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为有效预防、控制和消除职业病危害因素,对某蓄电池厂生产技改项目进行职业病危害控制效果评价,提出相应的防护对策,从而保障劳动者健康,为卫生行政部门建设项目竣工卫生验收和企业整改提供依据。  相似文献   

为进一步规范《医疗机构执业许可证》登记管理工作,保障卫生行政部门有效实施医疗卫生监督管理,维护正常的医疗市场秩序,2006年卫生部卫生监督中心联合重庆市、江西省卫生监督机构,对所辖地区中的739家医疗机构《医疗机构执业许可证》的管理情况进行了调查。结果如下:  相似文献   

江阴市无证行医现象履禁不绝,缺乏有效的打击手段,存在取证难,行政处罚程序履行难等困难。针对这一问题,江阴市卫生局卫生监督所采取了一系列措施,实施“快速程序”,并加强了与公安部门的配合协作,在一定程度上有效解决了无证行医的打击难题,以保障卫生行政部门正确全面履行职责。  相似文献   

高淳县乡镇卫生院人员激励机制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:了解卫生行政部门和乡镇卫生院管理者对乡镇卫生院人员的激励现状和职工的需求.方法:选择江苏省高淳县的4所乡镇卫生院当日在岗人员,共计106人,采用问卷调查,并对关键知情人包括卫生技术人员和管理人员进行深入访谈.结果:被调查的106名乡镇卫生院人员对收入水平和分配机制、基本生活保障、医患关系、荣誉和成就感及职称晋升等5方面的满意度偏低,目前的激励机制不利于调动乡镇卫生人员工作积极性.建议:实施有效的绩效工资和改善福利.重视发挥非经济激励的作用,对农村卫生技术人员在荣誉和职称评定等方面实行政策倾斜.  相似文献   

吴岩军 《职业与健康》2007,23(23):2208-2208
为加强对学生集体用餐的管理,保证饮食卫生,改善学生营养状况,保障学生的健康成长,防止学校食物中毒或者其他食源性疾患事故的发生,根据《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》和《学校卫生工作条例》,卫生部、教育部相继出台了《学生集体用餐卫生监督办法》和《学校食堂与集体用餐卫生管理规定》及《中小学幼儿园安全管理办法》等一系列规章文件,各级卫生行政部门和教育行政部门加大了管理力度,但在实际工作中发现仍然存在许多问题,  相似文献   

截止2005年6月30日,吉林省卫生管理人员共有10746人,约占全省卫生队伍总量的6.84%。卫生管理队伍由两部分人员组成,一部分为卫生行政部门的公务员;另一部分为卫生机构的管理人员。卫生管理人员是卫生专业技术人员开发的动力,占有核心的地位,因此开发卫生管理人力资源具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

目前三级医院二次人才资源开发尚处起步阶段,卫生行政部门及医院二对次人才缺乏规范性的管理和有效的开发,许多老专家、老教授在退休后被中小医院聘用,大多属个体行为,缺乏必要的医疗和人身保障,也不利于卫生资源的优化配置。拟就二次人才资源的利用途径及对二镒人才资源的管理提出了一些建议,目的是使二次人才的“余热”得到充分的发挥,卫生资源得到最大限度的利用。  相似文献   

吉林省卫生管理队伍现状分析与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年4月~6月吉林省卫生厅对全省卫生管理队伍现状进行了一次全面调查。调查主要采取普调与点调相结合的方式;调查的对象主要是各级卫生行政部门公务员、卫生事业单位内设机构管理岗位的领导人员及工作人员。截止2005年6月30日止,吉林省卫生管理队伍共有10746人,其中被调查人数为7982人,占总人数的74.28%。结果分析如下:  相似文献   

陈青 《中国学校卫生》2005,26(10):871-872
学校卫生保健所在为学生健康服务,保障学生身心健康发展方面投入了极大的力量,为教育行政部门宏观决策学校卫生与健康教育工作提供了可靠的信息和科学依据,显示了其在学校教育中的地位和全面实施素质教育中的作用。  相似文献   

《职业病防治法》颁布实施以来,各地卫生行政部门在加强职业病防治工作,预防、控制和消除职业病危害,保障劳动者健康及其合法权益方面作出了很大的贡献,但也暴露了一系列相关问题,尤其表现在对行政处罚自由裁量权的理解和运用上。按照《行政处罚法》规定,卫生行政部门在行政处罚中,应做到公开、公平、公正,做到“同样的违法行为受到同样的行政处罚”。但从我市2年来的160起300多万元罚款的职业卫生执法实践来看,因立法上存在着较大的行政处罚自由裁量权,实践操作中同类违法行为处罚幅度波动较大。因此能否正确合理运用职业卫生行政处罚自由裁量权,关系到卫生行政部门的执法权威,同时若对自由裁量权加以一定的控制,会更有效地保护用人单位的合法权益。  相似文献   

The "market forces" to which economists ascribe the ability to motivate improvement in quality and efficiency are largely nonexistent in U.S. health care. One thus might ask, "Could market forces be made strong enough to deliver efficient health care systems?" There is some evidence to suggest that the answer is "Yes." This paper offers a short list of some changes that would be needed to create such a health care economy. Continued increases in costs and in the numbers of uninsured people will likely make a universal coverage model based on Medicare a politically popular choice, but such a model would not deliver efficient health care systems because it lacks sufficient incentives for consumers to choose less costly options.  相似文献   

随着深化医改、公共卫生与基层医疗卫生事业单位绩效工资改革的推进,专业公共卫生机构面临着日益突出的财政投入不足、绩效工资核定额度低且总额封顶、绩效分配难以操作、人员收入过低、积极性降低、人才流失严重等问题。为调动专业公共卫生人员的工作积极性,提高机构的整体活力,从而保证提供公共卫生服务的质量与效率,应采取加大政府财政补助,提高人员工资待遇,设立奖励性绩效工资,对超额、应急等工作予以合理性补偿,盘活人才选录机制,建立可上可下的职称与职务聘任制度等措施。  相似文献   

自《阿拉木图宣言》明确对PHC(初级卫生保健)做出准确的定义和解释之后,认真组织实施初级卫生保健策略已成为世界各国发展本国卫生事业的共识.在各国政府落实初级卫生保健策略的过程中,基层社区的参与发挥着重要作用.针对如何理解并充分发挥社区在落实初级卫生保健策略过程中的作用提出一些有益的探讨,以期推动基层社区更好地参与并促进初级卫生保健体系的建设和完善.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored four key factors--source, message, channel, and target--for linking at-risk African Americans with health promotion programs. Among the findings from focus group discussions was that the use of the African American church to involve at-risk African Americans in health promotion programs may actually function as a barrier for some individuals. The study also suggests that use of a high profile person to deliver a message may be counterproductive to efforts to motivate people to use health promotion programs. The significance of these and other findings for designing more effective social marketing strategies to increase at-risk African Americans' access to health promotion programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Health newsletters are an important component of worksite wellness, and human resource program managers believe these publications motivate employees and promote health services. Research has identified employee segments more likely to read health newsletters as well as how these publications may contribute to better medical self-care decision making. Even so, virtually no data exist on the factors contributing to newsletter selection and purchase except proprietary, anecdotal information collected by commercial vendors. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate how newsletter features are rated by decision makers and determine factors predicting intent to purchase a health newsletter.  相似文献   

Significant change in thought and action will be required for our health system to become capable of serving all citizens effectively. Reliance on market forces and political expediency to shape health policy has focused attention inappropriately on finding ways to pay for illness care rather than maximizing health status. This misdirection of thought and effort has led many of us to search for ways to assure that health policy decisions are consistently based on both science and an ethic of humane concern. Courageous and disciplined local leadership will be needed to motivate policymakers to focus on the task of creating a healthy public. Linkage of academicians and practitioners with the public in a manner than empowers communities to assess and prioritize their own health problems could foster a strong community-based demand for ethical and humane decision making. Constituent demand for improved health status could provide the support politicians need if they are to legislate a national health program that emphasizes health promotion and disease prevention as well as illness care.  相似文献   

Given that they create what it sells, employees are the Irish Health service's most valuable asset. They are increasingly being asked to embrace change on many different levels. In order to facilitate this process, it behooves management to actively promote employee motivation. Herzberg et al's "motivation-hygiene" theory of motivation proposes that certain "motivator" and "hygiene" factors can respectively affect job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Considering "motivators," better on-the-job performance may increase motivation. However, work overload can become a dissatisfier. Devolving equal levels of authority and responsibility and providing appropriate recognition may also serve to motivate. Likewise, providing opportunities for promotion and personal growth may maintain motivation, as might re-engineering of jobs so that work remains meaningful. Over time both salary and incentives may come to be viewed as entitlements and lose their ability to motivate. Other "hygiene" factors such as organizational policy and administrative structure, relations with others, job insecurity, physical working conditions, and quality of supervision can lead to job dissatisfaction. Hence, the theory of Herzberg et al usefully highlights many factors that may serve to motivate or demotivate employees. However, this theory does not reflect some of the realities of the modern health care work environment.  相似文献   

Current policies regarding smoking in the workplace   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper briefly reviews the evolution of worksite smoking policies and programs, beginning with the goals and objectives from which they have sprung. Workplace smoking deterrents are shown to involve three different types of strategies: 1) legalistic approaches use policies and rules to restrict or foreclose smoking on the job; 2) economic strategies create incentives and disincentives, often through the employee health benefit plan; and 3) educational programs seek to motivate smokers to quit and to supply them with information and skill that may facilitate that process. The three types of intervention are combined in a broad public health approach that some companies are now developing. Research is needed on the efficacy of a range of possible approaches and attention should be paid to the ethical and policy issues of tensions and contradictions between health goals and cost containment.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop and validate the Risk Behavior Diagnosis (RBD) Scale for use by health care providers and practitioners interested in promoting healthy behaviors. Theoretically guided by the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM; a fear appeal theory), the RBD scale was designed to work in conjunction with an easy-to-use formula to determine which types of health risk messages would be most appropriate for a given individual or audience. Because some health risk messages promote behavior change and others backfire, this type of scale offers guidance to practitioners on how to develop the best persuasive message possible to motivate healthy behaviors. The results of the study demonstrate the RBD scale to have a high degree of content, construct, and predictive validity. Specific examples and practical suggestions are offered to facilitate use of the scale for health practitioners.  相似文献   

Although the need for universal and better health education has been recognized, no nationwide comprehensive program has been established. Consequently, we are proposing founding a national program of statewide health education networks, comparable in some ways to the Cooperative Extension Services of Land-Grant and Sea-Grant Universities. One institution in each state would qualify for designation as the State Health-Grant University, and all other public and private colleges located throughout the state would be encouraged to appoint one faculty member to serve as the health educator for the corresponding service area. Each health educator would receive an adjunct appointment at the health-grant university and would be required to participate in special training sessions and to master progressive health education strategies. The health educator would link the academic world and the community, educating the community about health and disease prevention and the significance of lifestyle. By catalyzing and coordinating efforts with teachers, ministers, nurses, physicians, business leaders, and others, the health educator would make an important contribution to the community. By addressing disease prevention and health maintenance, the Health-Grant University Program would strive to motivate the community to achieve greater individual health initiatives, while helping develop skills for personal health management and providing access to needed health services. Federal legislation would be required to create a national commission to coordinate the program, but community volunteers would make the program cost-effective and self-sustaining.  相似文献   

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