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并购海外出版社是实现我国出版走出去的有效途径,当前是我国出版业实施海外并购的大好时机,我们应该尽快将海外并购提到议事日程上来。一、并购海外出版社势在必行我国出版业要真正实现走出去,扩大在海外图书市场的实质性影响力,在海外设立出版机构是必由  相似文献   

针对我国出版业的产业化发展,不少出版集团正在不断涌现;从另一角度提出了横向战略并购的含义、动因;讨论了出版业战略并购模型分析和三方面战略并购应思考的因素。旨在“并购”——西方出版业广泛应用的市场经济手段——能丰富我国科技出版业的发展模式。  相似文献   

包孝涵 《大观周刊》2011,(33):127-127
杠杆收购作为一种新型的企业并购方式,正在越来越多的受到我国理论界和企业界的广泛关注。本文研究了杠杆收购的理论基础及融资结构。结合我国并购融资的现状,及杠杆收购自身的特点和优势,分析了杠杆收购在我国企业并购活动中的适用性。  相似文献   

甘如彦 《大观周刊》2012,(15):62-62
并购财务风险对企业并购的成败起着至关重要的作用.目前国内对并购财务风险的研究并未系统化,这对我国企业的可持续发展十分不利。为了使我国企业能够成功的规避在并购过程中存在的财务风险,本文特作此研究,以便使更多的企业在并购过程中能规避财务风险,增加成功几率。  相似文献   

从优酷土豆以100%换股方式合并成立新公司,到爱奇艺收购PPStream视频业务,我国视频网站正掀起一股并购热潮,旨在利用规模经济、范围经济以及网络经济效应摆脱"盈利难"的行业困境。本文通过对视频网站一系列并购行为进行并购动因分析,试图获得有关传媒并购的有益启示,据此前瞻未来我国视频网站发展趋向;在三网融合时代,视频网站要通过优势互补战略和多品牌聚合效应,完善产业价值链,提高核心竞争力,实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   

魏华文 《新闻世界》2008,(11):126-127
我国资本市场全流通时代的来临,以及《公司法》《证券法》《上市公司收购管理办法》《外国投资者并购境内企业有关规定》《上市公司重大资产重组管理办法》《关于推进国有资本调整和国有食业重组的指导意见》和《上市公司并购重组财务顾问业务管理办法》等一系列并购重组法律法规的修订或颁布实施,为我国并购重组市场的规范发展创造了良好的政策及市场环境,极大地加速了上市公司并购重组的市场化进程。  相似文献   

新闻媒体企业并购工作的成功是促使企业规模扩大以及可持续发展中的重要问题,但是在并购工作中存在很多风险,如果采取措施不及时就会影响企业并购工作的正常开展,因此需要采取措施规避企业并购风险.本文分析了新闻媒体并购工作存在的风险,并进一步对防范与规避并购风险对策进行分析.  相似文献   

图书市场竞争格局 在2000年之前,高校教材一直受冷遇,此时的高教社、清华社的教材各自稳步前行.近几年,在零售图书市场逐步被相互挤压的过程中,大部分出版社的决策者们看到了广阔的教材图书市场,而杀向了教材.  相似文献   

肖新兵 《出版经济》2002,(12):10-12
所谓企业并购就是指并购重组,除包括收购与合并外,还应包括如置换、分拆、剥离、合资、租赁、回购、债转股、借壳、买壳等多种形式。企业并购是重新分配资源和调整企业战略的一个重要途径。并购在出版集团的组建、发展过程中还是一个相对陌生的课题,我国目前试点的几家出版集团,带有很强的计划经济色彩,很大程度上  相似文献   

外语图书市场2006年特点 外语图书市场分为外语类教材市场与外语类一般市场,从2006年的图书市场情况来看,外语类教材市场呈现出产品种类丰富,竞争激烈的特点:  相似文献   

本文首先论述了竞争情报在企业并购决策中的作用,将研究集中在三个阶段和两个问题上,即企业并购的准备阶段、目标企业搜寻与选择阶段、目标企业的审查与评估阶段,以及CI需要为企业并购决策搜集哪些信息,且如何对到手的信息进行加工,并描绘出企业并购活动场关系图。然后分别从企业并购的准备、目标企业搜寻与选择、目标企业审查与评估三个部分探讨了竞争情报的实施方法,从宏观和微观两个角度切人相关的研究层次,通过战略因素、市场因素、财务因素、技术因素和管理因素五个方面进行定性分析,并采用模糊综合评价法作为定量研究方法和工具。最后就竞争情报在企业并购活动中的应用提出展望。  相似文献   

Higher education textbooks sales account for a significant portion of the overall book market. This study makes an important contribution to the extant literature by examining students’ purchase of original textbooks in a developing market, Vietnam. Notably, it seeks to investigate why students do not purchase original textbooks as well as the difference in purchase behavior between different groups of students. The findings reveal that some key obstacles to students’ purchase behavior include high prices, insufficient availability, low perceived value, and the emergence of pirated textbooks. Another notable finding is that senior students who are female tend to purchase more textbooks. In light of these findings, marketing strategies are suggested for publishers, bookstores and universities who aim to promote the sales and consumption of original textbooks.  相似文献   

Despite continuing criticism, textbooks remain essential to the teaching of social studies in elementary and high schools. The problems laid at their doorstep are, in fact, reflections of the nation’s educational difficulties. As the number of publishers in the textbook market decreases, the market itself becomes less uniform, and the arguments surrounding content become louder, quality may decline In addition, the use of trade and supplementary materials may increase, niche textbooks may multiply, and CD-ROM may drive even the best textbooks into extinction.  相似文献   

石真珍 《出版科学》2011,19(6):64-66
相关分析指出,高校教材存量市场不断扩大,品种逐年增加,供给过剩与需求旺盛并存。在数字化时代激烈的市场竞争中,高校教材巡展这一成熟的营销手段暴露出一些弊端,本文结合笔者多年参与教材推广的经验,总结高校教材巡展面临的四大主要问题,并提出五点对策。  相似文献   

Trainees in the library and information profession in Africa depend on textbooks that are written for an environment other than Africa because of the dearth of textbooks suited to the local environment. There are very few books that attempt to focus on Africa and none of these books can really be used as a basic text for teaching. This has greatly affected the training of library and information professionals in Africa as the trainees are exposed to the situations in Europe, America and Asia which are generally not relevant to the African environment. Several factors have been identified as responsible for the lack of African library and information science textbooks, including the relatively young age of the profession resulting in a low number of professionals in Africa that have the required expertise to write textbooks. The attitude of publishers to tertiary textbooks is another limiting factor, as they are not likely to make a profit given the small number of trainees in the continent. In short, publishers regard such a venture as non-profitable because of the limited market. Another problem is the lack of interest on the part of professional associations in the continent to promote the writing of textbooks. In order to ameliorate these problems, it is recommended that professionals in the continent should participate in team authorship, by drawing from a pool of expertise, with a view to writing relevant textbooks. Also, there is a need for professional associations and the relevant international agencies to promote the publishing of textbooks. Finally, there is a need for retired information professionals in the continent to form a consortium of marketing outfits for the purpose of marketing and distributing textbooks on the African library and information profession throughout Africa.  相似文献   

企业并购中的知识转移影响因素模型构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据知识转移的主体要素模型结合并购情境构建企业并购知识转移影响因素模型。该模型以知识转移效果为因变量,从知识转移主体、转移的知识、转移情境、转移方式以及并购情境5个构面提出10个自变量影响因素以及5个控制变量,该模型成为企业并购知识转移影响因素实证研究的基础。  相似文献   

Over the next 5 years, digital textbook sales in the United States will surpass 25% of combined new textbook sales for the Higher Education and Career Education markets. Moreover, we expect digital to be the dominant form factor in Higher Education textbooks inside of 7 years. This growth in digital textbooks will boost revenues in excess of $1.5 billion within 5 years (Private: Digital Textbooks Reach the Tipping Point in the US Higher Education—A Revised 5-Year Projection). This growth will also create avenues for new digital product models, allow new content publishers to enter the textbook market, lead to fundamental shifts in purchasing patterns around learning materials, and expedite the formal adoption of open educational resources to augment premium digital content.  相似文献   

本文首先分析民国时期教科书出版发行的市场环境和政府政策,简要指出开明书店教科书出版过程;然后统计并分析了开明书店教科书出版数量、类别和特点,着重分析《开明活页文选》、《开明英文读本》和《开明算学教本》等教科书;最后分析开明书店编辑教育理念及教育实践的情况。  相似文献   

2003年2月,联合信息系统委员会电子书工作小组委托教育发展公司和斯特灵大学进行了一项研究.该研究评估了英国开发继续教育和高等教育电子教科书的商业和市场环境,陈述了电子教科书市场的演进过程,讨论了这个产业和市场当前和将来面临的关键问题,最后提出了全国性的集合发展战略.  相似文献   

随着市场不断规范,教材图书质量不断提高,但是为降低价格、打破行业垄断的中小学教材出版发行招投标政策,经过三轮试点,仍没有达到预期效果,本文结合试点中暴露出的问题提出政策有待完善的地方.  相似文献   

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