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Natural resources and raw materials such as metals and minerals are often taken for granted in today’s society. Without them, the offerings of an enormous variety of modern conveniences, including computers and mobile phones, would not be possible. The production of these everyday items depends on a secure, sustainable, and reliable supply of critical raw materials. In addition, product development also requires new hybrid materials when targeting lightweight structures, etc. However, the mandatory recyclability of new products or materials is not obligatory or even prevailing practice in present manufacturing business. Therefore, the main research question in this article is: “how to solve the challenge of recycling in industrial system?” In this article, a comprehensive approach to recycling based on the findings of research projects is presented. Simplified, this involves moving the challenge from the end of the product’s life cycle to the beginning, to the design or even to material development phases. Life cycle and system thinking and material know-how in the design phase are found to be essential elements of a new approach to recycling. This approach stems from the material development and market economy perspectives. Furthermore, the vulnerability of the industrial system to create uncertainty to recycling is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The Royal Decree of 20th July has entrusted the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) with the task of controlling the territorial radioactivity and the doses received by the population. Within this agenda, a monitoring programme has been developed over many years, in order to follow the main potential exposure pathways of the population. In practice, several potential vectors of contamination are controlled: air (and rain), surface water (including sediments and biota), soils around nuclear installations, food chain, drinking water etc. To carry out such work, the FANC has collaborated with public or private reputable organisations: The Centre of Nuclear Energy Studies of Mol, The National Institute of Radionuclides of Fleurus, and The Louis Pasteur Public Health Institute of Brussels. A synthesis of this monitoring programme will be presented and the most important deductions will be pointed out. For many years, the tendency has been for tighter control of artificial and natural radioactivity in the environment. This has been achieved by increasingly stringent regulations, regarding environmental monitoring efforts, from international organisations (EC, OSPAR, IAEA). In this context, the FANC in Belgium, is involved in a process that will lead to the adaptation of the Belgian monitoring programme. Different aspects of these adaptations and of their consequences will be presented for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

在低碳经济的发展如日中天的形势下,经济快速发展所诱发的环境问题引起了各界人士的广泛关注.加大对环境治理的投资已是大势所趋.“清洁发展机制”(CDM)以及“绿色信贷”(Green Credit)等新措施,为环境治理投资开辟了新路径.本文在前人研究的基础之上,基于中国统计年鉴公布的1998 - 2008年工业GDP、工业废气排放量以及工业废气治理投资额,使用单位根检验、Johansen协整检验等方法对数据进行处理,使用误差修正模型(VEC)和脉冲响应函数(IRF)对环境治理投资对环境质量的冲击路径进行模拟.得到的结论是,我国目前环境治理投资与环境质量之间存在长期的均衡关系,环境治理投资对环境质量有正向的冲击,但冲击持续的时间较短.与此同时,环境质量的变化会给环境治理投资带来长达10期的较大幅度的冲击,并且随着环境治理投资的效应逐渐显现即环境质量的改善,环境治理的投资额逐步下降.鉴于这种情形,我国政府、商业银行和企业应该加强对环境的关注,建立环境治理投资的长效机制,调整投资结构,通过各种途径加大对环境治理的投资.  相似文献   

首都圈内城市职能的分工与整合研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市群是一国经济的重心区和增长极,其发展成熟的重要标志是形成合理的城市职能分工体系。首都圈曾经具有全国最优越的发展条件,处于中国经济的核心地带。但是其发展相对滞缓。主要原因是首都圈没有形成合理的城市职能分工体系。运用因子分析法对首都圈内各城市职能的现状进行量化分析,认为首都圈内各个城市的职能并没有发挥出自身的基础和优势。城市各个部门发展都相对平庸.城市之间竞争大于合作。因此,只有实现首都圈内各城市职能的整合,才能提高首都圈整体的竞争力。首都圈内各城市实现职能整合面临的主要问题有:①京津两市在首都圈中的龙头作用不明显;②首都圈内部行政区划分割导致的矛盾日益尖锐;③首都圈内各城市产业结构趋同严重。城市间分工不明确;④首都圈的空间结构急需调整。据此提出促进首都圈内各城市职能整合的几点对策。  相似文献   

Principles of the theory of the ecological mechanism of water self-purification based on multiple functions of the biota in freshwater and marine ecosystems are formulated. In developing this theory, the results of the author's experiments with filtering hydrobionts have been used. These results indicate that the water self-purification mechanism is vulnerable to the impact of some pollutants and, in particular, surfactants. Conclusions drawn on the basis of the theory have practical significance for biodiversity conservation and for the sustainable use of the biological resources of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The demography of the gray plover was studied using color banding at a stationary control plot in the northern Yamal tundra for seven years. Data on the dynamics of nesting density, fertility, breeding success, and site tenacity are presented. Cases of polygyny and the absence of nesting are described. Factors affecting population dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

The degree of morphological differentiation of sable (Martes zibellina L.) populations was studied in different physiographic regions of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Penzhina River basin. According to craniometric data, the sables inhabiting the hilly Western Kamchatka Plain are larger than the animals from other regions. However, the analysis of phenetic variation in craniological characters and coat color showed that the sable samples taken within the peninsula were fairly homogeneous. On this basis, all sables inhabiting the Kamchatka Peninsula may be regarded as a single population.  相似文献   

根据技术效率、经济效率、自然效率、社会效率之间的关系,探讨了四个效率背离所导致的资源配置效率丧失以及由此引发的社会福利损失问题。在分析价格信号在资源配置过程中的作用的基础上,探讨了市场失效和价格背离现象。进一步指出了中国经济转型时期存在着自然资本富聚现象,并进一步分析其根源。包括:政府有效干预不足、现行经济增长方式和经济效率实现以对自然资本的低成本占用、机会导向型的资源配置方式、资本的价值取向、对经济财富以及单一行为人的效率追逐、产权缺位等。强调需要强化环境管理的公共管理属性,并对环境资源的权益主体的权利、责任和利益进行有效的界定和实施,通过制度和政策变革,干预和规范市场运作,促进资源的高效和公平配置。  相似文献   

The transparency of the forest canopy of lichen-green moss pine forests was estimated for different numbers of sectors of the celestial hemisphere. The ecological contents of these estimations are discussed. The dominance frequencies of species of the herbaceous-dwarf shrub and moss-lichen layers were analyzed. Based on the results of this analysis, it was concluded that the transparency estimated for the zenith sector alone better reflects the influence of leaf debris and the rainfall interception by the crowns. If the transparency was estimated taking into account all sectors of the celestial hemisphere, the effect of community disturbance increased and the redistribution of rainfall was masked.  相似文献   

环境规制相对力度变化对FDI的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用1995-2007年间41个投资来源国和地区的数据,把41个投资来源国和地区分为25个发达国家与16个发展中国家(地区)两类,重点研究中国环境规制相对力度的变化对FDI的影响,并考察了借贷成本、双边贸易关系、经济发展水平的相似性等影响因素,运用面板数据进行中国环境规制相对力度的变化对FDI的影响的实证检验,为中国选择FDI的类型提供理论依据.本文的研究结论表明;中国——相对于投资来源国——环境规制相对力度越严格,来自发展中国家(地区)的FDI将减少;而来自发达国家的FDI并不受影响.产生这一结果的原因在于,不同外商直接投资来源国企业环保技术水平的差异导致其对环境规制的敏感程度不同.在上述结论的基础上,论文对中国选择FDI的类型从外资的来源结构、产业结构、环境技术三个方面提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

新生代农民工市民化进程与空间分异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农民工市民化问题是当今城市地理学研究的一个重大课题.基于大连市300名新生代农民工的问卷调查,从外部环境和新生代农民工自身情况两方面,构建了市民化指标体系,修正了基于C-D函数的市民化进程模型,采用SPSS软件对问卷结果进行统计分析,定量分析了大连市新生代农民工市民化进程的特点,运用Maplnfo作出空间分异图,得出大连市新生代农民工市民化进程的空间分异特征:①市内四个主城区的市民化水平低于副城区;②市中心及其辐射地带市民化水平较低,城乡结合部市民化水平较高;③市民化指标与市民化水平空间分异不匹配.目前新生代农民工市民化的相关制度环境处于阻碍阶段,城市居民对新生代农民工的社会认同和接纳程度较好,新生代农民工自身已经具备市民化的能力,城乡结合部和副城区(郊区)是其定居城市的最佳区域,农民工市民化进程是一个任重而道远的任务,国家、社会应为新生代农民工提供一个平台,加快农民工到市民的转化进程.  相似文献   

伴随工业文明的发展,探究日益恶化环境问题的社会根源成为学术界激烈争论的议题,从人口规模与技术水平的单因素争论拓展到文化背景、政府类型和消费观念等多因素论的讨论,在横向上从宏观社会到微观个体层次的解释,最终形成经典的环境影响的IPAT模型,试图解释环境问题产生的复杂社会动力机制。本文通过国内外学者对IPAT模型的实证研究以及理论探讨梳理发现:模型中的因变量环境影响I以及自变量人口数量P、富裕程度A和技术水平T的内涵、完备性以及分析单位的适用性等方面备受争议。为了克服变量的局限,首先通过分解IPAT模型中T变量,进一步拓展模型中可能被忽略的对环境影响的多重因素;同时为了避免模型中不同因素对环境影响的同比例线性变化的局限性,将IPAT模型转化为非线性的STIRPAT随机模型,使各变量值随观察值的变化而变化;其次为了克服研究中忽视个体对环境影响差异性的不足,以"双重转换"理论为基础分析少数特权群体对环境造成不成比例的影响;最后面对分析单位以及分析情景的差异性与复杂性,基于"世界体系论"视角突破特定区域时空以国家间互动关系为分析单位对全球环境退化展开讨论。研究表明,IPAT模型的发展演变表明环境保护与经济发展关系逐渐从悲观的"零和"冲突走向协调发展的路径,有利于探索更加有效的举措应对全球复杂而严峻的环境问题,同时对新常态下中国推进生态文明建设具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

2016年12月,国务院发布《中国落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区建设方案》,引起了国内外的广泛关注,成为当前中国推进可持续发展的标志性事件.本文介绍了该方案的制定过程及其重要意义,对方案的主要内容进行了解析,并提出了近期应围绕创新示范区建设开展的几项重点工作.文章认为,建立落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区是中国顺应全球可持续发展趋势的必然选择,是解决国内可持续发展主要问题的迫切需要,是回应国际社会期待的客观要求.文章提出,在建设落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区时关键要把握好四个原则:①勇于突破GDP导向的传统发展思维,真正以可持续发展的理念推动地方发展;②从制约地方可持续发展的瓶颈问题入手,通过制度、科技等各方面的改革和创新,形成成熟有效的系统性解决方案;③调动社会各界的积极性,形成政府引导、市场配置资源、各利益攸关方共同参与的机制;④主动分享系统性解决方案和实践经验,为全球可持续发展做出中国贡献.文章最后提出,面向未来,建设中国落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区要做好四个衔接:①加强与国家可持续发展实验区工作的衔接,形成互为支撑的布局体系;②加强与"绿色技术银行"工作的衔接,促进先进适用技术落地生根;③加强与国家科技计划的衔接,促进创新能力的提升;④加强与各领域改革工作的衔接,形成综合创新示范的局面.  相似文献   

During April 1980, water samples were collected from 12 sites in the Shatt al-Arab River and its estuary in the northwest region of the Arabian Gulf. The samples were extracted and the concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons were determined spectrofluorometrically, in order to provide information on the background values of oil generally present in these waters. Total hydrocarbon concentrations of these samples ranged from 2.7 to 86.7 μgL?1 expressed in terms of Kuwait crude oil equivalents. The highest concentrations were found at sites in the Shatt al-Arab River that are near port areas.  相似文献   

The operational designing of Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development (ESED) emerges as an urgent and demanding task. Even though ESED has paved the way for thought-provoking and constructive scientific dialogue, appeal for designing an operational ESED is still lagging behind the needs of contemporary societies, leaving much to be desired. With this in mind, the present paper will aim at delineating principles for the operational application of ESED. First, the preservation of crucial properties of environmental functions and ecosystems, emerges as a prime condition of ESED. The second condition concerns the provision of the economic process with sufficient natural inputs; in this context, the paper intends to trace certain operational tenets governing the use of natural resources. Finally, the appropriate institutional settings for the operational design of ESED are traced. Readers should send their comments on this paper to BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue  相似文献   

论可持续发展观的贯彻与水资源论证制度的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展理念要求以环境资源承载力为依据规范人们开发、利用自然资源的行为。水资源论证制度是贯彻、实施可持续发展理念的良好制度形式,对于促进经济社会可持续发展意义重大,但我国现行立法中规定的水资源论证制度还不完善,影响了制度作用的充分发挥。完善相关立法,提高水资源论证制度的法律地位,是在水资源管理与保护方面贯彻可持续发展要求的关键任务。  相似文献   

Landscape-climatic changes are described that took place in the second half of the Late Neopleistocene and Holocene on the eastern macroslope of the Northern Urals. On the basis of geochronological and palynological data, the composition of paleocommunities in different time sections over the past 50000 years has been reconstructed in detail. Paleoclimatic parameters calculated by the zonal-formation method are presented.  相似文献   

外空具有重要资源价值。各国开发和利用太空资源的活动已经对外空环境造成了不利的影响。国际问通过签订国际条约等虽然已经建立了一些太空法律.但在外空资源的可持续利用和外空环境保护方面的直接规定却不系统。为了实现人类对太空资源的可持续利用和对外空环境的保护。在太空资源和环境立法方面应该订立保护外空资源与环境的专门性国际条约、实行外空活动“准入制度”、建立外空夭体资源的国际开发制度。  相似文献   

循环经济立法研究--模式选择与范围限制   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
发展循环经济是我国未来社会可持续发展的最佳模式选择,法律应该保障和促进循环的形成和发展。本文分析了循环经济的内涵、特征及其法治化,并对国外循环经济立法作了系统分类,在分析了我国循环经济立法应考量的因素、指导思想和限制条件的基础上,提出我国应选择的循环经济立法模式以及立法范围的限制。  相似文献   

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