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描述了信息化管理体制在当前医疗卫生服务中的现况以及所存在的问题;阐明了医疗机构信息化管理在目前医疗活动中发挥的作用;分析了当前虹口区医疗机构信息化体制建设方面存在的问题并提出了解决方法及进一步优化医疗机构信息化管理体制的建议。  相似文献   

现阶段,无线网络技术逐渐被应用于医院日常工作的各个环节,极大地提高了医务人员的工作效率和现代医疗服务水平。医院网络信息化系统的建立,不仅能够提高医疗机构在社会上的核心竞争力,也为医疗行业的健康发展奠定了良好的基础。但是,在医院网络信息化系统建设的同时也面临着网络安全的巨大威胁。为了促进医院信息化建设的顺利进行,避免计算机网络安全问题对医院信息化系统建设工作的影响,相关技术人员应严格把控信息化系统建设的各个环节,严格执行相关制度。概述了当前网络安全对于医院信息化系统建设的重要性,并分析了医院在进行信息化建设过程中常见的网络安全问题,同时制定了有效的改进措施,有助于医疗行业信息化系统建设的发展。  相似文献   

信息技术的发展日新月异,移动网络、云计算、大数据、物联网和社交网络等技术和模式正在推动医疗、卫生和健康服务信息化解决方案的优化、升级和创新。医院信息化发展朝着通用化、精细化、全面化的方向发展,并逐步由医疗管理向着健康管理的方向发展。三级医院作为我国医院信息化发展的领头羊,在医院信息化的大潮中也在不断探索和前进。本文结合当前医院信息化发展现状和最新的信息技术结合当前政策重点分析了我国三级医院信息化发展的方向和目标。  相似文献   

随着信息化技术的发展,信息化在医疗设备中的应用愈加广泛,本文通过对于我国医疗设备使用现状、信息化技术的应用分析,对当前医疗信息化的发展模式进行了综述,同时为将来信息化技术的发展指明了方向.  相似文献   

医疗信息集成是当前医疗信息化过程中研究的热点。新的医疗技术带来方便的同时也带来了大量异构医疗信息系统的存在,致使不能在不同的应用系统、不同的医疗机构间进行有效的通信,给医疗信息集成带来了极大的挑战。提出了一种通用信息集成接口UHIC,应用到基于Web服务的医疗信息集成平台HIIP下,专门解决异构系统的集成问题,实现了真正意义上的异构系统间的有效整合。  相似文献   

针对二级医院、基层医疗机构信息化水平较低、无院内实时灾备库等问题,结合当前区域医疗信息化发展特点和需求,探讨关于连云港市医疗数据灾备中心的建设与实践。通过灾备中心,实现了各医疗机构核心业务系统数据库的异地实时容灾保护,同时满足了全民健康信息平台数据直采需求。  相似文献   

在当前社会,信息技术正在飞速的发展,面对中国医疗改革的现状,以信息化技术为核心的医疗,特别是物联网技术的出现,必然是推进中国医疗事业改革发展的重要利器。本文主要对物联网的关键技术及其在医疗护理系统当中的应用进行了分析,展望了物联网技术在医疗护理过程中的应用前景,希望能够让广大的医护人员更加了解物联网技术在医疗护理系统中的应用。  相似文献   

随着网络技术和信息技术的不断发展,为我国医疗信息化建设提供了技术支持,医疗信息化建设成为了当前阶段医院发展重点关注的话题。医疗单位作为卫生服务提供的主体,在信息化技术的推动下,有利于开展各项工作。鉴于此,阐述了现阶段医疗信息化建设的重要性和现状,分析了新形势下医疗信息化建设存在的问题,并提出了针对性解决对策。  相似文献   

随着居民对医疗保健的要求提高,国家医疗制度改革的深化,国家对医疗卫生系统信息化建设的投资不断增加。并且医院和制药企业资金比较充足,在完成基础设施的建设后,加强信息化建设成为医疗系统各企业的重要目标。当前信息技术应用已在医疗服务、卫生管理、医学教育和医学科研等领域全面展开。目前我国医药卫生系统信息化应用的主要领域见图1。 赛迪顾问对我国医药和卫生系统信息化建设的调查研究后认为,当前我国医疗卫生系统信息化建设的特点和发展趋势主要表现在以下几个方面: 一、HIS建设的重点由HMIS转向CIS 经过近二十年的发展,我国医院信息系统(Hospital  相似文献   

本文在对当前医疗设备信息化管理现状和存在问题进行分析和探讨的基础上,指出了医疗设备信息化管理的必要性和优势,本文进一步介绍了医疗设备管理信息系统的实现及其在设备管理中的实践应用。  相似文献   

可重用概念构件的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文主要研究信息系统的可重用的概念模式问题,提出了一种基于相似性概念的从以前开发使用过的概念模式中提取可重用概念构件的方法。  相似文献   

Access control techniques for XML provide a simple way to protect confidential information at the same granularity level provided by XML schemas. In this article, we describe our approach to these problems and the design guidelines that led to our current implementation of an access control system for XML information  相似文献   

The Semantic Web is the next step of the current Web where information will become more machine-understandable to support effective data discovery and integration. Hierarchical schemas, either in the form of tree-like structures (e.g., DTDs, XML schemas), or in the form of hierarchies on a category/subcategory basis (e.g., thematic hierarchies of portal catalogs), play an important role in this task. They are used to enrich semantically the available information. Up to now, hierarchical schemas have been treated rather as sets of individual elements, acting as semantic guides for browsing or querying data. Under that view, queries like “find the part of a portal catalog which is not present in another catalog” can be answered only in a procedural way, specifying which nodes to select and how to get them. For this reason, we argue that hierarchical schemas should be treated as full-fledged objects so as to allow for their manipulation. This work proposes models and operators to manipulate the structural information of hierarchies, considering them as first-class citizens. First, we explore the algebraic properties of trees representing hierarchies, and define a lattice algebraic structure on them. Then, turning this structure into a boolean algebra, we present the operators S-union, S-intersection and S-difference to support structural manipulation of hierarchies. These operators have certain algebraic properties to provide clear semantics and assist the transformation, simplification and optimization of sequences of operations using laws similar to those of set theory. Also, we identify the conditions under which this framework is applicable. Finally, we demonstrate an application of our framework for manipulating hierarchical schemas on tree-like hierarchies encoded as RDF/s files.  相似文献   

RETE网络中的优化编译模式及其PVS形式验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晓建  陈平 《计算机科学》2003,30(6):168-171
In the compilation of rule program to the intermediate code-RETE network,optimizing compilation is an important compiler schema,and is a necessary step in the compiler verification.In this paper,we discuss optimization schemas in rule program compilation,and prove the semantic equivalence theorems of these schemas.Firstly,the structure of RETE network and its PVS specification are represented.Secondly,three kinds of optimization schemas are listed.Then algorithms evaluating semantics of target RETE network are given.Finally,we prove the semantic equivalence theorems with theorem prover PVS (Prototype Verification System).  相似文献   

The Resources‐Events‐Agents (REA) model is a semantic data model for the development of enterprise information systems. Although this model has been proposed as a benchmark for enterprise information modelling, only few studies have attempted to empirically validate the claimed benefits of REA modelling. Moreover, these studies focused on the evaluation of REA‐based system implementations rather than directly assessing the REA‐modelled conceptual schemas that these systems are based on. This paper presents a laboratory experiment that measured the user understanding of diagrammatic conceptual schemas developed using the REA model. The theoretical foundation for the hypotheses are cognitive theories that explain pattern recognition phenomena and the resulting reduction in cognitive effort for understanding conceptual schemas. The results of the experiment indicate a more accurate understanding of the business processes and policies modelled when users recognize the REA model’s core pattern of enterprise information in the diagram. The implication for modelling practice is that the use of the REA model improves the requirements engineering process by facilitating the user validation of conceptual schemas produced by analysts, and thus helps ensuring the quality of the enterprise information system that is developed or implemented.  相似文献   

Medical diagnosis can be considered a planning task: actions are decided on, then executed. However, unlike traditional planning tasks, new information can arise any time, changing the situation and invalidating the plan. In order to cope with this, the reasoner must be able to interleave planning with plan execution. Our approach to this problem is called schema-based reasoning. In this approach, the reasoner's procedural knowledge is represented as schemas, small packets of procedural knowledge which can be used to achieve a goal. When a new goal arises, the reasoner uses the goal and the features of the current consultation to retrieve an appropriate schema from memory; the schema is then applied to achieve the goal. If several schemas are active, the reasoner chooses between them using information about the current situation and information from strategic schemas. Our approach is implemented in MEDIC, a schema-based diagnostic reasoner whose domain is pulmonology.  相似文献   

Existing SPARQL-to-SQL translation techniques have limitations that reduce their robustness, efficiency and dependability. These limitations include the generation of inefficient or even incorrect SQL queries, lack of formal background, and poor implementations. Moreover, some of these techniques cannot be used over arbitrary DB schemas due to the lack of support for RDB to RDF mapping languages, such as R2RML. In this paper we present a technique (implemented in the -ontop- system) that tackles all these issues. We propose a formal approach for SPARQL-to-SQL translation that (i) generates efficient SQL by combining optimization techniques from the logic programming and SQL optimization fields; (ii) provides a well-defined specification of the SPARQL semantics used in the translation; and (iii) supports R2RML mappings over general relational schemas. We provide extensive benchmarks using the -ontop- system for Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) and show that by using these techniques -ontop- is able to outperform well known SPARQL-to-SQL systems, as well as commercial triple stores, by several orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

《Applied Soft Computing》2008,8(1):422-436
This paper presents a novel technique to autonomously select different motor schemas using fuzzy context dependant blending of robot behaviors for navigation. First, a set of motor schemas is formed as behaviors. Both strategic and reactive type schemas have been employed in order to facilitate both the aspects of global and local motion planning. While strategic schemas are formed using the prior knowledge of the environment, the reactive schemas are activated using current sensory data of the robot. For global path planning, a safe path is first created using a Voronoi diagram. For local planning, the Voronoi vertices are treated as immediate subgoals and are used to form schemas leading to achieve optimized traveled distance and goal oriented robot navigation. Two motor schemas are formed as reactive behaviors for obstacle avoidance. The unknown obstacles are modeled using the sensory data. The coordinated behavior is achieved while employing weighed vector summation of the schemas. The adaptation of weights are achieved through a fuzzy inference system where fuzzy rules are used to dynamically generate the weights during navigation. A novel approach is proposed for fuzzy context-dependent blending of schemas. Fuzzy rules are formed using two main criteria into account: the first criterion reasons out the context dependent activity of a schema for achieving goal and the second criterion reasons out cooperative activity of strategic schemas with high priority reactive schemas. Comprehensive results validate that the proposed technique eliminates the existing drawbacks of motor schema approaches available in literature and provides collision free goal oriented robot navigation.  相似文献   

Model independent assertions for integration of heterogeneous schemas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Due to the proliferation of database applications, the integration of existing databases into a distributed or federated system is one of the major challenges in responding to enterprises' information requirements. Some proposed integration techniques aim at providing database administrators (DBAs) with a view definition language they can use to build the desired integrated schema. These techniques leave to the DBA the responsibility of appropriately restructuring schema elements from existing local schemas and of solving inter-schema conflicts. This paper investigates theassertion-based approach, in which the DBA's action is limited to pointing out corresponding elements in the schemas and to defining the nature of the correspondence in between. This methodology is capable of: ensuring better integration by taking into account additional semantic information (assertions about links); automatically solving structural conflicts; building the integrated schema without requiring conforming of initial schemas; applying integration rules to a variety of data models; and performing view as well as database integration. This paper presents the basic ideas underlying our approach and focuses on resolution of structural conflicts.  相似文献   

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