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Platform carbonates diagenesis in salt basins could be complex due to potential alterations of fluids related and non-related to diapirism. This paper presents the diagenetic history of the Hettangian to Pliensbachian platform carbonates from the Tazoult salt wall area (central High Atlas, Morocco). Low structural relief and outcrop conditions allowed to define the entire diagenetic evolution occurred in the High Atlas diapiric basins since early stages of the diapiric activity up to their tectonic inversion. Precipitation of dolomite and calcite from both warmed marine-derived and meteoric fluids characterised diagenetic stages during Pliensbachian, when the carbonate platforms were exposed and karstified. Burial diagenesis occurred from Toarcian to Middle Jurassic, due to changes of salt-induced dynamic related to increase in siliciclastic input, fast diapir rise and rapid burial of Pliensbachian platforms. During this stage, the diapir acted as a physical barrier for fluid circulation between the core and the flanking sediments. In the carbonates and breccias flanking the structures, dolomite and calcite precipitated from basinal brines, whereas carbonate slivers located in the core of the structure, were affected by the circulation of Mn-rich fluids. The final diagenetic event is characterised by the income of meteoric fluids into the system during uplift caused by Alpine orogeny. These results highlight the relevant influence of diapirism on the diagenetic modifications in salt-related basins in terms of diagenetic events and involved fluids.  相似文献   

Detailed geological observations and palaeomagnetic analyses were carried out in the Largentière Stephano–Autunian basin and on the Stephanian deposits of the Alès coalfield, both located at the southeastern margin of the French Massif Central. Because of unfavourable rock types, the Alès Stephanian deposits did not yield any results. The palaeomagnetic pole (164.9°E, 45.4°N, K = 89, A 95 = 4.1°) deduced from a study of the Autunian sediments of the Largentière Basin agrees very well with the reference pole for stable Europe. The Lodève–Largentière area, that is the southeastern border of the Massif Central, has been stable since Early Permian time with respect to stable Europe, whereas the western part (the Saint-Affrique Rodez Basin and, probably, the Brive Basin) has been rotated counterclockwise.  相似文献   

西藏南羌塘盆地重要湖盆孢粉组合与环境意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对南羌塘盆地内流湖盆区多个湖盆晚更新世—全新世地层孢粉组合进行分析,采用蒿属(Artemisia)与藜科(Chenopodiaceae)比值(A/C值)和麻黄(Ephedra)、藜科、蒿属含量变化趋势分析,恢复了该地区的植被与气候变化特征,总结了3个钻孔和区域上湖盆环境干湿度变化规律:扎仓茶卡湖盆南侧、搭拉不错湖盆南侧,呈针阔叶混交森林草原植被,气候总体温暖湿润;别若则错湖盆西侧,呈针阔叶混交疏林植被,气候总体较寒冷干燥。区域上由西向东干燥程度逐渐加强,佐证了通过孢粉组合分析得出的气候变化特征。此次成果对南羌塘盆地湖盆区气候演变趋势具有重要的研究意义。  相似文献   

The propagation of the deformation front in foreland systems is typically accompanied by the incorporation of parts of the basin into wedge‐top piggy‐back basins, this process is likely producing considerable changes to sedimentation rates (SR). Here we investigate the spatial‐temporal evolution of SR for the Tremp–Jaca Basin in the Southern Pyrenees during its evolution from a wedge‐top, foreredeep, forebulge configuration to a wedge‐top stage. SR were controlled by a series of tectonic structures that influenced subsidence distribution and modified the sediment dispersal patterns. We compare the decompacted SR calculated from 12 magnetostratigraphic sections located throughout the Tremp–Jaca Basin represent the full range of depositional environment and times. While the derived long‐term SR range between 9.0 and 84.5 cm/kyr, compiled data at the scale of magnetozones (0.1–2.5 Myr) yield SR that range from 3.0 to 170 cm/kyr. From this analysis, three main types of depocenter are recognized: a regional depocenter in the foredeep depozone; depocenters related to both regional subsidence and salt tectonics in the wedge‐top depozone; and a depocenter related to clastic shelf building showing transgressive and regressive trends with graded and non‐graded episodes. From the evolution of SR we distinguish two stages. The Lutetian Stage (from 49.1–41.2 Ma) portrays a compartmentalized basin characterized by variable SR in dominantly underfilled accommodation areas. The markedly different advance of the deformation front between the Central and Western Pyrenees resulted in a complex distribution of the foreland depozones during this stage. The Bartonian–Priabonian Stage (41.2–36.9 Ma) represents the integration of the whole basin into the wedge‐top, showing a generalized reduction of SR in a mostly overfilled relatively uniform basin. The stacking of basement units in the hinterland during the whole period produced unusually high SR in the wedge‐top depozone.  相似文献   

In passive margin salt basins, the distinct kinematic domains of thin‐skinned extension, translation and contraction exert important controls on minibasin evolution. However, the relationship between various salt minibasin geometries and kinematic domain evolution is not clear. In this study, we use a semi‐regional 3D seismic reflection dataset from the Lower Congo Basin, offshore Angola, to investigate the evolution of a network of minibasins and intervening salt walls during thin‐skinned, gravity‐driven salt flow. Widespread thin‐skinned extension occurred during the Cenomanian to Coniacian, accommodated by numerous distributed normal faults that are typically 5–10 km long and spaced 1–4 km across strike within the supra‐salt cover. Subsequently, during the Santonian–Paleocene, multiple, 10–25 km long, 5–7 km wide depocentres progressively grew and linked along strike to form elongate minibasins separated by salt walls of comparable lengths. Simultaneous with the development of the minibasins, thin‐skinned contractional deformation occurred in the southwestern downslope part of the study area, forming folds and thrusts that are up to 20 km long and have a wavelength of 2–4 km. The elongate minibasins evolved into turtle structures during the Eocene to Oligocene. From the Miocene onwards, contraction of the supra‐salt cover caused squeezing and uplift of the salt walls, further confining the minibasin depocentres. We find kinematic domains of extension, translation and contraction control the minibasin initiation and subsequent evolution. However, we also observe variations in minibasin geometries associated with along‐strike growth and linkage of depocentres. Neighbouring minibasins may have different subsidence rates and maturity leading to marked variations in their geometry. Additionally, migration of the contractional domain upslope and multiple phases of thin‐skinned salt tectonics further complicates the spatial variations in minibasin geometry and evolution. This study suggests that minibasin growth is more variable and complex than existing domain‐controlled models would suggest.  相似文献   

An extensive, reprocessed two‐dimensional (2D) seismic data set was utilized together with available well data to study the Tiddlybanken Basin in the southeastern Norwegian Barents Sea, which is revealed to be an excellent example of base salt rift structures, evaporite accumulations and evolution of salt structures. Late Devonian–early Carboniferous NE‐SW regional extensional stress affected the study area and gave rise to three half‐grabens that are separated by a NW‐SE to NNW‐SSE trending horst and an affiliated interference transfer zone. The arcuate nature of the horst is believed to be the effect of pre‐existing Timanian basement grain, whereas the interference zone formed due to the combined effect of a Timanian (basement) lineament and the geometrical arrangement of the opposing master faults. The interference transfer zone acted as a physical barrier, controlling the facies distribution and sedimentary thickness of three‐layered evaporitic sequences (LES). During the late Triassic, the northwestern part of a salt wall was developed due to passive diapirism and its evolution was influenced by halite lithology between the three‐LES. The central and southeastern parts of the salt wall did not progress beyond the pedestal stage due to lack of halite in the deepest evaporitic sequence. During the Triassic–Jurassic transition, far‐field stresses from the Novaya Zemlya fold‐and‐thrust belt reactivated the pre‐salt Carboniferous rift structures. The reactivation led to the development of the Signalhorn Dome, rejuvenated the northwestern part of the salt wall and affected the sedimentation rates in the southeastern broad basin. The salt wall together with the Signalhorn Dome and the Carboniferous pre‐salt structures were again reactivated during post‐Early Cretaceous, in response to regional compressional stresses. During this main tectonic inversion phase, the northwestern and southeastern parts of the salt wall were rejuvenated; however, salt reactivation was minimized towards the interference transfer zone beneath the centre of the salt wall.  相似文献   

Investigation of a >6-km-thick succession of Cretaceous to Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the Tajik Basin reveals that this depocentre consists of three stacked basin systems that are interpreted to reflect different mechanisms of subsidence associated with tectonics in the Pamir Mountains: a Lower to mid-Cretaceous succession, an Upper Cretaceous–Lower Eocene succession and an Eocene–Neogene succession. The Lower to mid-Cretaceous succession consists of fluvial deposits that were primarily derived from the Triassic Karakul–Mazar subduction–accretion complex in the northern Pamir. This succession is characterized by a convex-up (accelerating) subsidence curve, thickens towards the Pamir and is interpreted as a retroarc foreland basin system associated with northward subduction of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere. The Upper Cretaceous to early Eocene succession consists of fine-grained, marginal marine and sabkha deposits. The succession is characterized by a concave-up subsidence curve. Regionally extensive limestone beds in the succession are consistent with late stage thermal relaxation and relative sea-level rise following lithospheric extension, potentially in response to Tethyan slab rollback/foundering. The Upper Cretaceous–early Eocene succession is capped by a middle Eocene to early Oligocene (ca. 50–30 Ma) disconformity, which is interpreted to record the passage of a flexural forebulge. The disconformity is represented by a depositional hiatus, which is 10–30 Myr younger than estimates for the initiation of India–Asia collision and overlaps in age with the start of prograde metamorphism recorded in the Pamir gneiss domes. Overlying the disconformity, a >4-km-thick upper Eocene–Neogene succession displays a classic, coarsening upward unroofing sequence characterized by accelerating subsidence, which is interpreted as a retro-foreland basin associated with crustal thickening of the Pamir during India–Asia collision. Thus, the Tajik Basin provides an example of a long-lived composite basin in a retrowedge position that displays a sensitivity to plate margin processes. Subsidence, sediment accumulation and basin-forming mechanisms are influenced by subduction dynamics, including periods of slab-shallowing and retreat.  相似文献   

Many works in the last decades underline the role of evaporites, not just as a conditioning factor but as the engine for subsidence and eventually basin inversion. The western Mediterranean alpine ranges are being investigated in this regard because of the presence of discontinuous units of Permian to Triassic evaporites, deposited in the western Tethys basins. This work presents a thorough analysis of two particular structures (Cañada Vellida and Miravete anticlines) in the intraplate Maestrazgo basin (eastern Iberian Chain, Spain) in which evidence to support their reinterpretation as salt-driven structures have been recently reported. Our analysis includes (i) a comprehensive stratigraphic and structural study of the folds along their entire trace, (ii) the compilation of thickness and distribution of evaporite–bearing and supraevaporite units, paying special attention to changes in the thickness of units in relation to anticlines, and (iii) the study of fault patterns, sometimes in relation to the mechanical stratigraphy. All three aspects are also documented and discussed on a regional scale. The new data and interpretations reported here reinforce the extensional origin of the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous basins, and the role of regional extensional tectonics as the responsible for the development of first-order syn-sedimentary normal fault zones driving the formation and evolution of sub-basins. These basins were subsequently inverted and deformed, including the formation of complex, box-geometry anticlines that, in their turn, controlled deposition in Cenozoic basins. The review of the arguments that support the alternative of salt tectonics for the origin of such anticlines has allowed us to delve into the sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the inverted extensional basins and to propose a specific model for the development of these faulted anticlines. The role of salt levels and other interlayered detachments in the structuring of sedimentary basins and their inversion is also pondered. The observations in the eastern Iberian Chain reported here have implications to assess ongoing reinterpretations in terms of salt tectonics in other alpine basins and ranges of the western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling of rise and fall of a dense layer in salt diapirs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Numerical models are used to study the entrainment of a dense anhydrite layer by a diapir. The anhydrite layer is initially horizontally embedded within a viscous salt layer. The diapir is down-built by aggradation of non-Newtonian sediments ( n = 4, constant temperature) placed on the top of the salt layer. Several parameters (sedimentation rate, salt viscosity, perturbation width and stratigraphic position of the anhydrite layer) are studied systematically to understand their role in governing the entrainment of the anhydrite layer. High sedimentation rates during the early stages of the diapir evolution bury the initial perturbation and, thus, no diapir forms. The anhydrite layer sinks within the buried salt layer. For the same sedimentation rate, increasing viscosity of the salt layer decreases the rise rate of the diapir and reduces the amount (volume) of the anhydrite layer transported into the diapir. Model results show that viscous salt is capable of carrying separate blocks of the anhydrite layer to relatively higher stratigraphic levels. Varying the width of the initial perturbation (in our calculations 400–800 m), from which a diapir triggers, shows that wider diapirs can more easily entrain an embedded anhydrite layer than the narrower diapirs. The anhydrite layer is entrained as long as rise rate of the diapir exceeds the descent rate of the denser anhydrite layer. We conclude that the four parameters mentioned above govern the ability of a salt diapir to entrain an embedded dense layer. However, the model results show that the entrained blocks inevitably sink back if the rise rate of the diapir is less than the rate of descent of the anhydrite layer or the diapir is permanently covered by a stiff overburden in case of high sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

We utilized carbonate clumped isotope thermometry to explore the thermal history of the Delaware Basin, West Texas, USA. Carbonate wellbore cuttings from five oil/gas wells across the basin yielded clumped isotope temperatures (T(Δ47)) ranging from 27°C to 307°C, interpreted to reflect a combination of initial precipitation/recrystallization temperature and solid-state C-O bond reordering during burial. Dolomite samples generally record lower apparent T(Δ47)s than calcite, reflecting greater resistance to reordering in dolomite. In all five wells, clumped isotope temperatures exceed modern downhole temperature measurements, indicating higher heat flow in the past. Using modelled burial curves based on sedimentological history, we created unique time-temperature histories by linearly applying a geothermal gradient. Applying two different thermal history reordering models, we modelled the extent of solid-state C–O bond reordering to iteratively find the time-averaged best-fit geothermal gradients for each of the five wells. Results of this modelling suggest that the shallower, southwestern portion of the study area experienced higher geothermal gradients throughout the sediment history (~45°C/km) than did the deeper, southeastern portion (~32°C/km), with the northern portion experiencing intermediate geothermal gradients (~35–38°C/km). This trend is in agreement with the observed gas/oil ratios of the Delaware Basin, increasing from east to west. Furthermore, our clumped isotope temperatures agree well with previously published vitrinite reflectance data, confirming previous observations and demonstrating the utility of carbonate clumped isotope thermometry to reconstruct basin thermal histories.  相似文献   

In this study, historical landscape dynamics were investigated to (i) map the land use/cover types for the years 1972, 1987, 2000 and 2014; (ii) determine the types and processes of landscape dynamics; and (iii) assess the landscape fragmentation and habitat loss over time. Supervised classification of multi-temporal Landsat images was used through a pixel-based approach. Post–classification methods included systematic and random change detection, trajectories analysis and landscape fragmentation assessment. The overall accuracies (and Kappa statistics) were of 68.86% (0.63), 91.32% (0.79), 90.66% (0.88) and 91.88% (0.89) for 1972, 1987, 2000 and 2014, respectively. The spatio-temporal analyses indicated that forests, woodlands and savannahs dominated the landscapes during the four dates, though constant areal decreases were observed. The most important dynamic process was the decline of woodlands with an average annual net loss rate of–2%. Meanwhile, the most important land transformation occurred during the transition 2000–2014, due to anthropogenic pressures. Though the most important loss of vegetation greenness occurred in the unprotected areas, the overall analyses of change indicated a declining trend of land cover quality and an increasing landscape fragmentation. Sustainable conservation strategies should be promoted while focusing restoration attention on degraded lands and fragmented ecosystems in order to support rural livelihood and biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

The Oligo-Miocene Most Basin is the largest preserved sedimentary basin within the Eger Graben, the easternmost part of the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS). The basin is interpreted as a part of an incipient rift system that underwent two distinct phases of extension. The first phase, characterised by NNE–SSW- to N–S-oriented horizontal extension between the end of Eocene and early Miocene, was oblique to the rift axis and caused evolution of a fault system characterised by en-échelon-arranged E–W (ENE–WSW) faults. These faults defined a number of small, shallow initial depocentres of very small subsidence rates that gradually merged during the growth and linkage of the normal fault segments. The youngest part of the basin fill indicates accelerated subsidence caused probably by the concentration of displacement at several major bounding faults. Major post-depositional faulting and forced folding were related to a change in the extension vector to an orthogonal position with respect to the rift axis and overprinting of the E–W faults by an NE–SW normal fault system. The origin of the palaeostress field of the earlier, oblique, extensional phase remains controversial and can be attributed either to the effects of the Alpine lithospheric root or (perhaps more likely because of the dominant volcanism at the onset of Eger Graben formation) to doming due to thermal perturbation of the lithosphere. The later, orthogonal, extensional phase is explained by stretching along the crest of a growing regional-scale anticlinal feature, which supports the recent hypothesis of lithospheric folding in the Alpine–Carpathian foreland.  相似文献   

黔中乌当盆地阶地沉积特征及其对盆地演化的指示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋玺  陈文奇  宁凡  郑军  罗维均  周涌 《地理研究》2020,39(6):1242-1254
黔中乌当盆地是贵州省山间盆地的典型代表,四级河流阶地清晰地记录了新构造运动中区域地壳抬升和盆地演化。通过阶地沉积物砾组统计、粒度分析、光释光(OSL)测年,探讨盆地的发育和演化。结果显示,阶地砾石排列指示盆地水系古流向与现代河流基本一致,砾石磨圆度变化大,分选较差,岩性继承了区域地层。砾石组合特征反映了构造抬升期盆地内强烈的冲刷剥蚀。漫滩沉积物粒度表明盆地在稳定阶段河流水动力整体呈增大趋势。T4和T3发育阶段区域以冲刷剥蚀为主并塑造了盆地雏形。T2阶地沉积特征及测年结果(177.4 ka~87.6 ka)表明中更新世末期持续数万年的沉积夷平作用使盆地基本成型。T1阶地形成时代约25ka,指示了黔中地区最近一次构造抬升和盆地的最终定型。  相似文献   

We present a study on the impact of litho-structural setting and neotectonic activity on meso- and macro-scale relief production in Alpine areas. The topography of the high alpine Triglav Lakes Valley, NW Slovenia, was studied by means of detailed mapping and stratigraphic study of the valley. The Triglav Lakes Valley is characterised by a generally asymmetric transverse (E–W) profile: a very steep eastern slope, a relatively flat valley and a relatively gentle western slope. On the transverse profile the valley floor is essentially flat, gently dipping towards the east. In the longitudinal cross-section, however, the valley floor is marked by sharply-defined fault blocks extending in a W–E to NW–SE direction. Additionally, the highest block (elevations  2100 m) is in the northern part of the valley, the lowest (elevations  1600 m) in the southern part of the valley. Our research shows that the Triglav Lakes Valley directly represents the topographic expression of Paleogene–Neogene thrusting and faulting, having recorded the following geomorphologic evolutionary stages: 1. an Oligocene to early Miocene W-vergent thrusting phase, with steep W-facing slopes of the eastern part of the valley directly representing the thrusting front; and 2. a Neogene-to-present strike–slip faulting in NNE–SSW direction with two bifurcating right-lateral strike–slip systems. We show that the Triglav Lakes Valley almost perfectly mimics the wedge-shaped damage zone located between these faults.  相似文献   

Lacustrine rift basins commonly preserve a fairly complete record of the sediment source-to-sink (S2S) system, and consequently may form an ideal natural laboratory for establishing quantitative relationships between the various elements within the S2S system. The tectonic-activity rate in the source (e.g., fault-growth rate and fault-activity rate), accommodation space and depositional system in the sink (e.g., areal extent and volume, as well as the depositional dip of the fan- and braid-deltas) are genetically related and their quantitative correlations are explored. The Palaeogene succession on the southwestern margin of the Huanghekou Depressionin the Bohai Bay Basin, one of the largest lacustrine rift basins in eastern China, was chosen to study these relationships, using 3-D seismic, core and well-log data. The tectonic activity was strongly related to the sediment supply, accommodation space and morphology of the sink area. Three different rates of tectonic activity are identified; these led to changes in the basic features of the S2S system that influenced each other. In Members 4 and 3 (lower unit) of the Shahejie Fm. (40.44–44.7 Ma), strong tectonic activity led to significant uplift, resulting in the widest exposure of the provenance area to erosion, to a high sediment-supply rate, to a steep slope and to a large accommodation space which controlled the development of several fan-deltas with steep progradational angles. In Member 3 (upper unit) of Shahejie Fm. (37.89–40.44 Ma) and Member 3 of Dongying Fm. (30.2–33.28 Ma), decreased tectonic activity led to slower uplifting, resulting in a wider alluvial plain, longer transport distances, a lower sediment-supply rate and less accommodation space, so that braid-deltas with larger volumes and a gentler slope developed; In Members 1 and 2 of Shahejie Fm. (33.28–37.89 Ma) and Member 2 of Dongying Fm. (26.71–30.2 Ma), still further decreasing tectonic activity led to a still lower sediment-supply rate, a more gentle depositional slope, less accommodation space, and the development of several braid-deltas with a gentle angle. The quantitative relationships established here advance our understanding of the relationships within lacustrine source-to-sink systems, especially for tectonically controlled rift basins.  相似文献   

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