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通过对高山夏秋黄瓜适宜种植地的选择,品种的筛选,播种期,密植程序及病虫害防治等技术的试验研究,提出一套有效的高山夏秋黄瓜栽培技术,以便在同类地区推广应用。  相似文献   

新昌县位于浙江省中东部,海拔400 m以上适宜蔬菜栽培的可耕地2 667 hm2.从20世纪90年代开始,各级政府和广大菜农把高山蔬菜产业作为新昌县主要优势农业产业项目来发展.到2003年,全县高山蔬菜栽培面积1 667 hm2,其中黄瓜333 hm2,因其产品上市期为夏秋蔬菜供应淡季,出现了产销两旺的良好发展势头,每667 m2产值6 000余元.现将无公害高山黄瓜高产高效栽培技术介绍如下.  相似文献   

六盘水市位于贵州西部,下辖钟山区、水城县、六枝县、盘县。城郊钟山区,属亚热带高原山地季风湿润气候区,海拔1 800 m。 为解决秋冬季黄瓜供求矛盾,近年来,我们根据黄瓜的生物学特性,在海拔1 800 m的钟山区进行了试种及配套技术研究,摸索出一套高寒山区大棚夏秋黄瓜优质、高产、高效栽培技术,取得了明显的经济效益和社会效益,现总结如下。1 选用优良适宜品种 由于高山独特的气候条件,雨水多,空气湿度大,夏秋黄瓜生长前期处于高温阶段,易感染病害,所以应选择生长势强,抗白粉病、霜霉病、枯萎病能力强的品种,如津研七号、津春…  相似文献   

从2008年开始,我市充分利用夏秋凉爽气候和环境资源优势,大力在六枝特区郎岱镇发展夏秋延晚黄瓜生产,产品既错开了早春黄瓜集中上市期,同时又可供应周边省份区域内夏秋高温无法生产黄瓜的空缺时期,取得了较好的社会效益和经济效益。现将夏秋延晚黄瓜高产高效栽培技术总结如下。  相似文献   

1 夏秋黄瓜主要有哪些茬次? 答:夏秋黄瓜主要包括半夏黄瓜、夏黄瓜、秋黄瓜、秋延迟黄瓜4个茬次.具体的茬口安排因地域不同、气候环境不一,有明显的差别.以山东为例:①半夏黄瓜.一般5月上中旬露地直播,覆盖地膜.  相似文献   

夏秋黄瓜市场价格好,生育期短(播种后45-50天即可采收),投资少,见效快,但夏季由于高温多雨以及病虫害暴发流行,严重影响夏秋露地黄瓜的生产,产量不容易提高。可见,种夏秋黄瓜,技术是关键,只有掌握好其高产栽培技术,严格按照科学方法种植。我们经过几年的生产实践,总结出一套适合夏秋黄瓜露地高产栽培技术。一般能够达到(亩)产3000-4000千克的产量,取得可观的经济收益。  相似文献   

夏秋黄瓜生长处于高温多雨季节,黄瓜结果节位高且瓜码稀疏,如病虫危害严重、基肥不足,黄瓜易早衰、结果期缩短、品质下降、产量较低。我们从壮根、增加雌花着生、促结回头瓜、科学施肥、病虫草涝害防治等方面总结了夏秋黄瓜优质高产的栽培技术。  相似文献   

辽西部黄瓜产区进行一年一大茬黄瓜栽培,由于连作栽培,病虫害发生严重,同时,冬春茬黄瓜定植在11月上中旬。因此,在黄瓜定植前7~10月份是空闲阶段,所以,通过试验示范,总结出了日光温室夏秋茬芹菜,冬春茬黄瓜高产高效栽培技术模式,温室夏秋茬芹菜亩产量0.95万千克,价格2.00元/千克,亩产值为1.90万元,经济效益十分显著。现将辽西日光温室夏秋茬芹菜高产高效栽培技术总结如下。  相似文献   

黄瓜是贵阳市保障城市蔬菜供应及外销的主导产品,2009年种植面积已达1666.7hm2,产量达7万余t。夏秋延晚栽培黄瓜是贵阳市外销及解决本地蔬菜供应秋淡的重点,因此选择适宜夏秋延晚栽培的黄瓜品种成为技术关键。2009年我们在贵阳金阳、白云区、息烽县(海拔1000~1300m)开展了多品种多点观察试验,初步筛选出适于夏秋延晚栽培的6个黄瓜品种,于2010年6~9月在贵阳市白云区沙  相似文献   

石洁  魏雪艳 《蔬菜》2001,(6):12
夏季由于高温多雨以及病虫害的暴发流行,严重影响了夏秋露地黄瓜的生产,我们经过几年的生产实践,总结出一套适合夏秋黄瓜露地栽培的高产技术,现将其介绍如下.  相似文献   

With the establishment of advanced technology facilities for high throughput plant phenotyping, the problem of estimating plant biomass of individual plants from their two dimensional images is becoming increasingly important. The approach predominantly cited in literature is to estimate the biomass of a plant as a linear function of the projected shoot area of plants in the images. However, the estimation error from this model, which is solely a function of projected shoot area, is large, prohibiting accurate estimation of the biomass of plants, particularly for the salt-stressed plants. In this paper, we propose a method based on plant specific weight for improving the accuracy of the linear model and reducing the estimation bias (the difference between actual shoot dry weight and the value of the shoot dry weight estimated with a predictive model). For the proposed method in this study, we modeled the plant shoot dry weight as a function of plant area and plant age. The data used for developing our model and comparing the results with the linear model were collected from a completely randomized block design experiment. A total of 320 plants from two bread wheat varieties were grown in a supported hydroponics system in a greenhouse. The plants were exposed to two levels of hydroponic salt treatments (NaCl at 0 and 100 mM) for 6 weeks. Five harvests were carried out. Each time 64 randomly selected plants were imaged and then harvested to measure the shoot fresh weight and shoot dry weight. The results of statistical analysis showed that with our proposed method, most of the observed variance can be explained, and moreover only a small difference between actual and estimated shoot dry weight was obtained. The low estimation bias indicates that our proposed method can be used to estimate biomass of individual plants regardless of what variety the plant is and what salt treatment has been applied. We validated this model on an independent set of barley data. The technique presented in this paper may extend to other plants and types of stresses.  相似文献   

制种西瓜产籽量与叶面积指数及留叶量的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用格子法进行西瓜叶面积测算,对叶面积与叶长×叶宽.产籽量与叶面积指数及田间留叶量的相关性进行了研究。结果表明:西瓜叶面积与叶长×叶宽存在显著正相关,相关系数为0.971;西瓜产籽量与叶面积指数在一定范围内紧密相关,当叶面积指数为1.8时,产籽量达到最大值,同时根据田间最佳叶面积指数,估算出植株留叶量。  相似文献   

种子处理技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行种子处理提供科学参考。  相似文献   

为了促进忻州地区薄皮甜瓜优质、高效、安全生产,在介绍移动大棚结构、优势、经济效益等的基础上,总结了1套适合忻州地区薄皮甜瓜种植的栽培模式,主要内容包括选地、整地、施基肥、播种育苗、苗床管理、定植、植株调整、坐果期管理、病虫害综合防治、采收等。移动大棚的推广应用克服了设施栽培中的土壤连作障碍;加之适宜栽培技术的应用,实现1350 m2的大棚早春1个生产季生产商品甜瓜约5000 kg,产值在3.0万~4.0万元,且设施栽培的薄皮甜瓜上市早,效益好,发展较快。  相似文献   

Plant guilds used to measure the relationships between wetlandplant community characteristics and landscape change around 31 depressionalwetlands in central Ohio, USA. Characteristics of certain plant guilds withineach wetland site are correlated with changes in: (a) area of urban land cover,forest, grassland, agriculture, and open-water in the local vicinity ofthe wetland; (b) inter-wetland distance; and (c) wetland size (area).Taxa richness is negatively correlated with inter-wetland distance forall plant guilds, except submersed herbaceous plants. Taxa richness of thesubmersed herbaceous plant guild (usually less than 20% of the totalnumber of plant species at a wetland) is positively correlated with the area ofopen-water in the local landscape and with the areaofthe wetland site itself. Significant positive correlationsalso exist between the area of open-water in the vicinity of the wetlandand the proportion of submersed herbaceous plant taxa at the site, the numberofnative submersed herbaceous plant species, the submersed herbaceous plantperennial-to-annual ratio, and the number ofavian-dispersed submersed herbaceous plant species at a site. Theresults suggest that (a) the dominance of submersed herbaceousplantspecies at a site is related to dispersal constraints between wetlands, and (b)the relatively slower physiological response of woody plants to local landscapechange may result in their contribution to greater ecologicalinertia in the plant community as a whole. For these reasons,relationships between the plant community and land cover change may not alwaysbe observed unless analyzed at the level of plant-guild.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

辣椒属于草本植物,喜肥、喜温且喜水,有促进食欲、祛湿及助消化等功效。近年来,随着农业种植结构的调整,辣椒栽培面积不断增加,尤其是设施栽培面积的增加,使辣椒实现了周年生产、周年供应。设施栽培能够缩短辣椒的生育期,使其提前上市,提高生产效益,是菜农增加经济收入的重要途径之一。基于此,文章对设施辣椒高产高效栽培措施及病虫害防治技术进行了分析研究,以期推动辣椒产业更好更快地发展。  相似文献   

蔺多钰 《蔬菜》2020,(3):38-40
早春拱棚栽培是河西走廊灌区西瓜生产的主要形式,通过开展西瓜平作膜下滴灌水肥一体化栽培技术示范研究,从品种选择、栽培技术管理、病虫害防治等方面对西瓜平作膜下滴灌水肥一体化栽培技术进行总结。相较于垄膜沟灌栽培,667 m^2可节水56.5%,节肥48.1%,省药10%~20%,为促进西瓜特色产业发展提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

种植密度对不结球白菜叶面积指数动态变化及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不结球白菜"春油5号"为试材,设置不同种植密度(667m^2种植13 340、16 675、17 787、22 233株),研究了不同种植密度对不结球白菜叶面积指数动态变化及产量的影响,以期为不结球白菜的合理密植提供参考依据。结果表明:在整个生长季节供试的不同种植密度不结球白菜的叶面积指数、单株质量及产量的发展均呈"S"型变化,播种后41d各指标缓慢增加;播种后41~54d各指标呈指数型增长,各种植密度间差异显著;后期到达最高点后保持不变甚至出现下降,处理间差异消失。相关分析表明,种植密度与叶面积指数和产量呈正相关,与单株质量呈负相关,综合不结球白菜单株质量、产量考虑,适宜栽培株行距为20cm×20cm(667m^2种植16 675株),适宜的叶面积指数为3。  相似文献   

The effects of plant density on broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck) commercial characteristics are well determined. However, it is not completely clear how the broccoli plant respond to changes in plant shading as a result of different plant densities. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of plant density on intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), plant architecture, and plant growth and production. “Legacy” broccoli plants were grown in pots in a greenhouse in the seasons of 2002 and 2003 at 2, 4, 6 or 8 plants m−2 (temperatures: between 10.0 and 16.1 °C, average incident PAR: 12 mol m−2 day−1). Plant density affected the intercepted and accumulated PAR. There were not effects on the length of the vegetative and reproductive periods, the total and final number of leaves, and the spear diameter and fresh weight. The magnitude and evolution of leaf area (LA) was independent of plant density up to 70 days after transplant (dat). Since then on, LA increased linearly with plant density. The highest intercepted PAR was 70–72% with 6–8 plants m−2. With the increase in plant density: the erectness of the upper leaves and stem length increased, the extinction coefficient decreased and commercial spear (inflorescence plus a portion of stem 10 cm long) weight decreased (but it was due to the stem portion of the spear and not to the edible portion). On an area basis, the decrease in commercial spear weight with plant density was more than compensated by the higher number of plants. The radiation use efficiency (RUE) increased proportionally with the leaf area index (LAI) up to a LAI of about 3, and then stabilized. The only effect of plant density on dry weight partitioning was to decrease the dry weight allocated to the stem portion of the spear. As plant density increased, and consequently the degree of shading increased, the net assimilation rate (NAR) decreased and the leaf area ratio (LAR) increased. This compensatory change between NAR and LAR, kept the relative growth rate (RGR) for individual plants almost constant.  相似文献   

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