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桑(Morus alba L.)属桑科植物,落叶灌木或小乔木,树皮黄褐色,韧皮纤维发达,树体富乳浆。本种适应性强,生长快,喜生于温暖、轻松沙质壤土,耐盐碱,除高寒地区外分布全国各地。我国是世界上栽桑养蚕最早的国家,早在殷商时代即有文字记载,对桑的利用历史悠久,但当时限于养蚕和药用。本文就桑的综合利用作一综述报导。  相似文献   

提倡利用蓖麻,分批疏叶,饲养蓖麻蚕,在我国是一项综合性的工作;如果只以栽桑养蚕采茧的目光来养蓖麻蚕的话,获利并不十分显著,而且还会遭到一些困难的,因此必须从整体看问题。这里我们生物组在江西广丰养蚕  相似文献   

邰宁文 《生物学通报》1993,28(10):48-49
1908年,Bog danow第一次成功地用肉汁、淀粉、蛋白胨及无机盐配制的人工饲料,饲养了黑颊丽蝇(Call phoravornitoria),拉开了昆虫人工饲料研究的序幕。植食性昆虫人工饲料的研究始于Bottger(1942)和Becks(1949)。家蚕(Bombyx mori)属寡食性昆虫,食料的取得自古以来就靠栽桑,用人工饲料养蚕早在1930年就曾有试验,直至1960年日本蚕丝试验场福田纪文首次全龄用人工饲料养蚕获得成功,开创了蚕丝业发展和研究的新领域。  相似文献   

与昆虫有关的中国地名   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彩万志 《昆虫知识》2000,37(6):352-355
地名乃历史的产物、地理的反映、文化的烙印 ,从中我们可以管窥某地的地理、历史、语言、社会及民俗等。因此 ,地名研究历来受到中外学者的重视。中国地域广阔 ,人口众多 ,历史悠久 ,在数千年的文明进程中 ,亿万炎黄子孙们创造了丰富多样的地名。几乎是无处不有、无时不在的昆虫自然也加入了中国地名的行列。1 与蚕、丝有关的中国地名中国是蚕丝的发源地。栽桑、养蚕、缫丝、织绸是古代中国人的伟大发明 ,在近 5 0 0 0年的养蚕历史中 ,勤劳智慧的中国人创造了绚丽多彩的蚕桑文化 ,与蚕和丝有关的地名在昆虫地名当中所占的比例最大。1 .1 …  相似文献   

黄星天牛(Psacothea hilarisPascoe)是为害桑树的主要害虫之一,关於此虫的生活习性过去还缺乏详细的记载,我们於1936—1937年曾对此虫的生活习性作了初步观察,抗战发生后,这一工作就中断了。 解放后,由於党和人民政府的正确领导,蚕农们的生产积极性不断提高,改良栽桑养蚕技术,防治病虫害,已成为蚕农们的一致要求,因此我们把这些材料,加以整理。由於过去的研究工作大部是从室内观察所得,很少联系到生产实陈,因此内容是很不完整的,只能作为今后从事研究桑树害虫工作的部份参考。  相似文献   

蚕桑养殖业中的综合利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蚕桑养殖业中的综合利用李泽浩种桑、养蚕是我国农村重要副业之一,全国除少数省份或因气候条件、或因传统习惯外,几乎80%~90%的地区都有养蚕副业,许多地区在一年中从春至秋末,连续6次之多,可见我国蚕桑业的发展规模之巨大。养桑收茧,梁丝纺织,这是几千年来...  相似文献   

白僵蚕是一种常用中药,使用范围相当广泛,用量很大。过去白僵蚕来源于家蚕自然感染白僵菌而致死的蚕体,解放后,由于养蚕技术的提高,家蚕感染白僵菌几乎绝迹。为了解决药用白僵蚕的需要,近年来一些地方用接种白僵菌的方法生产白僵蚕。但由于养蚕  相似文献   

<正> 中国是世界蚕业发祥地。蚕丝是中国传统的出口商品,1990年创汇25亿美元,产茧47.5万吨,占世界总产量65%,生丝出口占国际市场90%以上,丝绸出口占45%左右,都占世界第一位。本文简述我国养蚕科技最新进展及其对蚕业生产发展所起的作用。  相似文献   

桑螟发生规律及防治策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过室内饲养和大田调查 ,证实湖州地区桑螟DiaphaniapyloalisWalker年发生以 5代为主 ,少数年份有 4代 ;桑螟成灾主要集中在第 4,5代。大田桑螟消长同气候、养蚕形式、天敌、防治水平有密切关系 ,不同年份之间发生时间、数量差异很大。桑螟防治方法 :以调整养蚕布局为主 ,辅以化学防治。在大批桑螟 3龄前用药是药剂防治的关键。药剂有 :40 %桑宝乳油 1 1 4mg kg,养蚕安全间隔期 6~ 8d。  相似文献   

家蚕生物反应器表达外源基因   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
丝绸一直被誉为“纤维皇后”而功被天下,养蚕以取丝为目的已成为天经地义的事。然而二十世纪末,蚕丝业正面临着人造纤维的挑战,欧洲、日本蚕丝业相继衰落。随着生物技术的迅猛发展,世界养蚕国家在稳固蚕丝业的同时,也正积极探索蚕丝业发展新的生长点。1983年,美...  相似文献   

He—Ne激光辐照野桑蚕生物学效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用一定量He-Ne激光辐照野桑蚕催青卵及蚕肾,并与家蚕杂交,对其子代的蛋白质和酯酶同工酶进行电泳分析,结果发现谱带数目及活性有变化。另外,茧质调查和丝质调查与对照相比也有差异,并发现丝长和纤度特好的变异个体,显示He-Ne激光辐照对野桑蚕生理生化性状有一定影响。  相似文献   

溴虫腈对家蚕和桑树害虫的毒力比较   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
为了比较溴虫腈在家蚕Bombyx mori和桑树害虫间的选择性毒力,采用食下毒叶法测定了溴虫腈、二嗪磷、敌敌畏、辛硫磷和三唑磷5种杀虫剂对家蚕的毒性;用浸叶法测定了5种杀虫剂对桑尺蠖Phthonandria atrilineata Butler、桑螟Diaphania pyloalis Walker和桑毛虫Porthesia xanthocampa Dyer 的毒力;在桑园喷施溴虫腈检测了其在桑树上对家蚕的残留毒性期;通过食下毒叶法系统研究了溴虫腈对家蚕生长发育的影响。结果表明,二嗪磷、敌敌畏、辛硫磷和三唑磷72 h对家蚕的毒性倍数分别大于溴虫腈的15.5、93.3、154 .0和188.5倍;溴虫腈、三唑磷、辛硫磷和敌敌畏48 h相对于二嗪磷对桑尺蠖的毒力倍数分别是49.1、3.2、2.3和1.4倍,对桑螟的毒力倍数分别是79.4、3.6、2.4和1.8倍,对桑毛虫的毒力倍数分别为67.2、3.2、2.2和1.7倍;对桑树喷施100、50、25和12.5 mg/L 溴虫腈,桑叶的残留毒性期分别为3、0、0和0天;用溴虫腈100、50、25和12.5 mg/L 处理的桑叶饲喂家蚕后,存活幼虫的历期、眠蚕体重、熟蚕体重、全茧量、茧层量、蛹重和化蛹率与对照相比均无显著性差异。据此认为溴虫腈是适合防治桑园害虫又对家蚕较安全的药剂。  相似文献   

Mulberry is the sole food source for mulberry silkworm and a number of indigenous and exotic varieties are used in sericulture. Studies on assessment of genetic diversity have been done amongst a few mulberry varieties using one or at the most two methods. However, no comprehensive study on a large number of varieties has been carried out. In present study, single primer amplification reaction (SPAR) methods have been used for determination of diversity in 27 mulberry varieties (exotic as well as indigenous), using four minisatellite core sequence primers for directed amplification of minisatellite DNA (DAMD), three simple sequence repeat (SSR) motifs as primers for inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and 20 arbitrary sequence decamer primers for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) reactions. The Jaccard coefficients were determined for the DAMD, ISSR and RAPD band data (total of 58, 39 and 235 bands respectively). All three methods revealed wide range of distances supporting a wide range of mulberry genetic diversity. A cumulative analysis of the data generated by three methods resulted in a neighbour-joining (NJ) tree that gave a better reflection of the relatedness and affinities of the varieties to each other. Comparison of the three methods by marker indices and the Mantel test of correlation indicated that though all methods were useful for the assessment of diversity in mulberry, the DAMD method was better. When considered as two groups (10 exotic and 17 indigenous varieties), the mulberry varieties in the exotic group were found to have slightly greater diversity than the indigenous ones. These results support the concept of naturalization of mulberry varieties at locales distant from their origins. NBRI communication No. 542.  相似文献   

Silkworm rearing has been an income source for small-holding farmers in Pakistan. Over the years efforts have been made to improve silkworm quality and quantity and thus develop better prospects for increasing yield and income. Mulberry leaves Morus alba L. in a series of experiments have been supplemented with various nutrients in different doses and combinations. Relative success has been achieved in this context. In our present experiments on silkworm Bombyx mori L., we fed the larvae on mulberry leaves supplemented with different doses of N (0.2%), P (0.1%), K (0.3%) and Ca (0.1%) at 26 ± 3°C with 65 ± 5% relative humidity. The results showed better outputs in terms of food consumption (72.55 g/10 larvae), coefficient of utilization (76.45%), body weight (70.07 g/10 larvae) and body length (8.56 cm/larvae) than where simple mulberry leaves were offered. Our net gains with these production parameters have been in terms of heavier cocoons with and without pupa (2.25 and 0.69 g/cocoon), respectively.  相似文献   

Bt水稻"克螟稻”花粉对家蚕生长发育的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本试验以家蚕为供试对象研究Bt水稻"克螟稻”花粉对家蚕生长发育的影响.结果发现,与正常无花粉处理相比,无论是非Bt水稻花粉处理,还是Bt水稻花粉处理,对初孵家蚕幼虫的致死率无多大影响,而对家蚕的体重有较大影响,其中三龄期家蚕体重存在极显著差异.还发现Bt水稻花粉处理组家蚕在3龄时期大小很不一致,最轻体重为18.1mg,而最重体重为183.8mg.这是由于采用人工抖粉桑叶上花粉浓度不均匀造成的.鉴于实际生态条件下桑叶上的花粉浓度可能远远低于试验条件,因此,在实际稻桑共作环境下,Bt水稻"克螟稻”花粉对家蚕生长发育可能不会造成太大的影响。 Abstract:The effect on the development of silkworm larvae of Bt transgenic rice pollen containing cry1 Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis were investigated.Compared with normal treatment,mortality of newly hatched silkworm lar vae in either Bt rice pollen or susceptible rice pollen treatment were not significantly different,while the variances of silkworm larvae weight at third instar were significant at 0.01level.In addition,the weight of each silkworm larva at third instar in Bt rice pollen treatment showed a big difference,the biggest and smallest silkworm larvae were 183.8rug and 18.lmg respectively,which was probably caused by the difference of Bt rice pollen concentration on the mulberry leaves.As pollen concentration on the mulberry leaves in actual field was lower than in lab,the influence on the development of newly hatched silkworm larvae of Bt rice pollen is not likely significant in actual ecological cnvi ronment.  相似文献   

鲁成  余红仕  向仲怀 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):198-203
对具代表性的中国11个地区的野桑蚕Bombyx mandarina进行了随机引物扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析,结果表明:不同地区的野桑蚕的遗传距离较大,最大为0.465(安康-镇江),最小的也有0.209(武汉-合肥);同一地区不同个体野桑蚕的遗传距离也较大,最大为0.318,最小的为0.144。它们均远大于家蚕B.mori品种内个体间的遗传距离(最大为0.068、最小为0.015),甚至超过了家蚕品种间的遗传距离(最大为0.258、最小为0.197)。这表明中国野桑蚕是一个十分混杂的、遗传多样性非常丰富的群体。另外,在大多数情况下野桑蚕的遗传距离表现出与空间距离正相关。遗传距离和系统发育分析结果显示陕西一带的野桑蚕成分复杂,有重要的演化意义。  相似文献   

桑-蚕系统中镉的吸收、累积与迁移   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对桑-蚕系统中镉的吸收,累积与迁移行为研究结果表明:(1)桑树对土壤镉污染有一定的耐性,桑树镉累积量和相对累积率与土壤镉浓度的关系可分别用回归方程Ta=a+blog(Sc)和log(Ra)=a+blog(Sc)描述。(2)随着土壤镉浓度的增加,镉在桑树根部的分布率明显增加,地上部分的分布率有所降低,运转到叶片的比率明显降低。(3)蚕体,蚕砂和蚕茧的镉含量,镉累积量,随着桑叶镉含量的增加而增加。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Embryonic diapause of the silkworm, Bombyx mori , is generally induced by temperature and photoperiod during the egg stage of the previous generation and not in the larval stage. However, when silkworm larvae are reared on an artificial diet instead of mulberry leaves, their diapause is strongly affected by temperature and photoperiod experienced in the larval stage, with a distinct long-day response for diapause induction. Moreover when larvae which have been reared on artificial diet under long-day condition are fed mulberry leaves even for a short period of time, most of the resultant female adults lay diapause eggs. These results suggest that the photoperiodic response of larvae for diapause induction may be strongly suppressed by some components in mulberry leaves.  相似文献   

中国野桑蚕遗传多样性的AFLP分析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
采用AFLP技术对我国具有代表性的7个省市的10个野桑蚕(Bombyx mandarina)种群和2个家蚕(Bombyx mori)品种的遗传多样性进行了研究。结果表明:杭州、陕西和重庆3个地区的野桑蚕种群间及种群内个体间的遗传距离都比家蚕品种大。野桑蚕存在广泛的变异,7个省市的10个野桑蚕种群之间的遗传距离为0.164-0.444(平均值为0.3826),平均杂合度为0.7061,表明野桑蚕自然群体的遗传多样性十分丰富。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sericulture has been on developing foot hills till today in Pakistan. It is for the past few years that this industry has received recognition through greater research on the nutritional aspects. Various experiments i.e., nutritional supplementation and searching alternate food plants have been on way with varying degree of success. The present approach includes the very much neglected aspect of trying mulberry varieties and working out their impact on the silkworm growth/ development and silk yield. In Pakistan three varieties of mulberry Morus alba, M. nigra and M. indica are commonly found, these were selected for the present studies and the already established mineral dose 0.2 %N +0.1%P+0.3%K+0.1%Ca+0.15%Mg+0.15%Mn was supplemented to them through dipping method. Amongst the so designed nine treatments those in which the silkworm larvae were fed on M. nigra leaves in any form /combinati-yielded best results, as the larvae in these treatments consumed more food (73.71 gm/10 larvae) and converted maximum (77.22%) of it into body matter. This improved silkworm growth, a primary parameter for increasing the over all production and resulted in better cocoon size which weighed heavier (2.43 gm/cocoon and 1.10 gm/shell) as compared to rest of the test treatments (0.67 and 0.70 gm/shell on M. alba and M. indica , respectively).  相似文献   

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