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几类快生型根瘤菌质粒的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
用一种重现性好而较简便的方法,对国内的紫云英、豌豆、三叶草、大豆等快生型根瘤菌及根癌农杆菌共40多号菌进行了质粒分离,所得质粒图谱具有一定的菌株特异性。每株菌有1—3个质粒,其中至少有一个大质粒或巨大质粒。用质粒消除法获得失去结瘤(或致癌)能力的变异株,均缺少一个大质粒。快生型根瘤菌的结瘤基因定位在大质粒或巨大质粒上。用接合法将Rpl::Tn501等质粒转入根瘤菌中,能诱动根瘤菌的结瘤基因转移给失去结瘤能力的变异株,可表达功能,质粒图谱也发生变化,与供体或受体都不同。  相似文献   

在滤膜、液体培养基和土壤微宇宙3种系统中,研究了接合型质粒pLV1016 由快生型大豆根瘤菌(Rhizobiumfredii)QB1131 向R.frediilux Lux3的水平转移及pLV1016 由QB1131 向土著细菌的转移.接合培养1d后,分别计算供、受体菌的生长速率和质粒转移速率常数(γ).结果表明,相同接种浓度下,滤膜接合时γ值最高,土壤中γ值最低,γ值不受土壤是否灭菌和是否有大豆植株的影响,γ值与初始接种浓度负相关,与供、受体的生长速率正相关.在未灭菌土中检测到pLV1016 可转移到土著细菌,土著接合子分别属于根瘤菌属和假单胞菌属.  相似文献   

土壤中质粒pLV1016在快生型大豆根瘤菌间的水平转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在滤膜、液体培养基和土壤微宇宙 3种系统中 ,研究了接合型质粒 pLV1 0 1 6由快生型大豆根瘤菌 (Rhizobiumfredii)QB1 1 31向R .frediilux3的水平转移及pLV1 0 1 6由QB1 1 31向土著细菌的转移 .接合培养 1d后 ,分别计算供、受体菌的生长速率和质粒转移速率常数 (γ) .结果表明 ,相同接种浓度下 ,滤膜接合时γ值最高 ,土壤中γ值最低 ,γ值不受土壤是否灭菌和是否有大豆植株的影响 ,γ值与初始接种浓度负相关 ,与供、受体的生长速率正相关 .在未灭菌土中检测到 pLV1 0 1 6可转移到土著细菌 ,土著接合子分别属于根瘤菌属和假单胞菌属 .  相似文献   

质粒在大肠杆菌和链霉菌和FR-008之间的属间接合转移   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
邓子新  周秀芬 《遗传》1994,16(6):7-10
tIJ8154是由链枪菌一大肠杆菌双功能穿梭载体pGM160衍生而来的.本文报道这个质粒从携带RP4的大肠杆菌细胞中向革兰氏阳性细菌一链霉菌FR-008中的转移.从两种宿主中分别提取质粒DNA,进行琼脂糖凝胶电泳,发现pIJ8154的结构在两种亲缘关系甚远的宿主中均是稳定的,这种接合转移的方法已经成为向链霉菌FR-008中转移基因的一种手段.  相似文献   

1987年,TrienCuot等人[1]证明穿梭质粒可以在革兰氏阴性的大肠杆菌(Escherichiacoli)和多种革兰氏阳性细菌之间发生接合转移。在这种转移中质粒需具备大肠杆菌的复制起始位点,同时又具备革兰氏阳性细菌的广宿主范围复制起始位点。转…  相似文献   

吸水链霉菌应城变种的四个内源质粒及其逐个消除的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在改良质粒DNA提取方法的基础上,从三种农用抗生素的同一产生菌——吸水链霉菌应城变种中同时发现四个内源质粒,用双向电泳技术确定了它们均为CCC构型,根据分子量从大到小的顺序将它们分别命名为pHZ1、pHZ2、pHZ3和pHZ4,与已知分子量的CCC质粒分子同步电泳估计它们的分子量依次分别为61kb、4.7kb、4.1kb和3.3kb,基于这四个内源质粒中至少部分个体可能为接合性质粒,可在没有某个质粒的衍生菌株的菌坪上形成“麻点”的假设,我们分离和鉴定了三个质粒逐个消除的10-22衍生菌株,并在光学显微镜下确证了二种类型的麻点。  相似文献   

【目的】链霉菌(Streptomyces)X335是从西藏高原活拉山口分离到的,其中含有一个大小为4.3 kb的环型质粒pDYM4.3k。克隆、测序和分析pDYM4.3k,以及鉴定复制和接合转移的基因。【方法】通过克隆和引物延伸获得pDYM4.3k的全序列,利用比对分析推测基因的功能,通过Southern杂交检测复制中间体,利用平板杂交实验证明接合转移功能。【结果】克隆和测序获得了全长为4346 bp的pDYM4.3k序列,预测仅有3个基因,其中1个基因与链霉菌主要接合转移基因同源,另外2个为功能未知。鉴定新的基因orf1及其上游的约300 bp构成了质粒的基本复制区域。检测到质粒存在单链的复制中间体,表明它以滚环方式进行复制。实验证明pDYM4.3k在变铅青链霉菌(Streptomyces lividans)中具有接合转移功能。【结论】质粒pDYM4.3k可以滚环方式进行复制和在链霉菌之间进行接合转移。这是目前报道的最小的、具有游离复制和接合转移功能的链霉菌质粒。  相似文献   

闫雷  徐海 《微生物学报》2016,56(2):169-179
喹诺酮类抗菌药物从早期主要用于治疗尿道感染发展到后来治疗肠道感染和呼吸道感染,目前已在临床、畜牧业和水产业中广泛使用,细菌对其耐药性也逐渐呈蔓延趋势,耐药机制日趋复杂。喹诺酮类耐药机制主要分为染色体介导的耐药和质粒介导的耐药,后者对细菌耐药性的广泛传播起着重要作用。1998年首次报道了质粒介导的喹诺酮类耐药机制,即质粒上qnr基因介导的细菌对氟喹诺酮耐药机制,qnr基因可在不同细菌中迅速水平传播,引发的感染不易控制,使得院内感染大范围的流行。此外,qnr基因通常与β-内酰胺类耐药基因相关或存在于复杂整合子中与其它多重耐药基因共同整合,缩小了临床医生治疗相关细菌感染时选药或联合用药的空间,给我们带来了严峻的挑战。本文就qnr基因的发现历史、耐药机理及在国内的流行状况做了详细概述。  相似文献   

构建了可接合转移的穿梭质粒pXZ911、pBZ51和pBZ52。这些质粒中含有具转移功能的Mob片段和在棒状杆菌中复制的复制区。以大肠杆菌S17—1为供体菌,通过接合转移作用,可将这些质粒转移到谷氨酸棒杆菌ATCCl3032、谷氨酸棒杆菌ATCC21543、北京棒杆菌B3、北京棒杆菌1.299、裂氏棒杆菌B43、黄色短杆菌ATCC 14067等棒状杆菌苗株,接合转移频率分别为:9X10-5,1X10-4,8.5x10,2.3X10-4×10-5,2.9X10-5。本文还探索了大肠杆菌和几种革兰氏阳性棒状杆菌问基因转移的方法、转移频率、影响转移频率的因素、宿主范围等问题。  相似文献   

Gene organization of the 54-kb transfer region of IncI1 plasmid R64 was deduced from the DNA sequence. Forty-eight ORFs were found in this region. A unique DNA rearrangement designated shufflon is located at the downstream region of an operon responsible for synthesis of thin pilus. The shufflon of R64 consists of four DNA segments, designated as A, B, C, and D, which are flanked and separated by seven 19-bp repeat sequences. Site-specific recombination mediated by the product of the rci gene between any two inverted repeats results in a complex DNA rearrangement. An analysis of open reading frames revealed that the shufflon is a biological switch to select one of seven C-terminal segments of the pilV genes. The products of pilV genes were shown to be components of thin pilus which was required for liquid mating.Seven R64 derivatives where the pilV genes were fixed in the seven C-terminal segments were constructed and their transfer frequencies in liquid mating were measured using various bacterial strains as recipients. Transfer frequencies of R64 in liquid mating strongly depended on the combination of C-terminal segments of the pilV genes in donor cells and bacterial strains of recipient cells, suggesting that the shufflon determines the recipient specificity in liquid mating of plasmid R64.  相似文献   

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To locate the transfer region of the 122-kiloase plasmid R64drd-11 belonging to incompatibility group I1, a series of deletion derivatives was constructed by in vitro recombinant DNA techniques followed by double homologous recombination in vivo. A plasmid designated pKK609 and bearing a 56.7-kilobase R64 sequence was the smallest transferable plasmid. A plasmid designated pKK610 and no longer possessing the 44-base-pair sequence of the R64 transfer system is located at one end. The other end of the R64 transfer region comprises a DNA segment of about 19 kilobases responsible for pilus formation. Shufflon, DNA with a novel rearrangement in R64, was found to be involved in pilus formation.  相似文献   

A physical map of the 75.1-kb IncI2 plasmid R721 was constructed by using 15 restriction enzymes, and the regions of several genetic determinants including the origins of replication and of conjugal DNA transfer were located on the physical map. It was found that R721 bears a DNA region which undergoes DNA rearrangement similar to the shufflon of R64.  相似文献   

Various bacterial plasmids can be eliminated from bacterial species cultured as pure or mixed bacterial cultures by non-mutagenic heterocyclic compounds at subinhibitory concentrations. For plasmid curing, the replication should be inhibited at three different levels simultaneously: the intracellular replication of plasmid DNA, partition and intercellular transconjugal transfer. The antiplasmid action of the compounds depends on the chemical structure. The targets for antiplasmid compounds were analysed in detail. It was found that amplified extrachromosomal DNA in the superhelical state binds more drug molecules than does the linear or open-circular form of the plasmid or the chromosome, without stereospecificity which leads to functional inactivation of the extrachromosomal genetic code. Plasmid elimination also occurs in ecosystems containing numerous bacterial species simultaneously, but the elimination of antibiotic resistance-encoding plasmids from all individual cells of the population is never complete. The medical significance of plasmid elimination in vitro is, it provides a method to isolate plasmid-free bacteria for biotechnology without any risk of mutations, and it opens up a new perspective in rational drug design against bacterial plasmids. Hypothetically, the combination of antiplasmid drugs and antibiotics may improve the effectivity of antibiotics against resistant bacteria; therefore, the results cannot be exploited until the curing efficiency reaches 100%. Inhibition of the conjugational transfer of antibiotic resistance plasmids can be exploited to reduce the spreading of these plasmids in ecosystems.  相似文献   

Cloning and nucleotide sequence of the ColIb shufflon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
S R Kim  T Komano 《Plasmid》1989,22(2):180-184
The R64 shufflon is a novel type of DNA rearrangement in which four DNA segments invert independently or in groups. The related plasmid ColIb carries a variant shufflon. The present sequence analysis shows that the ColIb shufflon consists of three DNA segments that are highly homologous to the A, B, and C segments of the R64 shufflon. The 329-bp D segment of R64 is not present in the ColIb shufflon. As in the case of R64, the ColIb shufflon may act as a biological switch to select one of the six open reading frames in which the N-terminal region is constant while the C-terminal region is variable.  相似文献   

T Komano  S R Kim    T Nisioka 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(11):5317-5319
A shufflon or clustered inversion is a novel type of DNA rearrangement originally discovered in the IncI1 plasmid R64 (T. Komano, A. Kubo, and T. Nisioka, Nucleic Acids Res. 15:1165-1172, 1987). In a 1.95-kilobase region of R64 DNA, four DNA segments inverted independently or in groups, resulting in a complex DNA rearrangement. We found similar types of shufflon in other IncI1 plasmids, including delta, pIP111, pIP565, pIP112, pIP186, R144, R163, R483, and R621a. A variant type of shufflon occurs in the IncI1 plasmid ColIb.  相似文献   

The COP9 signalosome(CSN)is a conserved protein complex,typically composed of eight subunits(designated as CSN1 to CSN8)in higher eukaryotes such as plants and animals,but of fewer subunits in some lower eukaryotes such as yeasts.The CSN complex is originally identified in plants from a genetic screen for mutants that mimic light-induced photomorphogenic development when grown in the dark.The CSN complex regulates the activity of cullin-RING ligase(CRL)families of E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes,and play critical roles in regulating gene expression,cell proliferation,and cell cycle.This review aims to summarize the discovery,composition,structure,and function of CSN in the regulation of plant development in response to external(light and temperature)and internal cues(phytohormones).  相似文献   

The pBHR1 plasmid is a derivative of the small (2.6-kb), mobilizable broad-host-range plasmid pBBR1, which was isolated from the gram-negative bacterium Bordetella bronchiseptica (R. Antoine and C. Locht, Mol. Microbiol. 6:1785-1799, 1992). Plasmid pBBR1 consists of two functional cassettes and presents sequence similarities with the transfer origins of several plasmids and mobilizable transposons from gram-positive bacteria. We show that the Mob protein specifically recognizes a 52-bp sequence which contains, in addition to the transfer origin, the promoter of the mob gene. We demonstrate that this gene is autoregulated. The binding of the Mob protein to the 52-bp sequence could thus allow the formation of a protein-DNA complex with a double function: relaxosome formation and mob gene regulation. We show that the Mob protein is a relaxase, and we located the nic site position in vitro. After sequence alignment, the position of the nic site of pBBR1 corresponds with those of the nick sites of the Bacteroides mobilizable transposon Tn4555 and the streptococcal plasmid pMV158. The oriT of the latter is characteristic of a family of mobilizable plasmids that are found in gram-positive bacteria and that replicate by the rolling-circle mechanism. Plasmid pBBR1 thus appears to be a new member of this group, even though it resides in gram-negative bacteria and does not replicate via a rolling-circle mechanism. In addition, we identified two amino acids of the Mob protein necessary for its activity, and we discuss their involvement in the mobilization mechanism.  相似文献   

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