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肖龙 《南方建筑》2021,(5):44-49
2011年3月11日东日本大地震灾后,日本东北地区成千上万套毁损住宅的重建工作所遇困境、创新政策与恢复状况的经验,为灾后住房重建实践提供借鉴。基于东日本大地震灾后10年内日本东北地区官方地震灾后重建文件、二手文献和实况记录等资料,梳理分析,总结归纳。发现日本东北地区灾后住房重建对策具有多样性、宽松性、针对性、统一性等特点。日本东北地区灾后住房重建中的多目标、新思路、弹性参与、重主体选择等先进经验对于正面临老龄化加剧、新生率缓行双重社会背景的中国具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

Recent research into the concept of resilience has shown that it helps key players in urban development to assess and set priorities for resistance and recovery for disaster risk management. However, a competing issue within post-disaster recovery is managing the trade-offs between quickly restoring infrastructure services versus taking time to consider and consult on alternative options. Through an examination of the post-earthquake reconstruction in Christchurch, New Zealand, this paper considers infrastructure resilience by using a hierarchy of measures. This hierarchy shows how infrastructure resilience needs to be considered as a series of interventions in response to different levels of damage. It elucidates the varying nature of resilience measures, the decision-making processes required to implement them and constraints, chiefly in funding, that prevent wider application of such measures. This is an important consideration for defining and acting upon the opportunity for change created by a disaster. Furthermore, a broader examination of resilience in disaster risk management highlights that clarification is needed over what constitutes an appropriate response for community involvement in post-disaster infrastructure reconstruction.  相似文献   

While their structure and targets vary, state housing trust funds offer an increasingly common form of assistance designed to flexibly meet local housing needs. Frequently they are generated through real estate transaction fees, making them particularly relevant in high growth states such as Florida. For 16 years, Florida's housing trust fund (SHIP) has consistently met its major funding targets, assisting housing initiatives from rural counties to the largest urban centers. A survey of local SHIP administrators provides insight on defining characteristics and key policy dilemmas. Although this critical housing program fails to consistently meet certain goals, those stakeholders involved in its passage, maintenance and implementation consider it a success. Given these conditions, strengthened state oversight to ensure consistency with housing plans and increased state support for other programs, particularly those targeting rental strategies and the lowest income, rather than major legislative changes, could result in more informed, effective and equitable local implementation.  相似文献   

From an examination of national policies for risk mitigation, the paper asks what types of laws are successful and should be more widely adopted, and what does not work. Three types of regulations are considered: (1) regulations for constructing new buildings and code enforcement; (2) regulations for intervening in/upgrading the existing building stock; and (3) regulation of the insurance industry. When applied, improved codes can substantially reduce the impacts of natural disasters. However, unnecessary complexity is shown to compromise implementation and enforcement. The widespread destruction of buildings in the earthquakes of Kocaeli, Turkey, in 1999 and Gujarat, India, in 2001 was not due to inadequate codes. Destruction occurred because codes were not generally adopted. Improving the application and enforcement of codes in developing countries are necessary key measures. For the strengthening of existing substandard buildings, some regulations exist and some successful programmes of evaluation and strengthening are in progress. However, lessons from the US experience indicate legislation is needed to back such programmes, and further incentives for action are needed. Several national insurance schemes for natural catastrophe losses (US programmes for flood, New Zealand programmes for earthquake, and French programmes for all catastrophic natural hazards) have considerable potential to stimulate mitigation activity. Ultimately, coercion by government is only part of the answer. The success of any government action depends equally on the development in society of a 'safety culture' in which citizens both understand the risks they face and are prepared to participate in the management of them.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contested geography of post-disaster housing reconstruction in Haiti. Drawing on interviews with representatives of 48 organizations, it identifies three spatial preferences regarding reconstruction: urban, non-urban, and mixed. Organizations favoring urban versus non-urban rebuilding differed markedly in their financial resources and voice. Many intergovernmental organizations and large international non-governmental organizations (NGOs)—the organizations that most favored non-urban rebuilding—held relatively anti-urban perspectives. Small international and Haitian NGOs were more likely to see Port-au-Prince as a suitable site for reconstruction and express positive opinions about urban conditions more generally. The findings indicate that much of the formal housing reconstruction effort, particularly as led by large, well-funded and politically powerful organizations, will be directed to the urban periphery and countryside. This suggests Port-au-Prince may continue to face the same challenges of unplanned growth that have led some organizations to find it an undesirable setting for reconstruction in the first place.  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy and findings: The 8.8 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck south-central Chile on February 27, 2010, affected 75% of the country's population and damaged or destroyed 370,000 housing units (about 10% of the housing in six regions). Within six months, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development published a plan to repair or rebuild 220,000 units of low- and middle-income housing with government assistance within four years. By February 2014, 94% of the housing was complete. The successful rebuilding effort had strong leadership at the national and local levels and used existing programs and institutions. The management staff adapted programs over time to meet the needs of local conditions. When compared with housing recovery programs in other countries, Chile's program stands out, combining national government management with local citizen input. The reconstruction plan also included updated zoning plans, road and infrastructure improvements, heritage recovery, and new master plans for affected cities. Going forward, the earthquake created an opportunity for Chile to use the recovery planning to expand national urban policy and to develop a framework for citizen participation at the local level.

Takeaway for practice: Successful planning in disaster recovery involves strong government leadership and coordination together with the engagement of local government and the participation of citizens.  相似文献   

风景名胜区的灾后恢复重建工作不论是对于国家灾后恢复重建总体规划的实施,还是对于灾区的经济社会发展,或是对于风景名胜区本身,都是一项非常紧迫且意义重大的工作,因此,需要制定必要的灾后恢复重建计划,如编制各风景名胜区灾后重建规划、设立新景区景点、发展新的区域旅游线路、加强防灾管理、保障资金来源、制定恢复重建的工作时序等。同时,需配套必要的保障措施以确保灾后恢复重建计划能够完好落实。  相似文献   

我国地域辽阔,民族众多,文化多样,但是灾害发生也很频繁。灾后重建工作多而繁重,其中的安居房建设不是简单地盖房子,而是有其特殊性和复杂性。本文回顾了北川新县城安居工程的规划与设计,从"公众参与设计的方法与效果"、"社区规划体现人文关怀的理念与实施途径"以及"如何利用社区物质空间传承羌族文化"等方面进行了重点阐述,以期为今后的灾后安居房工程建设提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

喻明红  李秀 《山西建筑》2010,36(22):31-32
分析了绵阳乡镇在汶川地震中受损严重的原因,并提出了相应的改进措施,以绵阳三台县新鲁镇灾后重建规划为例,阐明在灾后乡镇规划中应结合新农村建设理论,注重保护当地文化传统、体现建筑地域性,对打造特色乡镇提出了建议。  相似文献   

耿虹  赵颖  崔毅  孙铭 《新建筑》2009,(2):94-97
以四川省彭州市通济镇重建总体规划的编制为例,着重研究灾后小城镇重建规划编制过程中空间安排、环境协调、安全对策、设施建设、产业选择和社区重构等方面的问题及其应对方略。  相似文献   

生态安全目标导向下的灾后重建规划模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川地震灾后重建工作成为当前压倒一切的重大任务。灾后重建必须在以生态、安全为目标导向的前提下,认真分析评估地震对资源环境的破坏极其长远影响,以资源环境承载力为依据,调整优化人口和城镇布局,促进人口、经济与资源环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

While renters comprise one-third of urban housing markets, the barriers to long-term housing needs of renters following a disaster are significant. This paper examines post-disaster urban housing policy for renter households following the 2001 Gujarat earthquake in India and its implications for the housing recovery of renters in Bhuj city, an urban area close to the epicenter of the earthquake. Employing a qualitative case study method, the study finds that urban housing policy for renter households was defined by an ad hoc approach with multiple shifts over a period of 4 years. The improvised policy eventually lead to the creation of a publicly funded homeownership program that could rehouse less than one-third of impacted renters, whereas issues of equity, land tenure, lack of affordable units, and uncertainty of recovery for the poorest renters in the city remained.  相似文献   

Natural disasters are on the increase, not so much because natural hazards are growing in number, but because poor people are becoming more vulnerable. Vulnerability is as important a cause of disasters as the physical events that trigger them. Poor people's vulnerability is often increased when development goes wrong. Thus, development is a contributing factor in the occurrence and scale of disasters. At the same time, disasters, when they happen, cause serious setbacks to development. To get out of the vicious circle, more attention will have to be paid to mitigation and tackling the causes of vulnerability. Formal approaches to mitigation, initiated mainly by the public sector, have often been inefficient and at times have left people more vulnerable. A successful alternative approach, community-based disaster mitigation, can reduce vulnerability by engaging popular approaches, local knowledge and social capital, whilst addressing their weaknesses. Some examples of community-based mitigation are derived as lessons: learn from the past, build relations with communities, encourage participation, involve local builders and artisans, build local capacity, document and share lessons, and influence formal education.  相似文献   

5.12汶川大地震给受灾地区的经济带来严重影响。由于部分灾区具有较好的景观资源,在灾后重建中大力发展旅游业将有利于促进这些地区经济的复苏。地处龙门山系的四川彭州小鱼洞太子村地区旅游景观资源丰富,笔者以此地为例,对该地区的旅游景观资源进行梳理并做出综合评价,初步探讨灾后重建中旅游开发及利用的方向。  相似文献   

Housing finance systems in developing countries have been the subject of considerable international agency research and lending attention in recent years. The lack of availability of finance for public sector housing programmes and for the purchase of construction of housing by all income groups in urban areas is typically a major constraint on the ability of supply to meet demand. However, national efforts have often not dealt systematically with the housing finance system as a whole. The housing finance system in Zimbabwe is described and critically analysed in this paper, paying particular attention to the provision of funds for local authority housing programmes for low income residents, the place of housing finance institutions in the national finance system, the ability of the building societies to attract savings, and their lending programmes. The results of government measures to transfer responsibility for lending to low‐income households from local authorities to the building societies since the mid‐1980s are evaluated. It is concluded that Zimbabwe has an unusually well‐developed financial sector and housing finance system for a recently independent developing country. Although this evolved to meet the needs of the settler population, the extension of its activities into lending for low‐income aided self‐help housing was successful, within limits. However, events of the early 1990s demonstrate the vulnerability of such a system to the changes accompanying liberalisation. Suggestions are made for further possible reforms and the importance of monitoring the effects of economic liberalisation on the system and its beneficiaries stressed.  相似文献   

赵晅  朱子瑜  李宁  向玉映  徐亚楠  吴晔 《城市规划》2011,(Z2):92-95,114
北川新县城安居房设计遵循中国城市规划设计研究院规划要求,与中国建筑设计研究院及山东、四川省各地市的多家设计、施工单位互相协调,在2年时间内完成了建设任务,成为北川新县城最重要的民生工程。本文分析、总结了安居房设计与实施的特色,并阐述对灾后重建的思考。  相似文献   

容积率与面积标准的双重制约下,深圳公共租赁住房套型设计较为单一。深圳作为移民城市,公共租赁住房申请人更为年轻,家庭结构多元。探析公共租赁住房在使用中普遍存在的问题及居民需求,可为其设计提供有益参考。通过调查问卷、入户调研及访谈的方式,对典型公共租赁住房套型进行调查,并对同一面积标准下不同家庭结构使用情况进行对比分析。深圳公共租赁住房居住者家庭结构多样,户均使用人数超过设计配租人数的现象普遍存在。当前套型设计存在不同功能空间面积配比及尺寸设计不合理现象,套型灵活性较差。深圳公共租赁住房配租面积应与实际居住人数、家庭结构进行适配。套型布局、面积分配及空间尺寸需要仔细推敲,同时增加灵活性,以应对多样化需求。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Although many researchers frame post-disaster reconstruction as an opportunity to build safer communities less vulnerable to natural hazards, widespread land use change and relocations are rare in the United States. Residents often resist relocation and attempt to recreate the city as it was before the disaster. In this study, I examine the potential of land swaps to encourage post-disaster redevelopment that is more concentrated and less vulnerable to hazards, while expanding resettlement options for displaced residents. This article is based on a case study of an innovative land swap program developed in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina by a nonprofit housing organization, Project Home Again (PHA). PHA's land swap program concentrated redevelopment during a time of uncertain population return and expanded resettlement options for nearly 100 low- and moderate-income households devastated by Hurricane Katrina's floodwaters. I describe the operation of PHA's land swap program and identify three conditions that can increase the viability and impact of land swaps in other disaster recovery settings: the incorporation of land swaps into housing recovery policy; cross-sector collaboration in the implementation of land swaps; and coordination with public or quasi-public land banks.

Takeaway for practice: Land swaps can be a useful tool in disaster recovery by helping to guide redevelopment while expanding resettlement options for displaced residents. Increasing the range of relocation and resettlement tools available to planners is essential as repeated extreme weather events, sea level rise, and coastal erosion threaten the habitability of more and more cities and communities.  相似文献   

岳欢  戴月 《城市规划》2011,(Z2):47-52
快速重建是灾后重建工作的基本特征,公共服务设施是城市重建的重要内容。本文根据城市灾后快速重建的特点,结合北川新县城规划建设的实际经验,从公共服务设施用地分类、布局、配置要求三个方面展开讨论,力图总结出快速重建背景下公共服务设施建设的特殊性与规律性,为灾后重建工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Natural cataclysms (earthquakes, hurricanes and so forth) become natural disasters when they coincide with vulnerabilities; unfortunately, informal settlements in developing countries are only too often highly vulnerable – a reality amply and unhappily confirmed by available statistics. In this context, reconstruction projects are sandwiched between the short‐term necessity to act promptly and the long‐term requirements of sustainable community development – a situation that is currently reflected in alternative and conflicting paradigms at the policy level.

Adopting a case‐study approach, we explore the use of temporary housing within two post‐disaster environments, where the impact of different organizational designs leads to fundamentally different solutions to the short‐term housing problem.

Our research adopts a dynamic systems approach, associating strategic organizational team design with the development of tactical technical proposals. Two case studies from Turkey and Colombia show that a coherent approach to the sequential stages of providing immediate shelter, temporary housing and permanent reconstruction is not always obtained. The research results emphasize that the performance of reconstruction projects is directly linked to the design and management of the project team.  相似文献   

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