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【摘要】 目的 探讨经左侧腋静脉近侧段途径植入完全植入式静脉输液港(TIVAP)可行性、安全性和临床效果。方法 回顾性收集2015年8月至2018年11月采用超声结合DSA导引下经左侧腋静脉近侧段植入TIVAP患者132例临床资料,分析穿刺成功率、手术成功率、术中术后并发症发生情况和患者接受度。结果 所有患者均成功植入TIVAP,左侧腋静脉穿刺成功率93.2%(123/132)。发生术中误穿刺动脉5例,气胸1例,心律失常3例,术后切口裂开1例,感染1例,导管移位2例,港体移位1例,静脉血栓形成3例。1例患者因舒适度欠佳,于术后3个月行TIVAP取出。未出现夹闭综合征、导管断裂等并发症。结论 超声结合DSA导引下经左侧腋静脉近侧段植入TIVAP可行、安全,患者广泛接受。


【摘要】 目的 探讨经颈内静脉植入完全植入式静脉输液港(TIVAP)导管长度的影响因素,为规范化植入TIVAP提供参考。方法 收集134例在超声引导下经颈内静脉穿刺植入TIVAP女性患者临床资料,分为右侧组和左侧组,中位年龄57(39~76)岁。准确记录左、右侧颈内静脉穿刺点至导管头端距离(L1、R1)和TIVAP港体至导管头端距离(L2、R2),分析患者身高、体重对TIVAP导管置入长度(L1、L2、R1、R2)的影响,根据患者身高预估导管近段距离,并与实测数据作对比。结果 右侧、左侧颈内静脉一次穿刺成功率分别为100%(78/78)、98.2%(55/56)。L1值为(17.03±1.36) mm,L2值为(27.36±2.04) mm,R1值为(14.79±0.98) mm,R2值为(25.30±1.38) mm;身高与L1、L2、R1、R2值均呈相关性(r值分别为0.290、0.403、0.259、0.301,P值分别为<0.05、<0.01、<0.05、<0.01)。右侧组、左侧组导管置入长度(L1与R1、L2与R2)间差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01); 预估近段距离与实测距离对比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);体重与L1、L2、R1、R2均无明显相关性;患者身高、体重对比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 TIVAP植入部位首选右侧颈内静脉,可根据患者身高预估导管置入深度,使手术更方便快捷,同时推荐在超声和DSA导引下进行。


【摘要】 目的 探讨超声辅助下颈内静脉穿刺在婴幼儿完全植入式静脉输液港(TIVAP)植入术中的效果。方法 回顾性分析2009年1月至2016年7月在上海交通大学医学院附属儿童医学中心(单中心)治疗的446例TIVAP植入术患儿临床资料, 患儿平均年龄1.3岁(4个月~2.8岁)。比较传统颈内静脉盲穿刺和超声辅助下颈内静脉穿刺耗时、一次穿刺成功率、穿刺并发症发生率,并作统计学分析。结果446例患儿中颈内静脉盲穿刺265例,平均需时7.6 min,一次穿刺成功201例(75.85%),发生穿刺并发症15例(5.66%);超声辅助下颈内静脉穿刺181例,平均需时4.2 min,一次穿刺成功176例(97.24%),发生穿刺并发症3例(1.70%)。结论 婴幼儿TIVAP植入术时采用超声辅助下颈内静脉穿刺,可缩短手术时间,提高一次穿刺成功率并减少穿刺并发症发生,是一种安全有效、简单可行的技术,值得临床推广。


【摘要】 目的 探讨患者体位改变对完全植入式静脉输液港(TIVAP)导管头端位置的影响。方法 超声导引下床边穿刺颈内静脉或锁骨下静脉植入TIVAP。术后摄立位和卧位X线胸片确认导管头端位置,分别测量X线胸片上第一胸椎上缘至导管头端距离。通过两者长度测量差异和固定体表标志判断导管头端位置移动。结果 86例恶性肿瘤患者成功植入TIVAP。有71例体位由立位改变为卧位时TIVAP导管头端向足侧移位,平均移位(12.29±7.48) mm;13例向头侧移位,平均移位(5.00±3.79) mm;2例无变化。TIVAP导管头端位置在立位改变为卧位时有向足侧移位倾向,平均移位(-9.32±9.36) mm,差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.000 1);性别、年龄、身高、体重、体质指数与导管头端位置变化程度间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 TIVAP植入后导管头端位置会随患者体位变化发生改变,由立位变为卧位时导管头端易向心房内移动。

【摘要】 目的 探讨肿瘤患儿最为安全、有效的长期中心静脉导管留置方式。方法 回顾性研究2006年1月至2017年12月共1 047例长期中心静脉导管留置的肿瘤患儿,其中经外周穿刺中心静脉导管(PICC)436例,完全植入式静脉输液港(TIVAP)611例。比较两组患儿的近、远期并发症,并作统计学分析。结果 PICC组并发症发生率21.2%(98/463):近期并发症 32例(导管末端位置异常10例,穿刺处机械性静脉炎17例,局部皮下血肿5例);远期并发症66例(导管阻塞及血栓形成25例、导管相关性感染20例,导管移位滑脱 16例,导管渗漏断裂5例)。TIVAP组并发症发生率5.6%(34/611):近期并发症13例(血肿3例,误穿动脉9例,夹闭综合征1例);远期并发症21例(导管阻塞及血栓形成3例、导管相关性感染13例,导管或泵体破裂渗漏3例,导管与血管壁粘连取出困难2例)。TIVAP组并发症发生率明显低于PICC组(P<0.05)。结论 TIVAP具有并发症少,安全耐用的优势。PICC则置入简便、无需麻醉,费用低,置入后能即刻使用的特点。两者均能显著减少患儿的疼痛并提高生活质量。故对于儿童肿瘤患儿,应根据个体化差异灵活选择合适的中心静脉导管留置方式。


【摘要】 目的 探讨经股静脉穿刺套取中央静脉导管(PICC)体内断管的可行性与安全性。方法 5例PICC体内断管患者于断管后1 ~ 10 d经股静脉穿刺,在透视下用鹅颈套圈或网篮导管套取PICC断管。结果 5例患者均成功套取出全部PICC体内断管,技术成功率100%,术中患者未诉不适,术后未见并发症。结论 经股静脉穿刺入路,利用鹅颈套圈或网篮导管有可能取出PICC体内断管,手术安全、便捷、创伤小,可做为PICC体内断管取出的首选方法。

【摘要】 目的 探讨通过透视导引锁骨下静脉置管术(SVC)提高置管成功率,更好地确定导管头端位置,减少手术相关并发症发生。方法 对183例1~16岁明确诊断为血液病患儿行透视下SVC术。观察置管成功率、穿刺针数、手术时间、透视时间和手术相关并发症发生情况。结果 183例患儿透视下SVC术均成功(100%)。穿刺<3针成功151例(82.5%),4~6针成功25例,7~10针成功7例,全部导管头端均成功置于上腔静脉与右心房交界处。手术时间5~25 min,平均(10.38±4.04) min。透视时间16~607 s,平均(65.46±55.86) s。术中穿刺动脉2次(2例)。平均随访35 d,发生导管相关感染2例,未发生局部穿刺点血肿、血气胸、导管相关血栓形成等并发症。结论 血液病患儿透视导引SVC术置管成功率高,穿刺针数较少,导管头端置放位满意率高,手术并发症少,是安全有效的方法之一。


【摘要】 目的 探讨植入式静脉输液港(IVAP)导管断裂及其预防处理。方法 回顾性分析2012年1月至12月单中心878例IVAP植入患者中发生导管断裂7例患者临床资料,结合相关文献对导管断裂原因和预防措施进行讨论。结果 截至2016年11月31日,经颈内静脉植入IVAP术后导管断裂发生率为0.8%(7/878);断裂时间为术后855~1 412 d,平均1 133 d;断裂部位为导管进入颈内静脉交界处、导管与底座接头处和皮下隧道部位。结论 导管断裂是IVAP植入后长期使用过程中严重并发症之一。规范手术操作流程、加强维护和护理宣教、适时取出等措施,有助于降低IVAP导管断裂发生率,保障患者生命安全。


【摘要】 目的 探讨超声导引下上臂完全植入式输液港(TIAP)植入的安全性、技术可行性及相关并发症。方法 选择2014年2月至2016年12月接受上臂植入TIAP患者642例,其中男407例(63.4%),女235例(36.6%),年龄11~89(58.29±4.33)岁。采用超声导引下Seldinger置管技术,于上臂植入TIAP。结果 642例患者均植入上臂TIAP,首次植入成功率99.53%(639/642),3例首次穿刺失败,第2次植入成功。随访155 302个导管日, 共发生并发症58例(9.0%),其中近期并发症9例,远期并发症49例;TIAP相关感染28例(4.4%),导管静脉血栓7例(1.1%),囊袋出血3例(0.4%),TIAP体翻转3例(0.4%),皮肤裂开1例(0.2%),导管堵塞2例(0.3%),导管继发移位4例(0.6%),导管相关上肢运动受限7例(1.1%),上肢静脉回流障碍2例(0.3%),正中神经损伤1例(0.2%),无相关死亡事件发生。结论 超声导引下经皮穿刺上臂植入TIAP技术安全有效,创伤小,并发症发生率低,值得临床推广应用。


章阳  肖天林 《工业加热》2016,(9):789-792
【摘要】 目的 探讨CT引导下应用中心静脉导管置管引流心包积液的临床可行性、操作安全性、具体穿刺方法及相关注意事项。方法 对114例心包积液患者随机分为CT引导组(A组),超声体表定位组(B组),比较两组平均穿刺成功时间、平均穿刺次数、穿刺成功率及并发症的发生率。结果 A组第1针穿刺成功率为96.6%,B组为78.6%,P<0.05,在穿刺成功率上两组差异有统计学意义。总并发症发生率A组为3.4%,B组为16.1%。并发症的发生两组相比差异有统计学意义。结论 在CT引导下进行中心静脉导管置管引流心包积液,成功率高、不良反应少、引流彻底、方便注药。操作安全有效,值得在临床推广应用。


The electric utility industry is in the process of gradual change from a fully regulated industry to one of partial deregulation. Instead of relying on regulation to achieve a fair and equitable price to the consumer for electric energy, the reliance is placed more and more on market forces, through competition, to provide wholesale energy at the best market price. Clearly, open transmission access is required to create a viable competitive wholesale market for new generation resources. This article describes four unresolved, or at least partially unresolved, issues associated with transmission access for wholesale wheeling. Wheeling has been defined as the use of a utility's transmission facilities to transmit power for other buyers and sellers. At least three parties are involved in a wheeling transaction: a seller, a buyer, and one or more wheeling utilities that transmit the power from the seller to the buyer. This article considers wholesale or bulk wheeling only, and does not consider retail wheeling. The four unresolved economic issues described in this article pertain to transmission access: actual cost of providing transmission services; methodology or methodologies used in evaluating the cost of wheeling; contract path versus the actual power flows of the wheel; and issues associated with the formation of transmission regions  相似文献   

Numerical simulations have been performed to evaluate the fluid flow and mass transfer processes that occur in a human-body vascular-access port. Such ports are used to facilitate the frequent introduction of cleansed blood and other drugs into the body from external sources. Each of the infusion ports studied here consists of a reservoir and an attached tube-like catheter which delivers the infused medium to its point of use. All told, three unique infusion ports were investigated. Each had a particular geometry characterized by the shape of the reservoir and the mode of attachment of the catheter to the reservoir. The numerical simulations were three-dimensional and unsteady. Both Newtonian and non-Newtonian constitutive equations were employed for the fluid flow solutions and for the subsequent mass transfer solutions. The initiation of fluid motion was the injection of a controlled volume of fluid into the reservoir. In some cases, the injected fluid was the same as that in the reservoir, and in others it was different. For all the investigated infusion systems, no hemolysis (red blood cell destruction) was in evidence when blood was passed through the catheter. Potential hemolysis was averted in two of the systems due to the very low fluid velocities. As witnessed by the mass transfer results, the use of the reservoir as a chamber to mix a secondary liquid with blood is a viable strategy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the current situation and projections for energy access in Africa. The paper also presents several sets of ambitious energy access targets as agreed by the regional groupings within the region. The paper argues that achieving between 50% and 100% access to modern energy services by 2030 in Africa will require more effective mobilization and use of both domestic and external funding, and the development and implementation of innovative policy frameworks. The paper suggests that greater emphasis will need to be placed on productive uses of energy and energy for income generation in order to break the vicious circle of low incomes leading to poor access to modern energy services, which in turn puts severe limitations on the ability to generate higher incomes. The paper further suggests that if anything near the ambitious targets set by African organisations are to be achieved then it will be advisable to tap into the full menu of energy resource and technology options, and there will be the need for significant increases in the numbers of various actors involved together with more effective institutions in the energy sector.  相似文献   

目的倡导建立中心静脉通道的重要性,比较经右锁骨下静脉(TSCV)和右颈内静脉(TIJV)两种途径建立中心静脉通道的技术特点.方法自1999年3月至2001年6月间共完成中心静脉通道植入术348例次,其中经右锁骨下静脉270例次,经右侧颈内静脉78例次;导管留置时间13~75d,平均23d.结果 TSCV组270次,268次成功,成功率99%.操作中和留置期间11例出现严重并发症,包括气胸2例,误留入锁骨下动脉1例,留置管阻塞3例,留置管进入右颈内静脉引起输液异常3例.穿刺口感染2例.TIJV组78次75次  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的 评价经兔耳中央动脉插管行肝动脉造影的可行性,并与经股动脉入路比较。方法 将28只健康大白兔随机分成经股动脉入路组14只和耳中央动脉入路组14只(左耳7只,右耳7只)。用泰尔茂穿刺套管针行动脉穿刺,外套管留作后续插管的鞘,以1.8 F微导管行肝动脉插管。了解两种方法插管的成功率,比较两组总的操作时间和每一步操作时间,观察术后动物的生存质量。结果 两组动物均成功完成肝动脉造影。经股动脉组所需剃毛时间为(54.0 ± 13.0)s,经耳动脉组不需此步骤。经股动脉组和经耳动脉组获得动脉入路时间分别为(585.0 ± 249.0)s和(83.0 ± 41.0)s,组间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001);肝动脉造影时间分别为(230.5 ± 86.0)s和(257.0 ± 82.0)s,组间差异无统计学意义(P = 0.260 2);修复入路时间分别为(211.0 ± 83.0)s和(90.0 ± 0.0)s,组间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001),总操作时间分别为(1 125.5 ± 199.0)s和(419.5 ± 134.0)s,组间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001)。术后,经股动脉组动物穿刺侧下肢活动受限,经耳动脉组动物无明显异常。结论 经兔耳动脉入路行肝动脉造影可行。与经股动脉入路相比,经耳动脉插管的操作时间短、创伤小、且不会留下肢体残疾。  相似文献   

Approximately half of Ghana’s overall population has access to electricity and, of this, much of it is in urban areas. Often in regions where modern energy is not available, kerosene lamps, for example, are used for indoor lighting. This produces harmful emissions, leading to poor respiratory effects. Implementation of hydrokinetic power (HKP) within nearby streams can provide low impact, robust energy to rural communities. Such a system lends itself to a simple design with ease of maintenance, which can be used as a stand alone power system (SAPS). With Ghana’s renewable energy policies coming to fruition, it is sought to establish the economic viability and sustainability of this technology. This paper discusses site selection and the HKP technology in rural areas of Ghana.  相似文献   

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