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认知无线Mesh网络中联合功率控制与信道分配的拥塞避免   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
受制于频谱资源有限性及链路负载差异性,网络拥塞成为认知无线Mesh网络研究中亟待解决的关键性问题.针对该问题,通过量化节点通信功率等级,并综合考虑网络干扰、链路有效容量及流量守恒等因素,建模了联合功率控制与信道分配的拥塞避免模型.进一步,提出了基于嵌套优化的拥塞避免机制,包括基于遗传算法的功率控制与信道分配、基于遗传算法的路由调度以及基于链路需求的最优路由算法.分别设计了组合编码和序列编码规则及流量守恒的约束控制机制,以保证个体进化的有效性及算法的快速收敛.一系列仿真实验表明该算法能够有效提高网络吞吐量,满足数据传输的实时性需求.  相似文献   

为了改进流媒体在无线多跳网络中的传输质量,提出一种TCP友好的拥塞控制算法.该算法考虑了MAC层的信道竞争,节点通过标记数据包来通知数据流它的竞争状态,数据流基于所估计的竞争状态来控制传输速率.仿真结果表明所提出的算法能更有效地利用带宽,与已存在的算法相比,有较高的吞吐量和较好的平滑性.  相似文献   

无线多跳网络应用日益广泛,但它的特殊性如共享无线信道、多跳连接、节点移动等,使得针对有线网络设计的TCP协议不能很好地工作在该网络环境中,经常误判网络拥塞状况而且反应迟钝,严重损害了网络性能。本文深入分析无线多跳网络中影响TCP性能的因素,总结目前提高TCP性能的改进方案并对这些方案进行比较,为无线多跳网络中TCP的研究方向提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了多媒体无线传感器网络的特点及其应用,分析了存在拥塞的原因,总结了近期无线传感器中拥塞控制算法的研究成果,在此基础上展望了多媒体无线传感器网络拥塞控制算法的研究方向.  相似文献   

在瑞利衰落环境中,提出一种基于物理层网络编码的双向线性多跳网络最优功率分配方案。在系统中断概率一定的条件下,以最小化系统总功率为目标,利用凸优化理论获取各节点的分配功率。数值结果显示,该方案能得到各节点的最优发送功率,并且随着节点数目或者路径损失因子的增大,节省的系统总功率越多。  相似文献   

吴国伟  张岩 《计算机工程》2010,36(16):108-109
给出一种逐跳跨层拥塞控制机制,依据检测缓冲区占用率和拥塞度所获得的拥塞信息,在传输层开环逐跳速率控制的基础上,自适应地调整节点MAC层信道接入优先级,使整个传感器网络中的节点根据局部的拥塞状态调整信息发送速率。NS2仿真结果表明,该算法可有效地提高网络性能和拥塞控制效率。  相似文献   

王伟 《物联网技术》2014,(10):36-39
在无线多跳网络环境下,提出了一种信道分配算法,该算法可优先考虑最小生成树上的可用信道,为每个节点分配信道资源,然后考虑利用生成树外其他可用链路为节点提供信道资源,以提高吞吐量。该算法通过考虑每个用户的通信需求,可充分利用空闲信道资源。仿真结果显示,相比于不考虑最小生成树外链路时,本算法可有效地提高网络整体的吞吐量。  相似文献   

为解决传统TCP协议在无线多跳网络中经常误判网络拥塞状况且反应迟钝的问题,提出一种Semi-TCP协议的实现方法。添加虚拟TCP层控制包的过滤和重发,采用逻辑信道传递跨层信息,应用一跳式ACK速率控制策略调节发送速率。仿真实验结果表明,该实现方法能在不改变原TCP协议框架的基础上提高系统性能。  相似文献   

由于网络媒体的共享性和不可靠性,对无线多跳网络中视频流的支持面临更大的技术挑战.研究了视频流优化问题并提出了一种联合源网络编码机制.该机制将视频流的源分段,并分为不同的世代,以达到视频流质量的最大化.算法首先分析世代规模对网络性能如源速率、编码效率和解码延时的影响,然后为了使源速率较大,在源端产生较多数据分组,并设计一种联合网络编码机制确定各个中间节点发送到网络中分组的最佳数量,使视频流的质量达到最高.仿真实验结果表明,在世代规模合适的情况下,使用所提联合源编码机制可以增强无线多跳网络视频流的性能.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中一种拥塞感知的多路径流量分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拥塞控制是无线传感器网络中的一个关键问题,拥塞不但增加丢包率,影响传输可靠性,而且会浪费宝贵的能量资源。本文从保证数据传输可靠性的多路径路由出发,提出了 一个拥塞感知的多路径流量分配算法COTA。COTA从全网出发,基于路径的启发式信息分配流量,避免给潜在的热点区域分配过多负载。此外,繁忙节点使用可靠性相关的报文文调度策略有效保证高可靠报文优先使用带宽。详细的模拟实验表明了COTA在可靠性、吞吐率等方面的优势。  相似文献   

In this paper, to increase end-to-end throughput and energy efficiency of the multi-channel wireless multihop networks, a framework of jointly optimize congestion control in the transport layer, channel allocation in the data link layer and power control in the physical layer is proposed. It models the network by a generalized network utility maximization (NUM) problem with elastic link data rate constraints. Through binary linearization and log-transformation, and after relaxing the binary constraints on channel allocation matrix, the NUM problem becomes a convex optimization problem, which can be solved by the gateway centralized through branch and bound algorithm with exponential time complexity. Then, a partially distributed near-optimal jointly congestion control, channel allocation and power control (DCCCAPC) algorithm based on Lagrangian dual decomposition technique is proposed. Performance is assessed through simulations in terms of network utility, energy efficiency and fairness index. Convergence of both centralized and distributed algorithms is proved through theoretic analysis and simulations. As the available network resources increase, the performance gain on network utility increases.  相似文献   

为改进传输控制协议TCP在无线移动网络环境下的通信性能,减少网络拥塞,分析了Ad Hoc网络Web通信时数据丢失的主要原因,提出了利用探测包探测网络传输性能重新划分网络状态的方法来改进TCP拥塞控制.仿真结果表明,改进后的TCP拥塞控制机制能够明显提高无线多跳Ad Hoc网络环境下Web通信的性能,避免拥塞.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2003,41(3):313-330
This study investigates the potential of using transmission power control in wireless packet networks with differing number of hops between source and destination nodes. Here we exploit the benefits of power control in the context of multi-hop wireless ad hoc type networks with a distributed media access control. For our investigations we choose several general ad hoc network topologies and study the effects of power control with respect to energy consumption and network capacity. We show that power control largely improves the network capacity and energy savings in all investigated scenarios, and that utilizing a greater number of intermediate hops between source and destination nodes improves the energy savings though may cause a tradeoff in capacity, depending on the network topology considered.  相似文献   

无线网络中数据传输的往返时间RTT(roundtrip time)比有线网络中的RTT大,这使得针对有线网络设计的以时延作为拥塞信号的拥塞控制对偶算法应用到无线网络中时,其稳态性能下降,无线网络的带宽不能得到充分利用.针对对偶算法进行了改进,以保证该算法在无线网络中的稳态性能不会降低;同时,就改进算法的稳定性进行了理论分析和仿真,给出了判断该分布式算法稳定的定理和参数的选择范围.  相似文献   

CSMA is the predominant distributed access protocol for wireless mesh networks. Originally designed for single-hop settings, CSMA can exhibit severe performance problems in multi-hop networks in terms of stability and end-to-end throughput. To ensure a smoother flow of packets, we examine an enhancement referred to as Extra Back-off (EB) flow control. In this enhanced scheme a node remains silent for a certain extra back-off time (imposed on top of the usual back-off time that is part of CSMA) after it has transmitted a packet, to give both the downstream and upstream neighbors the opportunity to transmit. EB flow control entails only a small modification to CSMA, preserving its distributed character. In order to examine the performance of EB flow control, we analyze a novel class of Markov models at the interface between classical tandem queues and interacting particle systems. The results demonstrate that EB flow control provides an effective mechanism for improving the end-to-end throughput performance.  相似文献   

《Computer Communications》2007,30(14-15):2735-2743
Power consumption is a critical problem in providing multimedia communications among wireless sensor nodes (WSNs). To reduce power consumption and satisfying QoS requirements, in this paper, we propose an efficient routing scheme with optimal power management and on-demand quality control for WSNs. Two cost functions are developed to minimize the transmitting power and maximize the link quality under the constraint that an end-to-end frame error probability should be met. The heuristic problem of minimizing power consumption under frame error constraints is formulated and resolved with a closed-form expression. With this closed-form expression, we can determine an optimal route rapidly by calculating the power requirement for each sensor node. Finally, our analytical results indicate that the proposed scheme is superior to a previous work with the same constraint and is also comparable to the results obtained from a heuristic simulation.  相似文献   

为了提高无线传感器网络的连通性和能量效率,提出了一种基于分层的多跳分簇路由算法LBMC(Layer Based Multi-hop Clustering routing algorithm)。LBMC算法在根据通信代价分层的基础上计算每层的最优簇首个数,簇首间采用多跳通信,同层间簇大小同构,不同层间簇大小异构,从而使各簇首间的能耗均衡,解决无线传感器网络中存在的‘热点’问题。仿真结果表明,LBMC算法与早期的几种分簇路由算法相比,提高了网络的能量效率,使整个网络的能耗更均衡,延长了网络的生命周期。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中多跳时间同步算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种基于簇型的多跳时间同步算法——CBTS。利用Leach算法将网络划分成不同的簇,在此基础上把节点间的时间同步分为水平同步和垂直同步两个阶段来完成。在水平同步阶段,通过构建基站与簇头节点的层次拓扑结构,采用双向消息交换同步机制来完成簇头节点与基站的时间同步。在垂直同步阶段,采用双向消息交换和参考广播相结合的同步机制,来完成簇头节点和簇成员之间的时间同步,并利用最小方差线性拟合的方法估计了节点的时钟偏差,提高了时钟同步的精度,最终实现了整个网络节点的时间同步。经过仿真测试,证明该算法具有较低的消息交换开销和不错的同步精度。  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been widely considered as a key technique for next generation mobile communication systems. Meanwhile, relaying technologies can improve users’ quality of service, increase network capacity and enlarge cellular coverage at a low cost. In this paper, we focus on subcarrier allocation and utilization in multi-hop OFDM access (OFDMA) wireless networks, and propose two efficient subcarrier allocation schemes aiming to increase network throughput and subcarrier utilization. The first scheme selects suitable links for data transmission from base stations to terminals at the beginning. Then, interference-free links are included into the same group for network resource reuse. For the purpose of global optimization, we propose a Tabu-based searching algorithm as the second subcarrier allocation scheme. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed algorithms outperform other schemes in both network throughput and subcarrier utilization.  相似文献   

针对现有组播拥塞控制算法应用到无线网络中存在的性能下降问题,提出一种基于新的智能组播拥塞控制机制ECMCC。ECMCC机制根据网络相对队列时延和数据包丢失检测网络的拥塞状态,采用代表集合机制反馈信息,利用专家控制器的推理判断区分丢包原因和当前的网络状态,进而采取不同的控制策略调节组播源端发送速率。仿真结果表明,ECMCC机制收敛速度快、灵敏性好、速率变化平滑,在有线网络中具有良好的TCP友好性。同时,ECMCC能有效区分网络拥塞和随机差错,提高了网络的吞吐量,适用于无线网络环境,且在无线网络较低误码率时具有一定的TCP友好性。  相似文献   

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