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全厚皮片游离移植矫治大面积眼睑分裂痣   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨全厚皮片游离移植矫治大面积眼睑分裂痣的效果及优势。方法:2002年9月~2006年8月,利用耳后或上臂内侧全厚皮片游离移植矫治大面积眼睑分裂痣6例,男性2例,女性4例,年龄12~28岁;黑痣直径3~6cm。结果:6例患者,2例行耳后皮片移植,4例行上臂内侧皮片移植。所有患者分裂痣完全切除,植皮全部成活。随访3个月~4年,形态、功能良好,无并发症发生,效果满意。结论:全厚皮片游离移植矫治大面积眼睑分裂痣简单易行、适应证广、疗效可靠,是治疗此类疾病比较理想的术式。  相似文献   

目的:探讨皮肤移植修复体表创面的手术方法,使各部位体表创面能有比较简单、安全、效果好的修复办法。方法:总结术者近15年371例采用全厚皮移植,筋膜皮瓣移植,全厚皮与筋膜皮瓣联合移植修复创面的手术经验。结果:采用全厚皮片或筋膜皮瓣修复创面,全厚皮片与筋膜皮瓣联合修复各部位各类型创面共371例,外观及功能恢复良好。结论:全厚皮可修复各类型软组织创面,筋膜皮瓣可修复有深部组织裸露创面,全厚皮与筋膜皮瓣联合修复不能单独利用皮片或皮瓣修复的创面,其方法简单、安全,适合全身体表各部位的创面修复,能达到功能与外形的良好恢复。  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用整张全厚皮片移植一次修复全指背手背腕背增生性瘢痕的可行性及方法。方法:自2005年6月~2009年6月,对10例患者,14只手的全指背、手背、腕背增生性瘢痕合并轻、中度瘢痕挛缩畸形进行切除和松解,应用整张全厚皮片一次植皮整复,同时视瘢痕大小和供皮区的情况,联合侧胸部皮肤扩张术供皮。结果:10例患者,14只手背瘢痕松解植皮,植皮全部成活,手部功能恢复良好。结论:应用整张全厚皮片一次移植治疗全指背手背腕背增生性瘢痕效果理想。  相似文献   

全厚皮片植皮修复指端缺损26例体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2002年3月~2007年2月,我院对26例指端组织缺损患者进行全厚皮片移植或者将撕脱皮肤制成全厚皮片回植皮修复残端,皮片全部存活,功能恢复优良,疗效较好。  相似文献   

目的通过调整清洁创面全厚皮片移植后拆包的时间,有效促进皮片成活。方法对87例患者共93个清洁创面行全厚皮片移植。将拆包时间从原有的6—8天拆包、8—10天拆线延长为12—14天拆包、拆线。对植皮面积〈12cm^2者,术后10—12天拆包。植皮面积〉12cm^2者,术后12—14天拆包。若天气炎热潮湿,拆包时间可提前至10-12天。结果87例患者共93块移植皮片全部成活,成活率达100%。其中,拆包时皮片成活良好92块,达98.9%。1块延迟成活。结论全厚皮片移植后拆包时间的调整改进,有利于提高皮片成活,值得推广。  相似文献   

应用L—形皮瓣即时闭合全厚皮片供区创面   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探求一种更为合理的全厚皮片移植方法,我们在按形切取全厚皮片后应用L-形皮瓣转移即时闭合供区创面47例,取得满意效果。该术式改变了既往梭形切取全厚皮片,直线拉拢缝合的传统方法,而按照受区创面的形状,大小在供区适当的方位切取相应形状、大小的全厚皮片;同时灵活应用L-形皮瓣转移,将张力小的周边组织转至创面,从而即时闭合供区创面,这不仅节约了组织量,增加了切取量,而且操作简单,转移灵活,由于张力较小,  相似文献   

目的探讨全厚皮片延期移植联合封闭负压引流(VSD)治疗四肢皮肤缺损的临床效果。方法对38例外伤性四肢皮肤缺损患者行清创+VSD术,待缺损区创面肉芽新鲜时,行筛网状全厚皮片移植并用VSD敷料覆盖,持续负压吸引,3~5 d后去除VSD敷料。结果 38例均获随访,时间3个月~2年。35例皮片一次全部成活,3例皮片边缘少许坏死伴渗液,经换药治愈;植皮区外观满意,弹性好,无瘢痕挛缩;取皮区留有线形瘢痕,无瘢痕增生、疼痛等。结论筛网状全厚皮片联合VSD延期植皮修复四肢皮肤缺损成活率高,外观满意,疗效好。  相似文献   

目的:介绍应用阴囊全厚皮片游离移植矫治系带过短的临床经验。方法:回顾我科2008年1月至2011年11月收治的包皮系带过短患者11例,其中先天性包皮系带过短3例,包皮环切术后包皮系带过短8例,应用阴囊全厚皮片游离移植进行矫治,术后1个月,3个月随访。结果:11例患者中,术后植皮均成活良好,患者勃起疼痛有明显改善,对形态及功能均满意。结论:应用阴囊全厚皮片游离移植的方法矫治包皮系带过短,手术简易,成功率高,手术效果好,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

为了探求一种更为合理的全厚皮片移植方法,我们在按形切取全厚皮片后应用L-形皮瓣转移即时闭合供区创面47例,取得满意效果。该术式改变了既往梭形切取全厚皮片、直线拉拢缝合的传统方法,而按照受区创面的形状、大小在供区适当的方位切取相应形状、大小的全厚皮片;同时灵活应用L-形皮瓣转移,将张力小的周边组织转至创面,从而即时闭合供区创面。这不仅节约了组织量,增加了切取量;而且操作简单、转移灵活。由于张力较小,术后切口瘢痕不显著。从而也改进了全厚皮片的切取方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨乳腺癌术后皮瓣坏死的治疗方法。方法:采用游离皮片移植、临近皮瓣转移修复和皮肤软组织扩张术修复17例皮瓣坏死的患者。结果:17例皮瓣坏死的病例中,采用游离皮片移植8例,运用背阔肌皮瓣修复2例,临近皮瓣转移修复4例,皮肤软组织扩张器修复3例,除1例全厚皮片移植出现小水疱,1例皮瓣转移修复远端皮瓣部分坏死,经换药等治疗后Ⅱ期愈合外,其余15例均效果良好。结论:乳腺癌术后皮瓣坏死病例,采用游离皮片移植、临近皮瓣转移、皮肤软组织扩张术修复,效果良好。  相似文献   

Total or subtotal resurfacing of the face with suitable, well-matched skin from the upper trunk and neck is usually difficult because of the dearth of unscarred donor site. Tissue expanders have been used primarily to construct local advancement flaps of tissue immediately adjacent to a tissue defect or deformity. These flaps often lack adequate mobility to allow coverage of large areas. In this report, I describe a clinical experience of 11 patients followed for 27 to 75 months in whom tissue expanders were used to develop large, full-thickness skin grafts or transposition flaps for total or subtotal resurfacing of the face and neck. Large, full-thickness skin grafts were developed from relatively small donor sites using tissue expanders. They behaved identically to unexpanded full-thickness skin grafts. They were found not to shrink with storage. The donor sites were closed primarily, obviating the need to graft the donor site. The tissue expander-enhanced transposition flaps appeared to have enhanced vascularity and provided ample, suitable tissue for reconstruction of the face and neck. Tissue expansion resulted in very mobile, thin, hearty flaps that provided excellently matched skin cover for the face and neck. Complications, some of which are unique to these techniques, and indications for the techniques are reviewed.  相似文献   

Free tissue transfers have been rapidly replacing distant flaps for use in nasal reconstruction. The temporoparietal fascial flap is a thin, broad, pliable, and well-vascularized flap. It can be used to drape over the cartilaginous and bony framework of the nasal skeleton and nourish the underlying primary cartilage grafts as well as the overlying full-thickness skin graft. The thin contour of the flap is aesthetically superior to thicker skin flaps and eliminates the need for secondary defatting or touch-up procedures. A large, single sheet of full-thickness skin graft, harvested from the supraclavicular region, can be applied over the fascial flap in the same session and provide a quite acceptable color match. The authors present a case whose alar margins and atrophic nasal skin were restored in one session by primary conchal cartilage grafts, a free temporoparietal fascial flap, and a full-thickness supraclavicular skin graft.  相似文献   

The experimental model reported here was developed initially to examine the possibility of in utero coverage of congenital soft tissue defects using several types of reconstructive techniques. To pursue this, full-thickness skin grafts, pedicle flaps, and skin "islands" were fashioned on the backs of fetal rabbits; equivalent adult control wounds were also created. While all pedicle flaps and skin islands remained viable, none of the full-thickness grafts survived in the fetus. All adult control flaps, skin islands, and skin grafts were viable. Angiogenesis is crucial to full-thickness skin graft survival. These observations suggest that the death of full-thickness fetal skin grafts may be related to a failure of neovascularization in the graft bed. Further analysis using this model may help elucidate the factors involved in fetal angiogenesis. Additionally, this model may permit testing of putative angiogenic factors applied under a full-thickness skin graft; graft survival offers an easy, objective, and quantifiable means of data analysis.  相似文献   

Medpor外耳再造术皮肤覆盖方案的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:本文通过比较几种不同的支架外皮肤覆盖方案,探索一种手术效果稳定可靠的合成材料支架外耳再造方法。方法:48例先天性小耳畸形,应用Medpor支架行全外耳再造术,支架外软组织覆盖材料分别为单纯乳突区扩张皮肤1例、颞顶筋膜瓣加植皮25例、乳突区扩张皮瓣加颞顶筋膜瓣22例,观察比较应用不同覆盖材料耳再造后支架外露发生率、再造外耳外形轮廓、表面皮肤颜色质地。结果:临床应用48例,随访1至6年,应用单纯乳突区扩张皮瓣覆盖者1年内耳支架完全外露;应用颞顶筋膜瓣加植皮者再造耳廓外形及轮廓优良,但大部分病例再造耳廓皮瓣不同程度色素异常;应用乳突区扩张皮瓣及颞顶筋膜瓣联合覆盖者再造外耳形态及轮廓均优良,且表面皮瓣颜色质地与周围皮肤和对侧外耳皮肤一致,美容效果最佳。结论:应用乳突区扩张后皮瓣及颞顶筋膜瓣双层组织瓣的软组织覆盖方案可以满足Medpor再造外耳的外形、轮廓及皮色的需求,是一项安全稳定的手术方案,综合效果优于颞顶筋膜瓣加植皮方案,而单纯应用乳突区扩张皮瓣的方案不适用于Medpor外耳再造术。因此推荐在选用Medpor耳支架行全外耳再造治疗Ⅲ度先天性小耳畸形时,优先选用颞顶筋膜瓣联合乳突区扩张皮瓣的软组织覆盖方案。  相似文献   

目的探讨面颈部毛细血管畸形(capillarymalformation,CM)整形外科治疗的可行性及方法。方法面颈部CM手术切除后采用游离皮片、皮瓣或扩张皮瓣等方法进行修复。预构皮瓣9例,皮片移植6例,扩张皮瓣4例,单纯皮瓣转移2例。病变面积7 cm×4 cm^27 cm×21 cm。结果本组中21例患者获随访6~60个月。修复外形良好,未见明显复发。结论对于较大面积的面颈部CM,手术大部切除后采用组织移植修复,是一种可行及效果良好的方法,可以预防病变增生进展,明显改善外貌。  相似文献   

Experience with vaginoplasty.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We did 27 vaginoplasties (7 gracilis musculocutaneous flaps, 8 pudendal thigh flaps, 12 full-thickness skin grafts) during the period 1994-2000. The preoperative assessment and postoperative follow up were done in collaboration with the gynaecologists. All patients had vaginal agenesis. With the gracilis flaps we found it difficult to achieve an adequate blood supply. With pudendal thigh flaps we achieved perfect innervation and a good contour, but they did tend to be hairy. With full-thickness skin grafts the innervation was not perfect, but the contour was good. Having compared the three operations during a follow up period ranging from 1-5 years we think that the full-thickness skin graft gives the best results.  相似文献   

The use of skin grafts for nasal lining   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The satisfactory replacement of missing nasal lining often determines the aesthetic and functional result of a nasal reconstruction. Although full-thickness skin grafts have been employed for lining in the prefabricated forehead flap technique, the results are unpredictable because they remain largely unsupported and subject to contraction. Advances in the understanding of the vasculature of the forehead flap, the use of primary and delayed cartilage grafts, and the appropriate use of operative staging permit full-thickness skin grafts to be combined with a forehead flap at the time of transfer, with little risk of loss. The technique is especially useful in the elderly or debilitated patient when a shortened operative time and less intranasal manipulation is appropriate, or when previous injury or rhinoplasty has interfered with septal blood supply, making the use of intranasal lining flaps unreliable.  相似文献   

A case of reconstruction after penoscrotal skin avulsion is described. Penile coverage was gained by two full-thickness grafts helicoidally placed to avoid scar retraction. After subcutaneous implantation of the testes, scrotal reconstruction was carried out in two stages with expanded axial flaps from the abdominal region. The procedure assures flap viability, avoids patient discomfort caused by perineal expansion, gives a satisfactory cosmetic appearance, and maintains testicular function.  相似文献   

《EMC - Chirurgie》2005,2(2):162-174
As a result of the development of tissue expansion techniques, the surgical treatment of facial burn sequelae has been substantially improved over these past 20 years: expanded skin is used for the reconstruction of aesthetic zones of the face, as full-thickness skin grafts and expanded local flaps. In order to complete cosmetic results, tissue expansion should be associated with aesthetic surgical techniques such as rhinoplasty, lifting, autologous fat injection or tattooing. Satisfactory social life is recovered only after multiple surgical interventions and long-term rehabilitation and physiotherapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report a new technique using a bivalved, full-thickness paramedian forehead flap. The unique vascular anatomy of the supratrochlear artery allows the skin and subcutaneous tissue to be separated from the frontalis muscle and pericranium. The deep layers serve as a pliable, vascularized intranasal lining. Bone and cartilage grafts can be placed as "sandwich" grafts between the deep and superficial layers of the flap. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective review of 5 cases. RESULTS: All flaps survived. Four minor complications occurred in 3 patients. These resolved with minimal treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The full-thickness forehead flap is a viable option for large defects or for the difficult situation in which intranasal local flaps are not an option. SIGNIFICANCE: The gold standard for replacement of the intranasal lining is a septal mucosal or vestibular local flap. The full-thickness forehead flap is an option in patients for whom other lining flaps are not available. EBM rating: C-3.  相似文献   

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