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西尼罗病毒的宿主及其在传播循环中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西尼罗热或西尼罗脑炎及脑膜脑炎目前已从偶尔发生转变为频繁暴发流行,成为危害公共卫生健康的重要虫媒病。由于西尼罗病毒宿主众多,传播媒介分布广泛,宿主及桥梁宿主和媒介的共同作用促成了该病大面积流行,本文综述了西尼罗病毒的宿主及其在传播循环中的作用。  相似文献   

我国重要吸血双翅目昆虫区系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了我国不同生态地理区域内吸血双翅目昆虫的种类分布、吸血双翅目昆虫区系和虫媒病的关系、吸血双翅目昆虫区系研究的基本方法以及河北省吸血双翅目昆虫区系的现状等方面的研究进展,以期为预防和控制虫媒传染病,特别是应对突发性公共卫生事件中虫媒传染病和生物恐怖事件的发生,提供制定防控媒介昆虫预案的基本资料和科学依据。  相似文献   

蚊虫不仅吸血骚扰,而且传播多种疾病,迄今依然是世界性的严重的公共卫生问题。近年来,新型虫媒病不断出现,传统的虫媒病死灰复燃,给蚊媒控制带来了新的挑战。随着基因编辑技术的出现与发展,特别是成簇的规律间隔短回文重复序列系统(Clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats-CRISPR associated sequences 9, CRISPR/Cas9)的出现,为开展蚊虫生理、生化、发育、宿主与病原体关系等诸多方面分子生物基础研究提供了靶标特异性的修饰工具,给蚊媒控制技术的发展带来了新的契机。本文主要针对CRISPR/Cas9技术在蚊媒研究领域的应用现状及进展进行综述,并探讨CRISPR/Cas9技术在蚊媒传染病防治的实际应用中所面临的问题,为蚊媒防治措施的应用及改进提供理论参考。  相似文献   

国际上久赋盛名的虫媒病研究专家、《寄生虫与医学昆虫学报》外籍编委Chris Curtis教授于2008年5月13时与世长辞。我们痛失一位虫媒病研究大师,追思他在虫媒病遗传防治中首开先河,创造性地灭除蚊虫、力扼疟疾病魔的突出贡献。  相似文献   

福建的媒介生物和宿主动物种类丰富,存在许多虫媒病的自然疫源地或流行区.在进行海峡西岸经济区建设的同时,应密切关注虫媒传染病及其传播媒介,加强监测和检疫,以保障海峡西岸经济区的可持续发展.  相似文献   

吸血媒介不仅危害动物健康,而且还能传播各种虫媒疾病,从而严重危害人类健康。因此,研究吸血媒介在公共卫生方面具有十分重要的意义,如研究如何控制吸血媒介以及其对病原体的传播具有极其重要的意义。本文概要介绍RNA干扰(RNAi)的基本原理,并对其在吸血媒介基因功能研究、保护性抗原筛选及鉴定、抑制病原体感染吸血媒介及其在吸血媒介中的繁殖等方面的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

白纹伊蚊孳生于热带和温带地区,是登革热、基孔肯雅热和寨卡病毒病等虫媒病的重要传播媒介。为降低人类感染这些病毒的风险,对白纹伊蚊的有效控制是重要措施之一。白纹伊蚊的有效控制受到杀虫剂抗性的挑战,对其抗药性分子机制的了解,是制定白纹伊蚊可持续控制策略的重要依据。本文综述了有关白纹伊蚊抗药性分子机制的重要进展。  相似文献   

恙虫病是由携带恙虫病东方体的恙螨幼虫叮咬而传播的自然疫源性虫媒传染病.2006年江苏省盐城市滨海县出现恙虫病局部暴发,至2010年,我省恙虫病疫情较平稳,全年病例数维持在150例左右.2011年全省恙虫病病例出现大幅增加,共计报告临床诊断病例500人.本研究对2011年92份恙虫病临床标本进行核酸分子鉴定,在56-kDa基因序列分析的基础上揭示了病原的分子流行特征,为进一步监测和防控提供实验依据.  相似文献   

蜱能够传播多种病毒,已知有6个病毒科的病毒能通过蜱虫吸血传播,分别是黄病毒科、布尼亚病毒科、正粘病毒科、弹状病毒科、呼肠孤病毒科和非洲猪瘟病毒科。除非洲猪瘟病毒科外,其余病毒均为核糖核酸(RNA)病毒。黄病毒科和布尼亚病毒科病毒可在人类引起脑炎和出血热,因此其意义尤为重要。森林脑炎病毒、波瓦生病毒和克里米亚—刚果热病毒等蜱传病毒引起的人畜共患疾病,近年来在世界上多个地区重新流行。新型蜱传病毒及相关病例不断被发现,例如我国发现的发热伴血小板减少综合征病毒(SFTSV)以及国外发现的Heartland和波本(Bourbon)病毒等,引起了医学界的广泛重视。随着人类对自然资源的开发,与自然界蜱的接触机会日益增加,导致蜱传病毒性疾病的发病率上升。为了做好及时应对这种潜在公共健康威胁的准备,本文对蜱及其携带的重要病毒特点进行了综述。  相似文献   

为在口岸传染病防控方面探索新的思路和方法,建立科学的风险评估机制,采用澳大利亚和新西兰联合开发的风险管理标准,对境外的虫媒传染病及其媒介生物传人我国口岸的风险建立评估方法和体系。结果显示,通过对国际国内传染病疫情进行有效评估,分析传染病传播模式和趋势,确定输入输出风险等级和主要防控环节,及时发出预警信息,然后有针对性地在重点地区口岸和重点环节采取措施,能够有效控制媒介生物以及携带病原体的传播。引入风险分析理论,建立风险评估机制,对有效减少传染病疫情所带来的危害,保障我国口岸公共卫生安全十分必要。  相似文献   

This paper is a review of the interactions between agriculture and vector borne diseases. Rain forest clearing makes possible the development of heliophilous species of anophelines and snails leading to an increase of malaria and schistosomiasis in Africa. But in Asia, clearing is a control method against Anopheles balabacensis, an important malaria vector. Clearing of forest galleries is followed by the disappearance of shore-dwelling tsetse flies. Woodcutters and pioneer farmers are contaminated with arbovirus and leishmaniasis when entering in natural sylvatic foci of these diseases. Management of drinking water reduces guinea worm as well as cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases. More over when piped water becomes available people are no more obliged to store drinking water in containers where vectors use to breed. Reservoirs of dams offer large possibilities for the development of mosquitoes including anophelines vectors of malaria and filariasis and of snails hosts of schistosomiasis. The medical importance of these man-made breeding sites depends of the local epidemiological features of the diseases. Dam spillways provide breeding for blackflies and man-made foci of onchocerciasis have been described in West Africa. Irrigation channels mainly when non cleared of vegetation are good breeding places for anophelines and snails. Irrigated surfaces like rice fields are highly productive in anophelines and other dangerous species of Culicinae. Insecticides used in agriculture, mainly to control cotton and rice pests, have been at the origin of insecticide resistance of several anopheline species. On an other hand, sometimes rice pests control lead to the control of rice field mosquitoes until they become resistant, e.g. for Culex tritaeniorhynchus the vector of Japanese encephalitis in South Korea. Many international organizations have emphasized the role of intersectorial collaboration to control man-made vector borne diseases foci. Good planning of the infrastructures (e.g. twin spillways) and adequate maintenance are essential. Vector control in rice field is a puzzling question. Wet irrigation was a hope but it cannot be done everywhere. Biological control methods have not been proven to be very efficient. Even Bacillus thuringiensis H14 and B. sphaericus have severe limitation. New tools for intersectorial activities should be a goal for scientists imagination.  相似文献   

蚤类是传播多种自然疫源性疾病的重要媒介昆虫,人类在自然风景区户外活动时存在被其叮咬而感染虫媒传染病的风险。为了解云南香格里拉县主要山地自然风景区蚤类的多样性状况,2005年秋,我们选择了虎跳峡、哈巴雪山、白水台、千湖山和红山5个不同海拔高度的自然风景区为调查研究的空间范围,应用夹线法捕小型兽类并收集其体表寄生蚤类进行调查取样,对蚤类多样性、群落相似性和蚤类与宿主关系进行了测度和比较研究。结果显示:(1)共捕获蚤类633只,隶属4科19属34种,其中发现云南省1新纪录属及种(喜马狭蚤Stenoponiahimalayana),当地新纪录蚤类10种(亚种),显示当地山地自然风景区内蚤种丰富;(2)红山和千湖山景区蚤种丰富度较高(各18种)和物种多样性也较高(分别为2.50和2.18),而虎跳峡景区捕获的蚤类丰富度(8种)和物种多样性指数(1.79)最低,蚤类物种丰富度和Shannon—Wienor指数均随着景区海拔的升高呈递增趋势;(3)综合分析Jaccard指数和聚类分析的结果,5个风景区被划为虎跳峡-哈巴雪山-白水台、千湖山-红山两个类型,相对植被和水湿条件而言,人为干扰或是导致这一结果更重要的原因;(4)5个自然风景区蚤类群落与宿主群落丰富度的Spearman秩相关系数为0.24,Shannon—Wiener指数的Spearman秩相关系数为0.60,显示5个景区的蚤类多样性与宿主多样性无相关。  相似文献   

Insects, with their lack of an adaptive immune response, provide a unique animal model to examine the effects of apoptosis on viral infection. Several members of the baculovirus family of insect viruses have been shown to induce apoptosis during infection of cultured insect cells, and depending on the virus-host combination this apoptotic response can severely limit viral replication. In response to this evolutionary pressure, all baculoviruses studied to date carry antiapoptotic genes, including members of the p35 and IAP (inhibitor of apoptosis) gene families. Recent work has characterized the apoptotic response during infection of the host insect, and the results directly demonstrate the power of apoptosis as an antiviral response.  相似文献   

为确认我国华北地区广泛分布的长角血蜱是否携带新近发现的山羊无形体Anaplasma capra,2012、2015年5~9月期间,在北京房山地区采集长角血蜱并进行检测。结果共采集游离的长角血蜱311只,其中成蜱95只,若蜱156只,幼蜱60只。提取蜱基因组DNA后对山羊无形体的gltA和16S rRNA两个基因片段进行PCR扩增。结果显示,共有3(3?2%)只成蜱阳性,若蜱和幼蜱中未检测到山羊无形体。遗传进化分析显示,扩增出的gltA和16S rRNA序列和早先报道的牡丹江人感染的A. capra的序列相一致。证实了在我国华北地区的媒介蜱携带该新发现的山羊无形体,该地区为山羊无形体潜在的自然疫源地。加强该地区蜱媒传染病的防控工作具有必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

Blood‐borne viruses, such as hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus, and the facultative blood‐borne hepatitis E virus, are considered a major public health problem given that they are accountable for millions of deaths each year. Treatment options, including effective vaccine design, development of antiviral strategies and the implementation of antiretroviral therapy have improved substantially over the last couple of years and contribute to successful treatment and prevention of these infectious diseases. In this review, we summarise the current knowledge and concepts in prevention of transmission of these blood‐borne viruses.  相似文献   

大鼠扣带皮质各区的传入联系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用HRP-TMB逆行追踪法研究了扣带皮质各区的传入联系。结果表明扣带各区间存在着纤维联系,与新、旧及中间皮质有联系,与皮质下结构间存在着较广泛的联系。扣带皮质前、后部的传入显著不同,例如与痛及抗痛反应有关的丘脑束旁核、尾状核、隔外侧核及中缝背核等主要与其前部相联系。此外,还观察到目前尚未见之报道的丘脑带旁核、梨状皮质及内嗅皮质投射到25区,脚间核投射到32和24区,隔外侧核投射到24区,斜角带核投射到扣带皮质的5个区域。关于脚间核和隔外侧核向扣带皮质的投射与本研究室脚间核、隔外侧核传出研究所见一致。  相似文献   

An unusual case of primary reticulosis of the bone marrow in a 67-year-old female has been described. Pathological-anatomical characteristics of the present case are as follows; 1) Primary non-destructive proliferation of neoplastic reticulum cells or their variants, confined to the systemic bone marrow. Metastatic foci were noted in several areas where extramedullary hematopoiesis occurred. 2) Cytologically, neoplastic cells resemble atypical plasmacytic cells. No active phagocytosis was noted in neoplastic cells. 3) Histologically a significant increase in reticulin flbers was observed closely associated with proliferating cells. 4) Electron-microscopically these cells showed developed endoplasmic reticula but were distinguishable from myeloma cells by their irregular cytoplasmic border, which became frequently obscure, and by the presence of a desmosome-like structure. 5) These cells showed a negative immunofluorescent reaction to all types of human immunoglobulin classes. The morphological characteristics of these cells distinguished the disorder from poorly differentiated myelomatosis.  相似文献   

P16,P53蛋白及PCNA在癫痫患者海马硬化灶的表达   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了解癫痫病灶胶质增生的机理,对20例海马硬化灶及10例对照进行了P16、P53蛋白及PCNA表达的免疫组化检测。结果:P16蛋白在癫痫病灶胶质增生区较对照组表达率降低,差别有统计学意义;P53蛋白在癫痫组及对照组均呈阴性反应;PCNA在癫痫灶胶质增生区较对照组胶质细胞表达增强(P<0.01)。上述结果提示,癫痫海马硬化灶胶质增生可能与P16蛋白表达减少有关;P53蛋白表达在病变区及正常区无明显变化;PCNA参予了胶质细胞增生的调节。  相似文献   

This communication summarizes 10-year experience gained by the author in developing and using the lanthanide immunofluorescence assay (LIFA) for the laboratory diagnosis of viral infections. The bulk of studies has been conducted on natural focal viruses, including Venezuelan equine encephalitis, tick-borne encephalitis, Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, California serogroup, and other viruses. Moreover, test systems have been developed for diagnosis of infections caused by herpes simplex and cytomegaloviruses. The studies performed have demonstrated the sensitivity of LIFA in the indication of viruses in the laboratory materials and the samples from natural foci is 10-100 times higher than that of enzyme immunoassay and it is close to that of the biological isolation assay; the specificity of LIFA is comparable to that of the neutralization reaction, but it is more accessible in practice due to the fact it does not require the use of living viruses and biological models. The results of detection of herpes viruses in the clinical samples by LIFA are shown to rather well correlate with the data of virus isolation in the cultured cells, with other diagnostic methods and with the clinical manifestations of diseases. LIFA is recommended for use in large-scale studies involving the monitoring of infection foci and the screening of risk population groups for social infectious diseases.  相似文献   

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