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2012年初,新加坡教育部发表政府公告表示要加大对学前教育的投入,其中的QA咨询计划是对2010年9月的“SPARK”质量监督计划的政策补充,并且增加了对学前教育教师专业化问题的重视,并提出了可行的策略,这对我国学前教育的发展在教育政策制定和教师专业化上有着很好的启示作用。  相似文献   

Teachers are more likely to include children with developmental needs (DN) in their classroom when they perceive that important people around them, such as principals, colleagues, and parents of children with and without DN, endorse inclusive education. Adequacy of resources and availability of training opportunities may also affect how teachers perceived being supported. This study examines Singapore preschool teachers' perception of support received from their working environment to include children with DN and how this predicts their intention to practice inclusive education and self-reported implementation of inclusive practices in the classroom. The original Perceived School Support for Inclusive Education (PSSIE) scale, developed in Bangladesh, was reviewed for relevance and clarity by a panel of six experts familiar with Singapore preschool inclusion. 211 preschool teachers in Singapore completed the new 11-item revised PSSIE – Singapore Version online. Perceived school support was found to be a single construct that significantly and reliably predicts both intention and self-reported practices (alpha = 0.929). Stakeholders in Singapore can now use this newly validated instrument to reliably understand the support received by teachers and to re-examine the strategies provided to support preschool teachers in this journey towards quality inclusive education.  相似文献   

通过数据分析和政策解读,全面分析温州市学前教育发展的现实基础、人口变化和学前教育需求,尤其对生育政策调整后户籍人口的生育变动、省外流入人口生育变动、学前教育需求峰值及趋势进行数据分析,提出要精准规划、扩充学位供给、激发办学活力、建立扩容机制、解决师资紧缺问题等建议,为区域学前教育事业发展提供决策参考。  相似文献   

本文简述和评论了一些工业化国家学前教育服务体系的改革动态,并对这些国家在学前教育事业发展中的政府、市场和社会相互关系的变化作了分析和思考,试图从中寻找对我国学前教育事业发展有借鉴意义的经验.  相似文献   

缺乏现代教育技术支持的传统幼儿教师教育中存在诸多问题,幼儿教师利用数字化布鲁姆工具拓宽知识领域、深化教师专业成长,理解、增强信息处理能力,提高分析问题、解决问题能力,提升评课能力和教学能力,从而促进幼儿教师教学反思与专业成长。幼儿教师教育要以研修小组为实践共同体,践行自主学习加协助学习模式,建立以网络技术为纽带的幼儿园——高校远程互动教研平台,实现互动交流,互助双赢,共同发展的长效机制。  相似文献   

新加坡高等教育大众化评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
:8 0年代中期以前 ,新加坡政府一直推行英才教育政策。但是 ,80年代中后期以来 ,新加坡政府的教育观念和政策发生了很大的变化 ,其中最突出的就是扩大高等学校的招生规模 ,以便让更多的人能接受教育。这一观念和政策的转变使新加坡高等教育步入了一个快速发展的时期。本文对导致这一变化的社会经济背景 ,发展变化过程中的主要改革措施及存在的问题进行了分析和介绍  相似文献   

Outdoor education is not a universal value. Rather, outdoor education's contributions need to be grounded in time, place and culture. In this paper we describe the historical and cultural milieu that has enabled the emergence of outdoor education in Singapore and report on exploratory survey research into Singaporean teachers' conceptions of outdoor education. We compare the reported outcomes of outdoor education in Singapore to similar studies from Australia and New Zealand. Further focus group research is then used to develop a vision for outdoor education in Singapore. In so doing we aim to illustrate, and celebrate, how culturally-specific circumstances must be considered in both interpreting and conceptualizing outdoor education. We conclude that while personal development outcomes are important for Singaporean outdoor educators, these are developed more for the benefits of society and the State. The future role of outdoor education in Singapore will most probably continue to be linked to ongoing and emerging social and cultural imperatives such as harmony among diverse religious groups and environmental consequences of climate change.  相似文献   

城乡二元结构与农村学前教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城乡二元结构导致我国农村学前教育处于弱势地位。与城市学前教育相比,农村学前教育在教育资源配置、受教育机会、专业师资等方面处于弱势地位。国家可以逐步取消户籍制度,加大对农村幼教的投入,构建一体化学前教育管理系统,促使城镇幼儿园向农村幼儿园提供更多支援和帮助,开发适合农村幼儿发展的幼儿园教材,改变农村学前教育的弱势地位,从而促进农村幼儿的发展。  相似文献   

This paper describes the process of school capacity building in Hong Kong's early childhood education at a time when there was a quest for quality education. A local preschool was selected for the study, which took part in a university–school support programme through which consultancy was hired from a university to provide school-based support. An action research approach was chosen in the research design. The process of building capacity was examined in the selected preschool over a year. The findings indicated that the preschool went through a process of capacity building, from the status quo ante, through the exploration stage to the initial implementation stage of change. Restructuring and reculturing were emerging in the change process, with the support of the school consultants.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国学前教育政策和管理体制经历了从企业/社区福利服务为主到社会化服务为主的体系转变。这种转变是导致学前教育服务不足的根源,致使中国学前教育当前出现了很多问题,如学前教育供给不足,地区差异大,服务质量不高,弱势群体入园难等,无法满足日益增长的社会需求和期望,使得"入园难"逐渐成为突出的社会问题。根据学前教育服务的现状,要实现《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》所设定的相关目标,应在认可学前服务有正外部效应的基础上,顺应中国公共服务发展的规律,建立政府责任明确的国家学前教育公共服务体系。政府要在财政政策上加大对农村学前教育的投入、充分考虑到东、中、西部的差异,帮助弱势家庭,为贫困儿童、流动儿童提供学前教育补贴。同时,优先保证中西部农村学前教育师资队伍,利用多种资源发展农村幼儿教育,逐步完善学前教育监管体系。  相似文献   

Singapore Education in “New Times”: Global/local imperatives   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper critically examines recent education reform in Singapore launched under the rhetoric of “Thinking Schools, Learning Nation” (TSLN). I will make explicit the context and the premises underlying the new state‐initiated TSLN education reform. I argue that the re‐alignment of education change is a response to the trajectories of (global) economic conditions, concomitantly framed by (local) sociopolitical and cultural–ideological needs. Next, I tease out and critique the pedagogical problems and contradictions embedded in the TSLN education reform. The paper concludes by asking what critical perspectives can be drawn from the Singapore case vis‐a`‐vis globalisation and education reform.  相似文献   

学前教育是教育的基础。新时期我国学前教育取得了较快的发展,其中民办学前教育占有很大的比重,对学前教育的贡献也是功不可没的。在社会对学前教育多样化需求下,在国家大力发展学前教育背景下,民办学前教育面临新的机遇和挑战。民办学前教育只有摒弃以往的数量扩张即外延式发展之路,转型为内涵式发展,努力创办有质量、有特色的幼儿园,才能获得持续、健康、稳定的发展。  相似文献   

伴随我国学前教育幼儿英语课程的广泛开设,如何更好地进行幼师英语教学,培养出符合时代要求的复合型优秀幼儿英语教师,如何变革才能使中职幼师专业的毕业生顺应我国学前教育的发展,胜任具有启蒙意义的学前教育,是中职幼师专业英语教学中应思考和总结的问题。  相似文献   

高等师范院校学前教育专业作为培养幼儿教师的重要基地,肩负着双重责任,不仅要把幼儿教师培养成为"幼儿学习活动的支持者、合作者、引导者",还要让幼儿教师胜任幼儿教育工作.文章以和田师范专科学校学前教育专业儿歌弹唱课为例,分析高校学前教育专业儿歌弹唱课教学现状,探讨高校学前教育专业儿歌弹唱课教学存在的问题,指出高校学前教育专...  相似文献   

The National Institute of Education is the only teacher education institution in Singapore and all pre-service teachers for the Singapore education system are trained at this one Institution. There are several programs for the pre-service preparation of teachers for the various levels of schools and the preparation of mathematics teachers varies between the programs. Within the context of a national educational system which is very centrally controlled, teacher education programs have changed much over the past decade, constantly seeking improvement, not only in response to environmental changes but also to be leaders of change in the educational field. This chapter describes the teacher education programs of Singapore with respect to mathematics teachers, their pedagogical training and their mathematical education.  相似文献   

晚清幼儿师资职业化经历了立足于本土、不断积累、逐步获得突破的演进历程。本文梳理了晚清幼儿师资的来源,整理了清政府主动采取本土改造、"引进来、走出去"等措施培养幼儿师资的政策,描述了晚清有识之士从"女子无才便是德"到"兴女学"培育幼儿师资的立场转变,并介绍了晚清幼儿师资职业化发展的历程。  相似文献   

学前教育机构性质和功能衍变的价值取向及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共的学前教育机构是社会发展到一定历史阶段的产物,不同的历史时期人们对学前教育机构性质的认识是逐步深化的。从新的视角审视其性质的转化对于我们重新理解学前教育的价值,理解各种关系、各种角色定位具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

信息技术作为一种新的教育教学手段以其方便快捷、真实生动等优势,在幼儿教育教学中得到普遍应用。文章从在幼儿教育中应用信息技术的重要性、幼儿教育中信息技术应用的误区、如何将信息技术有效应用到幼儿教育中等方面,对信息技术在幼儿教育教学中的应用进行探究,以提高幼儿教育教学质量,促进幼儿全面发展。  相似文献   

面向21世纪的新加坡基础教育改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向21世纪的中坡,机遇与挑战并存,在新旧世纪交替之际,新加坡抓住机遇,迎接挑战,对基础教育进行了改革,本文介绍了新加坡基础教育改革的主要措施,对我国的基础教育改革有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

我国目前幼儿教育发展过程中的多重误区及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼儿教育是教育的萌芽阶段,人生的启蒙教育尤为重要,由于时代的发展,观念的转变,人们对幼儿教育的正确认识是在逐渐走出误区的过程中而形成的,本试图分析我国当前的幼儿多重误区后,来阐述一些基本对策,以实现幼儿教育的科学化、正规化。  相似文献   

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