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邱晓航  祁雪 《化学教育》2021,42(18):144-146
化学对人类的生活、生产、社会发展有着密切的联系,但社会上对化学科学认识不充分,甚至有很多误解。高校作为传播知识、培养人才的主阵地,也承担着科普教育宣传的责任。南开大学化学科普基地依托南开化学优质的教育资源和师资力量,建设了具有南开化学特色的化学科普基地,为普及化学知识、提升青少年化学素养做出了积极探索。  相似文献   

高师院校化学(教育)专业实验内容改革探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了高师院校化学(教育)专业实验课程(又称化学教学论实验课程)的教学目标和教学现状,结合教学实际提出了高师院校化学(教育)专业实验课程的内容改革方案:(1)重视基础实验,强化训练实验技能;(2)增加探究实验,培养实验探究能力;(3)加强设计实验,着力培养实验教学能力;(4)拓展课程内容,提高实验创新能力。根据这些实验课程内容改革方案,并进行了相应的教学实践。  相似文献   

王磊 《化学教育》2014,35(7):5-9
概述了近10年来我国化学科学探究教学实践取得的主要进展,同时也分析了目前化学探究教学存在的突出问题。从多角度综述了国内外有关探究教学、高级思维、创新能力及其相互关系的研究成果,展望了基于培养学生高级思维和创新能力的化学探究教学的发展方向,并据此提出了化学探究教学的系统设计模型。  相似文献   

北京大学化学国家级实验教学示范中心一直致力于探索和实践有效的科普方式,通过建设科普基地、完成多项科普项目和参加不同类型的科普活动,逐步积累了一些有效的科普模式。本文以展示日常生活与化学的关系为科普的出发点,从科普基地建设和产品开发两方面讨论了科普的内容和形式,以及不同科普活动针对的群体,期望高校和科研院所发挥自身优势,在科普工作中承担引领者和标杆的角色。  相似文献   

在创新型人才的培养中,需要着力提升学生的探索精神、批判思维和实践能力,如何激发学生的科研志趣、提高创新能力是专业基础实验课程面临的挑战。高分子化学实验作为一门专业实验必修课,更应适应时代发展潮流与人才培养趋势,课程在夯实基础实验内容和基本原理的前提下,以更具吸引力的前沿性、应用性的实验背景为引导,通过内容编排,增加"自主研究"的教学模式,给予学生更加广阔的自由发挥空间,培养学生的创新能力和科研素养。经过多年的教学实践,我们以"水凝胶的制备与性能研究"为试点项目,进行了自主探索型立体式高分子化学实验课程体系的建设探索,将经典的溶液聚合实验,拓展为4个有应用背景的"科研工作坊",均取得了非常好的教学效果。我们相信,这种自主研究的实验教学方式,以及立足于培养学生创新能力的实验教学思路,将是未来高分子化学实验课程坚持并不断探索的方向。  相似文献   

传统的化学实验教学,特别是基础实验阶段,大多采用"听老师讲、照书本做"的模式,忽略了对学生自主学习能力和探究能力的培养。为提高学生的积极性,培养学生的创新能力,提升课程的教学质量,在基础化学实验中探索并实践了"厚基础、强能力、重探究"的新型三阶段教学模式,即巩固基本操作、强化综合技能、突出自主探究。经过近五年的实施,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

以我们学校高分子工程领域的人才培养模式为样本进行研究,探讨适合工科本科生及研究生培养的创新创业基地建设。通过对比分析国内创新创业实践教学基地建设研究,找出国内实践教学基地建设存在的问题,确定了解决这些问题的方法,从而使工科学生在理论知识和动手能力及创新思维积累方面得到一定的提高。培养出的本科生及研究生就业渠道拓宽。为企业培养了"留得住,用得上"的高分子材料工程实践和创新能力强的应用型高级人才。  相似文献   

高分子化学实验是高分子材料与工程专业本科生的专业必修课程,是培养学生实践能力和创新能力的关键环节。针对高分子化学实验教学过程中存在的问题,从“以学生为中心”的教学理念出发,围绕优化实验教学内容、革新实验教学方法、健全实验评价制度等进行改革,从而锻炼和培养学生的创新能力和解决复杂工程问题的实践能力,全面提升学生的综合素质,满足社会对高素质综合型人才的需求。  相似文献   

结合实例介绍了基于省级化学实验示范中心建设大学生创新创业基地,提高化学实验中心资源利用率,培养少数民族大学生创新创业能力的初步实践。在4年的大学教育里根据大学生自身特点,采取将大学生按能力和兴趣分层次,针对化学与化工专业的特点分别按基本实验技能,科研创新能力和创业、产业化能力3个层次分流培养。文中阐述了对上述工作的具体做法、体会和效果。  相似文献   

南开大学化学学科历史悠久,师资力量雄厚,课程精品荟萃,教学条件优良,创新氛围浓厚。近年来在师资队伍建设、课程建设、创新能力培养、国际化等方面展开了一系列改革与探索,已形成了鲜明的专业人才培养特色。2017年入选“双一流”建设学科名单。2019年获评教育部首批国家级一流本科专业建设点。2020年化学拔尖学生培养基地入选首批基础学科拔尖学生培养计划2.0基地名单。2020年入选教育部“强基计划”。南开化学长期坚持以人才培养为核心,是国内外具有重要影响的高水平化学教学基地。  相似文献   

普通化学教学改革与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合近几年的普通化学教学实践,我们分析了普通化学教学实践过程中存在的一些问题,并提出了培养学生的创新能力,不断更新教学内容,将理论教学与实验教学相结合等几方面建议。  相似文献   

实验教学是高校人才培养、科学研究和学科建设的重要环节,实验室作为实验教学的场所,资源优化配置至关重要。本文分析了天津大学无机化学实验室在资源配置上存在的问题和相关的解决措施,如开设化学类通识实验课程,使授课学生不局限于化学类;使用研究生助教和学生志愿者,减轻实验员工作量;开放实验室设备资源;举办化学化工技能大赛等。以期为其他高校实验室的资源合理配置提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

As a necessary basic theory course for undergraduates majoring in chemistry, materials, pharmacy, chemical engineering, and biology, physical chemistry plays an important role in cultivating talents to meet the needs of social and economic development. Over the years, the teaching team of physical chemistry of East China University of Science and Technology has carried out the curriculum reform and innovation persistently based on "Team building as the foundation, resource building as the root, mode innovation as the soul, ability training as the origin". This paper will summarize our thinking and experience in striving for the first-class course from the aspects of first-class team construction, first-class resource construction, teaching connotation innovation, teaching mode exploration, and extract the experience that can be used as reference by teaching peers.  相似文献   

To improve normal university students' comprehensive quality has become a tendency in current innovation of teacher education. Combining with the teaching practice and obtained achievements of students studying in College of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Science of Guangxi Normal University, this paper discusses the functions of chemistry competitions in cultivating excellent quality, knowledges and skills of normal students, and emphatically introduces principles and implementation strategies.  相似文献   

Fully understand the chemical science and reasonable use of existing resources is an important premise to chemical science popularization. This paper summarizes the current resource types of popular science of chemistry in China. The chemical science resources in China are sorted out and analyzed, including China Association for Science and Technology of chemical science, popular science base of scientific research institutes and universities, scientific public class and the chemical science online open courses, and WeChat public platform chemical resources. This paper will provide a meaningful introduction of chemical science resources for the public, and provide valuable reference for the practice of chemical science in China.  相似文献   

Massey University is a world-leading university in remote-instruction, online and mixed teaching based on the Stream teaching platform. This paper analyzed the advantages of the Stream teaching platform, resource utilization, course format, teaching team cooperation and course evaluation in Massey University. The paper also analyzed the enlightenment of teaching experience of Massey University to undergraduate teaching. During the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic, drawing on Massey's experience, combined with the rapid development of information technology in China, the teaching team of organic chemistry adopted the multi-teaching strategy of "teacher-centered and student-centered", and the teaching mode of "teacher-led and self-taught by students". The online teaching practice of organic chemistry was carried out in agriculture university. It has been demonstrated that this model can effectively improve teaching effects.  相似文献   

Yilei WANG  Jun LI 《大学化学》2018,33(10):25-32
With the fast development of theoretical chemistry methodologies and computer hardware and software technologies, computational chemistry has become more and more imperative in chemical science. Accordingly, we have initiated "Computational Chemistry Experiments" course based on "Introductory Computational Chemistry" course developed in the Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University since 2013, to provide basic training and computational chemistry practices for undergraduate students. The popular quantum chemistry software Gaussian is used as the major tool in the course. We focus on the exploratory feature of computational chemistry, creating initial structures and optimizing geometries, to provide fundamental training for students to comprehend the difference of traditional experimental chemistry and modern computational chemistry. Systematic research training is offered to develop the creative thinking capacity of students in using computational chemistry methods in chemistry education and research.  相似文献   

In order to improve the quality of teaching and cultivate chemical innovation talents in university for nationalities, in the course of organic synthetic chemistry curriculum construction, efforts were made to overcome problems such as the single teaching objective, abstract and boring teaching content, tedious and relatively dull teaching methods and low enthusiasm for students' learning, etc. According to the study rule of "before class-on class-after class", the trinity mixed teaching mode of "teaching goal-teaching means-practice examination" was constructed. Through the construction of the "teaching goal-teaching means-innovative practice" trinity mixed teaching mode, we refined teaching objectives, optimized teaching methods, implemented small classes, improved assessment methods, designed comprehensive laboratory programs, reinforced practices, and reformed the assessment measures. Discussion on teaching reform and practice of organic synthetic chemistry was carried out from multiple perspectives. Through the practice of teaching reform, the teaching effect has been improved, the enthusiasm of students to learn organic synthetic chemistry has been improved, and the expected effect of cultivating students' innovative ability has been achieved.  相似文献   

北京师范大学化学学院对化学专业公费师范生的培养目标是面向全国各级各类中学培养卓越化学教师,并将"社会实践与志愿服务"作为公费师范生的实践课程之一。学生开展暑期支教项目,是参加社会实践与志愿服务的一种常见形式。本文以北京师范大学化学学院"化育英才"暑期支教队为例,证明通过重视暑期支教指导教师的指导作用,保障学生实践时间和质量,将学生自身成长与服务社会相统一,将实践内容与开设的其他课程相互补,在实践中体现知识的应用与学习相统一,不仅能使暑期支教项目成为化学专业公费师范生的实践类金课,而且能为化学专业公费师范生未来教师职业发展打下一定的基础。  相似文献   

Jinfeng Chu  Lan Jin 《大学化学》1986,35(12):187-191
The Sino-foreign educational cooperation program is one of the important forms of higher education in China. The innovation and exploration of teaching modes and methods were carried out to tackle problems in teaching inorganic and analytical chemistry laboratory at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. These problems can be found in logical thinking, combining basic theory with practice, and software used in treatment of experimental data. The teaching reform was carried out on the aspects of improving students' innovative consciousness, combining theory with the experiment, integrating ideological and political education into classroom, application of software in experimental data treatment, which will improve the subjective initiative and problem-solving ability of students in learning inorganic and analytical chemistry laboratories. It will lay a solid foundation for the students of international bioengineering class to successfully connect with foreign follow-up courses in the future.  相似文献   

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