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We propose two schemes for the generation of cluster states in the context of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). In the first scheme, we prepare multi-cavity cluster states with information encoded in the coherent states. The second scheme is to generate multi-atom cluster states, where qubits axe represented by the states of cascade Rydberg atoms. Both the schemes axe based on the atom-cavity interaction and the atomic spontaneous radiation can be efficiently reduced since the cavity frequency is largely detuned from the atomic transition frequency.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme to generate a 3 x 3-dimensional maximally entangled state of two particles. Two three-level atoms interact with a strongly detuned cavity so that the cavity is only virtually excited and efficient decoherence time of the cavity is greatly prolonged. Compared to other protocols, this protocol is simpler and has a higher fidelity.  相似文献   

We propose a physical scheme for generating a two-atom cluster state through the simultaneous interaction of two two-level atoms with a single-mode cavity field prepared initially in an odd-coherent state under a large-detuned limit. The influence of the dissipation constant, the intensity of the field and the imperfect manipulation on the preparation scheme are investigated. It is shown that when the intensity of the cavity is large enough, the influence of the cavity decay is ettlciently suppressed. The possible error in the implementation of the cluster state is negligible when the time difference between two atoms crossing the cavity axis is small. It is suggested that the scheme can be realized by current technologies.  相似文献   

An alternative approach is proposed to realize an n-qubit Toffoli gate with superconducting quantum-interference devices (SQUIDs) in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). In the proposal, we represent two logical gates of a qubit with the two lowest levels of a SQUID while a higher-energy intermediate level of each SQUID is utilized for the gate manipulation. During the operating process, because the cavity field is always in vacuum state, the requirement on the cavity is greatly loosened and there is no transfer of quantum information between the cavity and SQUIDs.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that a six-atom cluster state can be used to realize the deterministic quantum state sharing of an arbitrary two-atom state in cavity QED. The scheme does not involve Bell-state measurement and is insensitive to both the cavity decay and the thermal field. In our scheme, any one of the two agents is sufficient to reconstruct the original state under the condition that he/she obtains the help of the other one, but only one of them cannot.  相似文献   

Dense coding of multi-atom entangled states in cavity QED is studied. If the quantum channel is generalized GHZ states, dense coding can be directly realized in a simply way. As for the partially entangled pure states, we propose a feasible protocol for entanglement concentration, and the emciency of information transmitted is calculated. The schemes are insensitive to the cavity decay and the field state, due to the fact that the interaction here is a large-detuned one between atoms and the cavity.  相似文献   

We present a scheme for generating four pairs of two-atom Einstein Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) states using the simultaneous interaction of the two atoms with a single-mode cavity field under a large detuning condition. The influence of cavity dissipation on the prepared EPR states is investigated by means of the superoperator method and the state fidelity. It is shown that some kinds of the prepared EPR states are robust against cavity dissipation and the intensity of the field, and maintain their entanglement invariance, and the others are fragile and completely destroyed by the action of cavity dissipation and the intensity of the field in the long-time limit. Decoherence time of the fragile entangled states is extremely small for a typical cavity-QED experimental data.  相似文献   

In Nie et al. (Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50: 2526, 2011), authors put forward a cavity QED scheme for deterministic quantum state sharing (QSTS) of an arbitrary two-atom state. They claimed that, the quantum channel of the QSTS scheme is a six-atom cluster state. After simple calculation, one can see that the quantum channel they used is a direct product of two three-atom GHZ states. In this paper, we propose a cavity QED scheme for QSTS of an arbitrary two-atom state via a six-atom cluster state channel. In our scheme, two two-atom Bell state measurements are transformed into the discrimination of single-atom product states. Moreover, the two-atom unitary operation is changed to single-qubit unitary operations. Our scheme is insensitive to the cavity decay. The necessary time for the scheme is much shorter than the Rydberg-atom lifespan, therefore atom decays do not need to be considered.  相似文献   

We propose an experimentally feasible scheme to realize the nonlocal gate between two different nodes of a quantum network. With an entanglement-qubit acts as a quantum channel, our scheme is resist to actual environment noise and can get a high fidelity in current cavity quantum electrodynamics (C-QED) system.  相似文献   

A new method is introduced to generate a hollow beam inside a cavity.Using a matrix eigenvalue method,the laser resonator with optical diffraction elements is theoretically analysed and simulated.The hollow beam can be obtained theoretically by controlling the parameters of the diffraction functions.After designed the diffraction components in the cavity,a hollow beam of good quality is realized experimentally using a YAG solid state laser.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme to prepare many two-mode cavities into one-dimensional cluster states in the context of cavity QED. The left-circularly polarized state and right-circularly polarized state of the cavity are encoded as the logic zero and one of the qubits. In the scheme, the atomic spontaneous emission is suppressed, and the fidelity is unaffected by the cavity decay on the assumption that the detection efficiencies of all the photondetectors are 1.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme for realization of three-qubit controlled-phase gate via passing two three-level atoms through a high-Q optical cavity in a cavity QED system. In the presented protocol, the two stable ground states of the atoms act as the two controlling qubits and the zero- and one-photon Fock states of the cavity-field form the target qubit, and no auxiliary state or any measurement is required. The numerical simulation shows that the gate fidelities remain at a high level under the influence of the atomic spontaneous emission, the decay of the cavity mode and deviation of the coupling strength. The experimental feasibility of our proposal is also discussed.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme for controllably entangling the ground states of five-state W-type atoms confined in a cavity and realizing swap gate and phase gate operations. In this scheme the cavity is only virtually excited and the atomic excited states are almost not occupied, so the produced entangled states and quantum logic operations are very robust against the cavity decay and atomic spontaneous emission.  相似文献   

We present a three-dimensional scalable linear ion trap scheme for ion trapping and discuss its applications for the optical frequency standard and scalable quantum information processing with its parallel strings of trapped 40Ca+ ions. The geometry here contains nine equal-distance parallel rods driven by rf, which form trapping potentials for radial confinement and two end ring electrodes biased at a few volts for axial confinement. Its feasibility is calculated by using the finite element analysis method.  相似文献   

Huai-Zhi Wu 《Physics letters. A》2008,372(8):1185-1189
In this Letter, we propose a scheme to generate atomic cluster states in optical cavity QED. In the scheme, the atomic spontaneous emission is suppressed, and the fidelity is not affected by the imperfection of detection efficiency. We further research the successful probability and the fidelity via numerical simulation by considering the influence of the possible noise.  相似文献   

Positive-operator-value measurement (POVM) is the most general class of quantum measurement. We propose a scheme to deterministically implement arbitrary POVMs of single atomic qubit via cavity QED catalysed by only one ancilla atomic qubit. By appropriately entangling two atomic qubits and sequentially measuring the ancilla qubit, any POVM can be implemented step by step. As an application of our scheme, the realization of a specific POVM for optimal unambiguous discrimination (OUD) between two nonorthogonal states is given.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme for generating entangled squeezed vacuum states of electromagnetical fields. The scheme is based on cavity QED. In this scheme, an atom interacts, successively, with a classical field, two quantum cavity fields, and another classical field. By detecting the final states of the atom, the two quantum cavity fields will be projected to an entangled state.  相似文献   

We propose an optical scheme to generate cluster states of atomic qubits, with each trapped in separate optical cavity, via atom-cavity-laser interaction. The quantum information of each qubit is encoded on the degenerate ground states of the atom, hence the entanglement between them is relatively stable against spontaneous emission. A single-photon source and two classical fields are employed in the present scheme. By controlling the sequence and time of atom-cavity-laser interaction, we show that the atomic cluster states can be produced deterministically.  相似文献   

An alternative protocol is proposed to implement three-qubit phase gate between photon and atoms in a high-Q bimodel optical cavity. The idea can be extended to directly implement N-qubit phase gate, and the gating time that is required to implement the protocol does not rise with increasing number of qubits. The influence of cavity decay and atomic spontaneous emission on the gate fidelity is also discussed.  相似文献   

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