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本論文主要在分析和設計一種內置線性器去改善功率放大器的線性度,功率放大器其製程技術是使用AlGaAs/InGaAs 0.15μm D-mode pHEMT (砷化鎵鋁/砷化鎵銦增強式異質接面場效應電晶體)元件,電路設計的中心頻率在5.2GHz,以兩級cascade的架構,其操作偏壓點於Class A 和Class AB之功率放大器。內置線性器功率放大器的設計使用ADS軟體分析與模擬。並使用測量儀器HP-8510C網路分析儀分別測量出反射損耗(S11)為-15dB,功率增益(S21) 為15 dB、輸出功率為13.3 dBm、功率附加效率(PAE) 21%和IIP3 為 1.4 dBm、 OIP3約22.5 dBm,綜合5.2 GHz 內置線性器功率放大器可增加高頻增益、輸出功率、功率附加效率和線性度等特性,非常適用於微波微波積體電路功率放大器通訊應用價值。  相似文献   

Huang Zhengliang  Yu Faxin  Zheng Yao 《半导体学报》2010,31(3):035001-035001-4
A 4 W K-band AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (PHEMT) mono-lithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) high power amplifier (PA) is reported. This amplifier is designed to fully match for a 50 Ω input and output impedance based on the 0.15 μm power PHEMT process. Under the condition of 5.6 V and 2.6 A DC bias, the amplifier has achieved a 22 dB small-signal gain, better than a 13 dB input return loss,and 36 dBm saturation power with 25% PAE from 19 to 22 GHz.  相似文献   

黄正亮  郁发新  郑耀 《半导体学报》2010,31(3):035001-4
本文报道了一种基于AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs pHEMT工艺的4W K波段单片微波集成功率放大器。该功放采用0.15 μm功率pHEMT工艺,并在片内实现了输入、输出端口的50欧姆阻抗匹配。当直流偏置电压为5.6V、直流偏置电流为2.6A时,该功放在19~22 GHz工作频段内可以输出4W的饱和功率,并达到22dB的小信号增益、13dB的输入回波损耗、25%的功率附加效率。  相似文献   

A three-stage monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) power amplifier from 6-18 GHz, which achieves high output power with excellent efficiency, is designed, fabricated and tested. Measured results show that the saturated output power and the small signal gain are about 32 dBm and 23 dB, respectively. Thus, the power added efficiency of about 28% indicates that it is useful in various communication systems.  相似文献   

李凯  黄建  李培 《电讯技术》2011,51(2):94-97
研制了工作于Ka频段的10 W线性化固态功放.采用预失真技术的线性化单元主要由一个肖特基二极管和一个电容并联构成,具有增益扩展和相位延迟的特性,并且其增益和相位特性具有可调性.将其应用于工作频率为30 GHz、输出功率为10 W的功放,双音激励信号频率间隔为5 MHz,三阶互调(IMD3)可以改善15 dBc.  相似文献   

A Ka-band GaN amplifier MMIC has been designed in CPW technology,and fabricated with a domestic GaN epitaxial wafer and process.This is,to the best of our knowledge,the first demonstration of domestic Kaband GaN amplifier MMICs.The single stage CPW MMIC utilizes an AlGaN/GaN HEMT with a gate-length of 0.25μm and a gate-width of 2×75μm.Under Vds=10 V,continuous-wave operating conditions,the amplifier has a 1.5 GHz operating bandwidth.It exhibits a linear gain of 6.3 dB,a maximum output power of 22 dBm and a peak PAE of 9.5%at 26.5 GHz.The output power density of the AlGaN/GaN HEMT in the MMIC reaches 1 W/mm at Ka-band under the condition of Vds=10 V.  相似文献   

设计了CPW式Ka波段氮化镓单片集成放大器,并基于国内的GaN外延片和工艺完成了芯片的制备。据我们所知,这是国内首次报道的Ka波段氮化镓单片集成放大器。该单级集成放大器使用了一个栅长0.25μm,栅宽275μm的AlGaN/GaN HEMT。在Vds=10V连续波测试条件下,放大器的工作带宽为1.5GHz。其中在26.5GHz的线性增益为6.3dB,最大输出功率22dBm,最大附加效率9.5%。该MMIC所使用的AlGaN/GaN HEMT在Ka波段、Vds=10V条件下的输出功率密度达到1W/mm。  相似文献   

A 2.4-GHz SiGe HBT power amplifier (PA) with a novel bias current controlling circuit has been realized in IBM 0.35-μm SiGe BiCMOS technology, BiCMOS5PAe. The bias circuit switches the quiescent current to make the PA operate in a high or low power mode. Under a single supply voltage of 3.5 V, the two-stage mode-switchable power amplifier provides a PAE improvement up to 56.7% and 19.2% at an output power of 0 and 20 dBm, respectively, with a reduced quiescent current in the low power mode as compared to only operating the PA in the high power mode. The die size is only 1.32 × 1.37 mm2.  相似文献   

A 2.4-GHz SiGe HBT power amplifier (PA) with a novel bias current controlling circuit has been realized in IBM 0.35-μm SiGe BiCMOS technology, BiCMOS5PAe. The bias circuit switches the quiescent current to make the PA operate in a high or low power mode. Under a single supply voltage of +3.5 V, the two-stage mode-switchable power amplifier provides a PAE improvement up to 56.7% and 19.2% at an output power of 0 and 20 dBm, respec- tively, with a reduced quiescent current in the low power mode as compared to only operating the PA in the high power mode. The die size is only 1.32×1.37mm^2.  相似文献   

戈勤  陶洪琪  余旭明 《半导体学报》2015,36(12):125003-4
本文报道了一款基于南京电子器件研究所GaAs pHEMT单片集成电路工艺的S波段宽带高效率功率放大器。为了提高芯片效率,该放大器采用驱动比为1:8的两级级联方式,并采用低通/高通滤波器相结合的拓扑结构设计每级的匹配电路。这种匹配电路在有效降低芯片面积的同时,在较宽的频带范围内实现对应于高效率的阻抗匹配。在5V漏压AB类偏置条件下,该功率放大器在1.8到3GHz频率范围内连续波输出饱和功率为33~34 dBm,相应的附加效率达到35%~45%,以及非常平坦的功率增益25~26 dB。芯片面积紧凑,尺寸仅为2.7mm×2.75mm。  相似文献   

戈勤  刘新宇  郑英奎  叶川 《半导体学报》2014,35(12):125004-5
A flat gain two-stage MMIC power amplifier with a 2.8 GHz bandwidth is successfully developed for X band frequency application based on a fully integrated micro-strip Al Ga N/Ga N HEMT technology on a semiinsulating Si C substrate. Designed with a binary-cluster matching structure integrated with RC networks and LRC networks, the developed power MMIC gets a very flat small signal gain of 15 d B with a gain ripple of 0.35 d B over 9.1–11.9 GHz at the drain bias of 20 V. These RC networks are very easy to improve the stability of used Ga N HEMTs with tolerance to the MMIC technology. Inside the frequency range of 9–11.2 GHz where the measurement system calibrated, the amplifier delivers a pulsed output power of 39 d Bm and an associated power added efficiency of about 20% at 28 V without saturation, as the available RF power is limited.  相似文献   

采用容性耦合匹配结构,基于0.1μm GaAs pHEMT工艺设计了一个Ka波段三级宽带功率放大器MMIC.为了辅助宽带功放设计, 提出了一组公式来分析这一匹配结构.在展示的功放中, 此结构同时实现了宽频带和高效率.功放处于饱和状态时, 测得在32~40 GHz频率范围内的PAE大于30%, 功率增益超过15.5 dB, 功率约20 dBm.这一结果证明了这种设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

A successful development of a very high performance and reliable power PHEMT MMIC technology is reported. In this paper, a Ku-Band 1 W AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs PHEMT MMIC power amplifier for VSAT ODU application is demonstrated. This four-stage amplifier is designed to fully match for a 50 Ω input and output impedance. With 7 V and 700 mA DC bias condition, the amplifier has achieved 30 dB small-signal gain, 30.8 dBm 1-dB gain compression power with 24.5% power-added efficiency (PAE) and 31.3 dBm saturation power with 27.5% PAE from 14 to 17 GHz.  相似文献   

我们报道了一个三级W波段GaN MMIC功率放大器。考虑到W波段MMIC的耦合效应,所有的匹配电路和偏置电路都是先进行电路仿真以后,再用3D电磁场仿真软件进行系统的仿真。此MMIC功率放大器在频率为86.5GHz下输出功率能达到257mW,相应的功率附加效率(PAE)为5.4%,相应的功率增益为6.1dB。功率密度为459 mW/mm。另外,此MMIC功率放大器在83 GHz到90 GHz带宽下有100mW以上的输出功率。以上特性都是在漏极电压为12V时测试得到。  相似文献   

This paper presents a 2.4 GHz hybrid integrated active circulator consisting of three power amplifiers and three PCB-based Wilkinson power dividers.The power amplifiers were designed and fabricated in a standard0.35- m Al Ga N/Ga N HEMT technology,and combined with three traditional power dividers on FR4 using bonding wires.Due to the isolation of power dividers,the isolation between three ports is achieved; meanwhile,due to the unidirectional characteristics of the power amplifiers,the nonreciprocal transfer characteristic of the circulator is realized.The measured insertion gain of the proposed active circulator is about 2–2.7 d B at the center frequency of 2.4 GHz,the isolation between three ports is better than 20 d B over 1.2–3.4 GHz,and the output power of the designed active circulator achieves up to 20.1–21.2 d Bm at the center frequency.  相似文献   

张雪莲  颜峻  石寅  代伐 《半导体学报》2009,30(1):015008-5
本文介绍了用于单片集成IEEE 802.11a发射前端的5.2GHz可变增益放大器和前置功率放大器。本设计采用50GHz 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS工艺,芯片面积为1.12×1.25mm2。可变增益放大器由5个控制字控制,可变增益范围为34dB,并在-30°C 到 85°C范围内具有较好的温度补偿效果。前置功率放大器采用差分输入、单端输出的结构,负载采用5.2GHz电感电容并联谐振电路。两个电路的总增益最大为29dB,OIP3为11dBm。在2.85V供电条件下,总功耗电流为45mA。  相似文献   

A 5.2 GHz variable-gain amplifier (VGA) and a power amplifier (PA) driver are designed for WLAN IEEE 802.11a monolithic RFIC. The VGA and the PA driver are implemented in a 50 GHz 0.35 μm SiGe BiCMOS technology and occupy 1.12×1.25 mm2 die area. The VGA with effective temperature compensation is controlled by 5 bits and has a gain range of 34 dB. The PA driver with tuned loads utilizes a differential input, single-ended output topology, and the tuned loads resonate at 5.2 GHz. The maximum overall gain of the VGA and the PA driver is 29 dB with the output third-order intercept point (OIP3) of 11 dBm. The gain drift over the temperature varying from -30 to 85℃ converges within±3 dB. The total current consumption is 45 mA under a 2.85 V power supply.  相似文献   

一种基带预失真RF功率放大器线性化技术的模型仿真与实验   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
提出了一种基于相关函数计算的自适应环延迟补偿法,用于功率放大器的的数字式基带预失真线性化技术。对采用这种软件延时补偿方法的预失真系统特性进行了仿真,并采用通用的数字信号处理器在硬件上实现了一个功放预失真系统性化模型进行了仿真,并采用通用的数字信号处理器在硬件上实现了一个功放预失真线性化模型。仿真和实验结果表明,在功率放大器的基带预失真中采用方法可以获得至少20dB的线性度改善。  相似文献   

设计了一种高效率单电源I类线性音频功率放大器。采用动态电源电压降低了功率管的压降,从而提高了放大器的效率。峰值输出功率时的最高效率超过80%。采用增益压缩技术使得该电路能够在单电源下工作。避免了使用电荷泵产生负电压,从而降低了电路的复杂度和芯片的面积。采用共模电压共享和对称版图布局降低了电路的非线性。在电源电压转换前后测得的THD N分别是0.01%和0.05%。向8欧姆负载提供的最大输出功率为410mW。与开关型的放大器相比,I类放大器是线性放大器因此具有比较低的EMI。高效率和低EMI的优点使得I类放大器适用于对射频干扰敏感的便携式设备。  相似文献   

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