution Imager image, its brightness is seen to be lower with Chandra , and the halo is best interpreted as thermal emission from an atmosphere of similar luminosity to the haloes around FR I radio galaxies. The X-ray properties of PKS 0521−365 are consistent with it being a foreshortened, beamed, radio galaxy.  相似文献   

We present results for the first three low-power radio galaxies from the B2 bright sample to have been observed with Chandra . Two have kiloparsec-scale radio jets, and in both Chandra resolves jet X-ray emission, and detects soft X-ray core emission and an X-ray-emitting galaxy-scale atmosphere of luminosity a few ×1041 erg s−1. These are the first detections of X-ray jets in low-power radio galaxies more distant than Centaurus A and M87. The cooling time of the galaxy-scale gas implies mass infall rates of the order of 1 M yr−1. The gas pressure near the jets is comparable to the minimum pressure in the jets, implying that the X-ray-emitting gas may play an important role in jet dynamics. The third B2 radio galaxy has no kiloparsec-scale radio jet, and here only soft X-ray emission from the core is detected. The ratio of X-ray to radio flux is similar for the jets and cores, and the results favour a synchrotron origin for the emission. Kiloparsec-scale radio jets are detected in the X-ray in ∼7-ks exposures with Chandra more readily than in the optical via Hubble Space Telescope snapshot surveys.  相似文献   

We have observed the prototypical wide-angle tail (WAT) radio galaxy 3C 465 with Chandra and XMM–Newton . X-ray emission is detected from the active nucleus and the inner radio jet, as well as a small-scale, cool component of thermal emission, a number of the individual galaxies of the host cluster (Abell 2634), and the hotter thermal emission from the cluster itself. The X-ray detection of the jet allows us to argue that synchrotron emission may be an important mechanism in other well-collimated, fast jets, including those of classical double radio sources. The bases of the radio plumes are not detected in the X-ray, which supports the model in which these plumes are physically different from the twin jets of lower-power radio galaxies. The plumes are in fact spatially coincident with deficits of X-ray emission on large scales, which argues that they contain little thermal material at the cluster temperature, although the minimum pressures throughout the source are lower than the external pressures estimated from the observed thermal emission. Our observations confirm both spatially and spectrally that a component of dense, cool gas with a short cooling time is associated with the central galaxy. However, there is no evidence for the kind of discontinuity in external properties that would be required in many models of the jet–plume transition in WATs. Although the WAT jet–plume transition appears likely to be related to the interface between this central cool component and the hotter intracluster medium, the mechanism for WAT formation remains unclear. We revisit the question of the bending of WAT plumes, and show that the plumes can be bent by plausible bulk motions of the intracluster medium, or by motion of the host galaxy with respect to the cluster, as long as the plumes are light.  相似文献   

We present X-ray imaging spectroscopy of the extremely luminous infrared galaxy IRAS 09104+4109     obtained with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. With the arcsec resolution of Chandra , an unresolved source at the nucleus is separated from the surrounding cluster emission. A strong iron K line at 6.4 keV on a very hard continuum is detected from the nuclear source, rendering IRAS 09104+4109 the most distant reflection-dominated X-ray source known. Combined with the BeppoSAX detection of the excess hard X-ray emission, it provides further strong support for the presence of a hidden X-ray source of quasar luminosity in this infrared galaxy. Also seen is a faint linear structure to the north, which coincides with the main radio jet. An X-ray deficit in the corresponding region suggests an interaction between the cluster medium and the jet driven by the active nucleus.  相似文献   

We have used a deep Chandra observation of the central regions of the twin-jet Fanaroff–Riley class I (FRI) radio galaxy 3C 31 to resolve the thermal X-ray emission in the central few kpc of the host galaxy, NGC 383, where the jets are thought to be decelerating rapidly. This allows us to make high-precision measurements of the density, temperature and pressure distributions in this region, and to show that the X-ray emitting gas in the centre of the galaxy has a cooling time of only  5×107 yr  . In a companion paper, these measurements are used to place constraints on models of the jet dynamics.
A previously unknown one-sided X-ray jet in 3C 31, extending up to 8 arcsec from the nucleus, is detected and resolved. Its structure and steep X-ray spectrum are similar to those of X-ray jets known in other FRI sources, and we attribute the radiation to synchrotron emission from a high-energy population of electrons. In situ particle acceleration is required in the region of the jet where bulk deceleration is taking place.
We also present X-ray spectra and luminosities of the galaxies in the Arp 331 chain of which NGC 383 is a member. The spectrum and spatial properties of the nearby bright X-ray source 1E 0104+3153 are used to argue that the soft X-ray emission is mostly due to a foreground group of galaxies rather than to the background broad absorption-line quasar.  相似文献   

We present radio observations at frequencies ranging from 240 to 8460 MHz of the radio galaxy 4C 29.30 (J0840+2949) using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Effelsberg telescope. We report the existence of weak extended emission with an angular size of ∼520 arcsec (639 kpc) within which a compact edge-brightened double-lobed source with a size of 29 arcsec (36 kpc) is embedded. We determine the spectrum of the inner double from 240 to 8460 MHz and show that it has a single power-law spectrum with a spectral index of ∼0.8. Its spectral age is estimated to be ≲33 Myr. The extended diffuse emission has a steep spectrum with a spectral index of ∼1.3 and a break frequency ≲240 MHz. The spectral age is ≳200 Myr, suggesting that the extended diffuse emission is due to an earlier cycle of activity. We re-analyse archival X-ray data from Chandra and suggest that the X-ray emission from the hotspots consists of a mixture of non-thermal and thermal components, the latter being possibly due to gas which is shock heated by the jets from the host galaxy.  相似文献   

We report subarcsec-resolution X-ray imaging of the core of the Perseus cluster around the galaxy NGC 1275 with the Chandra X-ray Observatory . The ROSAT -discovered holes associated with the radio lobes have X-ray bright rims which are cooler than the surrounding gas and not a result of shocks. The holes themselves may contain some hotter gas. We map strong photoelectric absorption across the northern lobe and rim owing to a small infalling irregular galaxy, known as the high-velocity system. Two outer holes, one of which was previously known, are identified with recently found spurs of low-frequency radio emission. The spiral appearance of the X-ray cooler gas and the outer optical parts of NGC 1275 may be due to angular momentum in the cooling flow.  相似文献   

We present Chandra , Very Large Array (VLA) and Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the nucleus of NGC 4696, a giant elliptical in the Centaurus cluster of galaxies. Like M87 in the Virgo cluster, PKS 1246−410 in the Centaurus cluster is a nearby example of a radio galaxy in a dense cluster environment. In analysing the new X-ray data, we have found a compact X-ray feature coincident with the optical and radio core. While nuclear emission from the X-ray source is expected, its luminosity is low,  <1040 erg s−1  . We estimate the Bondi accretion radius to be 30 pc and the accretion rate to be  0.01 M yr−1  , which under the canonical radiative efficiency of 10 per cent would overproduce by 3.5 orders of magnitude the radiative luminosity. Much of this energy can be directed into the kinetic energy of the jet, which over time inflates the observed cavities seen in the thermal gas. The VLBA observations reveal a weak nucleus and a broad, one-sided jet extending over 25 pc in position angle −150°. This jet is deflected on the kiloparsec-scale to a more east–west orientation (position angle of −80°).  相似文献   

Multifrequency radio observations of the radio galaxy 3C 459 using MERLIN, VLA and the EVN and an optical Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) image using the F702W filter are presented. The galaxy has a very asymmetric radio structure, a high infrared luminosity and a young stellar population. The eastern component of the double-lobed structure is brighter, much closer to the nucleus and is significantly less polarized than the western one. This is consistent with the jet on the eastern side interacting with dense gas, which could be due to a merged companion or dense cloud of gas. The HST image of the galaxy presented here exhibits filamentary structures and is compared with the MERLIN 5-GHz radio map. EVN observations of the prominent central component, which has a steep radio spectrum, show a strongly curved structure suggesting a bent or helical radio jet. The radio structure of 3C 459 is compared with other highly asymmetric, Fanaroff–Riley II radio sources, which are also good candidates for studying jet–cloud interactions. Such sources are usually of small linear size and it is possible that the jets are interacting with clouds of infalling gas that fuel the radio source.  相似文献   

We present Chandra and Very Large Array observations of two galaxy clusters, Abell 160 and Abell 2462, whose brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) host wide angle tailed radio galaxies (WATs). We search for evidence of interactions between the radio emission and the hot, X-ray emitting gas, and we test various jet termination models. We find that both clusters have cool BCGs at the cluster centre, and that the scale of these cores (∼30–40 kpc for both sources) is of approximately the same scale as the length of the radio jets. For both sources, the jet flaring point is coincident with a steepening in the host cluster's temperature gradient, and similar results are found for 3C 465 and Hydra A. However, none of the published models of WAT formation offers a satisfactory explanation as to why this may be the case. Therefore, it is unclear what causes the sudden transition between the jet and the plume. Without accurate modelling, we cannot ascertain whether the steepening of the temperature gradient is the main cause of the transition, or merely a tracer of an underlying process.  相似文献   

We examine the core of the X-ray bright galaxy cluster 2A 0335+096 using deep Chandra X-ray imaging and spatially resolved spectroscopy, and include new radio observations. The set of around eight X-ray bright blobs in the core of the cluster, appearing like eggs in a bird's nest, contains multiphase gas from ∼0.5 to 2 keV. The morphology of the coolest X-ray emitting gas at 0.5 keV temperature is similar to the Hα emitting nebula known in this cluster, which surrounds the central galaxy. XMM–Newton grating spectra confirm the presence of material at these temperatures, showing reasonable agreement with Chandra emission measures. On scales of 80 to 250 kpc, there is a low temperature, high metallicity, swirl of intracluster medium as seen in other clusters. In the core, we find evidence for a further three X-ray cavities, in addition to the two previously discovered. Enhancements in 1.5 GHz radio emission are correlated with the X-ray cavities. The total  4 PV   enthalpy associated with the cavities is around  5 × 1059 erg  . This energy would be enough to heat the cooling region for  ∼5 × 107 yr  . We find a maximum pressure discontinuity of 26 per cent (2σ) across the surface brightness edge to the south-west of the cluster core. This corresponds to an upper limit on the Mach number of the cool core with respect to its surroundings of 0.55.  相似文献   

Extended inverse-Compton emission from distant, powerful radio galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present Chandra observations of two relatively high redshift FR II radio galaxies, 3C 432 and 3C 191 (   z = 1.785  and 1.956, respectively), both of which show extended X-ray emission along the axis of the radio jet or lobe. This X-ray emission is most likely to be due to inverse-Compton scattering of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons. Under this assumption, we estimate the minimum energy contained in the particles responsible. This can be extrapolated to determine a rough estimate of the total energy. We also present new, deep radio observations of 3C 294, which confirm some association between radio and X-ray emission along the north-east–south-west radio axis and also that radio emission is not detected over the rest of the extent of the diffuse X-ray emission. This together with the offset between the peaks of the X-ray and radio emissions may indicate that the jet axis in this source is precessing.  相似文献   

We present Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the nucleus of NGC 1275, the central, dominant galaxy in the Perseus cluster of galaxies. These are the first observations to resolve the linearly polarized emission from 3C 84, and from them we determine a Faraday rotation measure (RM) ranging from 6500 to 7500 rad m−2 across the tip of the bright southern jet component. At 22 GHz some polarization is also detected from the central pc of 3C 84, indicating the presence of even more extreme RMs that depolarize the core at lower frequencies. The nature of the Faraday screen is most consistent with being produced by magnetic fields associated with the optical filaments of ionized gas in the Perseus cluster.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of high-resolution Chandra observations of the merger system NGC 3256, the most infrared-luminous galaxy in the nearby universe. The X-ray data show that several discrete sources embedded in complex diffuse emission contribute ≳20 per cent of the total emission     in the  0.5–10 keV  energy range). The compact sources are hard and extremely bright and their emission is probably dominated by accretion-driven processes. Both galaxy nuclei are detected with  LX∼3–10×1040 erg s−1  . No evidence is found for the presence of an active nucleus in the southern nucleus, contrary to previous speculation. Once the discrete sources are removed, the diffuse component has a soft spectrum that can be modelled by the superposition of three thermal plasma components with temperatures   kT =0.6  , 0.9 and 3.9 keV. Alternatively, the latter component can be described as a power law with index  Γ∼3  . Some evidence is found for a radial gradient of the amount of absorption and temperature of the diffuse component. We compare the X-ray emission with optical, H α and NICMOS images of NGC 3256 and find a good correlation between the inferred optical/near-infrared and X-ray extinctions. Although inverse Compton scattering could be important in explaining the hard X-rays seen in the compact sources associated with the nuclei, the observed diffuse emission is probably of thermal origin. The observed X-ray characteristics support a scenario in which the powerful X-ray emission is driven solely by the current episode of star formation.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of highly distorted X-ray emission associated with the nearby cluster Zw 1718.10108, one of the dominant members of which is the powerful radio galaxy 3C353. This cluster has been missed by previous X-ray cluster surveys because of its low Galactic latitude ( b =19.5°), despite its brightness in the hard X-ray band (210 keV flux of 1.21011 erg cm2 s1). Our optical charge-coupled device image of the central part of the cluster reveals many member galaxies which are dimmed substantially by heavy Galactic extinction. We have measured redshifts of three bright galaxies near the X-ray emission peak and they are all found to be around z =0.028. The ASCA gas imaging spectrometer and ROSAT high-resolution imager images show three aligned X-ray clumps embedded in low surface-brightness X-ray emission extended by 30 arcmin. The averaged temperature measured with ASCA is kT =4.3±0.2 keV, which appears to be hot for the bolometric luminosity when compared with the temperatureluminosity correlation of galaxy clusters. The irregular X-ray morphology and evidence for a non-uniform temperature distribution suggest that the system is undergoing a merger of substructures. Since the sizes and luminosities of the individual clumps are consistent with those of galaxy groups, Zw 1718.10108 is interpreted as an on-going merger of galaxy groups in a dark matter halo forming a cluster of galaxies and thus is in a transition phase of cluster formation.  相似文献   

星系团PKS 0745-191中射电气体对X射线气体的加热   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对星系团中相对论性粒子的能量演化做了数值计算,在此基础上,联合分析Chandra卫星数据和VLA射电观测结果,计算了星系团PKS0745-191中高能射电气体对X射线气体的加热作用,发现在射电气体幂律谱能量下限为0.001erg时,射电气体对X射线气体的加热不足以补充X射线气体的辐射能损.然后在计算研究了不同能量下限时射电气体对X射线气体的加热作用,并估计了射电气体的能量下限.  相似文献   

We present a Chandra observation of the candidate BL Lac object EXO 0423.4−0840. The X-ray emission from EXO 0423.4−0840 is clearly extended, and is associated with an optical early-type galaxy, MCG-01-12-005, at the centre of cluster ClG 0422-09. We do not detect a point source that can be associated with a BL Lac, but we found a small radio source in the centre of MCG-01-12-005. The cluster gas temperature mapped by the Chandra observation drops continuously from 80 kpc towards the centre, and is locally single phase. We measure a metallicity profile that declines outwards with a value  0.8 Z  in the centre, dropping to  0.35 Z  at larger radius, which we interpret as a superposition of cluster gas and a dense interstellar medium (ISM) in the central galaxy. Although the temperature profile suggests that conduction is not efficient, the ISM and intra-cluster medium seem not to have mixed. The entropy profile declines continuously towards the centre, in agreement with recent results on groups and clusters. The radio source appears to have had some effect in terms of gas heating, as seen in the small-scale (∼10 kpc) entropy core, and the asymmetric hard emission on the same scale.  相似文献   

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