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To observe the clinical effects of Jin’s three-needle plus Xiang Ju Capsules for allergic rhinitis (AR).


Fifty patients with AR were randomly divided into an acupuncture-medication group and a medication group by the random digital table, 25 cases in each group. The acupuncture-medication group was treated with dorsal three-needle and nasal three-needle in Jin’s three-needle therapy, once every day, plus oral administration of Xiang Ju Capsules, 4 pills each time, and three times per day. The medication group was only treated with oral administration of Xiang Ju Capsules, 4 pills each time, and three times per day. For both groups, 10-day treatment constituted a course. The therapeutic effects were observed after continuous 2 courses. The symptoms and signs are scored before and after treatment, and the therapeutic effects were assessed based upon the changes of the patient’s symptoms and signs.


After treatment, the total effective rate was 96.0% in the acupuncture-medication group and 72.0% in the medication group. The difference in the total effective rate between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05).


The therapeutic effect was remarkable in treating AR of Jin’s three-needle plus Xiang Ju Capsules, better than oral administration of Xiang Ju Capsules alone.



To observe the clinical effect of moxibustion combined with Duhuo Jisheng decoction for middle-aged and elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) and its impact on serum high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels.


A total of 90 eligible KOA patients were randomized into an observation group (n=45) and a control group (n=45). Cases in the observation group received moxibustion plus oral administration Duhuo Jisheng decoction, while cases in the control group received Duhuo Jisheng decoction. Then the hs-CRP, IL-1β and TNF-α levels were examined and the clinical effect was evaluated.


Before treatment, the hs-CRP, IL-1β and TNF-α levels showed no between-group statistical differences (all P>0.05). After 8 weeks of treatment, the hs-CRP, IL-1β and TNF-α levels all dropped significantly in both groups (P<0.01 or P<0.05), and the treatment group showed more substantial changes than the control group (all P<0.05). The total effective rate was 97.8% in the treatment group, versus 86.7% in the control group, showing a statistical difference (P<0.05).


Moxibustion plus Duhuo Jisheng decoction has a good clinical effect for middle-aged and elderly KOA patients, and the effect may relate to the decreased hs-CRP, IL-1β and TNF-α levels.

郑金生和张志斌合著的《本草纲目导读》,是两人编纂的《本草纲目研究集成》一书的序曲。书中介绍了李时珍生平、《本草纲目》的编写体例与特色、科学成就及其在国内外的深远影响。下篇"选读篇"分十个专题,摘取《本草纲目》相关精论,展示了《本草纲目》中的分类组成、本草文献及中药理论论说,以及临床用药、辨药、医疗技术、科学成就举例等内容。《本草纲目导读》是一部让人受益匪浅的好书。  相似文献   

目的:对《针灸学实验指导》在教学中的具体应用情况进行问卷调查,以期发现问题,改正不足,使之更好的指导针灸实训。方法:将200份问卷调查表分发给针灸本科2002级83人、2003级40人、2004级36人和2005级45人进行无记名答卷并回收所有问卷调查表进行统计。结果:《针灸学实验指导》在问卷调查中获得了极大的肯定,也提出了一定的希望。结论:《针灸学实验指导》在针灸实训教学中效果良好,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的把动物大白鼠、小白鼠用于中医证候和中药性味作用的造模,以改变传统的中医药课堂理论教学方法,使中医药教学直现生动,从而提高教学质量.方法采用给动物腹腔注射药物、过服药物、气温变化病因致病为指导、造出中医证候、药物作用模型表现在动物身上,以便直观,从而提高感性认识.结果用热性药阿托品(由中药蔓陀罗中提取).造出阳证模型.用寒性药利血平(由中药萝芙木中提取)造出阴证模型.用气温变化造出表寒证、暑热证模型.用阿托品、利血平作耐疲劳实验.给小鼠灌服猪苓药液造出利水作用模型,喂食甘味药造出补益模型.给大鼠灌服大黄药液造出虚寒证模型.结论中医证候和性味作用模型具有直观性强,重复性好,便于操作,适合教与学的特点,同时具中医理论特点和中医科研方法,可在较大范围内推广运用.  相似文献   

国家药品监督管理局颁发<中药新药研究的技术要求>,已于1999年11月12日起执行,与原属中华人民共和国卫生部制定发布的<新药审批办法>中"有关中药部分的修订和补充规定@附件九:临床研究的技术要求(1992年9月1日起施行)”进行比较,仅就中药新药中新的临床技术要求,浅谈几点体会.  相似文献   

介绍了《针灸大成导读》的编写背景,《针灸大成导读》的编写特点与指导思想:精选底本,还原《针灸大成》原貌;以对校形式同时展现当代学者的研究成果;尊重教材编写原则,保持原书内容但重构篇章。还介绍了《针灸大成导读》的编写框架与篇章概要,并简单介绍了分章理由。《针灸大成导读》着重在"读""学""识""思""用"等方面对学生进行教学引导,突出针灸理、法、方、学、穴、术的完整。在提高针灸理论修养的同时,加强临床实践技能的培养。  相似文献   

Some Chinese herbs have been used to prevent and treat diseases, and are also used as common food ingredients. These Chinese herbs are potential resource for research and development of new drugs.Leek roots is a typical medicine of food and medicine continuum. It has a long history of medicinal applications and edible food in China. In this paper, the origin, biological active components, pharmacological action and clinical application of leek roots were introduced. We hope that this review will...  相似文献   

In order to promote the various methods of acupuncture-moxibustion in clinical application, China Association of Acupuncture-Moxibustion and The Medical Audio-Visual Publishing House of PLA with the assistance of World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Co., Ltd. publish the series DVD of Application Guidance to the Standard "Standardization of Acupuncture and  相似文献   

正传承中医国粹弘扬针灸疗法规范操作技术提高治病效果针灸疗法是中国传统医学的宝贵财富。为了更好地推广、应用各种针灸操作技术,中国针灸学会和解放军卫生音像出版社联合制作、《世界针灸杂志》有限公司协助拍摄的国内首套以规范形式出版的《国家标准针灸技术操作规范应用指导》系列光盘(上)已陆续出版。该套光盘包括艾灸、头针、耳针、三棱针、拔罐、穴位注射、皮肤针、皮内针、穴位贴敷、穴位埋线等10  相似文献   

Objective: In order to distinguish the traditional Chinese medicine Bupleurum falcatum and its adulterants effectively and develop a better understanding of the factors affecting synonymous codon usage, codon usage patterns of chloroplast genome, we determine the complete chloroplast(cp) genome of B. falcatum and clarify the main factors that influence codon usage patterns of 78 genes in B. falcatum chloroplast genome.Methods: The total genomic DNA of fresh leaves from a single individual of B. ...  相似文献   

Ischemic stroke(IS) is a severe cerebrovascular disease with a high incidence, mortality, and disability rate. The first-line treatment for IS is the use of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator(r-t PA).Regrettably, numerous patients encounter delays in treatment due to the narrow therapeutic window and the associated risk of hemorrhage. Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) has exhibited distinct advantages in preventing and treating IS. TCM enhances cerebral microcirculation, alleviates neurolo...  相似文献   

对40例已确诊Ⅱ型糖尿病患者,给予针刺内关穴治疗,分别观察针刺20min,40min和60min不同时段对其心脏植物神经功能的影响。检测短时心率变异诸项指标,结果不同针刺时间均能改善各项指标,针刺前后疗效有非常显著性差异(P&lt;0.01)。3组组间疗效没有显著性差异(P&gt;0.05)。  相似文献   

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