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前言:“网球肘”学名为“肱骨外上髁炎”,因多见于网球运动员而得名。像网球、羽毛球、乒乓球等这些持相对抗项目.经常要反复伸屈腕关节,尤其是常做用力伸腕而同时又需要前臂旋内、旋外的动作,同时,“网球肘”的形成还有其他许多因素。例如日常不常运动的肌肉在打网球时使用过度.经常大力击球使肘关节内旋外展过度,拍弦的磅数不当等等。本文就网球肘的成因、诊断、预防与治疗进行了一些调研、探讨。一、网球肘原因的90%是由打反手击球造成的对网球肘的研究我们进行了问卷调查,有300多名水平不等的男女老少参加了问卷调查,结果令…  相似文献   

对治疗“网球肘”的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“网球肘”是网球运动中最易出现的一种运动损伤。就“网球肘”的成因、预防、诊断和治疗进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

张乐伟 《乒乓世界》2008,(5):143-143
肘部运动损伤分很多种,比如骨折、肌肉韧带的损伤、创伤性的滑膜炎、创伤性骨关节病等等,但是乒乓球运动中肘部损伤主要是“网球肘”、第二位是“滑膜炎”。网球肘是肌肉的末端病改变,滑膜炎是关节囊内部的炎症。在第三期中我们介绍过了“网球肘”的预防方法,这一期队医诊所中,队医张大夫将给我们着重介绍“网球肘”的自我诊断及治疗方法。  相似文献   

史和福 《网球天地》2008,(3):107-110
不管是刚入道的新手,还是资深的球友,对伤病都不算陌生,"网球肘"和"网球腿"等网球伤病耳熟能详,但如果大家掌握相应伤病的专项知识还比较缺乏,受到伤病困扰便在所难免,网球运动的乐趣也会大打折扣。  相似文献   

“养兵千日,用兵一时”。对于体育考生来说,如果在考试前或考试中间出现伤病,将会造成不可弥补的损失,甚至终生遗憾。要避免伤病的出现,关键在于预防。现根据产生伤病的原因,提出以下预防措施:  相似文献   

网球肘是常见的肘关节疾病,网球肘患者从事网球、羽毛球运动居多,家庭主妇、打字员等长期使用肘部活动者也易患此病。网球肘对患者造成极大的身体痛苦和精神压力,降低了患者的生活活动能力和工作效率,对社会经济也带来了一定的影响。本文对网球肘的发病机制、症状和目前的治疗方案进行了综述,以科学地认识、预防、治疗网球肘。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、文献资料法并结合教学实践,对武汉体育学院网球专选班学生网球肘的认知状况及损伤情况进行调查研究,发现学生网球肘发病率较高,而对网球肘的认知不充分,了解途径单一。研究认为,为了有效预防网球肘的发生,应加强对网球肘的发病机理、症状等知识的教育,并针对教学实践提出预防措施。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 1885年网球运动传入我国,已有百余年的历史,随之而来的职业病“网球肘”也流传百余年。有人统计过,近百分之百的网球运动员得过“网球肘”,近百分之五十的人终生不愈,“网球肘”竟成为医疗上的典型病例。对这种病的研究与防治不力直接影响到网球技术水平的提高与发挥。另外,有关“网球肘”及击球点——“甜点”的研究不够深入,甚至还存在一些错误的认识,恐怕这也是影响提高网球水平的重要原因之一。本文将通过对网球拍力学特征的研究,找出确定“甜点”位置的方法。使用“甜  相似文献   

对治疗"网球肘"的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
柏卫东 《体育科技》2001,22(4):43-45
"网球肘"是网球运动中最易出现的一种运动损伤.就"网球肘"的成因、预防、诊断和治疗进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   

冬残奥项目发展迅速,但由于冬季项目设置的特殊性,加上残疾人体育项目分级的复杂性,使得冬残奥运动损伤的发生率远高于健全人冬奥会和夏残奥会。2002年以来冬残奥项目伤病特征:整体损伤率较高,近年来呈上升趋势;高山滑雪、残奥冰球、单板滑雪三个项目损伤率较高,肩膀是损伤的多发部位。我国备战冬残奥的队伍中主要损伤部位:高山和单板:肩膀、脚踝和膝盖;残奥冰球:腕部和肩膀;北欧滑雪:腕部和膝盖;轮椅冰壶:肩膀。主要风险因素:残疾本身引起二次损伤、过度使用等内在因素;比赛中天气、温度、赛道以及设备等外在因素。预防措施:启用全过程式伤病监控系统,加强伤病预防综合策略实证研究,注重相关人员伤病预防教育,发挥运动设备的伤病预防作用,提升伤病预防医疗保障条件。我国在备战过程中应特别注意运动员的运动损伤与负荷的记录和分析、运动员的体态问题、运动员的损伤预防教育问题、运动器材辅具的自主设计和研发问题以及运动队医疗人员的配备问题。以减少备战和举办2022年北京冬残奥会过程中运动损伤的发生,体现《奥林匹克2020议程》所提出的"以运动员为中心"的人文关怀理念,为科学备战冬残奥会和促进残疾人冰雪运动发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

"网球肘",即肱骨外上髁炎,是一种以肘关节外侧疼痛为特征的肱骨外上髁部前臂伸肌总腱附着处的慢性损伤性肌筋膜炎,因网球运动员最易患此病而得名。"网球肘"的主要外在表现是肘部隐隐的酸痛感以及持拍击球时产生的强烈疼痛感。网球肘妨碍了运动员的日常生活、训练、比赛,严重者甚至影响运动员的职业生涯。本文从病理特征、致病原因、致病机理、诊疗标准、诊疗措施、预防等方面对"网球肘"这一职业病进行深入分析,以期对该病的治疗、网球运动员的正确训练起到指导作用。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对乒乓球项目引入"鹰眼"系统的必要性,以及乒乓球项目引入"鹰眼"系统存在的主要问题进行研究。结果发现:高水平乒乓球比赛特点、乒乓球比赛规则的量化决定着高水平乒乓球赛事离不开"鹰眼";观众观赏、运动员正当维护自身权益、裁判员执裁、教练员制定训练计划、科研人员的研究分析都需要借助"鹰眼"系统;对于引入"鹰眼"使用成本过高、阻碍比赛连续性、影响裁判权威性顾虑完全可以打消。  相似文献   

This study intended to investigate the capability of the 4 test items “sprint”, “agility”, “speed while dribbling” and “throwing a ball” of the Dutch perceptuo-motor skills assessment used at the age of 7–10 years to predict table tennis performance (U13, U15 and U18) in an observational study. Data of 1191 young table tennis players, collected from 1998 to 2013, were analysed in univariable and multivariable logistic and linear regression models. The test items “sprint” and “throwing a ball” showed to be significant predictors for table tennis performance outcomes in boys (P < 0.05). For girls, besides these test items also “speed while dribbling” had a significant contribution (< 0.05). Since the accuracies of the models were low, it is advised to include other determinants to enhance the predictive value of a model for table tennis performance. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that a perceptuo-motor skills assessment might improve the effectiveness of talent programmes in table tennis as an additional method to objectively estimate a youth players’ potential. Future research focusing on the inclusion of test items specifically assessing eye hand coordination and other domains, for example, the psychological and the environmental domain, related to table tennis performance are recommended.  相似文献   

“快易网球”教学提倡在教师的主导下以学生发展为中心,以多元化的教学手段提高学生课堂学习效率,让“乐于运动、享于运动”教学理念贯穿整个体育课堂,为我国实现全民健身作出应有的贡献。就应用价值而言;1)“快易网球”教学法在普通高校网球选修课教学中应用适应网球的教学与训练,丰富网球课的教学内容,提高网球课的教学质量,培养了学生团队合作意识和竞争意识,为网球后备人才的选拔创造条件;2)突出普通高校体育与健康的健身价值,体现学生主体地位,提升网球运动的健身效能;3)培养学生体育学习兴趣,引导学生对体育锻炼价值的认知,培养学生终身体育意识。  相似文献   

网球是一项深受人们喜爱而又极富乐趣的体育运动。但是网球是一项高技术的运动项目,技术动作比较复杂,运动量大,对网球爱好者的身体素质要求比较高。通过调查发现,大众网球运动中运动者肘关节的损伤比率较高。采用了文献资料法,问卷调差法,实地观察法和数理统计法对大众网球运动中肘关节损伤原因和损伤类型进行分析研究,旨在为网球爱好者预防运动损伤提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Recreational tennis players tend to have higher incidence of tennis elbow, and this has been hypothesised to be related to one-handed backhand technique and off-centre ball impacts on the racket face. This study aimed to investigate for a range of participants the effect of off-longitudinal axis and off-lateral axis ball–racket impact locations on racket and forearm joint angle changes immediately following impact in one-handed tennis backhand groundstrokes. Three-dimensional racket and wrist angular kinematic data were recorded for 14 university tennis players each performing 30 “flat” one-handed backhand groundstrokes. Off-longitudinal axis ball–racket impact locations explained over 70% of the variation in racket rotation about the longitudinal axis and wrist flexion/extension angles during the 30 ms immediately following impact. Off-lateral axis ball–racket impact locations had a less clear cut influence on racket and forearm rotations. Specifically off-longitudinal impacts below the longitudinal axis forced the wrist into flexion for all participants with there being between 11° and 32° of forced wrist flexion for an off-longitudinal axis impact that was 1 ball diameter away from the midline. This study has confirmed that off-longitudinal impacts below the longitudinal axis contribute to forced wrist flexion and eccentric stretch of the wrist extensors and there can be large differences in the amount of forced wrist flexion from individual to individual and between strokes with different impact locations.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify whether the relative shape and size characteristics of elite male tennis players have changed over time, and in addition whether any anthropometric parameters characterise the more successful players in Grand Slam tournaments. The height and body mass of the players qualifying for the first round in all four Grand Slam tennis tournaments during the period 1982–2011 was obtained, and successful players defined arbitrarily as those reaching round 3 or beyond. Body mass index (BMI) and the reciprocal ponderal index (RPI) were used as our measures of body shape. Multilevel modelling was used to explore the trend over time using non-linear polynomials. The results suggest that the body shape of elite tennis players has changed over time, with a non-linear (cubic polynomial regression model) increase in BMI and a similar non-linear decline in the RPI. BMI, reflecting greater muscle mass rather than greater adiposity, has emerged as an important factor associated with success, identified by a significantly positive (steeper) “successful player”-by-“year” interaction term. The evidence that the RPI of elite tennis players has also decreased over time, together with a significantly negative “successful player”-by-“year” interaction term, suggests that a more linear (ectomorphic) body shape is a less important factor in terms of success. These results suggest that elite male tennis players are becoming more power trained athletes as opposed to endurance athletes, with greater muscle mass being an important factor associated with success in all Grand Slam tournaments.  相似文献   

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