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Actinomycin D (actD) (0.003–0.10 μg/ml) and cordycepin (3–30 μg/ml) were used to examine the requirement of de novo RNA synthesis in the pH 6.6-induced expression of neurites and acetylcholinesterase activity in C-1300 mouse neuroblastoma cells. ActD at 0.03 and 0.10 μg/ml caused a pronounced stimulation in neurite formation following 20 h of treatment, although by 30 h exposure to actD (0.01–0.10 μg/ml), neurite formation had rapidly declined. Cordycepin (3–30 μg/ml) also inhibited neurite formation in a concentration- and time-dependent manner, although it did not produce an initial stimulation in neurite formation. The pH 6.6-induced increase in acetylcholinesterase activity was inhibited by both actD and cordycepin in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Cell viabilities in the presence of actD and cordycepin were 90% or greater throughout the course of these studies.The effects of actD on [3H]uridine and [3H]leucine transport into cells and on incorporation into acid-insoluble material showed that actD inhibited RNA synthesis to a greater extent than it inhibited protein synthesis. Cordycepin caused only minor effects on [3H]uridine and [3H]leucine transport into cells and incorporation into acid-insoluble material; these effects were variable and neither concentration- nor time-dependent. The results of this study show that actD can inhibit the pH 6.6-induced expression of neurites and acetylcholinesterase activity in mouse neuroblastoma cells at concentrations which were relatively non-toxic and which caused a greater inhibition of RNA synthesis than of protein synthesis. This suggests that de novo RNA synthesis is required for the expression and maintenance of neurites and acetylcholinesterase activity in mouse neuroblastoma cells. Experiments with cordycepin were consistent with this conclusion.  相似文献   

A study of the expansion of the chick area vasculosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The radial expansion of the area vasculosa of the chick embryo was studied with regard to the location of the cells which generate the mesodermal movement. The expansion of stage 12 area vasculosae was shown to be autonomous from either continued blastoderm expansion or the continued presence of the embryo. Small glass rods were used as barriers to area vasculosa expansion. When placed peripheral to the terminal sinus, glass rods blocked the vascular expansion; however, when placed just central to the terminal sinus, glass rods had no effect on vascular expansion. In addition, removal of large amounts of tissue within the area vasculosa had no significant effect on vascular expansion. We conclude that the majority of the mesoderm within the boundaries of the terminal sinus plays no essential role in the expansion of the area vasculosa, and that the cells which generate the force for expansion are located at or very near the terminal sinus. A histological study of the area vasculosa and adjacent blastoderm was performed with light and electron microscopy. This survey showed that, as the terminal sinus and a group of mesenchymal cells just peripheral to it (“edge cells”) move out into the blastoderm, morphological changes occur in the epiblast overlying the terminal sinus and edge cells. Three major changes in the epiblast cell layer were observed: (1) The cells change from a squamous, monolayered arrangement to a cuboidal or columnar, bilayered arrangement; (2) the epiblast basal lamina is thrown into convoluted folds; (3) an electron-dense extracellular matrix becomes associated with both the epiblast basal lamina and mesenchymal edge cells. Histochemical staining (Alcian blue at pH 2.5 and 1.0 and two-step PAS) shows positive reactions at the epithelial-mesenchymal interface located just over the terminal sinus and edge cells. These results suggest that glycosaminoglycans are present in relatively large amounts at the advancing mesoderm edge.  相似文献   

During the last week of gestation of the fetal rat, the epithelium of the colon is rapidly remodeled. At 16 days a primitive stratified epithelium surrounds a small central lumen. Over the next 3 days, the main lumen extends narrow clefts down to the basal cell layer and small secondary lumina appear within the stratified epithelium between these clefts. At 19 and 20 days, secondary lumina enlarge but remain discrete; an infusion of cationic ferritin into the main lumen does not enter secondary lumina. During the 2 days prior to birth (21–22), the secondary lumina join the main lumen as superficial cells are sloughed, and the epithelium becomes simple columnar. Freeze-fracture replicas indicate that luminal and nonluminal membrane domains of epithelial cell plasma membranes are separated by continuous tight junctions throughout the conversion process. Cytochemical analysis of tissue slices from 16- to 22-day fetal colon demonstrated the appearance and segregation of two phosphatases on apical and basolateral membrane domains during epithelial conversion. Cysteine-sensitive pH 9.0 (alkaline) phosphatase activity was first detected along the luminal membranes of cells bordering both primary and secondary lumina at 18 days gestation and increased to a maximum at 20–21 days; weaker activity was present on basolateral membranes. Phosphatase activity at pH 8.0 also appeared at 18 days and increased thereafter, but was localized primarily on nonluminal membranes. At pH 8.0, reaction product appeared on both inner and outer sides of the membrane, and was only partially abolished by omission of K+ or addition of ouabain; thus the reaction may be only partially due to K+-dependent ATPase activity. Biochemical analysis of the cytochemical media confirmed the appearance of phosphatase activities at 18 days. Thus, plasma membrane phosphatase activities appear while the epithelium is still stratified, but are segregated to luminal and nonluminal membrane domains at the onset of activity. Segregation is maintained throughout the process of conversion of a simple columnar epithelium.  相似文献   

The intravenous or intraperitoneal injection of heparin fractions depleted of anticoagulant activity (HFDA) into mice, either at the time of immunization or challenge, inhibited hapten-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions. The loss was not due to functional elimination of sensitized lymphocytes, since mice sensitized with the contactant and then treated with HFDA retained their ability to transfer reactivity into normal syngeneic recipients. In contrast, lymphocytes from sensitized mice were unable to produce DTH reactivity in recipient mice pretreated with HFDA. The intravenous injection of HFDA resulted in a rapid, but transient increase in the number of circulating leukocytes. The intravenous injection of HFDA also reduced the footpad swelling that resulted from a local injection of concanavalin A. It is postulated that HFDA exercise their inhibitory effects on the DTH response by interfering with the migration of cells into the challenge site.  相似文献   

By reconstituting lysolecithin-permeabilized hamster cells with endogenous proteins, a protein(s) which stimulated bleomycin-induced DNA repair synthesis was identified. The repair protein was inactivated by proteinase K and had an apparent molecular weight of 12000–15000 D. The following enzymatic activities were not detected in the partially purified DNA repair protein: general endonuclease, apurinic endonuclease, exonuclease, DNA polymerase or DNA polymerase β-stimulating activity. The subcellular location of the DNA repair-stimulating activity was investigated by cytochalasin B enucleation; approx. 80% of the activity was associated with karyoplasts, suggesting a nuclear location. Neither the activity nor subcellular location of the repair protein fluctuated appreciably during the cell cycle, consistent with a physiological role in DNA repair. Although the function of the DNA repair protein is not yet known, this approach should be useful in identifying and characterizing mammalian DNA repair proteins.  相似文献   

Formation of cartilage by non-chondrogenic cell types   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Freshly excised embryonic rat skeletal muscle has been shown to form hyaline cartilage when organ cultured upon demineralized rat bone (bone matrix). Since skeletal muscle is composed of fibrous connective tissue (C.T.) as well as muscle cells, the cartilage could arise from either of these sources. The object of this study was to determine whether cartilage arose from fibrous connective tissue or muscle cells, or both, and whether the ability to form cartilage is limited to tissues derived from somatic mesoderm. Control experiments demonstrated that 19-day embryonic rat skeletal muscle formed cartilage when organ cultured on bone matrix after dissociation and cultivation in vitro, and that 11-day embryonic chick muscle also formed cartilage, although less reproducibly (3 out of 10 cases). Fibroblasts and skeletal muscle were cloned from similar suspensions of dissociated muscle in order to test these purified cell types. Dermis, vascular tissue, and tendons were mechanically removed prior to dissociation in order to eliminate fibroblasts from contaminant sources. Cloned fibroblasts, derived from rat skeletal muscle, formed cartilage in three out of three cases. It was not possible to clone sufficient rat skeletal muscle to place an aggregate onto bone matrix. An aggregate of several hundred chick skeletal muscle clones formed cartilage on bone matrix. The freshly excised C.T. capsules of embryonic chick thyroid and lung were tested for the ability to form cartilage as nonskeletal C.T. derivatives. The epithelial rudiments of thyroid and lung were also tested as endodermal derivatives. Chick cornea was similarly tested as an ectodermal derivative. Of these tissues, only the C.T. capsules formed cartilage. The results demonstrate that various C.T. cell types may alter their phenotype well after that stage at which their differentiation is thought to be stabilized, and that the ability to differentiate as cartilage may be common to all C.T. cells. The option of differentiating along a certain variety of pathways may depend more upon local conditions than on a predetermined pattern.  相似文献   

The in vivo quantitative distribution and tissue positioning of mouse thymocytes selected in vitro by Lyt phenotype and lectin binding properties were examined. Lyt 1+2- thymocytes were selected for by cytotoxic elimination; peanut agglutinin (PNA) and soybean agglutinin (SBA) binding and nonbinding thymocyte fractions were separated by an agglutinin technique. Selected cell suspensions were labelled in vitro with 51chromium (51Cr) or [3H]adenosine. Labeled washed cells were injected intravenously into syngeneic recipients which were killed at 1, 24 or 48 hr. In recipients of 51Cr-labeled cells, tissues were collected for gamma counting, and the overall percentage recovery of injected radiolabel from the various tissues was assessed. Tissues collected from recipients of [3H]adenosine-labeled cells were fixed, sectioned, and processed for autoradiography; the positioning of labeled cells within the tissues was determined. Selected Lyt 1+2-, PNA-, and SBA- sets all showed significantly enhanced entry into lymph nodes and intestinal lymphoid tissues. Entry of SBA+ cells into these tissues was comparable to that of peripheral T cells. PNA- and SBA- selected sets, but not Lyt 1+2- selected cells, also showed increased localization to the spleen and lungs, and decreased localization to the liver. By autoradiography, PNA- cells entered lymphoid tissues much more than PNA+ cells, and at 1 hr fewer PNA+ cells in spleen were associated with lymphoid follicles. At 24 and 48 hr almost all labeled cells in lymphoid tissues were positioned in T-dependent areas. These results suggest that enrichment for thymocyte subpopulations described as "mature" also enriches for cells with the ability to enter lymphoid tissue. They also suggest that interactions at other tissue sites are important in the determination of in vivo migration, and that surface carbohydrate composition is an important factor in this determination.  相似文献   

The G1 blocks in three temperature-sensitive (ts) Syrian hamster cell-cycle mutants have been mapped in relation to other G1 landmarks. Two mutants reported here, ts-559 and ts-694, show defective progression only in G1. When shifted from the permissive temperature of 33 degrees C to the non-permissive temperature of 39 degrees C, G1 cells of these two mutants show no further cell cycle progression, while cells in S, G2 and mitosis progress through the cell cycle but become blocked after entering G1. The two mutants complement each other, and also complement the previously reported mutant ts-550C with blocks in both G1 and G2 of the cell cycle. The locations of the G1 blocks in both ts-559 and ts-694 are before the hydroxyurea arrest point. The G1 ts point in ts-694 is prior to the isoleucine deprivation and serum starvation points, while the G1 block in ts-559 is after the serum starvation point but before the isoleucine block. Other G1 block points which have been reported are in mutants of different species and isolated in different laboratories, causing difficulties for relative positioning of the blocks in G1. The mutants for mapping in this study have been isolated from the same cell line. The G1 ts arrest points of ts-559 and ts-694, and that found in ts-550C, together with nutritional deprivations and metabolic inhibitors, provide seven reference points which divide G1 into six segments, each of which is bracketed by two adjacent points: mitosis, ts-694 block, serum starvation arrest point, ts-559 block, isoleucine deprivation arrest point, ts-550C block, hydroxyurea or excess-thymidine arrest segment.  相似文献   

The time-dependent variations over 24 h of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity and single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) content have been investigated by cytophotometric analysis of cytochemically stained isolated hepatocytes of different ploidy classes from adult male rats. A marked variation of 48 % over the day in G6PDH activity of the mononuclear diploid cells was revealed, but no significant variation in the binuclear tetraploid cells. The cells of the inbetween ploidy classes showed an amplitude of variation of 38 % (binuclear diploid cells) and 24% (mononuclear tetraploid cells), respectively. All cells showed a maximum activity of the enzyme at the middle of the day and a minimum during the night. The relative enzyme activity per mononuclear diploid cell was significantly higher than the relative activity in the other cells, especially at its maximum. The variation of the SDH activity in hepatocytes isolated from the same rats was similar in all cells, irrespective of their ploidy class. The activity was highest at the end of the activity phase of the animals. The SDH activity per cell was directly proportional to the quantity of genome copies. The ssRNA content of the hepatocytes showed a time-dependent variation with a maximum during the resting phase of the animals and a minimum during their activity phase. The variation was larger in the mononuclear diploid cells than in the cells of other ploidy classes and the ssRNA content was also significantly higher in these cells than in the hepatocytes of other ploidy classes when calculated on the basis of genome copies. It is concluded that the large amplitude of variation over the day and the high relative amount of G6PDH activity and ssRNA content in mononuclear diploid cells is related to the function of these cells as stem cells of the liver parenchyma.  相似文献   

The effects of chemical dissociation on rat ovarian granulosa cell gap junctions has been studied using freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Sequential exposure of granulosa cells within follicles to solutions containing 6·8 mM EGTA [ethylene-bis-(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N′-tetra acetic acid] and 0·5 M sucrose results in extensive cellular dissociation of the follicular epithelium. Freeze-fracture replicas made from fixed, control or EGTA-treated ovarian follicles exhibit extensive gap junctions between granulosa cells that are characterized by a range of packing order of constituent P-face particles or E-face pits. In contrast, exposure to 0·5 M sucrose containing 1·8 mM EGTA for as little as 1 min results in a consistently close packing of particles or pits which is accompanied by splitting of gap junctions between granulosa cells. The process of junction splitting was studied in detail in replicas prepared from follicles treated sequentially for various periods of time with EGTA and sucrose solutions. Initially, large gap junctions lose their regular shape and fragment into numerous tightly packed aggregates of P-face particles or E-face pits which are separated by unspecialized areas of plasma membrane. Subsequent to junction fragmentation, individual junction plaques separate at sites of cell contact and generate hemijunctions that border the intercellular space, Hemijunctions undergo particle dispersion of the P fracture face which results in an increased density of large intramembrane particles; no corresponding change in E-face pits is discernible at this stage. Morphometric analysis of replicas of tissue undergoing junction splitting indicates that junctional surface area decreases to 10–20% of control levels during this same treatment and so further supports the qualitative observations on junction fragmentation. Viabilities of granulosa cells obtained by these techniques also agree with the sequence observed in the morphometric analysis of the replicas. Finally, within 15 min after placing ovaries in isotonic, Ca2+-containing salt solutions, gap junction reformation occurs by aggregation of particles at sites of intercellular contact. These sites are distinguished by the appearance of short surface protrusions or indentations on their respective P and E fracture faces. The data suggest a mechanism for EGTA-sucrose mediated cellular dissociation in the follicular epithelium in which gap junctional particles are free to move in the plane of the plasma membrane and may be re-utilized to form gap junctions in the presence of extracellular calcium.  相似文献   

Isolated rat liver cells were pulse-labelled with tritiated uridine and post-incubated in the presence of an excess of unlabelled uridine and of adenosine analog DRB (5-6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosyl benzimidazole). Nuclear radioactivity was detected with high resolution autoradiography. A significant labelling of the interchromatin granules was revealed in these conditions. Pretreatments of cells with low doses of actinomycin D in order to preferentially inhibit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis prevented the labelling of the interchromatin granules during subsequent DRB treatments. These observations indicate that in DRB-treated cells, the interchromatin granules are sites of transfer or of accumulation of nucleolar RNA. Our results are discussed in connection with our knowledge of the action of DRB on RNA metabolism in mammalian cells and with recent data concerning the still enigmatic interchromatin granules which are present in the nuclei of most cells.  相似文献   

In both the presence and absence of serum, 3Y1 rat fibroblastic cells synchronized at early S phase by aphidicolin entered M phase 6 h after removal of aphidicolin. However, in the second generation their entry into S phase in the presence of serum was delayed due to the deprivation of serum in the first generation. A similar delaying effect in the second generation was observed when the resting cells were stimulated by serum and then deprived of serum during a period of 8 h preceding mitosis. In both cases, the interval between mitosis and entry into S phase in the second generation was almost equal to that required for the resting cells to enter S phase when stimulated by serum. A similar delaying effect was also observed when the cells, synchronized at early S phase, were kept in suspension culture in the presence of serum for a period in the first generation. Results of a similar type of experiments using various combinations of growth factors showed that, when the G1 period in the second generation was shortened by exposure to growth factors in the first generation, and when the resting cells were stimulated to enter S phase, the same combination of growth factors was required. These and previous results suggest that the preparation for entry into S phase is controlled in both previous and present generations of 3Y1 cells.  相似文献   

Experimental conditions have been found, in which the presence of rRNA can be demonstrated by in situ hybridization at the electron microscope level in the heavy bodies of sea urchin eggs. The specificity of hybridization has been controlled by ribonuclease digestion and by competition experiments with unlabelled rRNA.  相似文献   

Entactin, a sulfated glycoprotein with a molecular weight (MW) of about 150 kD, is present in vascular basement membranes and in the interstitial connective tissue of the mammary glands of virgin rats. It does not appear to be present in the basement membrane surrounding the mammary ductal system. However, in lactating mammary glands entactin is also present in the basement membrane region surrounding the secretory alveoli. Ultrastructural localisation of entactin reveals that it is present on the basal surface of epithelial cells, with patchy staining in the lamina lucida and lamina densa. Entactin also appears to be associated with interstitial collagen fibres. Mammary fibroblastic cells in culture are able to produce entactin, whereas mammary epithelial and myoepithelial cells, which synthesise the basement membrane proteins laminin and type IV collagen, fail to synthesise entactin.  相似文献   

The lipid composition of several teratocarcinoma cell lines has been examined by biochemical and immunological methods in order to identify properties that might be correlated with the state of cell differentiation. The data indicate qualitative and quantitative changes in the phospholipid, cholesterol, and glycolipid composition. In particular, the ratios of cholesterol/phospholipid and of sphingomyelin/phosphatidylcholine are higher in differentiated cells. Gangliosides with short glycosidic chains (GM3 and GD3) are characteristic of undifferentiated, multipotent, embryonal carcinoma cell lines. More complex gangliosides (GM1 and GD1a) appear early during the course of differentiation. Each differentiated cell line presents a unique ganglioside map. Results are tentatively correlated with a stabilization of the membrane bilayer in differentiated cell lines, whereas a more fluid state of the membrane in embryonal carcinoma cell lines would allow maximal flexibility. Subtle differences in ganglioside composition among embryonal carcinoma cell lines are discussed in relation with their potentialities, and their developmental age.  相似文献   

We have prepared several electron and light microscopic labels of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to analyse the morphologic features of its binding and internalization by cultured cells. These include a ferritin conjugate of EGF, a covalent conjugate of EGF and horseradish peroxidase (EGF-HRP), a colloidal gold marker system using EGF-HRP as a primary antigen, and a covalent complex of EGF with rhodamine-labelled lactalbumin. All of the light and electron microscopic labels showed similar patterns of binding. EGF initially bound to diffusely distributed cell surface receptors at 4 degrees C. The EGF-receptor complexes clustered into clathrin-coated pits on the cell surface only when the temperature was raised to 37 degrees C. In KB and Swiss 3T3 cells, this was followed by rapid internationalization into receptosomes, compartmentalization into the Golgi system, clustering in the clathrin-coated regions of the Golgi, and finally delivery into lysosomes from the Golgi. This general pathway was seen in Swiss 3T3 cells which have a low number of EGF receptors, KB cells which have a moderate number of receptors and A431 cells that have a high number of receptors. However, the ruffling activity induced in A431 cells by EGF produced some internalization through macropinosomes, making the pathway of entry more difficult to evaluate. Double label experiments showed that EGF is internalized together with alpha 2-macroglobulin and adenovirus particles. These data clarify the route of entry of EGF in different cell types using multiple labels, and shows that it enters cells through the same coated pit entry pathway as most other ligands previously examined.  相似文献   

We report the development and characterization of a semiautomated method for measurement of cell proliferation in microculture using Hoechst 33342, a non-toxic specific vital stain for DNA. In this assay, fluorescence resulting from interaction of cell chromatin DNA with Hoechst 33342 dye was measured by an instrument that automatically reads the fluorescence of each well of a 96-well microtiter plate within 1 min. Each cell line examined was shown to require different Hoechst 33342 concentrations and time of incubation with the dye to attain optimum fluorescence in the assay. In all cell lines, cell chromatin-enhanced Hoechst 33342 fluorescence was shown to be a linear function of the number of cells or cell nuclei per well when optimum assay conditions were employed. Because of this linear relation, equivalent cell doubling times were calculated from growth curves based on changes in cell counts or changes in Hoechst/DNA fluorescence and the fluorimetric assay was shown to be useful for the direct assay of the influence of growth factors on cell proliferation. The fluorimetric assay also provided a means for normalizing the incorporation of tritiated thymidine ( [3H] TdR) into DNA; normalized values of DPM per fluorescence unit closely paralleled values of percent 3H-labelled nuclei when DNA synthesis was studied as a function of the concentration of rat serum in the medium. In summary, the chromatin-enhanced Hoechst 33342 fluorimetric assay provides a rapid, simple, and reproducible means for estimating cell proliferation by direct measurement of changes in cell fluorescence or by measurement of changes in the normalized incorporation of thymidine into DNA.  相似文献   

Hyaluronate coat formation and cell spreading in rat fibrosarcoma cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hyaluronate-containing pericellular coats have been demonstrated around rat fibrosarcoma cells by exclusion of particles (fixed red blood cells). The cell coats normally form during spreading of the rat fibrosarcoma cells subsequent to subculturing. Monensin, a drug which disrupts the Golgi and which also inhibits hyaluronate synthesis in these cells, inhibits the regeneration of these coats after hyaluronidase or trypsin treatment but does not inhibit cell spreading. Cycloheximide, a drug which inhibits protein but not hyaluronate synthesis does not prevent coat regeneration but partially inhibits cell spreading. Thus by exploiting the opposing effects of cycloheximide and monensin on coat regeneration and cell spreading, we have been able to dissociate these two phenomena.  相似文献   

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