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葛洲坝下游中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)产卵场地形分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张辉  危起伟  杨德国  杜浩  张慧杰  陈细华 《生态学报》2007,27(10):3945-3955
根据1981年葛洲坝截流至1998年对葛洲坝坝下河床研究的历史资料,结合1999~2006年间获得的中华鲟产卵场所在江段河床的5次地形数据,采用ArcGIS9.0软件,对中华鲟产卵场河床的高程、坡度、坡向等地形因子进行了详细分析。结果表明:葛洲坝至磨基山江段中华鲟产卵场与历史产卵场相比具有极其相似的特征,临江溪至虎牙滩江段中华鲟自然繁殖频率不高可能主要是因为地形不符合要求,从而造成相关的水文因子也不能满足需要。中华鲟自然繁殖前期的迁徙分布和产卵后受精卵的散播与河床地形都有一定的关系,葛洲坝水利枢纽下游河势调整工程较大地改变了葛洲坝至庙咀江段河床的地形,地形复杂度的增加可能对中华鲟自然繁殖前期的栖息有利,而河床坡度、底质的改变则可能会对中华鲟受精卵的散播和发育产生不利影响。有必要结合中华鲟历史产卵场精确的地形数据,对"中华鲟产卵场功能分区模型假说"进行验证,并针对产卵场地形对中华鲟自然繁殖的影响,做出进一步探讨。  相似文献   

张辉  危起伟  杨德国  杜浩  张慧杰  陈细华 《生态学报》2007,27(10):3945-3955
根据1981年葛洲坝截流至1998年对葛洲坝坝下河床研究的历史资料,结合1999~2006年间获得的中华鲟产卵场所在江段河床的5次地形数据,采用ArcGIS 9.0软件,对中华鲟产卵场河床的高程、坡度、坡向等地形因子进行了详细分析。结果表明:葛洲坝至磨基山江段中华鲟产卵场与历史产卵场相比具有极其相似的特征,临江溪至虎牙滩江段中华鲟自然繁殖频率不高可能主要是因为地形不符合要求,从而造成相关的水文因子也不能满足需要。中华鲟自然繁殖前期的迁徙分布和产卵后受精卵的散播与河床地形都有一定的关系,葛洲坝水利枢纽下游河势调整工程较大地改变了葛洲坝至庙咀江段河床的地形,地形复杂度的增加可能对中华鲟自然繁殖前期的栖息有利,而河床坡度、底质的改变则可能会对中华鲟受精卵的散播和发育产生不利影响。有必要结合中华鲟历史产卵场精确的地形数据,对“中华鲟产卵场功能分区模型假说”进行验证,并针对产卵场地形对中华鲟自然繁殖的影响,做出进一步探讨。  相似文献   

国家一级保护动物中华鲟为江海溯河产卵的洄游性鱼类,1981年即葛洲坝截流前,其产卵场分布在金沙江下游和长江上游的约600km江段。葛洲坝水电工程阻断了其产卵洄游通道,调查发现自1982年以来,中华鲟在葛洲坝下游江段的狭小范围成功产卵。对中华鲟繁殖季节葛洲坝下中华鲟产卵场的水温、流速、流量、含沙量和水位等水文数据进行了分析,并对其与中华鲟产卵的关系进行了探讨。结果表明,葛洲坝截流后,宜昌中华鲟产卵场江段10~11月份的月平均流速及11月份的月平均含沙量发生明显变化(P〈0.001),而月平均水位、流量及水温的变化不明显。多年观察结果显示,中华鲟产卵时,5种水文因子的参数均有一定的变动范围。1983~2004年期问,37次中华鲟产卵时的日平均水温范围为16.10~20.60℃,平均为18.63℃;日平均水位范围为40.69~47.32m(黄海高程),平均为43.91m;日平均流量范围为7170~26000m^3/s,平均为13908m^3/s;1983~2000年31次中华鲟产卵时的日平均含沙量范围为0.10~1.32kg/m。,平均为0.46kg/m。;日平均流速为0.81~1.98m/s,平均为1.30m/s。分析得到较适宜中华鲟产卵的水温是18.0~20.0℃,流量是14100m^3/s,水位是42.0~45.0m,含沙量是0.2~0.3kg/m^3,底层流速是1.0~1.7m/s。水温是中华鲟产卵的必备条件,水温适宜的情况下,水位、流速和含沙量出现逐渐从高位下降的趋势、而且各水文要素值均达到其适宜范围时,中华鲟即产卵繁殖。三峡工程运行后,下游江段水温的变化可能会对中华鲟的性腺发育和产卵繁殖产生不利影响,而江水含沙量下降对其产卵繁殖较有利。  相似文献   

葛洲坝下中华鲟繁殖生物学特性及其人工繁殖效果   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以1998—2004年(除2002年外)间从葛洲坝下产卵场捕获的57尾(雌36尾,雄21尾)中华鲟人工繁殖群体为材料,研究了中华鲟人工繁殖群体的繁殖生物学特性.结果表明:1998—2004年间中华鲟雌鲟体长240~320cm,体质量140~432kg,年龄15~30龄;雄鲟体长153~284cm,体质量70~244kg,年龄12~26龄.雌鲟催产率93·1%,雄鲟催产率100%.卵子可明显分为7种颜色;绝对怀卵量为20~59万粒,平均35·8万粒;相对怀卵量820~3020粒·kg-1,平均1590粒·kg-1.精液明显分为4种颜色;绝对采精量1000~5952ml,平均2597·8ml;相对采精量1·25~31·24ml·kg-1,平均13·3ml·kg-1.多年人工催产受精率平均达到63·7%,孵化率达到48·1%,6年共孵化出苗476·2万尾,保证了人工繁殖放流的实施.资料对比显示,中华鲟繁殖群体自然繁殖力大幅下降.  相似文献   

葛洲坝下游江段中华鲟产卵场食卵鱼类资源量估算   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为定量评估食卵鱼类对中华鲟资源的危害,1997-2001年间,对中华鲟产卵场所在的葛洲坝水利枢纽坝址至下游庙嘴之间长约5km的江段,进行了渔业捕捞样本抽样和解剖检测,运用体长股分析方法并结合淦获物中不同种类的相对数量比例估算出食卵鱼类资源量,研究结果表明,吞食中华鲟卵的主要有圆口铜鱼,铜鱼,瓦氏黄颡鱼等11种鱼类,其年度资源量为197487-744487尾,多年平均444822尾。  相似文献   

中华鲟人工繁殖放流现状评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1984-1998年,在长江葛洲坝水利枢纽下游江段,中国集团公司中华鲟研究所共捕捞663尾中华鲟亲鱼用于人工繁殖。各年的捕捞量变动在31—60尾之间。实际用于人工催产的亲鱼年利用率变动在3.1—91.7%之间。平均28.4%。催产卵的年受精率变动在0—85.0%之间,平均66.5%。年人工孵化鲟苗量变动在5—151.9万尾之间,平均54.3万尾。历年合计向长江放流初孵鲟苗4258万尾、幼鲟6.28万尾。经过多年的实践,中华鲟的人工催产,幼鲟孵化、培育和放流等方面的技术已经发展成熟。  相似文献   

蓄养中华鲟的性腺发育与人工繁殖初报易继舫   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中华鲟是大型溯河徊游鱼类,长江葛洲坝水利枢纽建成后对中华鲟资源产生了严重影响,有关主管部门决定采取以人工繁殖放流为主的保护措施,根据有关资料[1-3],拟利用在坝下江段易于捕获的Ⅲ期中华鲟亲鱼,通过人工蓄养使性腺发育成熟,为中华鲟人工繁殖提供优质亲鱼。1材料与方法蓄养用Ⅲ期中华鲟全部捕于葛洲坝下江段,用车运至本所专用蓄养池,蓄养池面积80-250m2不等,水源采用河水和井水,水质指标符合渔业用水标准。所有蓄养鱼定期用电子吊秤称重,穿刺取性腺组织,组织切片检查性腺发育状况,确定已达到Ⅳ期末后即进行…  相似文献   

1981年1月,葛洲坝水利枢纽截流,中华鲟被大坝所阻而滞留在宜昌以下的江段。 1981年秋季在葛洲坝枢纽的坝下江段采集到中华鲟的Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅵ期卵巢和Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ期精巢,1982年秋季又采集到中华鲟产出的卵和早期鱼苗。研究结果表明,中华鲟在坝下江段不仅能发育成熟,而且能自然产卵。为了保护和增殖中华鲟,人工繁殖放流的方法是切实可行的。同时,必须严禁滥捕,以保护中华鲟资源。    相似文献   

1981年1月,葛洲坝水利枢纽截流,中华鲟被大坝所阻而滞留在宜昌以下的江段。1981年秋季在葛洲坝枢纽的坝下江段采集到中华鲟的Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅵ期卵巢和Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ期精巢,1982年秋季又采集到中华鲟产出的卵和早期鱼苗。研究结果表明,中华鲟在坝下江段不仅能发育成熟,而且能自然产卵。为了保护和增殖中华鲟,人工繁殖放流的方法是切实可行的。同时,必须严禁滥捕,以保护中华鲟资源。  相似文献   

葛洲坝和三峡水利枢纽是世界上著名的大型水电工程, 对长江中下游防洪、发电、航运、水资源利用等产生了巨大的综合效益。如何减轻葛洲坝-三峡工程对长江流域生态环境及水生生物的影响经历了漫长而激烈的论证过程。中国科学院水生生物研究所(以下简称“水生所”)自始至终参加了这两个工程的水域生态环境影响评价和鱼类保护工作, 并且做出了重要的贡献。在葛洲坝工程的救鱼对象讨论中, 水生所指出救鱼的主要对象是中华鲟; 在救鱼的措施方面, 水生所科学论证了葛洲坝工程不必修建过鱼设施, 中华鲟在葛洲坝下能够自然繁殖, 中华鲟的救护措施以人工繁殖放流和产卵场的保护为主。在葛洲坝工程建设后, 水生所进一步预测了三峡工程对长江珍稀特有鱼类、重要经济鱼类以及渔业的影响, 并且建议在赤水河建立自然保护区, 作为长江上游珍稀特有鱼类的庇护所; 提出最早的生态调度想法, 通过三峡水库的调度形成人造洪峰, 刺激“四大家鱼”产卵等等。实践证明, 水生所做出的工程影响评价和鱼类保护建议是科学的、符合客观实际的, 对国家的决策起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is a protected anadromous fish species. The migration pattern of the fish has been blocked by the construction of Gezhouba Dam, reducing the natural spawning site length to less than 7 km along the Yangtze River. However, the fish has since established an alternative spawning ground in the narrow reach downstream of Gezhouba Dam. To enhance navigation, a Separation Levee Project (SLP) was implemented in the new-found spawning habitat of the fish. To therefore evaluate the effect of the SLP on Chinese sturgeon spawning habitat suitability, the conditions in the spawning habitat were simulated using River2D (a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model). Two main approaches (habitat kinetic energy and circulation metrics) were used in the simulation. The study showed that SLP only slightly changed the physical conditions in the spawning habitat. Using hydrodynamic simulation, the weighted usable area (WUA) before and after the SLP construction was also computed and habitat preference curve developed for water depth and velocity. On the average, SLP reduced WUA—a finding that was consistent with field-measured data. Based on WUA, the habitat conditions were more sensitive to SLP proximity than metrics based on velocity gradients. SLP posed detrimental impacts on the suitability of spawning habitats of Chinese sturgeon. The findings in this study provide further basis for the protection and restoration of Chinese sturgeon spawning habitats in especially the lower reach of Yangtze River.  相似文献   

The numbers of spawning sites for Chinese sturgeon have been drastically reduced since the construction of the Gezhouba Dam across the Yangtze River. This dam has blocked migration of Chinese sturgeon to their historic spawning ground causing a significant decline of the Chinese sturgeon population. We conducted a VORTEX population viability analysis to estimate the sustainability of the population and to quantify the efficiency of current and alternative conservation procedures. The model predicted the observed decline of Chinese sturgeon, resulting from the effect of the Gezhouba Dam. These simulations demonstrated the potential interest of two conservation measures: increasing spawning area and reducing predation on sturgeon eggs. The simulations also demonstrated that the actual restocking program is not sufficient to sustain sturgeon population as the artificial reproduction program induce the loss of more wild mature adults that the recruitment expected by the artificial reproduction.  相似文献   

Dabry's sturgeon, Acipenser dabryanus, is a relatively small (130 cm, 16 kg) and now rare sturgeon restricted to the Yangtze River Basin. It behaves as a resident freshwater fish, does not undertake long distance migrations (except for spawning), and lives in a variety of habitats. It historically spawned in the upper Yangtze River, but the spawning sites are unknown. Acipenser dabryanus reaches maturity earlier than do other Chinese sturgeons, which gives the species aquaculture potential, and artificial spawning has been carried out. However, the native population in the Yangtze has sharply declined in the last two decades due to overfishing, pollution and habitat alteration and destruction, especially since the construction of the Gezhouba Dam, which was built in 1981 across the Yangtze River at Yichang, Hubei Province. Since 1981, Dabry's sturgeon rarely occurs below the Gezhouba Dam because downstream movements are blocked. Clearly, conservation of Dabry's sturgeon must be emphasized. Conservation methods may include protecting habitats, controlling capture and stock replenishment.  相似文献   

长江中华鲟繁殖群体资源现状的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
根据1994—1998年获得的246尾标本,对中华鲟繁殖群体的性比、性腺发育成熟个体比例、年龄结构、体长和体重特征等进行了研究。并结合历史资料,对其种群资源现状进行评价,提出了相应的资源保护措施建议。  相似文献   

Biology, fisheries, and conservation of sturgeons and paddlefish in China   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
This paper reviews five of the eight species of acipenseriforms that occur in China, chiefly those of the Amur and Yangtze rivers. Kaluga Huso dauricus and Amur sturgeon Acipenser schrenckii are endemic to the Amur River. Both species still support fisheries, but stocks are declining due to overfishing. Acipenseriformes of the Yangtze River are primarily threatened by hydroelectric dams that block free passage to spawning and feeding areas. The Chinese paddlefish Psephurus gladius now is rare in the Yangtze River system, and its spawning activities were severely limited by completion of the Gezhouba Dam in 1981. Since 1988, only 3–10 adult paddlefishes per year have been found below the dam. Limited spawning still exists above the dam, but when the new Three Gorges Dam is complete, it will further threaten the paddlefish. Artificial propagation appears to be the only hope for preventing extinction of P. gladius, but it has yet to be successfully bred in captivity. Dabry's sturgeon A. dabryanus is a small, exclusively freshwater sturgeon found only in the Yangtze River system. It is concentrated today in reaches of the main stream above Gezhouba Dam. The fishery has been closed since 1983, but populations continue to decline. Acipenser dabryanus has been cultured since the 1970s, and holds promise for commercial aquaculture; availability of aquacultural methods offers hope for enhancing natural populations. The Chinese sturgeon A. sinensis occurs in the Yangtze and Pearl rivers and seas of east Asia. There is still disagreement about the taxonomy of the Pearl and Yangtze River populations. The Yangtze River population is anadromous. Adults begin spawning at about age 14 years (males) and 21 years (females), and adults spend over 15 months in the river for reproduction. Spawning sites of A. sinensis were found every year since 1982 below the Gezhouba Dam, but it seems that insufficient suitable ground is available for spawning. Since 1983, commercial fishing has been prohibited but more measures need to be taken such as establishing protected areas and characterizing critical spawning, summering and wintering habitats.  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is an anadromous fish inhabiting the Yangtze River. Migration of Chinese sturgeon from the estuary to upper Yangtze River was blocked by Gezhou Dam, completed in 1981, and a new, much smaller, spawning ground was established below the dam. However, Three Gorges Dam began operating in 2003, altering hydrological conditions in the new spawning grounds and the impact on Chinese sturgeon reproduction was severe. The annual survey of Chinese sturgeon shows that both spawning scale and breeding population decreased during this period. To illustrate the impact of Three Gorges Dam on the spawning grounds and reproduction of Chinese sturgeon, the habitat suitability of spawning grounds on spawning day was simulated using River2D. Results show that the area of suitable spawning grounds positively correlates with the scale of reproduction and both have decreased sharply since 2003.  相似文献   

中华鲟的性腺发育与退化问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis) 是我国的一级重点保护野生动物, 也是长江水生动物保护的旗舰物种。近年来, 中华鲟已多次被监测到未进行野外自然繁殖, 其生存前景堪忧。有关其没有繁殖的原因存在多方面的争议, 尤其是黄真理等提出葛洲坝水利枢纽修建造成中华鲟性腺退化严重, 是导致中华鲟种群数量急剧减少的主要因素; 同时, 还宣称“中科院水生所有关否定中华鲟性腺退化的方法和材料, 是不充分和不可靠的”。为了避免该错误观点对中华鲟的保护造成误导, 文章从中华鲟的性腺发育过程及退化的判断标准、中华鲟的生活史阶段及性腺状态、葛洲坝与三峡工程对中华鲟繁殖影响等方面, 分析该观点的谬误之处。柯福恩等将正常发育的中华鲟III期性腺误判为是“退化性腺”; 文章认为刚进入长江不久的中华鲟亲鱼即出现性腺退化, 不符合中华鲟性腺发育的规律。多年监测数据显示, 葛洲坝水利枢纽导致中华鲟洄游距离缩短并没有改变中华鲟繁殖的时间格局, 也没有改变中华鲟性腺成熟的比例。黄真理等歪曲他人实际监测的数据, 提出的洄游距离影响中华鲟性腺发育的模型纯粹是不懂鱼类生物学的人玩弄的数学游戏。尽管现阶段中华鲟的保护确实遇到了困境, 但随着“长江十年禁渔”的实施, 电捕和滚钩等彻底取缔, 限制产卵场区域人类活动, 加强中华鲟野外产卵场的修复, 并进行更大规格、更大规模的群体放流, 中华鲟的种群还是有可能恢复的。  相似文献   

Based on the Gini coefficient and Mann-Kendall test, the runoff variation in the Yichang reach of Yangtze River from 1982 to 2017 was evaluated, and its influence to the Chinese sturgeon spawning below the Gezhouba Dam was discussed under the cascaded hydropower operation. The results showed that the runoff and Gini coefficient decreased significantly after the construction of Gezhouba Dam, which synchronously decreased the flow and water levels in spawning days of the Chinese sturgeon. Water temperature had no significant change. The analysis of the abruption revealed great change of hydrological conditions in the spawning days and Gini coefficient in 2004 and 2009, which are coincided with time of the second and fourth phase impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir. The correlation analysis indicated that the higher runoff and Gini coefficient would induce Chinese sturgeon to spawn in days with high flow and water levels. These results suggest that the ecological operation of the Three Gorges-Gezhouba cascaded hydropower could enhance the runoff with large inequality and create long duration of high flow pulses during flood seasons. © 2019, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), a kind of maricolous anadromous migratory fish species, is endangered and protected in China. Historical spawning habitats were distributed in the lower reaches of Jinsha River and the upper reaches of Yangtze River. Since the establishment of the Gezhouba water conservancy pivot in 1981, the migratory route of Chinese sturgeon spawning was blocked. Therefore, the fish was forced to propagate in a new spawning ground which was mainly distributed in the 4-km-long mainstream from Gezhouba Dam to Miaozui in the middle Yangtze River. After water storage and power generation of the Three Gorges reservoir (TGR) in 2003, the propagation of Chinese sturgeon has been impacted gradually. According to field surveys, the fish used to spawn twice a year before TGR impoundment, but only once happened after that. Besides, the spawning scale is also declining with each passing year.In order to simulate and evaluate the effect of TGR impoundment on spawning habitats of Chinese sturgeon, with consideration of their reproductive characteristics, an eco-hydrodynamic model was established by coupling a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model and a fuzzy fish habitat module based on fuzzy logic inference. Flow fields at the studied site in an impoundment scenario and an assumed no impoundment scenario were simulated with the 2D hydrodynamic model. Afterwards, by linking hydrodynamic conditions to the expert knowledge base, the fuzzy habitat model used fuzzy logic inference to compute habitat suitability of the Chinese sturgeon. In addition, the approach was used to propose a suitable instream flow range during the propagation period for Chinese sturgeon. The results indicated that the suitable instream flow needed for Chinese sturgeon spawning in middle Yangtze River should be between 10,000 m3/s and 17,000 m3/s and it also showed that after TGR was put into pilot impoundment operation at the designed water level of 175 m, the habitat suitability has decreased significantly in October. Besides, the water temperature of spawning habitat increased to a higher level in propagation period due to the impoundment of the TGR. All these alterations have had imposed tremendous impacts on the propagation of Chinese sturgeon. Therefore, adjusting impoundment schedule of the TGR to recover the water flow over spawning habitat in October is a crucial way to improve the habitat suitability. Furthermore, the presented method also provides a theoretical basis for further research on the assessment of habitat suitability of aquatic species at a micro-habitat scale.  相似文献   

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