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闷热夏天的煎熬还未完全过去,MP3产业就感受到了秋风的萧瑟。最近,MP3行业重演了DVD的悲剧,短短几个月内数百余家MP3生产企业要么倒闭,要么转行,痛苦地退出这个还未被充分挖掘的市场。许多媒体称这是又一起中国制造业的悲剧。笔者不完全同意这样的观点。在MP4等新技术的冲击下,MP3产业的没落不可逆转。然而这次洗牌的主要原因并不是技术淘汰。前两年,因门槛较低,催生了大量资金和人力涌向MP3产业。然而当时的高利润在刺激出市场进入者越来越多的情  相似文献   

针对2008年德国汉诺威展会上发生的查抄事件,回顾近几年来MP3领域的典型争端案例,分析MP3标准中的知识产权问题,同时对与本次查抄事件有关的部分专利权人及其专利策略进行简要介绍,在此基础上就中国的MP3整机企业如何减少甚至避免此类事件提出一些建议和应对策略。  相似文献   

MP3技术与网络环境下音乐著作权之保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着以数字技术为核心的信息化技术的迅速发展,互联网在带来巨大效益和便利的同时,也衍生出许多新的法律问题。自1999年起,网上录音制品的使用,尤其是以MP3格式为代表的使用方式愈演愈烈。很多网站对MP3格式的录音制品进行收集、整理,并收集国内外歌曲的网址,提供链接,网友通过网站聆听或下载MP3。上述提供链接服务的行为引发了很多纠纷。MP3现象对传统版权国际保护的主流原则及其价值取向提出挑战,现实世界的保护制度是否同样在虚拟世界里适用?音乐制品版权人、MP3在线提供商与社会公众间如何达到利益平衡?科技进步对著作权保护带来的挑战与冲突并存,如何看待MP3法律争讼对音乐著作权法律保护制度的影响,这是本文思考的主要问题。  相似文献   

MP3专利许可问题跟踪报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、MP3产业发展前景MP3软硬件技术已经广泛应用于计算机、手机、MP3播放机、DVD、游戏机、数字电视、播放软件、游戏软件等,其中蕴藏着巨大的市场商机。例如,自从2001年推出第一款iPOD播放机以来,苹果公司一举超越索尼公司,成为全球随身播放工具的最大供应商。仅在2004年,苹果公司在全球卖出了至少1500万台iPOD。低端iPOD卖到99美元/台;有的高端产品达到了  相似文献   

<正>日前,朗驰欣创应邀携全系列高清、标清产品以及解决方案精彩亮相了为期三天的南非安防展。此次展会朗驰主要展示了"500MP/300MP/200MP/130MP高清网络摄像机、3G/Wifi产品、网络存储录像机(NVR)以及结合以上产品综合应用的解决方案等"。其中,3G/Wifi产品、"IPC+NVR"更是大受到了现场观众的关注,并给予了一致的好评。朗驰欣创一直致力于技术创新、产品创新和服务创新,高质量满足市场日益增长  相似文献   

目的初步研究运动神经传导速度(motornerveconductionvelocity,MNCV)检查相关指标与肌力(musclepower,MP)的关系,评测MNCV检查在神经损伤的法医学鉴定中的价值。方法以22例正中神经损伤病例为对象,进行MNCV和MP检查;另将22例健康受试者作为对照组,在同条件下进行检查。MNCV测定指标包括:远、近端潜伏期,远、近端波幅,MNCV值。测定前,由同一操作医师测定患者相应的MP(拇短展肌、拇短屈肌、拇指对掌肌)。结果患病组内,MP与MNCV和远近端波幅值存在显著相关性,而对照组内MP与其他指标无任何相关性;两组间对比,各项指标均存在明显差异。结论正中神经损伤后,手部相应肌肉的MP丧失程度与MNCV改变相关,并且MNCV各项指标发生显著改变。结果表明,MNCV检验可为神经损伤后MP丧失程度的法医学检查及其鉴定提供客观证据。  相似文献   

MP4刚刚出笼就可能被淘汰?据《深圳商报》报道,现在的MP4由于功能单一,还没来得及全面普及,就已经面临被MP3终结的命运。去年全球出货量仅十多万台。这大大出乎所有人的意料!  相似文献   

谢璐 《江淮法治》2010,(22):25-25
“学生上学期间不准看电视.周末在家不准看湖南卫视。建议看中央电视台;生日不能跟同学过:不能使用电子产品,包括PSP、手机、电脑、MP3、MP4等。”  相似文献   

MP3搜索引擎服务的法律定义以及相伴而来的MP3搜索引擎服务商的法律责任问题在《信息网络传播权保护条例》实施之后,在法律规定层面依然未尽清晰。北京高院在“百度案”和“雅虎案”二审中,对处理上述问题形成了较为成熟的模式化做法。对平衡产业之间的利益做出了司法上的探索。对认定MP3搜索引警服务提供商对著作权人(邻接权人)应承担的法律义务及责任具有实务上的重要参考意义。  相似文献   

网站提供手机铃声的著作权问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新刚 《河北法学》2002,20(1):141-142
自MP3.COM、NAPETER .COM等知名网站相继因提供MP3音乐下载服务而惹上著作权官司以来 ,网站提供的以各式流行音乐为主的手机铃声的著作权问题也提上议事日程。从“是否侵权”和“可否免责”两方面加以简要分析 ,以求对此新生事物在法律上有所规范。  相似文献   

MP3 has become the first major buzzword of the 21st Century. Love it or hate it, MP3 is here to stay, but will it lead to the death of the popular music as we know it, or will it revitalise an industry that many believed was already in a state of decline. The early evidence suggests that it is unlikely that MP3 will cause the demise of either the record industry or of copyright law, but it is certainly the case that MP3 and its associated technologies will have a transformative effect upon both. This article explores the debates that MP3 has given rise to and evaluates the role that law is playing in shaping the future of contemporary popular music.  相似文献   

“MP3” has become an iconic term and hugely popular phenomenon in recent years. This compressed digital music format has been championed as the greatest multimedia revolution since the television. The technology has also been maligned as a dubious (and illegal) tool that allows individuals to obtain CD-quality music without purchasing an audio CD, thereby denying proceeds rightfully due to artists, bands, and the recording industry. The current piece seeks to explore this dialectical relationship by applying the precepts of critical criminology to the phenomenon. Following a foundational explanation of MP3s and the presentation of examples that expand upon its controversial nature, this work describes the critical view held by MP3 supporters who perceive the music industry and government as controlling agents seeking to maintain their legitimacy, power, and wealth by restricting dissemination and reproduction of free music to, and among, the masses. Can this control be considered a “victimization” of society? Must we rethink our traditional notion of deviance being ascribed primarily to acts committed by an individual against a corporate entity, because in this case the harm caused by the latter is much more significant than that of the former? These issues are developed and analyzed in detail to inform and guide a critical interpretation.  相似文献   

The judgment of the Federal Court of Australia (‘the Court’)in Universal Music is the first judicial pronouncement in Australiaon the legality of website operators who provide hyperlinksto remote websites to allow ‘internauts’ (web users)to download MP3 music files and the liability of internet serviceproviders (ISPs) and their employees for authorizing that infringementunder Australian copyright law.  相似文献   

Faced with diminished sources of revenue, school systems in recent years have cut funding for music education. Looking for alternative ways to learn about music, budding musicians have turned to the Internet. On YouTube and other Web sites, visitors can view thousands of instructional videos on how to play popular songs, complex genres, and a seemingly unlimited variety of musical techniques. Despite altruistic motivations, creators of video music lessons routinely use copyrighted content during lessons. This article argues that the defense of fair use should protect the creators of video music lessons from liability in a copyright infringement lawsuit. Specifically, the author argues that it is the purpose of copyright law to promote knowledge and that video music lessons further this objective.  相似文献   

Are victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) by multiple partners (MP) different from victims of IPV by one partner? Are there different victim-related risk factors for IPV by MP? This systematic literature review identified seven empirical studies that related to these issues. The review findings indicated that (1) empirical research on IPV by MP appears to be scarce, with only limited recent development; (2) there were significant differences between women who had been subjected to IPV in a single relationship and women with IPV by MP; (3) IPV by MP was significantly associated with childhood domestic trauma, drug abuse, IPV characteristics, and attachment style; (4) regarding PTSD and personality disorders, the results were mixed and inconclusive; and (5) depression did not appear as a salient risk factor for IPV by MP. Interpretations must be made cautiously because of the wide diversity in measurement approaches. It is important that service personnel and researchers attend with increased awareness to women with IPV by MP.  相似文献   

本文对哈贝马斯"Faktizitt und Geltung"(《事实性与有效性》)一书中的Geltung概念进行了分析。作者首先指出了英、中译本对Geltung概念的误读,认为Facts或"事实"不等于Faktizitat或"事实性";Norms或"规范"只是Geltung概念的涵义和意义的一部分。其次分析了哈贝马斯Geltung概念的涵义、意义和问题。作者指出了哈贝马斯Geltung概念内部存在的三个层次的矛盾,并认为他的Geltung概念的模糊性在于他的社会与国家之关系的模糊性。最后提出了如何理解法律的有效性问题。作者认为,Geltung概念是事实性、规范性与价值性的统一体。内在于法律本身的事实性与有效性之间的关系并不是对立统一的矛盾关系,而是包含的种属关系。合法性的有效性来源于人类社会某些确定的先在内容(比如人性尊严之类的天赋人权、人类生存的基本公理等)。它们是先于立法的,是"侵犯禁止"的先在条款。  相似文献   

行政法律关系基本理论问题研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
行政法律关系是行政法的基本范畴之一。对行政法律关系进行全方位、多角度的研究 ,有利于确立现代行政法观念和行政法制度。从分析行政法律关系的概念入手 ,可将行政机关在行政活动中所具有的不同法律身份和法律地位以及它与其他法律主体之间形成的法律关系分为四类 ;在对传统行政法律关系理论批判的基础上 ,行政法律关系的特征可归纳为六个方面。  相似文献   

古今学者对孔子删诗说的论争,其分歧可以分为三个层面。一是孔子删《诗》说的源起与生成,二是最早否定孔子删《诗》说的是何人,三是孔子删《诗》说可信与否的具体辨析。根据现存文献资料,此说的最早提出者是司马迁,最早的否定者是孔颖达。从古诗三千之数、孔子编选取舍的标准、季札观乐等角度考查,孔子删《诗》说可信。  相似文献   

证据法若干基本问题的法哲学分析   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
通过对证据法中的三个基本问题进行历史的和辨证的分析,作者认为:关于诉讼证明要求,近几年兴起的“法律真实说”并不是完善的学说,而传统的“客观真实说”只要按照辩证唯物主义的认识论加以修正,就仍然有其存在的价值;关于证据调查的方式,当前的任务不是仅仅从口头上强调当事人举证,限制法官查证,而是正确地划分当事人举证与法官查证各自的范围,并完善相应的保障和约束机制;关于司法证明方式,全盘接受自由心证制度或法定证据制度中的任何一种都不是理性的选择,应结合我国的具体国情和两大法系证据规则的特点,在证据制度的不同方面,分别借鉴两种模式中的有益部分。  相似文献   

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